Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 31, 1911, Image 4

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GEORGE M. GASKILL , Editor and Manager.
A Weekly Newspaper published every Thurs
day at Valentine , Nebras.
Subscription - § 1.50 Per Year
Local Notices , 5c per line per issup
1 Entered at the Postofflce at Valeniine , Neb. ,
for transmission throupli the.mails , as second
class matter.
Thursday , August 13 , 1911.
Continued from First Page.
for three .years. There is ; no as
sertion in the requisition papers
that one of the men who killed
Sellers was also a lover of the
Murphy woman.
The arrest and binding over of
the accused men is related in the
affidavit of County Attorney Tuck
er. He states further thatMiss
Murphy fled from the state July
15 , and he believes she is at or
near Kansas City , Mo. The basis
of this belief was the fact that an
attorney named Kelly of Indepen
dence , Mo. , who was employed by
the defendants in the murder case ,
said Eunice Murphy was at bis
home and that he did not want the
sheriff to arrest her , but if a war
rant were sworn out for her ar
rest , he would have her at the
trial in Cherry county.
Sheriff C. A. Eosseter of Cherry
county , was named in the requisi
tion papers as the agent of the
state of Nebraska authorized to
bring the woman back to Cherry
countv. In the meantime the oth
ers charged with the murder are
in the Cherry county jail awaiting
History of the Crime. ,
According to the affidavit of
County Attorney Tucker , filed
with the governor , Charles Perry
Sellers was a young man who
lived at Cody and was engaged in
the ranch business. Eunice Mur
phy lived in the same neighbor
hood and for three years the two
had been keeping company with
each other. Sellers had two lifo
insurance policies , one for § 5,000
and another for § 2.000 and had
considerable personal pro per fey.
The Murphy woman knew of this
property and life insurance poli
cies and the county attorney says
she thought she would receive this
property on Sellers' death.
Miss Murphy for years had
been staying at the home of her
aunt , Mrs. Heath. Her brother ,
Kenneth Murphy , and her cousin ,
Harry Heath , lived at the same
The affidavit of the county at
torney states that on June 18 , at
the home of Mrs. Heath , Kenneth
Murphy , George Breed , Alma
Weed and Harry Heath con versed
with Miss Murphy in private one
hour and after the conversation
Kenneth Murphy , George B.
Weed , Alma Weed and Harry
Heath left and went to the home
of Hutch Jack , two and one-half
miles from where Mrs. Heath
lives. At the Jack place there
were Hutch Jack and Charles P.
Sellers , the latter having made
his home there for some time.
Sellers Awakened at Night
Jack and Sellers retired to sleep
at 9 o'clock that night and were
awakened later by a knock on the
door by George B. Weed. Jack
knew Weed and invited him into
the house.V eed had said he was
making a social call. Weed allied
Sellers , who was in bed in an
adjoining room , to get up and
come into the room where Jack
and Weed were , but Sellers ex
cused himself by saying he was
not feeling well. Fifteen minutes
later Kenneth Murphy , Harry
Heath and Alma Weed came to
the Jack home. They were
armed and they covered Jack , and
commanded him to remain in the
room where he was. George
Weed told Sellers to get up.
11 We are after you , " he said , ac
cording to the affidavit of the
county attorney. Sellers arose
and Harry Heath threw a rope
around his neck and pulled it
tight and George Weed , Harry
Heath , Kenneth Murphy and Al-
ma Weed dragged Sellers out of
the house to a telephone pole near
by and hanged him.
Found Body Strung up.
Jack found the body after the
men had gone and he tried to
alarm Ihe neighborhood by tele
phone , but found the wires cut
and his horse turned loose. He
was compelled to wait till morn
ing. Then the body was taken
down and an inquest held.
The county attorney states that
prior to the hanging there were
at Mrs. Heath's home , Eunice
Murphy , Mrs. Heath , llosa Heath ,
Nellie Heath Albert Colvin ,
James Cass , and William Eugene
McGee. McGee fold the county
attorney that after the party left
the Heath home , Eunice Murphy
told him that her brother , the two
Weeds and Harry Heath had gone
over to string up Charley Sellers.
McGee was awake at midnight
when Heath and Murphy returned
home and he says he heard Heath
' ' ' "
say 'It's done.
"What's done ? " asked Mrs.
"We strung up Charley Sellers , "
replied Heath.
"Something had to be done , "
said Miss Murphy , accordidg to
the statement of McGee , meaning ,
according to the county attorney ,
that Sellers had to be killed.
The young woman and her
brother and Harry Heath left im
mediately in a buggy for Cody ,
twenty miles distant , arriving
there in the morning of June 19 ,
the day after the killing. They
went to the home of William Dun-
bar , whom they told what had
The county attorney visited the
Dunbar home and talked with Mr.
and Mrs. Dnnbar. He states that
Dunbar told him that Eunice Mur
phy said that she wanted to go
along with the boys to hang Sel
lers and help pull on the rope , but
they would not let her , and that
she said she was to blame for the
hanging. She told the Dunbars
that Sellers left some papers in
the bank at Cody which would beef
of value to her after his death.
H. B. Skeen , cashier of the
bank in question , told the county
attorney that Miss Murphy came
to his bank June 19 , and asked if
Sellers had left any papers in the
bank. She wanted to get them
and is alleged to have said to
Skeen : "Now that we have kinder
got this thing started , I want to
get those papers that Charley Sel
lers left here. "
Girl Said She was to Blame.
Mrs. Banigan of Cody , a woman
to whom Miss Miss Murphy talked
was also visited by the county at
torney. She said Eunice told her
she was to blame for the killing
and that Eunice said to her broth
er who reproached her for being
the cause of his arrest , "that they
would soon have plenty of money
to defend this thing with , " and
that this statement was made be
fore she interviewed Cashier
Before the-men were arrested
for murder , according to the coun
ty attorney , they gave themselves
over to great hilarity over the
death of Sellers. He states that
the defendants have employed an
attorney named Kelly of Indepen
dence , Mo. , and that Kelly asked
the sheriff of Cherry county not
to arrest Eunice Murphy and fur
ther stated that if a warrant were
issued for her arrest , he would
llave her at the trial and that she
was dowh at his home in Missouri
at that time.
Eunice Murphy and M. V. Kel
ly of Independence , Mo. , returned
to Valentine Tuesday night. Miss
Murphy was placed under arrest
Wednesday by Sheriff Kosseter ,
charged with inciting the murder
of Charles P. Sellers.
M. V. Kelly who is one of the
attorneys for the defense is a cous
in to George and Alma Weed , two
of the men under arrest.
Before going to an Omaha hos
pital for an operation , it is alleg
ed , Sellers told Miss Murphy that
his will and insurance were made
out to Her. After his deathjt was
found that the insurance and per-
sonal property was bequeathed to
his brother.
Miss Murphy refused to talk to
press representatives this morn
ing. The preliminary trial is set
for Septemb c 9. After the
hearing she will be taken to the
Sheridan county jail at Kushville
where quarters are provided for
women prisoners. .
Reduced rates on all the rail
roads can be had this coming
week to go to the State Fair at
Lincoln and see the greatest field
of horses ever gathered together
in the West in six races each
day , four aeroplane flights in two
Wright Bros- , Biplanes , handled
by two aviators. The great Li-
berati Band and Grand Opera
Company. The Ferranti Royal
Italian Guards Band , with state
bands from Wilber , Fairbury and
Hebron. The Great Patterson
Carnival Company , Rollo the
Limit in death defying act , thu
Cretos trick house , Eirly & Linden -
don , bar artists , the Wertz family ,
aerial wonders , Zolean the con
tortionist , the high school horse
and Patterson elephants. The
night entertainments consist of
conderts by the bands , running ,
hippodrome and Roman chariot
races , all the vaudeville numbers
and a stupenous display of fire
works followed by an act from
one of the popular Italian operas
by the Liberati Grand Opera
Concert company , This is a good
20 ring circus show , let us all go.
Admission will be through cash
turnstiles which take a 50 cent
piece to unlock so we shall have a
new experience in going to a show
where we do not have to purchase
a ticket. If we want to camp all
week we can get a tent from § 2.50
up. This is a good time and place
to go , where something is going
on all the time and of such educa
tional valuecausing added incen
tive for better produce and live
stock that it is the one meeting in
the state which is really beneficial
to entire communities.
Posts and poles in - all sizes a
Lud wig Lumber Co. 3i
We have been asked to intimate
in connection with the forthcoming
Carnival , that the day particularly-
set apart for featuring the agricul
tural interests of the district is Fri
day September the 8th. On the
morning of that day the judging of
tlie produ3e on exhibit will he made ,
and at 2 p. m. a meeting will be
held in the spacious tent loaned for
the occasion by the Savidge Amuse
ment Co. , where the names of the
successful exhibitors will be an
nounced , a vocal and instrumental
program provided , and aa interest
ing talk on local agricultural topics
given by Superintendent Cowan of
the Valentine Experimental Sta
Mr. Cowan will discuss local
farming conditions , practise , pros
pects and possibilities in a popular
and entertaining manner , and it is
hoped that as many as can possibly
do so will make a point of Leing
It should not be forgotten by in
tending exhibitors that , though the
judging does not take place till the
8th , those in charge of the show
expect all exhibits to be in place on
the 6th ot September.
You have a silent partner when
you have money at interest. It
does more than your friends can
do , for it works for you day and
night all the year round. Deposit
your money in the Valentine State
Bank. 33
The committee in charge of tte
Fraternal Picnic , Corn Show , and
Farmer's institute offer a prize of
§ 10.00 cash to any young lady 'n
Cherry county Felling the greatest
number of tickets at 75c each ,
good for 4 days admittance to the
Minnechacluza park Sept. 6-9. Tick
ets can be had at the office of D.
McLeod , Sec. Contest closes Sept.
5th at 4 p. m. Those residing fit
a distance should mail to the sec
retary the number sold by them
not later than Sept. 5th at 4 p. m.
D. McLeod ,
H. Layporfc ,
L. L. Bivens ,
J. C. Quigley ,
Wni. Sh jpard.
That's what
it surely is !
Your dreamy , pleasing
satisfaction of a good
smoke is greatest when
you Lave the right kind
' of a cigar. the sort
youjjkf All brands are
3 * carried at this store. We
have your favorite moist well kept just ready to light up
and enjoy. Call in and try one.
of the services of a bank ? That they are confined to
protecting and safeguarding the surplus money of
depositors from burgulars and from loss by fire , in
keeping this surplus so that the depositor can have
it to use at any time he wants it and in loaning
money to customers when they need it ? These ad
vantages are very material. . They offer good and
sufficient reason for keeping your money in a bank
but if they cover your conception of the ENTIRE use
fulness of this bank , the essential advantages we of
fer to our patrons we shall be pleased to have you
come in and let us explain to you some of the other ,
advantages which accrue to the man who makes use
of our check account plan for the protection and
care of his income.
Deposits in this bunk nre- protected by the Depositor's
, Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska.
J *
Sellin Out
We desire to announce that we are not clos
ing out , but are still selling the very best goods
at reasonable prices.
Our line of John Deere Implements , Yelie.
Buggies , Moline and Davenport Eoller Bearing'
Wagons and Samson Windmills is complete
and priced right.
We also have a large stock of lumber , lime ,
Wall Plaster , Cement , Brick , Sash , Doors , etc.
Is it not good policy to patronize a firm who
expects to continue in business and intends to
handle the same line * . of goods for years to come.
We never advertise so-called bargains
because we have always had our goods priced
A. E. Morris. W. W. Morrissey. Dr. C. W. JSToyes.
Go to the
Stock Exchange Saloon
Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr.
z . * < 'i * . y * f
New stock just unpacked.
Mostly small shapes this
season in many beautiful
colors Cinnamon Brown ,
Sax Blue , Grey , Black and
White , the latter predom
inating. Come and inspect ' - ,
Johnson's Millinery.
20 per cent on Clothing 15 per cent on Shoes /
Don't miss this opportunity to get high grade
goods at this discount.
Free Lemonade during the Fraternal Picnic at
" Shoots .22 short , .22 long and
.22 long rifle cartridges ,
without adjustment.
Solid Breech , Hammei'ess ' , Safe !
Built by the same expert gunsmiths as the
Remington-UMC big game rifles. -2
If you want to shoot your best , shoot Reming
ton-UMC Lesmok .22s. Their accuracy
enabled Arthur Hubalek to break the World's
Record in 100 consecutive shots , scoring 2,484
out of a possible 2,500.
-the perfect shooting
, ' combination.
Remington Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co.
299 Broadway. New York City