Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 28, 1911, Image 6
SECRET OF PASTORS' SUCCESS Writer Is of Opinion That Proper Man ner Has Much to Do With the Matter. The reason why a good many min isters of fair ability are out of a Job Is because they do not want to visit , because they are looking for a church that will fit their own notions rather than trying to fit themselves to the aeeds of a church. It is true that a good many men do not know how to call , they do not know how to behave when they get into a house , they do not like It and will shirk It every chance they get. Yet calling Is the secret of success in almost every par ish today not the same kind of callIng - Ing in all places , but some kind in very place and if our seminaries bad wisdom they would fit their stu dents to do their work in the best way , in the only way in which it can be done in the country at least. Give one year to sermon-making and three years to making gentlemen in the truest sense of that word. Thus send out men who can adapt themselves to the needs of the place where they are called , and can thus serve human souls , who , being as they are , want to be better. The problem of the country church is to be solved by the pastor rather than the preacher. University Leader. Suburban Sobriquets. Everybody else had lived in the summer colony long enough to name fais home for whatever tree or shrub grew most abundantly in the front or tback yard. Up and down the road ' 'were cottages labeled the Elms , the Wisteria , the Lilacs , and so on through the horticultural guide book. The newcomer had no name for her house , but after studying the tactics for a week she took a survey of the prem ises and thenceforward dated her cor respondence the Rhubarbs. Not All Smoked. L. White Busbey , secretary to for mer Speaker Cannon , was explaining that the speaker did not smoke so much as people thought he did. "My understanding , " suggested one of the party , "is that he gets away with about 20 cigars a day. " "Oh , well , " said Busbey , "but he eats half of "em. " Sunday Magazine. TOMMY MURPHY , The great horseman who Isvinning most of the big races for fast trotters with that farm horse. "R. T. C. . " record 2:08 % says : "SPOHN'S DISTEMPER CURE Is the best remedy for all forms of Distemper and coughs I have ever known. I have used It a number of years. " All druggists or send to manufacturers. 50c and $1 a bottle. Spohn Medical Co. , Chem ists. Goshen. Ind. , U. S. A. Ready for It. "Young man , have you made any preparations for the rainy day ? " "Oh , yes , " replied the son of the prominent millionaire. "In addition to my roadster , I have a corking good limousine that will easily hold six Important to Wlothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA , a safe and sure remedy for infants and children , and see that it Bears the Signature of \ _ In Use For Over 30Years7 "Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Few of us can do more than one thing well. Many a man who has no difficulty in making money is a dis mal failure as a spender. The Pure Food Law stopped the sale f hundreds of fraudulant medicines. They could not stand investigation. Hamlins Wizard Oil has stood the test of investi gation for nearly sixty years. When a woman calls for her hus- iand to "come here a minute , " he knows she has a two hours' job for him. HERE'S ' THE LIGHT YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR ! LAMP BURNER that will make your home light , bright and cheerful. Gives a large , clear , white flame , smokeless and odorless. There's no longer any reason for using dim , smoky , unsatisfactory Lamps in your home or place of business. No rea son for groping in the dark in your barn , nor driving in pitch darkness from town , when our Lantern Burner lights the highway like a search light. Sizes No. 1 and No. 2 Lamp Burners and No. 2 Lantern Burners. Price 25c each , by mail , postage g prepaid. Writefor them today. Give your name and address plainly. AGENTS WANTED NATIONAL LIGHT CO. No.STheScotlwoodJoledo.O. Thompson's Eye Water W. N. U. , SIOUX CITY , NO. 39-1911. Sioux City Directory KODAKS AND KODAK FINISHING Hail orders given special attention. All kinds amateur supplies strictly fresh. Send for catalog. ZIMMERMAN BROTHERS , Sioux City. Iowa Established 30 Years "Flora , emblems and cut flowers for all occasions. SIOUX CITY , IOWA & LEHilN FLORISTS 530UX CITY IOWA Fresh Out Flowers & Floral Emblems OF ALL DESCRIPTION ON SHORT NOTICE. Order by Mail , Telephone or Telcsraph , OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. 1 j SYNOPSIS. Jack Keith , a Virginian. no\v a bor der plainsman , is riding along the Santa Fe trail on the lookout for roaming war parties of savages. He notices a camp fire at a distance and then sees a team attached to a wagon and at full gallop pursued by men on ponies. When Keith reaches the wagon the raiders have mass acred two men and departed : He searches the victims finding papers and a locket with a woman's portrait. He resolves to hunt down the murderers. Keith is ar rested at Carson City , charged with the murder , his accuser being a ruffian named Black BarL CHAPTER IV. An Old Acquaintance. The Carson City lock-up was an im provised affair , although a decidedly popular resort. It was originally a two-room cabin with gable to the street , the front apartment at one time a low groggery , the keeper sleep ing In the rear room. Whether sud den death , or financial reverses , had been the cause , the community had in some manner become possessed of the property , and had at once dedicated it to the commonweal. For the pur pose thus selected it was rather well adapted , being strongly built , easily guarded , and on the outskirts of the town. With iron grating over the windows , the back door heavily spiked , and the front secured by iron bars , any prisoner once locked within could probably be found when wanted. On the occasion of Keith's arrival , the portion abutting upon the street was occupied by a rather miscellaneous assembly the drunk and disorderly elements conspicuous who were awaiting their several calls to appear before a local justice and make an swer for various misdeeds. Some were pacing the floor , others sat moodily on benches ranged against the wall , while a few were still peacefully slum bering upon the floor. It was -frowsy , disreputable crowd , evincing but mild curiosity at the arrival of a new pris oner. Keith had barely time to glance about , recognizing no familiarity efface face amid the mass peering at him , as he was hustled briskly forward and thrust into the rear room , the heavy door closing behind him with the snap of a SDring lock. He was alone , with only the faint est murmur of voices coming to him through the thick partition. It was a room some twelve feet square , open to the roof , with bare walls , and con taining no furniture except a rude bench. Still dazed by the suddenness of his arrest , he sank down upon the seat , leaned his head on his hands , and endeavored to think. It was dif ficult to get the facts marshalled into any order or to comprehend clearly the situation , yet little by little his brain grasped the main details , and he awoke to a full realization of his * condition , of the forces he must war against. The actual murderers of those two men on the trail had had their suspicions aroused by his ac tions ; they believed he guessed some thing of their foul deed , and had de termined to clear themselves by charging the crime directly against him. It was a shrewd trick , and if they only stuck to their story , ought to succeed. He had no evidence , oth er than his own word' ' , and the marshal had already taken from his pockets the papers belonging to the slain man. He had not found the locket hidden under his shirt , yet a more thorough search would doubtless re veal that also. Even should the case come to trial , how would it be possible for him to establish innocence , and would it ever come to trial ? Keith knew the character of the frontier , and of Car son City. The inclination of its citi zens in such cases was to act first , and reflect later. The law had but slender hold , being respected only when backed by the strong hand , and primitive Instincts were always in the ascendency , requiring merely a leader to break forth in open violence. And in this case would there be any lack of leadership ? Like a flash his mind reverted to "Black Bart. " There was the man capable of inciting a mob. If , for some unknown reason , he had suf ficient interest to swear out the war rant and assist in the arrest , he would have equal cause to serve those fel lows behind him in other ways. Nat urally , they would dread a trial , with its possibility of exposure , and eagerly grasp any opportunity for wiping the slate clean. Their real security from discovery undoubtedly lay in his death , and with the "Red Light" crowd behind them they would ex- oer'fn p no trouble in getting a fol- PERSECUTION OF THE GIPSY Forty-five Executed In Hungary In 1728 on the Charge of Being Cannibals. The persecution of Gypsies recalls the old belief that the Gypsies were cannibals , and the methods by which judicial confirmation of the belief was sometimes obtained. In 1728 45 Hun garian Gypsies were executed on .his charge. First racked until iey confessed to murder , they were THE DEK LE OF THE PLAINS UTHOR Or'Mv LADY OF THE SOUTH : N\ \ WHEN WILDERNESS WAS KIM of ETC.ETC . JuuflTRATioris BY DEARBORN MetviLi ( Copyright , A. C. McClur * & Co. . 0910. ) lowing desperate enough for any pur pose. The longer Keith thought the less he doubted the result. It was not then a problem of defence , but of escape , for he believed now that no oppor tunity to defend himself would ever be allowed. The arrest was merely part of the plot intended to leave him helpless in the hands of the mob. In this Hicks was in no way blamable he had merely performed his sworn duty , and would still die , if need be , in defence of his prisoner. He was no tool , but only an instrument they had found means of using. Keith was essentially a man of ac tion , a fighter by instinct , and so long accustomed to danger that the excite ment of it merely put new fire into his veins. Now that he understood exact ly what threatened , all numbing feel ing of hesitancy and doubt vanished , and he became instantly alive. He would not lie there in that hole wait ing for the formation of a mob ; nor would he trust in the ability of the marshal to defend him. He had some friends without not many , for he was but an occasional visitor at Carson who would rally to Hick's assistance , but there would not be enough on the side of law and or- "Oh , De Good Lawd , Dat Am Massa Waite an' John Sibley. " der to overcome the "Red Light" out fit , if once they scented blood. If he was to be saved from their clutches , he must save himself ; if his inno cence was ever established it would be by his own exertions and he could accomplish this only out yonder , free under the arch of . ? ky. He lifted his head , every nerve tin gling with desperate determination. The low growl of voices was audible through the partition , but there was no other sound. Carson City was still resting , and there would be no crowd nor excitement until much later. Not until nightfall would any attack be at tempted ; he had six or eight hours yet in which to perfect his plans. He ran his eyes about the room searching for some spot of weakness. It was dark back of the bench , and he turned in that direction. Leaning over , he looked down on the figure of a man curled up , sound asleep on the floor. The fellow's limbs twitched as if in a dream , otherwise he might have deem ed him dead , as his face was buried in his arms. A moment Keith hesi tated ; then he reached down and shook the sleeper , until he aroused taken to the place where their victims were supposed to be buried and rack ed again. No bodies were discovered. Therefore they confessed to eating them , and were duly executed. Joseph II. sent a commission down to inves tigate the case later , and the entire innocence of the Gypsies was proved , but history does not say what hap pened to the witnesses for the prose cution. Gypsies are still more or less "perse cuted. " though In our milder modern sense of the word. And no wonder . A sufficiently to look up. It was the face of a coal-black negro. An in stant the fellow stared at the man towering over him , his thick lips part ed , his eyes full of sudden terror Then he sat up , with hands held be fore him as though warding off a blow. "Fo * de Lawd's sake , " he managed to articulate finally , "am dis sho' yo' Massa Jack ? " Keith , to whom all colored people were much alike , laughed at the ex pression on the negro's face. "I reckon yer guessed the name , all right , boy. Were you the cook of the Diamond L ? " . "No , sah , I nebber cooked no di'onds. I'se ol' Neb , sah. " "What ? " "Yes , sah , I'se de boy dat libbed wid ol' Missus Caton durin' de wah. I ain't seen yo' , Massa Jack , sence de day we buried yo' daddy , ol' Massa Keith. But I kuowed yo' de berry minute I woke up. Sho' yo' 'members Neb , sah ? " It came to Keith now in sudden rush of memory the drizzling rain in the little cemetery , the few neigh bors standing about , a narrow fringe of slaves back of them , the lowering of the coffin , and the hollow sound of earth falling on the box ; and Neb , his Aunt Caton's house servant , a black imp of good humor , who begged so hard to be taken back with him to the war. Why , the boy had held his stir rup the next morning when he rode away. The sudden rush of recollec tion seemed to bridge the years , and that black face became familiar , ' a memory of home. "Of course , I remember , Neb , " he exclaimed , eagerly , "but that's all years ago and I never expected to see you again. What brought you West and got you into this hole ? " The negro hitched up onto the bench , the whites of his eyes conspic uous as he stared uneasily about he had a short , squatty figure , with ex cessively broad shoulders , and a face of intense good humor. "I reck'n dat am consider'ble ob a story , Massa Jack , de circumlocution ob which would take a heap ob time tellin' , " he began soberly. "But it happened 'bout dis way. When de Yankees come snoopin' long de East Sho' I reck'n maybe it des a yeah aft er dat time when we done buried de ol' Co'nel dey burned Missus Caton's couple of years ago it was stated on official authority that in Hungary most of the serious crimes murders , kid naping and robberies were committed by Gypsies , and very few of the of fenders were caught Gypsies are mighty difficult customers to tackle. When it was proposed in France that all nomads should have identity cards , to be checked at each stopping place , one of them said to a Matin reporter : "But I can't read , and I can't write , and I don't know how old I am , nor where I was born , and I don't remem- house clah to de groun' ; de ol' Missus was in Richmond den , an' de few nig gers left jest natchally took to de woods. I went into Richmond huntin' de ol' Missus , but , Lawd , Massa Jack , I nebber foun' nuthin' ob her in dat crowd. Den an' officer man done got me an' put me diggin' in de trenches. Ef dat's what wah am , I sho' don' want no mo * wah. Den after dat I jest natchally drifted. I reckon I libbed 'bout eberywhar yo' ebber heard ob , fo' dar want no use ob me goin' back to de East Sho' . Somebody said dat de West am de right place fo' a nig ger , an' so I done headed west. " He dropped his face in his black hands , and was silent for some min utes , but Keith said nothing , and fin ally the thick voice continued : "I tell you' , Massa Jack , it was mighty lonely fo' Neb dem days. I didn't know whar any ob yo' all was , an' it wan't no fun fo' dis nigger bein * free dat away. I got out ter Indepen dence , Missouri , an' was roustaboutin' on de ribber , when a couple ob men come along what wanted a cook to trabbel wid 'em. I took de job , an' dat's what fetched me here ter Carson City. " "But what caused your arrest ? " "A conjunction ob circumstances , Massa Jack ; yes , sah , a conjunction ob circumstances. I got playin' pokah ober in dat 'Red Light , ' an' I was doin' fine. I reckon I'd cleaned up mo'n a hundred dollars when I got sleepy , an' started fo' camp. I'd most got dar w'en a bunch ob low white trash jumped me. It made me mad , it did fo' a fact , an' I reckon I carved some ob 'em up befo' I got away. Enny- how , de marshal come down , took me out ob de tent , an' fetched me here , an' I ben here ebber sence. I wan't goin' ter let no low down white trash git all dat money. " "What became of the men you were working for ? " "I reckon dey went on , sah. Dey had 'portent business , an' wouldn't likely wait 'round here jest ter help a nigger. Ain't ennybody ben here ter see me , nohow , an' I 'spects I'se eradi cated from dey mem'ry I 'spects I is. " CHAPTER V. The One Way. Keith said nothing for some mo ments , staring up at the light stealing in through the window grating , hi& mind once again active. The eyes of the black man had the patient look of a dog as they watched ; evidently he had cast aside all responsibility , now that this other had come. Final ly Keith spoke slowly : "We are in much the same position. Neb , and the fate of one is liable to be the fate of both. This is my story" and briefly as possible , he ran over the circumstances which had brought him there , putting the situation clear enough for the negro's understand ing , without wasting any time , upon detail. Neb followed his recital with bulging eyes , and an occasional excla mation. At the end he burst forth : "Yo' say dar was two ob dem white men murdered one an ol' man wid a gray beard , an' de odder 'bout thirty ? Am dat it , Massa Jack , an' dey had fo' span ob mules , an' a runnin' boss ? " "V . 1 CO. "An' how far out was it ? " "About sixty miles. " "Oh , de goo4 Lawd ! " and the negro threw up his hands dramatically. "Dat sutt'nly am my outfit ! Dat am Massa ' Waite an' John Sibley. " ( "You mean the same men -with J whom you came here from Independence - ' dence ? " Neb nodded , overcome by the dis covery. "But what caused them to run such a risk ? " Keith insisted. "Didn't they know the Indians were on the war path ? " "Sho' ; I heard 'em talkin' 'bout dat , j but Massa Waite was jest boun' foh : o git movin' . He didn't 'pear to be f fraid ob no Injuns ; reck'ned dey'd j nebber stop him , dat he knowed eb- ( bery chief on de plains. I reck'n dat he did , too. " "But what was he so anxious to get away for ? " ( TO BE CONTINUED. ) Best Wood for Violins. Stunted maple trees , grown In mountainous regions , where the win ters are long and severe and the snowfall considerable , furnish the best wood for violins , in the opinion cif the German makers. ber the names of the places where my children were born , nor their ages ex actly. We don't bother ourselves about such things. " What can you do with people so astutely ignorant ? Lucid Explanation. . Little Fred was telling his father about a stone he had found in the garden. "How big was it ? " asked papa. "Oh , I guess about as big as a good sized small apple , " was the innocent explanation. SHE GOT WHAT SHE WANTED This Woman Had to Insist Strongly , but it Paid Chicago , HI. "I suffered from a fe male weakness and stomach trouble , and I "went to the store to get a bottle of Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound , hut the clerk did not vrant to let me have it he said itwas DO and "wanted me food something else , but knowing all ahout it I in sisted and finally got it , and I am so glad I did , for it has cured me. "I know of so many cases \vhere wo men have been cured by Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound that I can say to every suffering woman if that medicine does not help her , there is nothing that will. " Mrs. JANETZEJ , 2963 Arch St. , Chicago , 111. This is the age of substitution , and women who want a cure should insist upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound just as this woman did , and not accept something else on which the druggist can make a little more profit. Women who are passing through this critical period or who are suffering from any of those distressing ills pe culiar to their sex should not lose sight of the fact that for thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , which is made from roots and herbs , has been the standard remedy for fe male ills. In almost every community you will tind women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pink , bam's Vegetable Compound. THE DECEIVER. \ Sergeant 'Alt ! Take Murphy's name for talkin' in the ranks. Corporal W'y , sergeant , 'e weren't talkin' . Sergeant Wasn't 'e ? Well , cross it hout and put 'im in the guard room for deceivin' me. The Tattler. Unfortunate Man. A tourist in the mountains of Ten nessee once had dinner with a queru lous old mountaineer who yarned about hard times for 15 minutes at a stretch. "Why , man , " said the tour ist , "you ought to be able to make lots of money shipping green corn to the northern market. "Yes , I orter , " was the sullen reply. "You have the land , I suppose , and can get the seed. " "Yes , I guess so. " "Then why don't you go into the speculation ? " "No use , stranger , " sadly replied the cracker ; "the old woman is too lazy to do the plowin' and plantin' . " Play It or Raise It ! A German composer has written an altisonant piece of music called "Hell. " There will be any number of people in this country able to play it at a glance : Houston Post. Easy Breakfast ! A bowl of crisp Post Toasties and cream the thing's done ! Appetizing Nourishing Convenient Ready to serve right out of the pacKage. "The Memory Lingers" POSTUXI CEREAL CO. . Ltd. Battle Creek. Mich.