Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 28, 1911, Image 2
The Valentine Democra GEORGE M. GASKILL , Editor. VALENTINE , - - NEBRASK/ FRIGHTFUL ACCIDENT AT NEE NAH , WIS. , WHEN TRAIN HITS HAYRACK PARTY. VICTIMS HORRIBLY MANGLEE Limbless and Headless Bodies Cove Right of Way for a Great Distance- Two of Killed Hurled Through : Flagman's Shanty. Neenah , Wis. Sixteen deaths wil probably result from a mile-a-minut < passenger train at Neenah crashing into a party of thirty-one merry younj people loaded upon a hayrack. A big billboard along the railwaj tracks obstructed the view from th < locomotive , as well as from the wagon Mist and fog did the rest. Twelve persons on the hayrack were instantly killed , one person has sinc < died and three out of the eight in jured are believed to be fatally hurt Nine of the thirty-one people aboarc the wagon escaped without a scratch as did both the horses. Nobody on thf train suffered except from a momen tary shock. The collision occurred on the Chicago cage Northwestern railway at the Commercial street crossing here , Train No. 121 , northbound , whirled through the wagon load of people at a 45-degree angle. This peculiarity was owing to the fact that the railway - way crossing is a diagonal. The vic tims were returning from the Peter Hansen farm , where they had gone to attend the celebration of a wedding anniversary. All but two , who were Chicago men , were residents of Me- nasha. WOMAN CASHIER HELD. Miss Augusta Martin of Kansas City Charged with Embezzlement. Kansas City. A woman's jealousy of her fiance because of his attentions to another caused the arrest here of Miss Augusta Martin , charged with embezzlement of $5,600 from a musi I cal instrument company. Miss Martin was a cashier in the company's em ploy. She admitted , according to the police , to taking the money in small amounts by manipuating expense vouchers , and said she divided it with a man acquaintance. It was a letter from her fiance which disclosed to the company the peculations of Miss Martin. Stabbed by a Negro. Cincinnati , O. Because they were crowding in a seat on a crowded car here Thomas Taylor , aged 25 , and Floyd Easter , aged 21 , were attacked by an unidentified negro and sustained knife wounds that will prove fatal. The negro escaped. The two men , both of prominent family , were hur ried to the hospital , where no hope is entertained for their recovery. Man Fatally Injured. New York. Upton Sinclair , the nov elist , was in an automobile which ran down and probably fatally injured an unidentified peddler while the author was on his way to his home in Edge- more , Del. Witnesses said the acci dent was unavoidable , as the peddler walked directly in front of the car. Sinclair was not detained. Nude Body Washed Ashore. Sandusky , O. The body of an un identified man with legs strapped to gether above the knees , a rope around the waist and a large gash in the neck , was washed ashore at Keney's island. The body was nude and bore no mark to make identification possible. It is believed the man was murdered aboard a vessel and thrown overboard. Central Strike Settled. Cairo , 111. The strike of the clerks of the Illinois Central at Mounds was settled by the company taking back all clerks , including the two who caused the walkout when they refused to take the places of the strikers at East St. Louis. Sioux City Live Stock Market. Sioux City. Saturday's quotations on the local live stock market follow : Cattle : Good to choice corn fed steers , $6.25@7.75 ; medium to good , ? 5.75@6.25 ; good to choice -grass , steers , $4.50@6.50 ; good to choice fat ' cows and heifers , $5.00@G.GO ; grass ! cows , $3.50@4.70 ; canners and cutters , i $2.50@3.50 ; bulls , $3.00@4.50 ; veals , | ? 4.00@7.00. Hogs Prices ranged from . $6.45@6.75 , with the bulk of the sales at ? 6.50@6.55. Sheep Lambs , $4.50@ 5.50 ; yearlings , $3.50@4.25 ; wethers , ? 2.S5@3.50 ; ewes , § 2.00@3.25. Drinks Carbolic Acid. Port Clinton , O. A note left in a milk pan , instructing the milkman to notify the authorities that the author was dead , \ras the way Mrs. Sarah K. Burg told the public she had com mitted suicide by drinking carbolic acid. Despondency was the cause. Lawyer Ends His Life. Geneva , N. Y. A young San Fran cisco lawyer , Louis Nadour , was found dead in a hotel here. The police say he committed suicide. STEAMSHIP OLYMPIC BADLV DAMAGED IN COLLISION WITH BRITISH CRUISER HAWKE. SAVED BY COLLISION DOORS Largest Passenger Vessel Afloal Turns Back to Southampton With Large Hole Near Stern No Panic Among 3,000 People Aboard. Southampton , England. The steam' ship Olympic of the White Star line , the largest vessel afloat , which left here with a large crowd of returning American tourists , lies off Calshot Castle badly damaged as a result of being rammed by the British cruiser Hawke. The collision occurred off the north side of the Isle of Wight A great hole was stove in the starboard quar ter of the Olympic , but the 2,000 pas sengers escaped unharmed. Captain Smith immediately signaled for Ports mouth to send him tugs , then drove at full speed for the mud banks off Osborne bay. Meantime he ordered the collision gates and doors closed , thus stopping the inrush of water. The craft im mediately righted itself and the com mander decided he could reach South ampton under the Olympic's own power. The Hawke had been undergoing steam trials following extensive re pairs at Portsmouth and was travel ing at great speed when she over took the Olympic. The cruiser was passing the liner to starboard when suddenly the former drew in and crashed into the steamer's quarter about twenty feet from the stern. It is thought the warship was drawn against the other vessel by the suc tion. After the Impact the Hawke drew astern and her crew threw the collision mats over a badly damaged bow. bow.There There was great excitement , but no panic , on board the liner , the passen gers of which were reassured by the officers. The weather was somewhat thick and there was a squall at the time of the accident , but the haze was not sufficient to obscure either vessel from the other. The Olympic sailed from Southamp ton , bound for New York by way of Cherbourg and Queenstown. The first cabin passengers numbered 724. Among them were between twenty and thirty American millionaires. All told there were nearly 3,000 people ple on board. JUDGE GROSSCUP TO QUIT Appellate Jurist Will Resign Front Bench In October Plans Ac tive Public Life. Chicago. Peter Stenger Grosscup judge of the United States circuit court and a member of the United States circuit court of appeals for this district , will send his resignation from the bench to President Taft early in October. ' This announcement , absolutely unexpected - ' expected to members of the bench and bar and to the public generally , i was made by the jurist. I In a statement dictated for the press he gave the following explana tion of his decision to retire : j "I wish more freedom , not only as an individual , but as a citizen. The world politically is trying to catch up with the world's radically changed economic conditions. The 'formative' period Is approaching. Next year's i presidential election will , I believe , he the last one on the old lines. And the settlement for the future will come not through the courts of law , but through the courts of public opinion. < "I wish no office expect never again ' to hold office but I wish greater freedom - dom than the bench gives to do my' ' part in this court of public opinion. [ "I expect , of course , to re-enter the practice of law an idle life would be an unhappy one but to practice law in a not too strenuous way. " YOUTH MURDERED BY TRAMPS Melvln Bradrick Is Slain at Orescent j City , III. , During Altercation i Over Stolen Chickens. i Gilman , 111. Melvln Bradrick ot Crescent City , a son of former Postmaster Porter Bradrick , was nurdered by three tramps in the ivoods near Spring creek. In company yith his cousin , Charles Bradrick and : wo other young men , he was hunting n the w/jods , when they came on the , ramps with two dressed chickens , n the altercation which followed over he supposedly stolen chickens , the ramps shot Melvin Bradrick through he breast and his brother Bob in the irm. A posse with bloodhounds are | earching the country for the murder- TS. Melvin Bradrick was a soldier n the Spanish-American war and a rery popular young man. Raise World Strike Fund. Davenport , la. With a view to pre- arlng for a world-wide strike for an ight-hour day , the International Union f Machinists , in convention here , oted to increase the per capita tax C the organization from 45 cents to 5 cents a month. Steal Great Painting. Florence , Italy. The priceless paint- ig. "Christ With Saints , " attributed > Andrea Orcagna , and an altar piece L the Church of Santa Maria Novello ave been stolen KING OF FLY SWATTERS TO FINISH JOB ! * > * , PERILS ALL SPAIN UNDER MARTIAL LAW ; TROOPS SHOOT DOWN BILBOA RIOTERS. GENERAL STRIKE I * CALLED Alfonso Signs Decree Suspending Con stitutional Guarantees Republican Plot Said to Have Condemned Wey ler ; Cities Seethe With Mobs. Madrid. King Alfonso has signed s decree suspending the constitutional guarantees , a general railroad strike has been called , the nation is prac tically under martial law and the fall of the Spanish throne is threat ened. These drastic measures bring to a crisis the revolution agitation which has been fomenting for several months. In the labor strikes the gov ernment recognizes an attempt to overthrow King Alfonso and establish a republic and the measures of sup pression will be sharp and swift. Disorder Is reported from every cor ner of Spain. The revolution is gain ing headway at an alarming rate , de spite the proclamation of bayonet rule. Great excitement prevails in government circles. The railroads of the country will be tied up''as ' well as most of the manufactories in the in dustrial sections. Thousands of men will be idle. Premier Canalajes announces that the outbreaks at Valencia and Barcelona lena were the first step in a well planned revolutionary plot , the details of which were subsequently learned by the police. The assassination of General Weyler , captain-general of Catalonia , was to have been accom plished at once and other officials were marked for death. Several of the conspirators have been ar rested. Valencia has been under martial law for two days and the city has been in a riotous tumult The author ities gained the upper hand , but the strikers proceeded to the adjacent town of Cullera , where they murdered a judge and wounded several other officials who had been engaged In the trial of those who had been ar rested. The situation is acute at Bilboa , Saragossa , Cadiz , Huelva , Seville and Gijon , where riots have occurred. A mob stormed the jail at Bilboa in an attempt to free the prisoners and their purpose was frustrated only by a vol ley from the troops. Twenty-six were wounded. The execution of Professor Ferrer in 1909 is being raised as an issue by L.he revolutionary leaders with tre mendous effect. IOHNSON RAILROADED , IS CRY Confessed Slayer of Madison ( WIs. ) Girl Is Innocent in Opinion of Sheriff. Madison , Wis. That John A. John- ion was railroaded to the peniten- iary for the murder of Annie Lem- lerger is the belief of thousands of tladison people , who are demanding hat the case be reopened. Sheriff Srown , who took Johnson to prison , tated that in his opinion the Lember- ; er case Is not yet solved and that ohnson is not the murderer. He in- imated that other arrests may be lade. The sheriff and the police are still asking an investigation in the vicinity f the Lemberger home in the hope hat they will be able to find the lissing night gown. It Is reported that the Lemberger irl was insured for $200 and that this mount was recently increased to 500. Aviator Killed by Fall. Clinton , la. Louis Rosenbaum. aged sventy-seven , an aviator from Mineola , , . I. , fell 150 feet to his death here fter a 20 minutes' flight at Dewitt efore 2,500 spectators at the Clinton ounty fair. Children Saved in Fire. Denver , Colo. The coolness of Miss 7alsh , principal of the Harmon and rownell schools , saved the lives of le 500 children under her care when ath buildings were destroyed by re. STOLYPIN IS DEAD PREMIER ASSASSINATED AT OPERA HOUSE IN KIEV. Passing of Russia's "Iron Man" Causes Jews by Thousands to Flee Country. Kiev. Premier Peter A. Stolypln Is dead from bullet wounds received at the hands of Dimitri Bogroff , a Jewish lawyer , during a gala performance at the municipal theater. With the passing of Russia's "iron man" the emperor faces a situation which all the bewildering under ground resources of the czar are at work to combat. Jews , fearing a massacre more violent lent than any yet recorded in Russia's black history , are fleeing from the country in hordes. Hundreds left the province of Kiev Immediately upon hearing of the premier's death , and as the news reaches the outlying prov inces thousands of the persecuted people ple are crossing the borders for safe ty. The utmost excitement prevails in the government centers , where dili gent search is being made for others of the revolutionary band of which Borgroff is believed to be a member. Almost until the last the premier was conscious , and for half an hour his wife alone was at his bedside. Half an hour before his death Stoly- pin asked the doctors to turn him on his side. He died peacefully , sur rounded by several of his relatives and state officials. TRUST ASKED TO DISSOLVE Government Will Allow Harvester Company to Reorganize in Com pliance With Sherman Act. Washington. The International Harvester company will be allowed by the government to change its cor porate form so as to comply with the Sherman anti-trust law as recently interpreted by the Supreme court of the United States. A threatened dissolution suit Is be ing delayed pending conferences by Attorney General Wickersham and counsel for the company on this re adjustment. The directors and financial heads of the Harvester corporation are now as sembled in New York working out the details of the reorganization. WETS WIN MAINE ELECTION Governor Plalsted and Council of State Officials Check Up Votes Cast in Recent Liquor Balloting. Augusta , Me. Governor Plalsted and the council of state officials which checked up on the votes cast in the recent election , said their recount showed a majority of 26 for repeal of the prohibition clause of the state constitution. Some doubt still remains as to the correctness of the returns and Governor Plalsted announced that city and town clerks would be given 20 days to check the results. With the result standing so close , a correction in the vote in any of the several towns might .be sufficient to turn the tide against repeal. ABDUCTED TEACHER MARRIES t Manitoba Woman Is Wed to Frank Patterson , Who Led Posse After Assailant. Winnipeg , Man. Eleanor Gladys Price , whose abduction and thirty hours of captivity In the woods last week resulted in a man hunt last ing several days and the subsequent irrest of Ed Davis , alleged to be an escaped California convict , was mar ried to Frank Patterson , who led a posse to her rescue. Fierce Battle in Mexico. Mexico City. One hundred and sev- : nty-eight were killed and 215 wound- > d in a battle on the banks of the jirjalva river near the city of San Cristobal between a force of 3,000 Chiapas Indians and 1,500 Maderists Archbishop Against Johnson Fight. London. The archbishop of Canter- iury has interested himself in the ampaign to prevent the scheduled ohnson-Wells fight and has written he home office urging that action to uppress the contest be taken. NINE KILLED BY AUTO MACHINE THROWS TIRE IN RACE AT SYRACUSE , N. Y. Fourteen Are Hurt Car Piloted by Lee Oldfield-Plunges Through Fenct at Terrific Speed. Syracuse , N. Y. On a track which had been sprinkled for the benefit ol President Taft , who had expressed a desire to make a circuit of the race course at the state fair grounds , a Knox car , driven by Lee Oldfleld , slipped a tire during a race and crashed through a fence surrounding the track. The machine , which was traveling at terrific speed , plunged into a throng of onlookers , killing nine persons and injuring fourteen. The president had left the grounds before the accident. Oldfleld , who was Injured , is being guarded by an officer in a city hos pital , and as soon as he recovers will be arrested. Six of the nine victims were killed outright , and three others were so badly Injured that they died on the way to the hospitaL The accident happened during the forty-seventh mile of the fifty-mile race. Oldfield was a lap behind Ralph De Palma and was running even with him. Oldfield had had a bad tire on his car for over twenty-seven miles , but it did not blow out until the race was within three miles of the finish. At the time the tire exploded De Palma and Oldfleld were neck and neck. They had just taken the turn at a terrific speed that had the spec tators almost In a frenzy. Then came a crash that was heard all over the field. SIX ARE FOUND MURDERED Grewsome Discovery Made In Twf Homes In Colorado Springs No Clue to Assassin. Colorado Springs , Colo. The most atrocious crime in the annals of Colorado rado came to light here when the mangled bodies of three children , two women and a man. were discovered In two adjoining houses in the northwest part of this city. The head of every one of the vic tims had been cut and smashed with an ax until the brains oozed out and the rooms were flooded with blood. The victims are : Mrs. Alice May Burnham , aged thir ty-four ; her six-year-old daughter and two-year-old son. Mrs. Blanche Wayne , aged forty-five. Henry F. Wayne , aged fifty , and their one-year-old baby. A. J. Burnham , a cook at the Mod ern Woodmen sanitarium , and hus band of one of the murdered women , was taken into custody by the sheriff cvhile on his way to the scene of the : rime. Medical Director J. A. Rut- edge , of the sanitarium , Is positive : hat Burnham has not been away : rom the sanitarium since last Sun- lay afternoon. All of the murdered ivere last seen alive Sunday night. Every circumstance connected with .he crime points to a cold-blooded , de- iberate murder. Not content with mashing the skulls of his victims , he murderer used the blade of the ix and hacked them about the head ind shoulders. Wayne's head was jattered and cut to pieces. AAD1SON OF KANSAS IS DEAD nsurgent Kansas Congressman If .Stricken Suddenly In His Home. Dodge City , Kan. Edmond H. Madl- on , representative from the Seventh Kansas district , and one of the most afluential "insurgents" In congress , led at the breakfast table at horn * ere. Pontiac , Mich. President Taft was hocked to learn of the death of Rep- esentative Madison. He was to ave been a guest of the congressman uring his visit In Kansas next week nd In Syracuse last Saturday de- lared that Judge Madison was in a irge degree responsible for the in- uguration of the present tour across le continent. RMY TEST PASSED BY JEW rivate Bloom , Whom Col. Garrarc Said Was Not Wanted , Is Placed on Eligible List. Washington. Private Frank Bloom , e young Hebrew artilleryman and > n of the post tailor at Fort yer , has successfully passed his ental and physical examinations ir a second lieutenancy in the army id is on the eligible list for April , loom is the young soldier against horn Colonel Garrard , commandant : Fort Myer , made a report saying lat Jews were not wanted In the offl- $ rs' corps of the army. President aft publicly reprimanded the colonel id ordered that Private Bloom be ven every right any other Amerlcaa tizen might have. Eastern Tailors End Strike. New York. The strike of the ladies' ilors and dressmakers which has en in progress here for a week will settled by arbitration. The strikers ve returned to work pending the cision of the arbitrators. Veteran of Navy Is III. New York. Rear Admiral Benjamin lerwood , retired , who was chief en- leer of the United States navy from 31 to 1869 , and who is now in bis letieth year , is dangerousir in at i home here. A Camp of Instruction. Camp John H. Mickey is to be the name of the camp near Bellevue where the Nebraska national guard will train for ten days. The name has been chosen in memory of the late Gov ernor John H. Mickey. Adjutant Gen. eral Ernest H. Phelps has issued an order announcing that a camp of in struction will be held near Bellevue September 27 to October 6 inclusive , and for this purpose all organizations and the medical corps will be assem bled as a brigade under the command of Brigadier General Joseph A. Storch. Col. A. D. Falconer , quartermaster general ; Col. W. A. Prince , judge ad vocate general , and Col. A. D. Fetter- man , inspector general , will report to the brigadier general for duty. Will be Chosen by Committees. There will be a special election in the Third district , on the same day as the general election , to fill the va cancy caused by the death of Congressman - gressman J. P , Latta and the candi dates will be chosen by the congress- sional committees' if these committees- are recognized by the state central committees , or by convention if the congressional committees of the sev eral parties are not recognized by the higher political authority. The opin ion inclines toward nomination by con n vention , however. This is the gist of an opinion written by the state legal department in reply to an inquiry from. Dan V. Stephens of Fremont. Dean Bessey Finally Got It. After searching ten years for a copy of Miller's "Gardener's Dictionary , " Dean C. E. Bessey of the state univer sity has at last managed to secure the book. The work was published in 1731 . i ] and , while not as old as many other u botanical treatises , is extremely rare. Bound in leather , fifteen by ten inches , the book is of a size not ordinarily found in modern libraries. On its \ : title page it recites that it is a "gar dener's dictionary , compiled by Philip Miller , gardener to the botanical gar V den " at Chelsea. Don't Want Them Reinstated. County Attorney M. A. Hartigan ot Adams county has filed a protest with the secretary of stare asking that officer not to reinstate in good stand ing in Nebraska the Sperry & Hutchinson - inson Trading Stamp company on the ground that the company is violating- the tradi'ii * stamp law passed by the last legislature. He has also filed a similar protest against Stein Bros , of Hastings , a company that Is working- in connection with a big trading stamp company Was the Biggest Kver. The poultry show at the Nebraska state fair , according to Secretary Mellor - lor , was the largest show of poultry at any state fair in the United States. There were 2,462 birds in the Nebras ka exhibit. Secretary Mellor has com pleted the work of issuing warrants in payment of all premiums in all de partments of the fair and in payment of all claims that have been filed against the fair. Egg and Poultry Lectures. A representative of the bureau of : inimal industry may be secured to ad- I Iress farmers' institutes in this state Lhis winter ou the subject of the care 3f eggs and the breeding of poultry. / Fhe lectures will be illustrated. It is. . said that the bureau of animal indus- : ry possesses the best set of slides in the country for this purpose. No Successor to McBrien. Chancellor Avery of the state uni- rersiiy has announced that no succes- ; or would be chosen by the board of egents to fill the place made vacant iy the resignation of J. L. McBrien as uperintendent of the extension bureau. 7he work will be carried on in a way iy members of the faculty. Bank Advertisements. State banks under the guarantee act re permitted to advertise that "de- ositcrs are protected by the deposit- rs' guarantee fund of the state of Xo. . > raska. " Some state banks have been ailed to task by the state banking oard for going beyond this statement. . President Taft at Lincoln October 2. Lincoln. Ex-Senator E. J. Burkett ill be chairman of the reception com- littee for President Taft when he- isits this place October 2. A dollar inner , open to the public , will be t the Lincoln hotel. The railroads of this state will' lortly be forced to drop the "limited , ability" clause in their shipping- jntracts. The railway commission , i motion df Commissioner Furse , wilL ike this subject up within a short me. Installed Officers at the Home. Land Commissioner Cowles went ta le soldiers' home at llilford Monday > installing officer for the governor'a ; w appointees , Commandant Hilyard. : Superior and Mrs. Saum , matron. be installation ceremJnies were said ! be impressive and solemn , especial- that portion of the services where- e new commandant pinned to the > alls of the corridors copies of Cover- > r Aldrich's warning to inmates ot e home that they must behave them- Ives' well or leave the institution.