Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 07, 1911, Image 1

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Volume 26 , No. 35 VALENTINE , NEBR. , THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 7 , 1911. § 1.50 per year.
Boys Suits for School Wear
The near approach of school time causes
mothers to plan the boys school outfit.
Tour hey can be fitted in good practical
serviceable clothes in the neatest patterns
if you will brjng him to the Corner Store.
Boys Knickerbocker Suits and combina
tion suits with'extra trousers , very well
made , excellent patterns and all sizes.
Prices $2.50 to $6.00
If you are not a customer
of the Bed Front Mercan
tile Co. , they would appre
ciate your becoming one.
' In their Grocery Depart
ment you will find the best
grades , of canned fruits ,
vegetables , smoked meats ,
lards , syrups , and break
fast foods.
Phones 5 and 75
: c
Yes , we've got itf if not we'll ' get it
Orders taken for all music.
Big Reductions on
Summer Millinery
Bakery Goods Confectionery
Ice Cream an < J Soda Water
Cigars and Tobacco
Lunches and Meals
7iy. .
Correspondents from all parts of Cherry County.
There's a treat in reserve for Democrat writers.
Send for stationery. Do it now !
Address , The Democrat , Valentine , Nebraska.
Charles Edwards , a retired sales
man , is the new clerk at the Don-
J. II. Wilson and Wm. Bour-
deaux were dowo from Kiljrore
Miss Phoebe Jacobs of Rush-
villc visited in Valentine several
days the past week.
James Hudson was here Satur
day with a bunch of cattle which
h \ sold on the local market.
L. W. Lennox , O. A. Schlueter
and W. R. Churchill of Wood
Lake were here on business Mon
C. E. Magness of Clearwater
was here the first of the week buy
ing hogs , He shipped a carload
Monday night.
Miss Josephine Bruder of At
kinson came to Valentine Sunday
evening for a visit with her sister ,
Mrs. Fred Grace.
Wm. Bordeaux went to Deadwood -
wood Tuesday night having been
subpoenaed as a witness before
the federal court.
May and Everett Goodrich , Alta
and Lottie Jones came down from
Cody , Sunday night and started to
school on Monday.
Bart Grace and family and Mrs.
Carpenter of Long Pine visited
the former's parents , Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene Grace over Sunday.
A. M. Morrissey came u > from '
Lincoln Friday night and will re
main until after the preliminary
trial of Eunice Murphy.
O. O. Newman and family of
Dorsey , Nebr. , have been visiting
with Mrs. Newman's father W.
H. Hooper for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Ransbottom , who
came to attend the Cramer golden
wedding , returned to their hpme
in Deleware , Okla. , Monday morn/
Pearl McXeill returned to Valentine -
entine last week. Mias McNeill
had spent several weeks' at the
S. H. Kimmel home on the reser
A , J. Wallingford who resides
near Lake postoffice came to town
Tuesday with a dozen nice Early
Ohio potatoes and has placed them
with the exhibits at the corn show.
Pat Phemerling was very sick
Monday. It is thought he was
poisoned from eating canned her
ring. Max Viertel and Dr. Van-
deii came down from Crookston
Monday to see Mr. Paemerling.
John Slonecker and family returned -
turned Sunday. Mr. Slonecker
has been putting up hay on his
place north of Ainsf.vorth. The
hay .yield on his place this year is
greater last an.cj corn is ex-
The Dawes eounty fair will be
held at Chadron on Sept. , 13-15.
Aeroplane flights , horse races and
broncho riding , besides the Sav-
Uge Carnival Co. , which is now
running in connection with the
Fraternal Picnic.
C. H. Cornell and party returned
horae Sunday evening , having
been over the route for the pro
posed electric line. Mr. Cornell
says everything is progressing
nicely. ' He will go to "Naper ,
Nebr. , to attend a meeting of the
business men on Saturday.
.The Citizens' meat market was ,
entered Sunday bv , a sn.eaj * thief
an.ct | \ \ § cash register robbed of
several dollars. The robbery oc-
eured bet.veen 10:30 : a. m. and 3
p. m. The back door was left un
locked and at 3 o'clock Mr. tet-
ter foand it standing open but the
theft was not discovered until ]
Monday morning.
Land Office Notes.
In the contest of John R. Rod-
m n vs. Margaret A. Siders ,
whose homestead lies southwest of
Johnstown in Cherry county , the
decision of the local office is in fa
vor of the entry woman. '
In the contest of Ernest Bussin-
ger vs. Eleanor E. Overholt , in
volving a homestead in Rock coun
ty'the decision of the local office
. 3 . ,
is against the'entrywoman.
In the contest of Amos Gudgel
v.s. Ann M. Day , widow of Lewis
If. Day , the general land office
sustains the decision of the local
olice in favor of the widow.
In the case of the United States
vs. Lizzie F3. Sherbins , involving
Mrs. Sherbin's original entry near
Brov/nlee , the general land office
sustains the decision of the local
office in favor of the entry woman ,
but requires further evidence in
her final proof.
By a recent ruling of the sec
retary of the interior , the con
structive residence which has here
tofore been allowed to entry man
who established and maintained a
residence on their claims within
six months from date of entry ,
has been abolished. Heretofore
it has always been the rule that
when the entryman established
Vesidence on his claim within six
months from date of entry , he was
allowed credit , when making
proof I , for the entire six months.
In all final proofs taken on and
after Dec. 1 , 1911 , this credit will
not be given , but five years of ac
tual and continuous residence will
berequired in every case. This
constructive residence was abolish
ed in the case of cash proofs some
time ago , and now the. same rule
will apply to five-year proofs. In
this connection it should be re
membered that all who are absent
under the present leave of absence
act until April 15 , 1912 , must
make up the time they are absent
before offering final proof. Thus
all who are absent under the War
ren act are delaying their final
proof just that much longer.
The Phelps Photo Studio is open
the * first Wednesday and Thursday
of each month. 16tf
Fischers Hardware Co. , have a
very neat display of Remington
Arms and U. M. C. goods. Stop
and examine it as you pass by.
For Sale One 2-seated car
riage , one 1-horse buggy. Will
sell at about half price. Both in
good condition. Pete DeCory.
Furnished rooms to rent by day
or week. Hot and cold water
baths j included. Valentine llouso ,
John D. Eaton , Propr , 82tf
Ducks and prairie chickens are
now ready for you. Are you
ready for them ? The best line of
guns and ammunition at Fischers'
Hardware. 34
For Sale : From 1 to 40 head of
horses ; from 1 to of land , close
to town : Residence and lot.
H. H. Wakefield , Crookston ,
Nebraska. 13
See us before buying wagons or
buggies. Ludwig Lumber Co. 34
Dr. Barnes , the eyesight special
ist of Omaha , will be at the Dono-
her hotel at Valentine , Tuesday ,
Sept. 19. Remember that Dr.
Barnes has been over this road for
some ten or twelve years. Every
patient has always had. a year for
refitting without extra charge. No
charge whatever is made for ex
amination. Don't forget the date.
If you have trouble with head or
eyes , call and see Dr. Barnes. 35-2
For Sale.
A 960 acre tract of land ; 400
acres in timber. Ranch and farm
land. Six miles southwest of Valentine -
entine- Reasonable price and :
time. Rene Canet , Valentine , ' a
Nebr. 35-t i
for a Tailor Made ( Suit or Over
coat for fall or winter ?
If so , come in and inspect our
large line of all-wool samples.
None better made for the money.
We guarantee every garment to
fit perfect or no sale.
We have a large stock of cloth
ing on hand we can fit you in
most any size.
hen in need of shoes
give us a trial.
Clothes of Quality For All Mankind
Phone 145.
7fgx jgxI > ? X ! < * Jx ? : g >
McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs. $
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars
Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : j
Old Crow , Sherwood ,
Hermitage , Gu chenheimer ,
Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook ,
Spring Hill , and 29/'yearxold
andjas. E , Pepper , O , F , C. Taylor ,
These whiskies were purchased in bond
and came direct from the U. S. gov
ernment warehouse. They are guar
anteed pure and unadulterated. Un-
for family and medical use.
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported S
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout |
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budwciser Beer , fc
Valentine Nebraska
; >
When in need of anything
AY F V 1 F R T F I'
r\ sd. . V 1 El R I Li L.
Crookston - Nebraska
Stetter & Tobien , Props.
All Kinds of Fresh
. ySrte &m
t rv T. r " "
and Fait Meats. . . . * & .
Will buy your Cattle , Hogs ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules and
anything1 you have to sell.