Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 24, 1911, Image 5

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on the SOUTH would be valuable
now. U. S. Government tests
show a windbreak of trees will
protect crops and conserve moist
ure a rod for each foot in height
of the windbreak , a windbreak of
trees 40 feet high will protect
crops and conserve moisture 40
rods. Cultivate trees each week
or oftener.
We have all varieties of forest ,
shade and fruit trees , shrubbery
and ornamentals , adapted to North
Western Nebraska.
T. W. CRAMER , Local Agent ,
Valentine , Nebr.
Boyd Nurseries and Fruit
On C. & N. W. , 3 blks. east station
Ainswcrth , - Nebraska
Loup Valley Hereford Ranch ,
Herd headed by S. C. Columbus 17
No : 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289
822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg
Bulls for Sale at All Times ,
H. Stratton
\ Dealer in
General Merchandise
* VHONE 125
cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
Oflice front room , second story ,
over T. C. Hornby's store , Main
street entrance.
Valentine Nebraska
Dn'M. F. Meer ,
Rooms over Red Front store
Valentine _ - Nebr ,
-i F *
40 head of horses , part broken ,
two or three good milch cows , one
farm ; also two or three houses and
Crookston , 12 Nebraska
> „ .
The Chicago House
JIM FELCH , Propr.
Call on me for rooms and
Valentine Nebraska
Happiest Girl in Lincoln.
A Lincoln , Neb. , girl writes , { ( I had
been ailing for some time with chronic
constipation and stomach trouble. I be
gan talcing Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets and in three days I was
able to be np and got better right along.
I am the proudest girl in Lincoln to find
such a good medicine. " For sale by
Chapman , the druggist.
Sheriff's Sale.
Bv virtue of nn execution Issued by the
clerk of the district court of Cherry County ,
Nebrnskn , July 1 , mil under an execution
wherein Tlllle Hippie Is judgement creditor
nnd Fnink Hippie is judgement debtor , I
will M.'Hat the front door of the court house
In Valentine , Cherry County , Nebraska ,
that being the building wherein the last
term of said court was held , on the 21th day
of August 1S > 11 at 10 o'clock a. in. to satisfy
Judgement of J1281.2S and interest at 10 per
cent from date of judgement May 17th. r.HO ,
nnd costs taxed at Ji'S/Jn and accruing costs ,
nt public auction , to the highest bidder , for
Dated this 2."th day of July , l ! ll.
C. A. RCSSKTKK , Sheriff.
ffa'rott& Walcqtt , Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Bight in your busiest season when you
have the least time to spare jou are most
likely to take diarrhoea and lose several
days' time , unless you have Chamber-
Jain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy at hand and take a dose on the firs *
appearance of the disease. For sale b >
Chapman , the druggist.
St. Nicholas7 Church.
Services will be held in the
Catholic church as follows :
In Valentine on Sunday Sept. 3 ,
Mass at 8 a. m.
In Crookston 2nd Mass at 10 o'
clock Sep.t. 8.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to thank everyone , es
pecially the A. 0. U. W. Lodge ,
for ihcir sympathy and kindness
at the time of our greit sorrow in
the death of our daughter , Lillie.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Christensen
and family.
Harvey Hornby and Charles
Helzer started for Sioux City Sue-
day morning. They are making
the trip via the Niobrara in their
canoe and expected to reach their
destination in a week.
Word was received from the
boys Tuesday. They reached
Meadvilie Monday at 9 a. m. hav
ing had no trouble to speak of so
far. Tuesday afternoon they
reached Simpson in Key a Paha
county , having traveled 20 miles
that day. The river runs pretty
swift there but widens out farther
down. They expected to reach
Grand Rapids on Wednesday.
" We are getting along fine , with
an occasional walk on sand bars.
Ilavn't upset yet and have not
carried the canoe around anything
so far , " is the way the boys re
port the trip.
Order of Hearing on Petition for Appoi.ilmsnt
of Administrator.
In the County Court of Cherry County Nel-
'lotlie heirs sum to all persons interested in
theesaieofWilli.ini 1' Hrjant. ufciaseil :
On reading lh petition ol CaroLn i Bryant
pravmu tint the auiiiitiistratioa of s-iid estate
be Kiamed to li r-sell : is administratrix.
It is Hereby ordered thai , you a-.d ail persoi s
interested in said matter limy , and do. appear
at the County Court to be held in ami for SH- ! '
i-oimty on the llihday of September , A.D. , 1911 at
10 o'clock a in. i" show canstif any theie be ,
\\liy the prayerof the petitioner should not be
grained and that notice of tlie pendency of .said
petition and that th hearing thereof be given to
all perso'i-i interested in said matter by puolish-
mg a copy of this ord r in the Valentine Demo-
; rar \\eeklj newspaper printed in said county ,
for 3 siccessive ! weeks prior to said day 01
heai in { .
Witness my hand and the seal of said
SISAL court tins 24 h day of AUK. \ . D. 1911.
, JAMES ( ' . . ( JITIGLKY ,
33 3 County Judge.
"Walcott & Walcott Attorneys.
Notice of Sale under Chattel Mortgage.
Notice is hereby given that I > y virtue of a
chatU'l morlgagi. ' dated on the : { nl day of
April , A. D. lull , and duly tiled in the olfice
ot the ( bounty ( .Merit ot Cherry County , Ne
braska , on the J5nl day of April and executed
by Evert White to ( Jeorge M. Tracy , to se
cure the payment of the sum ofJoUX ( ) , due
October mil , and the necessary expense
of taking , earing for and selling the proper-
tv descrlbe'l in the said mortgage , which up
to the time of this noiice is $ XUX ) ,
tne said debt being evidenced
Ina promissory note ot even date , an i
tie tnlil mortgagee leeling and having reas
on to ieel tinsaie and insecure , therefore the
said tieorge M. Tracy us mortgagee ,
" in sell the property herein described viz.
O le roan gelding , seven years old , branded
ft on right shoulder , weight about SIX ) ponnd > .
One bay gelding , bald laced , white leet be
hind , weight about 150 pounds. One bay
mare six years old , right hip down , no
brands , weight about IKK ) pounds. One com
plete well drilling machine , of the Nichols
Type said machine having 1 > een purchased
from the suul George N. Tracy ; at public
auction in Valentine , Cherry County , Ne
braska , an the K.ta day of September A. D.
hill , at 1 o'clock p. in. of said day.
Dated August 10th , Hill.
George M. Tracy , Mortgagee.
By 0. A. Ruby Ins attorney. : 3
Shines like
a Mirror
When you use
and all grease and turn is quickly
removed Irom cnamcl-warc. agate-ware ,
granite-ware , etc. , by this wonderful all-
'round cleanser. While soap and soap
powder leave a sticky film to catch more
did. Old Dutch Cleanser cleans thoroughly ,
removing all discoloraiions and corrosions
without scratching or injuring the surface.
Not only cleanses but polishes. Strictly
Avoid caustics and acids.
Many other uses and
Full Directions on 1 A/ji
large ifier canl\/ *
DeLaval separators and repairs
at Ludwig Lumber Co. 31
V'-WJ : ' ' "A. ' \
$ gy fu !
The funeral of Lillie Christen1
sen was held on Tuesday. Inter
ment was in Mt. Hope cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Bahn and
daughter Anna came up from Nor
folk last Friday for a visit.
Miss E4elle Nicholson of Oma
ha came Wednrsday night for a
week's visit with home folks.
MrPand Mrs. E. Olson returned
Tuesday night from a visit of sev
eral days in Bassett and Lei g
Bertha an 1 Mary Ryschon left
edn sday night for an extended
visit with relatives in Oklahona
Alex McAlevy , candilate for
commissioner from the second dis
trict , was in town today after
ranch supplies.
The schedule of ball Barnes fcr
the Fraternal Picnic have been ar
ranged as follows : Valentine vs
Long Pine , Sept. 6 ; Cronkston vs
Spirks 7 ; Valentine vs Ainsworfch
8th and 9th.
Frank Bray ton r elurned home
from Omaha Thursday night.
Mr. Brayton has been visiting in ,
Fen du Lac , Wis. , and on the
way home stopped in Omaha for
some time.
Mr. and Mrs. David Hurley of
Perry , Okla. , came up froiii
ha Wednesday nighb for a visit
with Mrs. J. B. Giskill and other ,
relatives. Mr. Hurley is Mrs.
Gaskill's brother.
There will be no entry charges
on Cherry county produce exhibit
ed at the Fraternal Picnic. The
entry man is required to deliver
th.3 exhibit at the grounds not
liter than noon , Wednesday , Sept.
Mrs. T. C. Hornby and Mrs.
Caarles Sparks entertained in
hoior of Mrs. Spencer of Marseil
les , 111. , Friday. Twenty ladie ?
enjoyed the afternoon at the
Sparks' home. A two court e
luncheon was served.
Neb alone are the town people
realizing the beauty of the city
park as a place to spend the day
and enjoy a picnic dinner. But
some come from the farms on the
table and spread their luncheon
under the trees of this beauty
The Valentine ball team started
on a tour Sunday morning. Sun
day afternoon they defeated Wis-
ner 4-2. Grimes pitched. Mon
day afternoon they played a los
ing game with Stanton , Score 2-1.
Kirkwood pitched. Tuesday's
game if there was one , was not re
ported to local fans here. They
played at Creighton Wednesday
aid Thursday , and go to Burke
for three games ; Saturday , Sun
day and Monday. -
Word received from one of the
players says- they are in line shape
and playing fast ball. Some will
go from here to Burke Saturday
afternoon for the Sunday game.
We Want a Ranch.
We have clients for ranches ,
small anl large. Send complete
description in your first letter.
Will you trade for east Nebraska
land or other property. Write us
today. Otto Mutz & Sons.
418-19 Funke Blk. Lincoln , Neb.
Try a dish of ice cream at
Spain's restaurant.
Repairs for the Piano or Jones
mowing machines ordered on short
notice at Fischer's Hardware.
Can furnish all repairs in five
days time. . . 4
The Phelps Photo Studio is open
the first Wednesday and Thursday
in each month. 16tf
Dr. M. F. Meer has decided to
visit Wood Lake the first Monday
and Tuesday of each month to do
dental work. 19tf
Registered Hereford Bulls for
sale at all times of the year.
Simeon - Nebraska
Tubular Wells and Windmills
Call me up by phone
Before buying an auto it will pay you to see the INTERx
No Hill too Steep ; no Sand too Deep
Sold by
Guaranteed by International Harvester Company
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes /
Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot.
Valentine , PHONE 72 .Nebraska
References : My Many Customers.
Old Crow , All Leading
Hermitage Brands
and Bottled
Gruchen- Under-the '
heimer Supervision
Rye of the
r *
Whiskeys. U.S. Gov. . .
so handle the Budweiser Beer.
Entries for Exhibits will Close at Noon Wednesday , September 6.
List of Premiums to be Awarded
Agricultural Exhibits.
Best 5 ears of corn 1st § 15.00
suit , § 10.00 rneerscham pipe and j
§ 5 00 cash ; 2nd corn grader , 3rd
§ 5.00 boots.
Best one dozen heads of cane-
shave , shampoo , haircut , shine
and clothes dusted.
Best 50 heads of wheat 1st corn
grader , 2nd § 2 50 hat , 3rd one doz.
en post card pictures any variety.
Best 50 heads of oats 1st rhar-
row , 2nd § 3 50 shoes , 3rd Thg Re
publican two years.
Best 50 heads of foun
tain pen.
Best 50 heads of rye one half
dozen photos. .
All grasses for sheaf not less
than two inches in diameter.
Best sheaf of alfalfa 1st § 6.50.
oil stove , 2nd § 2.50 cash , 3rd § 1.00
Best sheaf of alssike 1st 25 Ibs.
of stock food , 2nd razor , 3rd shave ,
haircut and shampoo
Best sheaf of timothy Ist Stet-
ter ham , 2nd wrench , 3rd bread
and pastry
Smoothest and best one dozen
potatoes trio of Buff Coachins ,
2nd § 2.00 , 3rd § 1.00
Largest one dozen potatoes
4 horse evener
Best one dozen red onions 1st
tobacco pouch , 2nd 1 box of Owl
Best one dozen white onions
1st § 5.00 watch , 2nd 10 tickets to
Jewel theater.
Best one dozen tomatoes 1st
§ 5.00 boys suit , 2nd 1 box Little
Rothenburg cigars.
Best head of cabbage 1st 500
letter beads , 2nd i meals.
Best water melon 1st water set ,
2nd 50 Ibs of flour.
Best one-half dozen canta
loupes Isfc hot water bottle , 2nd
50 Ibs. of flour.
Best and largest llubbard squash
1st wash boiler , 2nd § 1.00.
Best and largest pumpkin 1st
50 Ibs. .of flour , 2nd § 1.00.
Best three egg plants 1st § 1.00 ,
2nd 50 cents.
Best three heads of celery 1st
5Q Ibs. flour , 2nd § 1.00.
Best half dozen turnip beets
1st one dozen cans of corn , 2nd
§ 1.00.
Best half dozen long beets 1st
one dozen cans of corn , 2nd § 1.00.
Best half dozen carrots 1st one
dozen cans of tomatoes , 2nd § 1.00.
Best half dozen parsnips 1st
one dozen cans of tomatoes , 2nd
§ 1.00.
Best half dozen turnips 1st
§ 1.50 , 2nd four meals. - >
Best half dozen rutabagas 1st
§ 1.50 , 2nd § 1.00.
Best half dozen cucumbers
1st § 100 , 2nd 50 cents.
Best one dozen peppers 1st
§ 1.00 , 2nd 50 cents.
Best collection of mixed vegeta
bles 1st § 5.00 bridle , 2nd § 200.
Best plate of apples , any variety
1st § 2.50 , 2nd § 1.50 , 3rd § 1.00.
Best boquet of flowers 1st
§ 5.00 lady's hat , 2nd lady's apron.
Best collection of potted plants
1st china fruit set , 2nd lady's
Best loaf of home made bread
1st 100 Ibs. of flour , 2nd § 2 3rd § 1
Ladies Department.
Best piece drawn work 1st § 1 ,
2nd 50 cents.
Best piece crochet work 1st § 1
2nd 50 cents.
Best piece knitting "work 1st
§ 1 , 2nd 50 cents.
Hardanger 1st $1 , 2nd 50c.
Mont Mel lick 1st § 1 , 2nd 50c.
Eyelet 1st $1 , 2nd 50 cents.
French Isfc § 1 , 2nd 50 cents.
Shadow 1st § 1 , 2nd 50 cents.
Honiton 1st 81 , 2nd 50 cents.
Best patchwork quilt 1st $1 ,
2nd 50 cents.
Best and largest assortment of
fancy work 1st § 1.50 , 2nd 75c.
Best collection of plain sewing
by girls under 15 years 1st § 1 ,
2nd 50 cents.
Best fancy work by girls under
13 years 1st § 1 , 2nd 50 cents.
Neatest dressed doll , dressed by
girls uader 13 years 1st § 1 , 2nd
50 cents.
All Prizes Awarded on Produce from Cherry County Produce Only.