Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 28, 1911, Image 1

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Volume 26 , No. 88 VALENTINE , NEBR. , THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 28 , 1911. § 1.50 per year.
for ladies , gentlemen , boys , girls and
children. We have them in all colors ,
styles and sizes. They are new and
"novel. The prices are reasonable and
the quality excellent. Look at the dis
play we-have in the "window this week or
still better come in and examine them.
If you are not a customer
of the Bed Front Mercan
tile Co. , they would appre
ciate your Incoming one.
In their Grocery Depart
ment you will find the best
grades of canned fruits ,
vegetables , smoked meats ,
lards , syrups , and break
fast foods.
Phones 5 and 75
Yes , we've got it , if not we'll get it
Orders taken for ail music ,
Big Reductions on
Summer Millinery
'fescx ' jKJJ JCa C
Bakery Goods Confectionery
Ice Cream and Soda Water f
Cigars and Tobacco 4
Lunches and Meals
tfc Xi2 2 i yvar3rJ
Correspondents from alj parts of Cherry County.
There's a treat in reserve for Democrat writers.
Send for stationery. Do it now !
Address , The Democrat ; Valentine , Nebraska.
* ' f *
* t V / *
Fred Cumbo j lnpped cattle t (
Omaha Monday.
Theo. Tillson of Penbrook wa $
in town Monday.
H. B. Clapp of Simeon was ir
town the first of the week.
G. A. Chapman returned frorr
his eastern trip S iturday night.
J. T. Galloway shipped eight
cars of cattle from Kilgore Mon
Wallace McPonald visitec
Crookston last Saturday on bus
Will Leonard has gone up on
the reservation to work for sever
al weeks.
George Veach went down to
Arabia Monday for two or three
days' hunting.
Henry and Walter Wilson wenl
down to Omaha Monday with J.
T. Galloway. -
Wm. .Cohee was in town Mon
day getting a load of coal and oth
er winter supplies.
Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Bishop
and daughter came down from
Gordon Monday night.
One of the new conditions noted
in Valentine Monday was two
Sioux Indians in town each market
ing a load of hay.
Kate Ilelzer came down from
her school at Cody last Friday
night and spent Saturday and
Sunday at home.
A large * number of people in
western Cherry county attended
the .Gordon fairlast week and re
port a big time.
George Roberts went up to
Merriman and Gordon on business
ast week , and this week went to
Norfolk on land business.
There will be services in St.
John's church both morning and
evening on Sunday Oct. 1. Choir
rehearsal on Saturday evening.
Fred J ones came down from
Cody on the local Monday morn-
.ng and visited friends around
sown and went to Omaha on the
night train.
Will Cassman and John Brown
with their families and Mrs. Fos
ter were in Valentine Monday.
They came from near Draper , S.
D. , and have taken homesteads
south of here.
George W. Hamaker of Wood
Lake and Miss Eva Pearl Hamil
ton of Johnstown were married
by Judge Potter in the county
court room ' Monday forenoon.
Ainsworth Star-Journal.
Walter Brown , who has been
working on the telephone system
Between Stuart and Long Pine
'or several years , resigned his
position laU week and came to
Valentine to assist .his father , J. G.
Brown , in the auto business.
Henry Wilber and wife return
ed Saturday night from Hot
Springs to spend the winter with
their son , Carl and wife. Mr.
Wilber has been at a sanitarium
where he underwent a surgical op
eration and is now in pretty fair
lealth. '
I. M. Rice spent Friday and
Saturday at Merriman , and .upon
lis return saw Senator O'Rourk
on the train going to Rochester ,
Minn. , where he is going to co'n-
sult the Mayo doctors for stomach
trouble from which he has been
ailing for several weeks.
F. M. Walcott and G. M. Gas-
rill went up to Rushville last
Thursday night. Friday morning
Mr. Walcott attended to some
egal business and Mr. Giskill
made the acquaintance of Editor
Cooper of the Recorder and Edi
tor Mays of the Standard.
White Clay Precinct.
Several heavy frosts visited this
section recently.
Mr. Aubert was doing some
trading in town on Saturday.
John Clark went to Rushville
Monday morning on horseback.
Miss Phoebe Jacobs visited at
White Clay Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Clarence Clark visited with
Mrs. Humphrey on Tuesday of
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey were
anong those in the city on Satur
day the 16th.
Mr. and Mrs. Abolt and chil
dren came out from Rushville
Tuesday to spend a few days"on
the farm.
School District No.ii now has
an enrollment of ten' pupils. Sev
eral more will enroll after the fall
work is done.
Mrs. J. O. Apian returned to
Rushville Sunday after spending
a week out on the ranch. Mr.
Apian is erecting a new house.
The Sheridan County Fair at
Gordon last week drew large
crowds each day. Thursday WLS
the biggest day of all , a special
train was run from Chadron to
accommodate the people living be
tween that town and Gordon.
The produce and livestock ex
hibit were at the fair grounds.
The display of produce was ex
cellent but it did not excell in any
way the showing made by Cherry
county at the recent corn show.
The races held every afternoon
f''afr"ftre fair ground trackwere
interesting bub rather slow. The
Anderson horse "Buck Thomas"
of Cody easily won first in every
race entered.
Several Valentine people went
up to see the sights , among them
were Dr. TSoyes , F. M. Walcott ,
W. F. A. Meltendorff , J. C , Scott ,
George Roberts and G. M. Gaskill.
A Useful Mineral.
Fluorspar , one of the lesser
minerals and one of whioh many
people have probably nsver heard ,
has coma to occupy a comparative
ly important place in every dsy
affairs. It is used in the manu
facture of glass , of enameled and
sanitary ware , in refining anti
mony and lead , in the production
of aluminum , and as a flux in blast
furnaces and in the manufacture
of steel in basic open-hearth fur
naces. The production of open-
hearth steel 'alone in 1910 was
over 15,000,000 long tons. The
production of fluorspar , according
to Ernest F. Burchard , of the
United States Geological Survey ,
in a report on flourspar and cryo
lite 'just issued , increased from
18,450 short tons in 1900 , valued
at § 94,500 , to 69,427 tons in 1910 ,
valued at § 430,196. The deposits
which have been exploited are in
Arizona , New Mexico , Colorado ,
Illinois , Kentucky , Tennessee , and
New Hampshire. Illinois is much
the heaviest producer.
Cryolite is one of the compara-
aively few useful minerals which
has not yet been discovered in
commercial deposits in the United
Statesat least not in deposits
such as can compete with those
furnishing tlje imported product.
In fact , there is but one important
known deposit in the world , name
ly ; at Ivigtut , an Eskimo hamlet
on the southern coast of Green
land. Even this deposit is only
about three acres in extent. Cryp
lite is used principally in the
manufacture of opaque glass , for
enameling of iron ware , in the
metallurgy of aluminum , and as a
flux in the manufacture of white
Portland cemeut.
for a Tailor Made Suit or Over
coat for fall or winter ?
If so , coine in and inspect our
large line of all-wool samples.
None better made for the money.
We guarantee every garment to
fit perfect or no sale.
We have a large stock of cloth
ing on hand we can fit you in
most any size.
When in need of shoes
give us a trial.
Clothes of Quality For All Mankind
Phone 145.
McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs.
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars
Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies :
Old Crow , . . Sherwood ,
Hermitage , Guchenheimer ,
" '
Cedar Brook , " " Sunny Brook ,
Spring Hill/ and 29xyear/old
and Jas , E , Pepper , O , F , C , Taylor ,
These whiskies were purchased in bond
and came direct from the U. S. gov
ernment warehouse. They are guar
anteed pure and unadulterated. Un
excelled for family and medical use.
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus .Brandies , Imported
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout ,
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer ,
Valentine Nebraska
: &ra a gi [ 2g2
Stetter & Tobien , Props. .
All Kinds of Fresh
and Fait Meats. . . .
irVill buy your Cattle , Hogs ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules and
Lnything you have to sell.
For Sale : From 1 to 40 head of
horses ; from 1 to f of land , close
to town. Residence and lot.
H. H. Wakefield , Crookston ,
Nebraska. 13
For Sale.
A. 960 acre tract of land ; 400
acres in timber. Ranch and farm
land. Six miles southwest of Val
entine. Reasonable price and
time. Rene Canet , Valentine ,
Nebr. 35-tf
The railroads have made a speci
al reduced rate for the Omaha Ak-
Sar-Ben Fall Festival. Tickets
will be on sale at all stations from
Oct. 1st to 5th inclusive and good
for the return trip to October 7th.
See the station agent for full par
Bock Spring's Coal and all other
kinds at Fischer's Hardware. ; .8
Dr. M. F. Meer has decided to
visit Wood Lake the first Monday
and Tuesday of each month to dn
dental work. I9tf
Found On carnival grounds ,
"missing link" enzraved gold cnSc
button. Owner can have same by
calling at this' office and paying
for notice.
For sanitary plumbing or heat
ing call H. I. Vreinzimmer. 20
Cleaning , pressing and repair
ing. Ladies work a specialty. *
City Tailors. C. H. Austin , Prop. -
Tw o 4-rocm houses for rent.
_ I. M. Rice , tf