Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 07, 1911, Image 5

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( i ihi * JSOUl'Il would be valuable
now. U. S. Government tests
show a windbreak of trees will
&IKJ conserve moist-
prpt'CCt crops & -
urea rod for each fool in InMght
. , " ' , ' ' 'wUin'tK. a * imihrcuk of
. ' t r * 11 : 4 * is ill protect ,
crops and conserve moisture 40
rods. Cultivate trees each week
or oftener.
We have all varieties of forest ,
shade and fruit trees , shrubbery
and nrnamen'MJs , adapted to North
Western Nebraska.
T.V. . CKAMER , Local Agent ,
Valentine , Nebr.
Boyd Nurseries and Fruit
On C. & N. W. , 3 blks. east station
/Unsvi-ctth , - Nebraska
Happiest Girl iti Lincoln.
A Lincoln , Neb. , girl writes , "I had
been ailing for some time with , chronic
constipation and stomach trouble. I Ve
gan taking Chamberlain's Stomach ; ml
Liver Tablets and in three days I wan
able to be up and got better right along.
I am the proudest girl in Lincoln to find
such a good medicine. " For sale by
Chapman , the druggist.
Loup Valley Hereford Ranch ,
Herd headed by S. G. Columbus 17
No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289
822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg
Bulls for Sale at All-Times ,
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
F. M. Walcott Oliver M. Walcoti
Walcott & Walcott
Practice before U. 8. Lund Ollice and all
Federal and State courts.
Valentine Nebraska
* _ Attorney-at-Law
Office front room , second story ,
over T. C. Hornby's store , Main
street entrance.
Valentine Nebraska
Dr. M. F. Meer ,
Rooms over Ked Front store
Valentine = Nebr ,
40 head of horses , part broken ,
two or three good milch cows , one
farm ; also two or three houses and
Crook ton , 12 Nebraska
The Chicago House
- JIM FELCH , Propr.
Call on me for rooms and
lodging- .
1 touts'
Valentine Nebraska
Right in your busiest season when yon
have the least time to spare you are most
likely to take diarrhoea and lose several
days' time , unless you have Chamber
lain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Ker"
edy at hand and take a dose on "
appearance of the disease. 7 -
Chapman , the druggist.
St. Nicholas7 Church.
Services will be held in the
Catholic church as follows :
In Nenzel on Sunday , Sept. 10th
at 9 a. m In Valentine on Sun
day Sept. 17th ; 1st Mass at 8
a. m. , 2nd Mass at 10 a. m. Ben
ediction of the Blessed Sacrament
after Mass. Instructions for the
children at 3 p. m.
We Want a Ranch.
We have clients for ranches ,
small and large. Send complete
description in your first letter.
Will you trade for east Nebraska
land or other property. Write us
today. Otto M.utz & Sons.
41819FunkeBlk. . Lincoln , Neb.
Order of Hearing on Petition for Appointment
of Administrator.
In the County & > un of Cherry County Neb
Col'NTl OK C'llr.ltltV faa
'l 0 the liolr-i aiii to all p < r ' ns inter < istjl in
he- * ire < > ' WJ li/un I' lirumt -ceHbfc l :
On tt tritnir 111 * i > ' 'tlti"n of Caiohn.1 Hiyunfc
' nvinu rh i tliv a-nimmlration ot h.iM
In ; jM
It is nurvity "nlfivil tlirti you .1 < 1 ; tll persoi S
nteifitetl in said nutter mny , and < > . appear
at tinotinr > Court to tie lieid m : tnrJ for < 'ii l
< ntv oi , ( lie lHlida\ SepteinlHT , A. D. , 1311 at
fOo'clx-k .v 111. lOithow cauae , H any tucrc tsu ,
uliy the praMof the ptrlitiouur sliould not li
cntuiod .fid tiutire uf tliu iteiuleiscy ot said
petition ? uia tiirit th - iiuunn IDereofbuKiveii to
: i > l persons JnU-re.sU'd in .said matter hy pntdish-
ing a cnj y [ this tinier in ttift Valeiitnie Demo
crat A wf'-Klj n w.spiptr printed in said county ,
forl : .successive wee Us pnor to bald day ol
\vitn" s niy band and t1 e seal of said
SKAT , courttbib h dav ot Anj , ' . \ . 1) . lll. ! )
3.J : J Coimty
. ' "Wa.cott & Wai ort Axlorneys.
Notice of Sale under Chattel Mortgage.
Notice Ls hereby given that by virtue of n
cluilli'l mortgage d.ited on the JJrd day of
April , A. D. it'll , and duly Hied in. the olllce
ot tne County Olerlcot Cherry County , Ne
braska , on the ard day of Aril ] and executed
by K\ert While to Jeorge > F. Tracy , to .se
cure the payment of the sum 01 $ 'J.CO ) , due
October jht , l'.tUand the nece.-.sary
of taking , caring for and selling the proper
ty described in the t > ai < l inortgsigevnlcli up
to the" time ot thi- notice li < $ ( JUm ,
tlie saitl debt being evidenced
by a promissory note ot even date , ami
the.siiul mortgagee ieeling ; : nl having reas
on to leel uiisaii-and insecure , therelore tlie
bald i/eorge M. TIMC.V a.s mortgagee ,
will sell the properly herein described viz :
Oirc roan gelding , heven years old , branded
H on right shoulder , weight aboutN'/Opound.s.
One bay gelding , bald faced , white leet be
hind , \\elght about JVI pounds. One bay
mare hi.ears . old , right hip down , no
brands , \\eigiit about HIM ) pounds. One com
plete ell drilling machine , of the Nichol.s
'lypeaid machine having beeu purcha.sed
from the .said George , M. Tracy ; at public
auction \alenline , Cherry County , Ne
braska , an the UJtli day of September A. D.
lull , at I o'clock p. in. of said day.
Dated August 10th , lull.
George M. Tracy , Mortgagee.
By 0. A. Ruby lut attorney. : : ;
Registered Hereford Bulls for
sale at all times of the .year.
Simeon - Nebraska
Tubular Wells and Windmills
Call me up by phone
A Medicine that Docs Not Cost Anything Un
less It Satisfies.
The active medicinal ingredients
of Eexall Orderlies , which is odor
less , tasteless and colorless , is an
entirely new discovery. Combined
with other extremely valuable in
gredients , it forms a perfect bowel
regulator , intestinal invigorator and
stiengthener. Eexall Orderlies ara
eaten like candy , and are notable
for their agreeableness to the palate
and gentleness of action. They do
not cause griping or any disagree
able effect or inconvenience.
Unlike other preparations for a
like purpose , they do not create a
habit but instead they overcome the
cause of habit acquired through the
use of ordinary laxa'tives , cathartics
and harsh physic , and permanently
remove the caube of constipation or
irregular bowel action.
We will refund your money with
out argument if they do not do as
we say they will. Three sizes , 50c ,
25c. and lOc. Sold only at our
store The Eexall Store. G. A.
The most complete stock of lum
ber in Cherry county at Ludwig
Lumber Co. 3i
A Pure Alizmimnn
Try one and see how you can
cook v.h. .iut scorching or burning
food. It is light in weight and looks
like silver. It doesn't tarnish. No
enamel to chip off into the food.
Cooks in one-fourth of the time
ordinarily required.
The genuine " 1892" Pure Alumi
num can always be told by the
Maltese Cross. Every piece guar
anteed or your money back.
Be sure and buy one from your dealer
today. for Saj3 by
Red Front HdWe. Co.
Too P/iuch Papa.
, This bit of humor and jjathoH is from
( be Ilawailaii Star : "An amusing in
cident is related of a young service
matron wbo bad relinquished her hus-
, baud for two years and vrbo , having
before his departure insisted on a good
photograph , applied herself assiduous
ly to the upbringing of her two-year-
old baby with a view to the child's fa
miliarity with her distant father. Each
day she would call the baby girl to
her and. kneeling beside her , would
hold up the photograph , pointing out
each feature to the child.
"One day the officer came home , and
the baby girl , then four years old , was
summoned. 'Come dear , ' said her
mother in glee , 'papa has come home
at last ! ' The child surveyed the offi
cer in perplexity and Gnally shook her
"What is the matter , dear ? ' asked
her mother. 'Well , ' replied the child ,
he looks something like my papa , but
my papa hasn't any legs ! ' "
Humor of the Barometer.
It was a beautiful barometer. It
glistened from its splendid wooden
case with a spick and spannass that
boasted of its newness. Its rich frame
work clearly advertised the large price
that had been paid for it. Its owner
was justly proud. But it possessed one
drawback it wouldn't work. Ever
since it had been purchased it had re
mained at "set fair" whatever the
weather had happened to be. And the
weather had happened to be particular
ly wet. At last its owner grew weary
of its external beauty and exasperated
over its internal stupidity. One day
when the rain was pouring extra hard
he tore the weather indicator from the
wall and took it out into the road.
For a moment the needle hesitated.
Then as the raindrops began to dim
the glass it made up its mind and
moved slowly round to "very dry. "
London Answers.
An Innocent Victim.
General F. D. Grant , at a dinner at
"West Point , once analyzed the mili
tary genius of Washington.
"Washington. " he said , "gave us our
independence by campaigning fault
lessly. He never made mistakes.
There have been more brilliant sol
diers than Washington , but there has
never been so sure a one. In warfare ,
you must know , the smallest mistake
may lose u whole battle , a whole cam
paign , a whole cause. And that re
minds me of poor Tom White.
"Torn White failed in business ow
ing to the mistake of one single letter
made by his stenographer. Tom's pa
tron in business was a deaf million
aire who was very touchy about bis
deafness. This millionaire turned
from a good friend to a bitter enemy-
he foreclosed on Tom because the nu-
bappy fellow's stenographer accidentally -
tally began a letter to him 'Deaf Sir. ' "
A Gilded Gown.
During the reign of King George L
Lord Hervey. a cultured man , gave this
description of the fine dress of a dis
tinguished woman :
"The Duchess of Queensberry's
clothes pleased me most. They were
white satin embroidered , the bottom
of the petticoat brown hills , covered
with all sorts of weeds , and every
breadth had an old stump of a tree
than ran up almost to the top of the
petticoat , broken and ragged and
worked with brown chenille , round
which twined nasturtiums , ivy , honey
suckles , periwinkles , convolvuluses and
all sorts of twining vines , which spread
and covered the petticoat. Many of
the leaves were finished in gold , and
part of the stumps of the trees looked
like the gilding of the sun. "
Grown Cautious.
Chatty Lodger ( to landlord ) You'
seem to have seen a good deal. What
are you ? Landlord Well , sir , 1 were
a lion tamer , and I'd be there now if
I 'adn't a-married ; but. you see , my
wife were a knife thrower in the same
show , and she got to practicing her
turn on me. Well , thinks 1 , life ain't
too long to run no risks , so I took on
a safe job and become a steeplejack.
London Punch.
A Word to Bo Avoidsd.
Wife W ell , did you find out what it
was I said that offended Mrs. Young-
bride ? Hub Yes. her husband told
me. It seems that you remarked. "I
see you'ro installed in your new home , "
and as they've furnished on the in
stallment plan she thought you were
trying to be funny at their expense.
Boston Transcript.
Quite a Help.
"Is your boy Josh much of a help to
you ? "
"Yes , " replied Farmer Corntossel.
"He is making a collection of insects.
Of course he don't catch as many as
he could if he wouldn't stop to label
'em , but. then , you know , every little
helps. " Washington Star.
"What is an anecdote , pa ? "
"An anecdote , my son , is a shsrt
and funny tale which at once reminds
the other fellow of a tale which Is
neither short nor funny. " Puck.
A Choice of Words.
"You sold me that horse as free
from faults : Why , it's blind. "
"Blind ? Well , that's not a fauU ;
that's a cruel misfortune. " "
He Heard Her. * '
"My daughter's piano lessons have
been a great expense to me. " |
"That so ? Did some neighbor sue
you ? "
If you live by nature you Trill never i
be poor : if by opinion , never rich. '
Epicurus. j
Old Crow , All Leading
Hermitage Brands
/ "gSSi@t P
and Bottled
* N 83 §
Gruclien- Under fchc
heimer % Supervision *
Rye of the ,
. .
* fJw&6K&tif&Kit.i *
Whiskeys. U. S. Gov.
AW * fOso handle the Budweiser Beer.
writes Mrs. L. R. Barker ,
of Bud , Ky. , "and can do
all my housework. For
years I suffered with such
pains , I could scarcely
stand on my feet. After
three different doctors had
failed to help me , I gave
Cardui a trial. Now , I feel
like a new woman. "
M ri
The Wosnan's Tonic
A woman's health degi
pends so much upon her
delicate organs , that the |
least trouble there affects
her whole system. It is
the little things that count ,
in a woman's life and j
health. If you suffer from |
any of the aches and
pains , due to womanly
| weakness , take Cardui at
once , and avoid more seri
ous troubles. We urge
you to try it. Begin today.
The easiest
way t
A hyaicnic cleanser , safes ! io use about
iKc hcusc because il is a mechanical ana
nol a chemical cleanser. It does all the
cleaning ihrougnoul ihc house in ihe
kitchen , parlor , bedrooms , bathroom , etc. .
and ihc barn and dairy , and docs il so
much easier , quicker and belter than old-
lashloncd soap , soap powder , scouring brick
and meial polish that no housewife can aJ-
iord to be without it ,
Many other uses and
Full Directions on
Never leave home on a jonrnevria
out a "bottle of Chamberlain's CohV
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It it
almost certain to be needed and cannot
bo obtained \vhen on board the cars or
steamships. For sale by Chapman , the
ryvwvwv/j j
Fischer's Hardware carries a full line of
Sporting Goods , including the best lines
of guns and ammunition.
Fischer's Hardware.
Before buying an auto it will pay you to see the INTERNATIONAL / '
No Hill too Steepj no Sand too Deep
Sold by T % ? 4 TiT T 1
- L ) , IVicLeod
Guaranteed by International Harvester Company
AM kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes
Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot.
Valentine , PHONE 72 Nebraska
References : My Many Cusf/vners.
Solid-breech , Hammerless , Safe
For ease of action the
Pump Gun
Its short leverage enables shooter to"double"at trap
or blind without "kinking" "cramping" .
Not a second lost when seconds count.
Five shots at the shooter's command.
The only bottom-ejecting pump gun.
Solid Breech , Hammerless , Safe !
perfect shoot
ing combination.
Send for Descriptive Folder
299 Broadway , New York City
y - \ / ' v jw - - -
' - ' - ' ' ifc
- , . y
p jj r- \ „
, -To OCT. 7 ,