A WINDBREAK on the SOUTH would be valuable now. U. S. Government tests show a windbreak of trees will ( Hitcct crops and conserve moist- uu' a rod for each foot in height of the windbreak , a windbreak of trees 40 feet high will protect crops and conserve moisture ' 10 rods. Cultivate trees each week or oftener. V have all v-irieti s of forest , " .liadi' and fruit trees , shrubbery and ornamontais , adapted to North ' tbUtru Nebraska. T. W. CRAMER , Local Agent , Valentine , Nebr. Boyd Nurseries and Fruit Farm. On C. & N. W. , 3 blks. east station Ainswctth , - Nebraska Happiest Girl in Lincoln. A Lincoln , Neb. , girl writes , "I had been ailing for some time with chronic constipation and stomach trouble. I be gan taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and in three days I was able to be tip and got better right along. I am the proudest girl in Lincoln to find f such a good medicine. " For sale by Chapman , the druggist. BULLS FOR SALE Kegistered Hereford Bulls for sale at all times of the .year. SUNNY SLOPE STOCK RANCH Simeon - Nebraska JOHN F. PORATE ItURGE WEB. Tubular Wells and Windmills Call me up by phone Loup Valley Hereford Ranch , C. H. FAULHABER * SONS , BROWNLEE , NEB Herd headed by S. C. Columbus 17 No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289 822 ; also , Melvin , No. 827072 , reg Bulls for Sale at All Times , W. H. Stratton Dealer in FLOUR & FEED General Merchandise PHONE 125 jcor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. F. M. Walcott Oliver M. Walcolt Walcott & Walcott Attorneys Practice before U. S. Land Office and all Federal and State courtb. Nebraska Valentine - - C. A. RUBY Attorney-at-Law Office front room , second story , over T. C. Hornby's store , Main street entrance. Valentine Nebraska Dr. M. F. Meer , DENTIST Booms over Eed Front store Valentine - Nebr , Dr. D. W. Sumner DENTIST Hornby Building Phone No. 173. FOR SALE 40 head of horses , part broken , two or three good milch cows , one farm ; also two or three houses and lots. -H. H WAKEF1FLD , KEAL ESTATK DEALER , Crookston , 12 Nebraska * - - . _ _ . r * } The Qhieago House * tf * JIM FELCH ; Propr. Call on inefor rooms and .il - ' \ lodging. Valentine Nebraska Found Between the Christen- place and Mobrara , two sacks buggy repairs. Owner can have same by calling at the Democrat office and paying for this notice. Buffer , , Floira , Eggs makes tlie ioosl mo and The OEaly Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream Lincoln , Sept. 29. Lincoln is putting on her gayest apparel for the welcome to President Taft next Monday. Coramitties are rapidly working out the details necessary to a big reception , and if the day is fair an immense crowd of Nebraska people will see and hear the nation's chief. The Lincoln Commercial Club and other civic organizations , now at work on the preliminaries of the reception , hope to make this a welcome of the state to the dis tinguished guest. He will here be in the capitol of the state. Here he will be greeted by the senators and representatives of the state. Here Governor Aid rich will extend him a welcome in the name of the state and its people. Here he will be greeted by citizens of every county in the state. Lincoln's welcome will be the state's welcome. President Taft will reach Linc oln at 12 o'clock noon , Monday , October 2 , 1911. Received by a reception committee , of which Elmer J. Burkett is chairman , he will be conducted to the Lincoln Hotel where he will lunch as guest of the Lincoln Commercial Club Pis will than ba driven by aubo- tnobile ease on 0 street to Six teenth street , and south to M street , and we3ti to tli3 aulitori- ura at Thirteenth and M streets. The big auditorium will be thrown open to th-5 general -public. The president's escort of honor will be G. A. 11. veterans , and the Lin coln post issues a cordial invita tion to all G. A. E. men of the state to participate with them in this capacity. Captain li. E. Yates and the university cadets will assist in keeping the streets open along the line of march , so that the president may greet and be greet ed by the thousands of people who desire to see him. The university cadet band , and the Lincoln con- sert band and a fife and drum corps of the G. A. E. , will furnish the music for the parade. The president will speak about three-quarters of an hour , and will then be conducted back to his pri vate train , which will proceed westward on his trip. The men in charge of this re ception have this to say of the president's visit : Ex-Senator Burkett , chairman of the reception committee , "We are trying to make the welcome here a state-wide affair. We want the co-operation of all Nebraska. Lincoln is easily ac cessible to thousands who want to see and hear President TafD , and I have every reason to believe there will be a great gathering on our streets to welcome him. " A. H. Armstrong , Mayor of Lincoju : "The gates of the city are wide open. We want all the people of Nebraska to feel that here in the capital of the state , the president "is being.welcomed by the state. " George J. Woods , president Lincoln commercial club : "Lincoln business men want to co-operate with the people of the pntire state in this welcome to the president- . " Valentine J. F. Kellar of Crookston was in town Monday. D. W. Parmelee was down from. Eosebud Saturday. Levi Sparks made a busine s trip to Waite Eiver , S. D. , yestei- day. Arthur Bowring of Merriman spent Saturday attending to some business matters here. There was a dance at the Adamson - son school house south of town last Saturday night. Several from Valentine went out for a good time. In A. John & Co's. display win dow there is a head of cabbage weighing 22 pounds , grown by John Bonn in. Tais is not a freak or an unusual size for the cabbage family to attain on Mr. Borman's place and he has others as large and solid. Joe AbJallah lies at his home suffering with a broken knee-cap. While out hunting with A- John Sundiy he was kicked by one of the horses. Tlie knee-cap was broken in half oa the right kn-ee , letting out some of the joint water. Mr. Ab'lallah his about an even chance for recovery without any stiffness in the knee. Lost Black and white female track hound , last seen near St. Frances Mission. Liberal reward for her return. AYill Shinn , Val entine , Nebraska. Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. Adolph Abraham aid 3Ir.s. Abraham , his wile , first and ri'al mum1 unknown , I' . V. Cannon AVinnifrcd Onnnon , Minim * I'lslmor and Mr. Palmer , her husband , ilrst and real name unknown , Emma Mead and Mr. Mead , her husband , UrbL and real name unknown , will take notice that on therJC.th day of Sep tember , 15)11 ) Ohribtopher C. 'JLhomi-on lilul his petition in the District Court ot Cherry County , Nebraska , the object and prayer of which are to loreclose a tax lien upon the NEJ NWJ , Section : W , Township 5 , North , Range 28 , West Gth p. in. Cherry County , Ne braska , based upon a certificate of tax sale issued by the treasurer of. Oherry County Ne braska on thei'Otli day of November , J'.lW ' for the payment of delinquent taxe-s upon said real estate for the years Ih'.M to UK ) . ) inclusive for the sum of > G.7o and for the payment ot subsequent taxes upon said real estate for the yeais 1WH5 to 11)10 ) inclusive , upon > \hich there is now due plaintilT , together with In terest , penalties and costs , the sum of $ ( ; " ) . ! . " ) for which plaintiff prays judgement and de cree of foreclosure. You are required to answer this petition on or before November ( tii , I'.Hl. Christopher C. Thompson , Plaintiff ' By AValcott & Wai cot t his attorneys. Supply Your Kitchen Needs Now You can't afford to risk health by using : old ookins : utcn-y sils worn \ ( out enamel. Which chips off 'and causes stern rach diseases or rusty , leaky tin-ware , Which spoils flavors and wastes food. * Replace the old ware with " 1892" Pure Spun L Aluminum gs one of the many reliable - ble lines we c i We have just f ceived a new < lot. Come Jp and see these superior goods : and jjet a souvenir free. You can depend on anything yog buy here Red roni Hdw. Co , Old papers for sale afc this office. 15 cents a hundred. t Old Crow- ' * j All Leading Hermitage . . # ; . Brands and fr * ' " 5ir-\- -fAf Bottled ; * Ghiclien- - Under tlie heinier . ' * Supervision of the Whiskeys. U. S. G-o . - \ P ! so handle the Budweiser Beer. HENRY STETTER , Propr. In a letter from Branch- land , W. Va. , Mrs. Eliza beth Chapman says : " 1 suffered from womanly troubles nearly five years. All the doctors in the coun ty did me no good , i took Cardui , and now I am en tirely well. I feel like a new woman. Cardui saved my life ! Ail who suffer from womanly trouble should give Cardui a trial. " EG1 The Woman's Tonic 50 years of proof have convinced those who tested it , that Cardui quickly re lieves aches and pains due to womanly weakness , and helps nature to build up weak women to health and strength. Thousands of & i women have found Cardui to be a real life saver. Why not test it for your M case ? Take Cardui today ! Grease and scum disappear like magic. No land of dirt escapes it. It is hygienic and cleans the unseen dirt leaving your pails , pans and dairy utensils "sweet , " clean and sanitary. Safest be cause it contains no caustic , alkali or acid. Will not injure the hands. Old Dutch Cleanser is the best all round cleanser known. You can find lots of things for it to do about the farm. Try it , next time you clean harness , metal , elc. , see how it helps to work quicker and easier. Many Uses aiid full Directions on Large Sifter-Can Sight in your busiest season when you ' 'have the Wast fiuie to spare you are most likely to take diarrhoea and lose several days' time , unless you have Chamber- Iain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ( edy at hand and take a dose on the first appearance of the disease. For sale by Chapman , the druggist , VV VYYVYYVV 'Yv" v"f f * rs As we have recently purchased Qeo. H. Hornby's coal sheds and now have almost utlimited stor = age room , we are in a position to supply you with your wants in the coal line. Phone or leave your orders and same will have our prompt attention. Fischer's H ard ware. Before buying an auto it will pay you to see the INTERNATIONAL / NATIONAL " 30" No Hiii too Steeps no Sand too Deep . Guaranteed by International Harvester Company GRANT BOYER , CARPENTER & 'BUILDER A.11 kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , PHONE 72 Nebraska - MyMany Customers. Jackson & Fischer * Undertakers . ' at 'f V ( * # and Licensed Embairners VALENTINE , NEBRASKA Calls answered at all hours , Night Phone 74. volvei * I HE uniform ignition , due to perfection of famous 1 JRe/nlfigtCftrUMC primer , makes for sure-fire , accuracy and penetration. They minimize personal hazard. Individually made , tested and guaranteed for all stand ard pistols and revolvers. Recommended by leading manufacturers. Jf-l/Af , rke perfect shooting combination. REMINGTON ARMS-UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE CO. 293 Broadway , New York Gty.