Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 21, 1911, Image 7
NOTES ME&DOWBROOK FARM Keep the pigs growing. Chicks must have fresh water. Never expect to work miracles with the cow. Chicken wire makes a good trellis for tomatoes. The greatest damage to soil is usually done after harvest Grind the corn you feed the old sheep. Their teeth may be poor. Young chicks still with the hens thrive better on a variety of foods. The disk is the tool to prepare the corn stubble for the small grain. Horses enjoy a good drink , but they don't have to go to town to get it. Never throw fruit of any kind into a basket or box. Lay it in gently. The production of a cow above a certain standard constitutes the pro fit. Manure , sod and lime are three best ways of increasing the humus in the soil. Keep the hedges clipped. Buck thorn is one of the easiest hedges handled. There is hardly a limit to the re sources of the rat to exterminate chicks. Sheep suffer the least from a defi ciency of drinking water , and horses and cattle the most. It is well worth while to exert every nergy possible to keep your present supply of live stock. When the pigs' tails begin to hang flown straight it is time to get out the worm medicine. A good colt bred for a purpose , and Ted and trained for a purpose , is never a drug on the market Spray pumps and spray materials are now the main topic of conversa tion among fruit growers. i _ The beet use of stable manure is to haul it out as fast as made and spread It broadcast over sod ground. The present shortage of forage : reps should emphasize the necessity for a reserve supply in silos. More small hogs have probably been marketed in the last two years than ever before during the same time. For the protection of dairy stock , as well as for live stock generally , wind breaks and tree shorter are invaluable. A HUe salt sprinkled with coal ashes is as much relished by the hogs as "Cracker Jack" is relished by the boys. The first step in better cream qual ity in hot weather is to separate the milk Immediately , as soon as it Is milked. Keep the new strawberry bed clean cultivated until the runners are mat ted too much to permit the cultivator to go through. Those farmers who kept up their ' cultivation of the soil not only kept the corn over the dry spell but in creased the yield. The wild highbush"cranberry , com mon in many marshy districts , is good , both as an ornament on the lawn and for making jelly. The right time to castrate pigs is a week or so before they are weaned , if healthy ; if delicate , wait a week erse so until they are stronger. All milk cans should be washed first in cold water , then thoroughly cleansed with warm water , and finally rinsed in scalding hot water. We cannot expect even the best pure-bred to produce animals without a blemish every time. It is always a case of the survival of the fittest. 1 i * , f * An excellent plan in providing -t against shortage of pasture is to grow each year some of the supplementary crops , such as rye , millet , cow peas , rape or sorghum , to be used during the dry season. After some summer rain you will find your hogs wallowing in some puddle and enjoying it. Then is the time to have crude oil on hand and pour a pailful in the wallow. It will float on top and kill the lice on the hogs. This is cheap and easy weather way of dipplne ; Provide the hogs with a wallow. The cement silo Is growing steadllj In favor. The A-shaped pig pen is too hot foi summer. Many weeds interfere with the rota tion of crops. Silage may be cut in almost an } size desirexl. Watch the swill barrel. Keep It sweet and clean. Hogs thrive much better on a ra tion rich in nitrogen. There are a few who save some ol their own seed from the garden. Hogs enjoy a tank of clean watei to bathe in during the hot days. Never allow roses to remain on the bush until the petals begin to fall. The common and cut-leaf elders have proved good lawn plants thiE year. One of the best foods for growing chickens is the curd from skimmed milk. A majority of poorly formed draft horses have shoulders which are too steep. Get a good variety of Lima and bush beans and save the first tc ripen. Too many farmers have failed to ap preciate the possibilities of rye as hog pasture. Second crop alfalfa is fine for the pig. but if pastured very closely it will soon run out A straw-colored open shed for the stock Is a much needed thing on the treeless farm. Rotted manure should be spread on the plowed ground and well worked in with the harrow. Even if we can not get fancy prices for our horses , there are good profits in growing colts. \ A good sized horse has a wider field of usefulness than a small one , and is worth more accordingly. Uniformity in the size of a bunch of hogs has a great deal to do with the price they will bring. If you have your hogs on sour milk , keep them there. To change to sweet may upset their digestion. The large farm is more profitable than the small farm if managers of the proper ability can be had. There is no feed better for young pigs and calves than sweet skim milk right from the separator. If a poultryman or a farmer does not take an Interest in poultry , he had better not keep any at all. Keep the sweet peas picked. It is better for the plants and the house can be made more attractive by their use. Save seeds of trees and shrubs , as they ripen , and plant them. This is one way to multiply your ornamental plants. Many people recognize the value of a pure bred sire but comparatively few stop to think just how valuable he is. The sow should be given a warm mill-feed slop , made fresh for each meal , whole oats and a little sound corn twice a day. Weed out the inferior birds , whether as to size , form or quality , at the earliest possible moment , feeding the two lots separately. A large per cent , of poultry , espe cially young chicks , die through drink ing from puddles and dirty water in their drinking troughs. Every inclosure for the hogs should be perfectly tight , and with excellent wire fences that are now manufactur ed this is an easy matter. It makes some horses ugly to work them with horses that do not travel up with them. Match them as to gait as well as to other things. Supply clear water. It is essential to health and to the hen for the pro duction of the egg , the contents of which are nearly three parts water. If sows are carelessly fed during pregnancy , trouble of some kind is sure to follow at farrowing ; If over fed after farrowing , losses may occur among the pigs from scours and Lhumps. Keep In mind that if ycur silo Is partly filled with Indian corn or any Dther one crop , you can later finish ailing it with any other crop or crops which you may grow , and in this man' ner get your silo full. No up-to-date farmer will be without i hand separator , and the skim milk , srhen improved in quality by the ad- lition of some concentrated food , is solving the problem of raising good iairy stock on the farm , in addition : o turning every ounce of fat in the nilk into butter. CABINET PINION'S but a fool , makes us scan The outward habit by the inward man. Shakespeare. SEASONABLE DISHES. When your family are tired of the came things , try a few changes like the following. Such dishes , though nothing expensive or new vary the diet and make a pleasant change in the food. Potato Surprises. Take three cup- tuls of mashed potato , six tablespoonfuls - fuls of breadcrumbs , a tablespoonful of butter , salt , pepper to taste , one egg , and three cooked sausages. Mil all together , except crumbs and sau sage , and form into balls , putting a small piece of sausage in each one. Dip in egg , roll in the crumbs and fry in hot fat. Cottage Pie. Put a layer of mashed and seasoned potatoes in a buttered baking dish , add a little gravy , pep per and salt and a few drops of onion Juice , and a little chopped meat ; re peat and finish with potato on top. Dot with bits of butter and bake. Poached Eggs , Portuguese Style. Cut six even-sized tomatoes in halves crosswise , take out the pulp and till them with the following stuffing : Fry four small onions or shallots in one tablespoonful of butter , add three tablespoonfuls of bread crumbs , one teaspoonful of chopped parsley , one ta blespoonful of chopped suet. Season with salt , pepper , paprika and grated nutmeg ; then add the yolk of an egg and mix all together. Place in the oven to brown , and serve on a round of buttered toast with a poached egg on top , neatly trimmed. Garnish with parsley and serve hot. Bread Pudding. Take a cup and a half of milk , one-half cup of sugar , two slices of bread , lightly buttered , and one egg. Beat the egg and sugar together thoroughly , add the milk slowly , beating all the time. Place the bread In a baking dish and turn the custard over it. The bread will rise to the top of the dish like a crust. Allow it to stand one hour , and then bake fifteen minutes in a very hot oven. Serve immediately with cream , sugar and a little flavoring added. This pudding if nicely made and baked is as delicate as a souffle. WOMAN'S heart is a hidden tarn in a high mount. Doctor Cadman. I believe that today is better than yesterday , and that tomorrow will be bet ter than today. MORE ABOUT APPLES. Each family has its own favorite dishes , but a few new ones are always wdcome to the cook. The following will not be new to everyone , for as "there is nothing new under the sun" it would be impossible to find any- thiak entirely fresh. A dessert which'is both pret ty and delicious is baked apples with nuts. The apples are peeled and cored , put into a baking dish with a little water and sugar , then fill the cavity with chopped nuts. When they are half cooked serve cold with whipped cream. Another nice dessert Is apple meringue. Core and bake the fruit and stuff the centers with jelly or or ange marmalade. Beat the white o an egg , add sugar and pour over the apples , then brown in the oven. A rosy apple will make a very pretty dessert Cook it after coring , without paring , in a little sugar and water. Remove the skin carefully and the rosy cheek of the apple will be a thing of beauty. If not enough of the rosy hue comes off , scrape the Inside of the cooked skin and paint it back upon the apple. Apples make a delicious sauce for meats when spiced as any fruit. This makes a nice sauce for pork roast. The apples must be tart and cooked a long time to be thoroughly seasoned with the spices. For apple amber , chop three-quar ters of a pound of applet- peeled and cored , and four ounces of suet. Mix with six ounces of bread crumbs , two ounces each of flour and sugar , two well-beaten eggs and a little grated lemon peel and nutmeg. Butter a plain mold , thoroughly beat the batter , turn it in and cover the mold with a cloth , giving the pudding a chance to swell. Boil about three hours. .Serve with cream. Dog's Death Killed Her. The shooting of her dog so shocked Mrs. William Duble of Atco , Camden county , Pennsylvania , that she soon died. The animal was suffering from some malady , and Mrs. Duble con sented to having it killed. She went to the scene of the shoot ing and covered up some bloodstains. On returning to the house 'she said to her daughter : "I feel awfully sick. " A few mo ments later , clutching at her throat. she cried out , "I am dying ! " and soon after fell dead. Mrs. Duble had been a sufferer from heart trouble , and her physician be lieves that the shooting of her pet brought on an acute attack. GREAT TSUTH IN EPIGRAM Few Words of the Late Edwin A. Ab bey Contain a Whole Sermon to Misers. "The late Edwin A. Abbey , the American painter who lived In Lon don , was only comfortably off , where as he might have been rich. " The speaker , a Chicago art dealer , had just returned from Europe. He continued : "I dined one evening with Abbey In his house In Chelsea , and after dinner we walked in the blue tw41ight on the Chelsea embankment. "As we passed Old Swan House and Clock House , and the other superb residences that front the river , I reproached preached Abbey for his extravagance. " 'Why , ' I said , pointing toward Clock House , 'if you had saved your money , you might be living in a pal ace like that today. ' "But Abbey , with a laugh , rather got the better of me. He rattled off this epigram and it's an epigram I'll always remember when I'm tempted to be parsimonious : " 'Some folks , ' he said , 'are so busy putting something by for a rainy day that they get little or no good out of pleasant weather. ' " PHYSICIAN SAID ECZEMA CAME FROM TEETHING "When my little girl was about eight months old , she was taken with a very irritating breaking out , which came on her face , neck and back. When she first came down with it , it came in little watery-like festers under her eyes , and on her chin , then after a few days it would dry down in scaly , white scabs. In the daytime she was quite worrysome and would dig and scratch her face nearly all the time. "I consulted our physician and found she was suffering from eczema , which he said came from her teething. I used the ointment he gave me and without any relief at all. Then I wrote for a book on Cuticura , and pur chased some Cuticura Soap and Oint ment at the drug store. I did as I found directions In the Cuticura Book let , and when she was one year old , she was entirely cured. Now she is three years and four months , and she has never been troubled with eczema since she was cured by the Cuti cura Soap and Cuticura Ointment. ( Signed ) Mrs. Freeman Cramer , 311 Lewis St. , Syracuse , N. Y. , May 6 , 1911. Although Cuticura Soap and Ointment are sold everywhere , a sam ple of each , with 32-page book , will be mailed free on application to "Cuti cura , " Dept. 2 K. Boston. Left Him Far Behind. Childish standards of greatness are interesting perhaps because they are at once so like yet so unlike the standards of grown folk. Many an ulult , for instance , has been proud with no more reasonable basis than that which little Johnnie displayed in attempting to "top" the boasting of a juvenile comrade. "I've got a real railroad train , with an engine that goes , an' a real , live pony , an' a really , truly gun , an' " "That's nothing ! " interrupted the lad's disgusted listener. "Once I knew a boy that sat up until 11 o'clock twice in one week ! " He Knew Jim. Jim had made an unsuccessful at tempt to conquer the world and came back to the Tennessee town dirty , worn out and hungry. "Uncle John , " he said melodra matically , "I came home to die. " "No , dod gast you , " said unsympa thetic Uncle John , "you came home to eat. " Success 'Magazine. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA , a safe and sure remedy for infants and children , and see that it Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria No Doubt About It. "Do you consider yourself good enough for my daughter ? " "I am if , as you say , she is like you. " BEAUTIFUL POST CARDS FREE Send 2c stamp for fire samples of my very choic est Gold Embossed Birthday , Flower and Motto I'ost Cards ; beautiful colors and loveliest designs. Art Post Card Clue , 731 Jackson St. , TopeVa , Kansas My friend is dear , but my enemy is also useful ; the friend shows me what 1 can do , the enemy shows me what I ought to do. Schiller. HAVE YOU SUSPECTED YOUR KIDNEYS ? Thousands Buffer from backache , headache , dizziness and -weariness without suspecting their kidneys. Mrs- Joseph Gross , Church St , Morrillton , Ark. , says : "For weeks I -was all doubled over with pain. I became so dizzy I had to grasp something to keep from falling and my ankles were swollen to nearly twice their natural size. None of the doctors un derstood my case and I felt myself sinking lower day by day. I improved rapidly through the use of Doan's Kid ney Pills and at last was entirely cured. " "When Your Back Is Lame , Remem ber the Name DOAN'S. " For sale by druggists and general storekeepers everywhere. Price 50c. Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. Grand Opera Pianist. Advertisement of a London employ ment agency : "Expert grand opera pianist ; male or female. One speak ing French preferred. " Do you ever have Headache , Toothache , or Earache ? Most people do. Hamlina Wizard Oil is the best household remedy and liniment for these everyday troubles. Such a platitude of a world , in which all working horses can be well fed , and innumerable working men die starved. Too Little Ton. Smiley That iceman down street will have to change his name it he wishes to do any business. Wiley Why ? What's bla name ? Smiley Littleton. Some peopl * might not notice it , but I am afralf most folks would shy at a name like that on an Ice-leader's sign. Jlrs. WhiRlotir's Soothing Syrup for Chlldrwm teething , softens the gums , redacea lnnmm tion , allays pale , cores -wind colic , 25c a botU * Too many officeholders who pre tend to be working for their country are merely working it. The Army of Constipation Is Growing Smaller Every DAJ. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are responsible they not only give relief CARTERS they perma nently cure Ci ITTLE snpatioi. Mil IYER ; lions use PILLS. them for Biliouaeu , Sick Heaiacic , SauW Sin. SHALL PILL , SMALL DOSE , SMALL PWCZ , Genuine must bear Signature _ 18 ounce * tether # DEFIANCE STIRCH- ; -other tUrchei only 12 ounce * ame price aa4 "DEFIANCE * ' IS SUPERIOR QUALITY. W. N. U. , SIOUX CITY , NO. 38-1911. PleasantReirGshin § , Beneficial , GentleandEffective , NOTE THE NAME CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ia the Circle , on evero Package of tfi&Gonuina DO NOT LET ANY DEALER DECEIVE YOU. , SYRUP OP FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA HAS GIVEN CONTAINS SIX PER UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION FOR MORETHAN THIRTY YEARS CENT. OF ALCOHOL FAST. AND ITS WONDERFUL SUCCESS HAS LED UNSCRUPULOUS - SCRUPULOUS MANUFACTURERS OF IMITATIONS TO OFFER INFERIOR PREPARATIONS UNDER SIMILAR NAMES AND COSTING THE DEALER LESS ; THEREFORE , WHEN BUYING. NotelfoMNameofthQ Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. PRINTED STRAIGHT ACROSS , NEAR THE BOTTOM. AND IN THE CIRCLE.NEAR THE TOP OF EVERY PACKAGE.OFTHE GENUINE. REGULAR PRICE SOc PER BOTTLE ; ONE SIZE MINIATURE PICTURE OF PACKAGE. ONLY. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. SYRUP OF FKSS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA 15 THE MOST PLEASANT. WHOLE. SOME AND EFFECTIVE REMEDY FOR STOMACH TROUBLES. HEADACHES AND BILIOUSNESS DUE TO CONSTIPATION. AND TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EJECTS FT IS NECESSARY TO BUY THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. WHICH IS MANUFACTURED BY THE CALIFORNIA PIG SYRUPC 60 LT DISTEMPER .Can be bandied very easily. The nick are eared , and all other * la matter ho Wezpoeed , " keptfrom baring the dl - aae. by using BPOHN'S LIQUID DISTEMPER CURE. Giro oa the tongue , or In feed. Acts on the blood and expels germs of all forma of distemper. Beat remedy erer known for marea In foaC . One bottle guaranteed to cure one case. We and tl a bottle ; K an4 I 110 dozen or drngfflit ? and barn era dealerr. or lent express paid by / manufacturers. Cut ehoir how to poaltlco throats. Our fre 1 Booklet Klres everything. Local agents vronted. Largest aellln * _ _ _ _ . bonso remedy la existence twelve yean. j 8POHN MEDICAL CO. . Cfcemisu ndB rtsrioiosUt * , Coshen , Ind. , U.S. A * W. L. DOUGLAS * 2.50$3.003.50&S4.00 SHOES . , . , . . wear WX.Douglas stylish , perfect fitting , easy walking boots , because they gire long wear , same as W.LDouglas Men's shoes. THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 30 YEARS The workmanship which has madeW.L. Douglas shoes famous the world over is maintained in every pair. If I could take you into my large factories at Brockton , Mass. , and show you how carefully W.L.Douglas shoes are made , you would then understand why they are war ranted to hold their shape , fit better and wear longer than any other makefortheprice CflliTiflM The gentd10 have W. I * Douglas vnuiiuia name and price stamped on bottom If you cannot obtain W. I * Douglas shoes in your town , -write for catalog. Shoes sent direct ONE PAIR of my BOYS' 82,32.5007 from factory to wearer , all charges prepaid. WJU 83.OO SHOES will positively outwear IXHJCLAS , 145 Spark SU , Brockton , MASS. TWO PATES of ordinary boys' shoe * Drop of Blood Or a little water from the human system when thoroughly tested by the chief chemist at Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel , Buffalo , N. Y. , tells the story of impoverished blood nervous exhaustion or some kidney trouble. Such examinations are made without cost and is only a small part of the work of the staff of physicians and surgeons under the direction of Dr. R. V. Pierce giving the best medical advice possible without cost to those who wish to write and make a full statement of symptoms. An imitation of natures method of restoring waste of tissue and impoverishment of the blood and nervous force is used when you take an alterative and glyceric extract of roots , without the use of alcohol , such as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Which makes the stomach strong , promotes the flow of digestive juices , re stores the lost appetite , makes assimilation perfect , invigorates the liver and purifies and enriches the blood. It is the great blood-maker , flesh-builder and restorative nerve tonic. It makes men strong in body , active in mind and cool in judgment. Get what you ask for ! of this paper de siring to buy anything adver tised in its columns should insift upon having what they ask ( or , refusing all substitutes or imitations. I IRRIGATED FROTT AND FLOWER FARM AT A SACRIFICE. Sbow place ot Jiio Grande Deita * Ko snow or ice. Large bouse , stock , tools , etc. Kverytblng goes. Beady now. BOX 14 , DOSSi , TSZ. ELECTROTYPES , In great variety f or sale at the lowest prses by I TTE8TIB5 .YETTBPAPIR UHOX. SSlW.Aduu St. . it' . ue win Quickly End Weak , Sera Eye * rarer itlck * DEFIINGE STiRCH to the iroa. UTNAM FADELESS DYES Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One lOc package colors all fibers. They dye in cold water better than any other dye. You can dye any garment without ripping apart. Write for free booklet How to Dye , Bleach and Mix Colors. MONROE DRUG COMPANY , Qulacy ,