Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 21, 1911, Image 1

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Volume. 26 , 'No. 37 VALENTINE , NEBE , THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 21 , 1911. per year.
for ladies , gentlemen , boys , girls and
children. We have them in all colors ,
styles and sizes. They are new and
novel. The prices are reasonable and
the quality excellent. Look at the dis
play we have in the window this week or
still better come in ajnd examine them.
3tf >
If you are not a customer
of the Red Front Mercan
tile Co. , they would appre
ciate your becoming one.
In their Grocery Depart
ment you will find the best
grades of canned fruits ,
vegetables , smoked meats ,
lards , syrups , and break
fast foods.
Phones 5 and 75
C * f IT F IF T * 7&/E / IT T 7 / " *
Yes , we've got it , if not we'll get it
Orders taken for all music ,
Reductions on
Summer Millinery . W ,
Bakery Goods Confectionery
Ice Cream and Soda Water
Cigars and Tobacco
Lunches and Meals
Correspondents from all parts of Cherry County.
There's a treat in reserve for Democrat writers.
Send for stationery. Do it now !
9- '
Address , The Democrat , Valentine , Nebraska.
H. B. Clapp was up from Sim
eon Tuesday.
Elsie Tate was up from Brown-
lee Thursday.
W. H. Wood and wife of Oasis
were in Valentine Monday.
W. H. Ritchie of Kilgore regis
tered at the Donoher Tuesday.
Harvy Hornby has gone to Lin
coln to attend State University.
Sam Hudson of Simeon was in
town Tuesday after a load of ranch
Mrs. Neva Barker went to Ver-
del , Nebr. , Wednesday morning
for a visit.
P. C. Shockley of Brow nice
came to Valentine on business
Tuesday ,
A. G. Holt and John Pfiefe of
Johnstown were Valentine visitors
A. W. Leech of Rosebud was in
Valentine several days the first of
the week.
D. M. Sears and family of Ken
nedy were in town several days
last week.
C. F. St. John of Gordon was
here on business at the land office
on Wednesday.
Jesse Gaskill of Burton is visit
ing relatives and friends in and
around Valentine.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Morris and \
family of Wood Lake were visit
ing in town Monday.
J. A. Counsular and J. A. An
derson and son of Rosebud were
in Valentime Tuesday.
A. K. Wood , Theo. Filin and
Dabney Gr. Miller were over from
Wood , S. D. , Friday. -
Rasmus Anderson and family
have been visiting friends and rel
atives here the past week.
Ruth .Bachelor returned Monday
night from Lincoln where she had
been visiting Helen Hornby forx
some time.
N. P. Sholtes ofthe Paxton ,
Vierling Iron Works , Omaha , was
a business visitor here last week
returning to his home Thursday
T. C. Clark and R. J. Baurap
berger came down from Rosebud
Tuesday on a buying trip. They
were met here by J. C. Hall rep
resenting the Byrne-Hammer
Dry Goods Co. , of Omaha.
A. 0. Coleraan and daughter
Cecile of McCann were in town
the first of the week. Wednesday
morning Miss Coleman went to
Omaha where she will visit until
after AkarBen week.
Mr. and Mrs. Da via"4 Hurley .
who have been visiting relatives
here for some time left Saturday
night for David City. They will
visit there a short time and then
go to their home in Perry , Okla.
Edward Harlow and Flora Sim-
onson were married by Justice of
the Peace Spain at his residence
Saturday evening. They have
gone to Ainsworth and will make
their home on a ranch south of
that place. ]
William Gulick and Wm. R. I
McVey of Wood Lake were tran
sacting business in Valentine 11
Monday. Mr. Gulick has sold his v
ranch of 1120 acres near Wood .si
Lake to Mr. McVey. The latter
will take possession about March 1.
C. W. Bolen , G. W. Seagrist , C. *
A. McMurray and G. C. Hood .of
Carter , S. D. , motored from tliat
place to Valentine Tuesday to see Q
the Valentine-Burke games and
incidentally do some boosting for ,
Carter. At Oak Creek they ,
picked up John House , who was a
little lonesome , and brought him
to town.
Boy Scouts Organized.
The Boy Scout troupe that is
being organized here is being
pushed through as rapidly as pos
sible ; F. M. Waicott , Clyde Ros-
seter and Joha Slonecker have
consented to act as Scout Council
for th § organization , while HC. .
Jennings will be Scout Master
with H. VV. Davenport as his
Adjutant. Already about thirty-
six nanres have- been handed to
the Scout Master , of boys who de
sire to join and as soon as he hears
from headquarters the boys will
b3 given their examinations and
the oath of the Boy Scouts will be
administered to them. The idea
of the Boy Scout movement is to
make better boys in every way as
it learns them to be capable and
able to do many things that will
come in handy to them in later
life as well as putting them on
their honor at all times. After
they pass the first examination
and take the oath they are known
ai tenderfoots , then they will
work to take the next step which
will make them second degree
scouts , and then the last degree
which makes them first degree
scouts. There is lots for each boy
to learn before he can pass either
of the last degrees and there are
very few men in the city who
could pass the last one without a
deal of study , so the movement is
an educational one as well as the
out-door training and healthful ex
ercise. There are no fire-arms
allowed as each boy simply has
a staff and simple things necessary
for camp "life. It is hoped that
the citizens of Valentine will encourage -
courage bhcsboysall that they can.
There are now over 300,000 Boy
Scouts in the United States and
the movement is growing very
Improvement Club Meeting.
The Women's Improvement
club will meet at the court house
Thursday Oct. 15 at 3 p. m. sharp.
All women interested in the mor
al and material welfare of the city
are invited to be present. Those
who are unable to attend are re
quested to send their names to the
secretary , Mrs. W. Kincaid. The
object of the Club is the bettering
material and moral conditions , and
promoting a kindly feeling of mu
tual interest.
The dues have been fixed at 10
cents a month. At the last meet
ing ridding the town of sand burs
was taken up and a public drink
ing fountain was discussed.
I used to work for Mr. Knox , a
farmer who had lots of rocks. I
left my couch at break of day and
toiled until the dusk was gray.
And , when the evening meal was
o'er I had to do chore after chore ;
had to feed a million sows , and
milk about a million cows. And
never once did Mr. Knox remark
to me : "Well done , old Sox ! "
He never cheered ray dismal days
by handing out a word of praise.
What wonder , then , that in my
ire , I set his house and barn on
fire , and swiped a wagonload of
straw , and carried off his mother'n- B
law. ; I went to work for Mr. K
Deans , and plowed his corn and
hoed his beans and when I came
in from my toil , all plastered o'er
with sweat and soil , he always had at
some kindly word ; he called me a
looloo , . peach and bird. And so
my labor was delight , and .though
fagged out and worn at night , I
trotted blithely out of doors and
gaily did a million chores : If al 1
employers only knew how much a
word of praise will do , the sullen
workmen that would rr
we see do
their little stunts with glee. Walt lesi
Mason. si
El. L. Heath of-Cody was here ,
oa business Monday.
for a Tailor Made Suit or Over
coat for fall or winter ?
If so , come in and inspect our
large line of all-wool samples.
, . "
-V * "I
None better made for the money , "t *
I ; -
We guarantee every garment to
fit perfect or no sale.
We have , / a large stock of clothing -
ing on hand we can fit you in j *
most any size.
hen in need of shoes if
give us a trial. , : -
Clothes of Quality For AH Mankind
* TT\
kj *
Phone 145.
McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs.
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars
Bourbon Whiskies : . Rye Whiskies : (
\ Old Crow , Sherwood ,
Hermitage , Guchenheimer
, &d &
Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook ,
Spring Hill , and 29/yearxold S
and Jas , E , Pepper , O , F , C , Taylor ,
i These whiskies were purchased in bond
ii and came direct from the U. S. gov
i ernment warehouse. They are guar
anteed pure and unadulterated. Unexcelled -
excelled for family and medical use.
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout. ?
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , ) fa
Valentine NebraskaI
Nebraska : M
l UU3 *
Stetter & Tobien , Props.
All Kinds of Fresh
and Fait Meats. . . .
Will buy your Cattle , Hogs ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules and
anything you have to sell.
For Sale : From 1 to 40 head of
orses < ; from 1 to of land , close
o town. Residence and lot.
I. H. WakefielJ , Crookston ,
Nebraska. 13
For Sale.
A. 960 acre tract of land ; 4CO
cres in timber. Ranch and farm
i id. Six miles southwest of Val-
ntine. Eeasonable price . and
irae. Eene Canet , Valentine ,
Jebr. 35-tf
Music Class.
I will be in Valentine on and
fter Sept. 25 , 1911 to book a
Qusic class. Please write me or
eave calls at Chapman's drug
tore. Maude Ealya. 37-1
Two 4-room houses for rent.
_ : I. M , Rice. t
Ducks and prairie chick ia = a * anew
now ready for you. Are you
ready f jr them ? The best lie of
guns and ammunition at Fischers'
Hardware. 34 :
Dr. M. F. Meer hai decided to
visit Wool Lake the first Monlay
and Tuesday of eaoh month to do
dental work. 19tf
Found Oa carnival grourds ,
"missing link"
engraved gold en
button. Owner can have same by
calling at this office and rayiug
for notice.
Special coat , skirt , shirt-waist'
and fur sab at W. A Parkers ,
Wooi Lake , Saturday and Mon
day , Sept. 23 and 25th. 36 2
For sanitary plumbing or heaf-
ing call H. I. Weinzimmer. 20