Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 07, 1911, Image 8

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    , s
Short Orders of al ! Kinds , Day and Night
First = Class Meals 25c.
Livery , Feed and
Sales Stable ,
" Wood Lake , Nebraska g
* "xtficaAjt ' *
2 Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties , g
WJr * arrera'tf s & * y
Chartered ns a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank
June 1,1884. August 12,100-2.
( Successor to Bank'of Valentine. )
> : <
ii Yalentine , - - Nebraska.
! ! CAPITAL - $25.000 . A General Banking , Exchange
SURPLUS - 25.000
Uudivided Profits 4,000 and Collection Business : : : :
O. H. COKNELI , , President. M. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier. .
J. T. May , Vice President. H. L.KUHN , Ass't Cashier.
D. A. WHiPPLE , Propr ,
Valentine Headquarters at the Chicago House
Rosebud " " " Rosebud Hotel
Leave Yalentine at 8 o'clock every morning ,
Sundays excepted.
Arrive at Eosebud at 2 o'clock p. in.
Leave Eosebud at 8 o'clock every morning ,
Sundays excepted.
Arrive at Yalentine at 2 o'clock p. m.
Dinner at Britt at 11 o'clock a. m.
Special attention to passengers , baggage and
express or packages.
'S ' i Leave orders at headquarters or at the Eed
Front store.
I !
: i ,
i i
With new prices , which are the lowest for
good business. My stock consists of Dry
Groods , Groceries , Shoes and 5 and 10 cent
bargains. You are invited to call and
make this your home store. Highest pric
es paid for produce. Come and get ac
2nd Building South the Bank.Crookston , Neb. $
Dr. D. W. Sumner
Hornby Building
Phone No. 173.
Tw o 4-room houses for rent.
I. M. Rice , tf
phelps' Photos next Wednesday
and Thursday.
Sprains require careful treatment.
Keep quiet and apply Chamberlain's Lin
iment freely. It "will remove the sore
ness and quickly restore the parts to a
healthy condition. For sale by Chap
man , the druggist.
Everybody who rends
magazines buys news
papers , but everybody
who reads newspapers
doesn't buy magazines.
Catch the Drift ?
Here's the medium to
reach the people of
this community.
about the excellent quality
f/ / ! of our printing. We don't IS
what the job be
care may ,
! \ve arc equipped to turn it i ?
out to year saticfaction. If $
y we can't , we'll teil you so
frankly. f
The Wise Investor.
I often buy gold bricks by mail ;
in fact , I'm always sending kale
to fakirs there , and rainbow
dealers everywhere I've blown
myself for bogus ore , and orange
groves on Greenland's shore , and
meerschaum mines and moon
light plants , ginseng and rubber
elephants. Thn fakirs got me in
their snares and sell me wind and
Belgian hares. But w'ien my
fellow townsmen talk , and ask mete
to invest in stock to help some
local enterprise , I am conserva
tive and wise. "Nay , nay , " I
cry "your boosting schemes are
merely wild and wooly dreams.
I cannot spend my-hard earned
dough to help to make this village
grow. Your schemes would yield
' but 6 per cent , which fills my soul
with discontent. I want to see
my wealth increase hand over
hand , and never cease , so I'll buy
ice in Hudson bay , and mines a
million miles away , and wireless
! stock and pickled snakes and gravel -
el pits and other fakes. " I think
my view is safe antf sane , yet
| people say I give them pain , and
[ now and then a vagrant egg
I breaks on ray bosom or ray leg ;
, and now and then a long dead cat
tcomes up and hits me on the hat.
Walt Mason in Lincoln News.
The Phelps Photo Studio is open
he first Wednesday and Thursday
of each month. IGtf
,1 ,
Health is often endangered by unsanitary cooking
utensils. Physicians have found that cancer is
caused by enamel ware chipping off and irritating
the stomach.
If you have children or invalids in the family beware
of cheap cooking utensils that crack , scale , peel off ,
tarnish and rust. Disease germs lurk in the worn
places and there is further danger of tainting the
food. Health is too .precious to take risks with it.
Be safe. Use
which are guaranteed for 15 years constant service
and will never spoil food nor endanger health.
This new ware is featherweight , beautiful , easy to
clean does not tarnish nor rust. The slight extra
cost is more than made up by long service and
absolute safety.
Look For Trade mark
on Every Piece
The Maltese cross with the words Pure Illinois
" 1892" Aluminum the original , insures that
you get the genuine. There are imitations ,
so be sure this trade mark is on every piece.
For Sale By
Front Hardware Company. .
11 ? ? IN 53 Sir
iris * (
lUilllLc § > jL-flal ) iL
Convenient Now is 8n @ggQptune time low fares
Schedules to principle Eastern Citie § , Seaside and
Mountain Resorts.
A delightful journey to Chicago is asr P.S
sured on the fast , modernly equipped S
trains of The North Western Line. i !
Eight daily trains between Crnaha |
ble Dining and Chicago , every one of them carrying 1
Car Service the latest equipment.
Double track all the way Omaha to
Chicago Electric automatic signal sys
tem provides for your safety.
The Picturesque W&y t > y Day
The Direct The Comfortable Way by Night
Route to
The Best Way at all times
the East-
'For tickets , reservations and full
particulars apply at
'picket Offices
\lCffgQ \
.The automobile that will travel eaH directions
outof Valentine without fear of being sand or
hill bound. We invite everyone to inspect this
up = to = date car.
Simple in Design and Construction
Dambly & Lay port
Auto Dealers
Valentine , Nebraska
gyfiusl' ' ' > cI # jlS3s :
i DILLiliii f
Cigars and
Soft Drink s
§ '
Every : e.should be protected in a reliable company. "
V *
Irepres- t 'ne Columbici Fire Insurance Co. of Omaha and the Com- n *
monwe.of ! : ; New York. Both of these companies are safe and sound.
For LiiI ! jurance , the Merchants Life Insurance Go. of Burlington , la. ,
put out M policy that is hard to equal by other companies. Call me up ,
Phone 92 , and I will explain the advantages these companies offer V
J. W. SHEPARD , Agent. Vt"l : t"lJ t"l
E. M. Faddis & Co
Postofllce address Valentine or Kennedy.
Some branded
? ' on left
' ; ? : . thigh
Horses branded
on Mt
or thij'h
Some Rome branded
branded on ritfh
> n left or shoulder ;
or thi h
P. H. Young.
Simeon. Nebr.
Cattle branded
as cut on left side
V * * " '
E ff 4j'TKj | - on left jaw of
' V horses ,
on Gordon Creek norfh of Simeon ,
. S. Rowley.
KenueUj , - > Aeuraska.
Same as cut on
do and hip , and . .
k'lf shoulder of iior
. on
side g' . md
aip. gH
V X on ! oit si
.Some cat- ? ?
le bra
id ( either side up ) on
left side or hip. p on left Jaw and left shoulder
of horses. j j
jQ on left hip of borsog.
on left jaw of horses
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , 3D
Horses and cattle
same aa cut ; also
CJ BE JJ on right
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A lifce al reward
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
E. M. Ten-ill , Propr.
Brownlee , Xeo.
Cattle branded as
in c.'Ct on left
side. Some
branded li T Y
on h'ft hip. Range
on North Loup
river , two mil-s
west of Urewulee
St FrajicJs Mis
sion ,
S. D.
Ottle hranrtcd
as in cut ; horses
same or .KT on
left thigh. Kajje
between S
? Vhite river ,
Albert Whipple & Sons. \ u
Eosebud Cattle branded 8.D. M
SOS on left side
OSU on rightslda
Some cattle also
have af fen neck
Some with A on
left shoulder and
some branded
with two bars
. JICTOSS hind qnar-
_ - gters. Some Texas
c.tttlB branded o > o ou left aide and somej
on left side.
Horses branded SOS on If ft hlo. Some cattl * \
branded A.W har connK-.f d on both 3id s and
left hip of horses
D. M , Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
as on cut.left side
Some on I eft hip.
Horses same on
Range Square
3T braska Land and Feeding Co.
.iortlett Richards Pres Will G Corastock. V. P
Chas 0 Jamison Sec&Treas
Cattle branded on
any part of animal ;
also the following
brand H :
i orandec
' same
Range between
Gordon on the PJJ
Kyannis on R & HT. R Tl. in Northwestern Nebr
HAKTI.PTT ItUmAUDS. Ellsworth. Nehr
Sawyer Kros.
Oasis , Nebr
0. K. Sawyer
charge of these
cattle. H rses
l onleft hoiil.
der. So
left side.
same left thigh.
Kange on Suake
Metzger Bros.
Cattle branded
apywhere on left V.
Earmark , square
crop right ear.
Horses have
same brand on
. . .
" i i a.Bia / > - < -r- * - i Bapa
Kanpe on Gordon and Snake Creeks \
A .Reword of $250 will be j aid to any person for
information leading to the arrest and final
COIiVJCIlOti of RTIV ripr tnn or T"\a u - nii.- _
J. A. "Saryaij.
Pullman. .
Cattle branded J
* M ?
Horses branded Jf
on right shfltxlder
Reasonable re
foraay Inforina
leading to the
c fry of
strayed from
> *
1 r
Dealers- Valentine
i . _ ai