Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 24, 1911, Image 4

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GEORGE M. GASKILL. Editor and Manager.
A Weekly Newspaper published every Tliurs
day at Valentine , Nebras.
Subscription - SI.50 Per Year
Local Notices , 5cper line per issue
Entered at the Fostofflce at Valentine , Neb. .
for transmission through * > the mails , as second
class matter.
Thursday , August 24 , 1911.
The following letter from Hon.
M. P. Kinkaid explains the pro
visions of the act whereby home
steaders can be absent from their
claims until April 15 , 1912 :
"For the advice of the public ,
especially for the cdvice of home
steaders , I write to advise you of
the provisions of the Act provid
ing for the absence of homestead
ers from their claims on account
of the drouth conditions , in con
templation that you will be pleased
to publish the same. The area
contained in all the land office dis
tricts in our 6th Congressional
District is included in the bill.
The Act provides :
" * That all persons who have
hertofore made homestead entries
in ( naming the different land office
districts in the various states cov
ered by the bill ) are hereby reliev
ed from the necessity of residence
and cultivation upon their lands
from the date of the approval of
this Act to April 15,1912 : Provid
ed , That the time of actual ab
sence during the period named
shall not be deducted from the
full time of residence required by
law. '
I regret to say , the Act requires
that the time of absence of which
an entryman avails himself will
have to be made up , the same as
if he had obtained a leave of ab
sence upon individual application
therefore under the existing stat
ute , but under this Actnoapulica-
cation for leave of absence is nec
essary. The Act is understood to
apply to all entries , whether res
idence has been commenced or
not , thus extending the time in
which residence may be commenc
ed until April 15 , 1912. "
Land Office Notes.
In the contest of Charles D. Jor
dan vs. Joseph S. Kalblinger , the
secretary of the interior has re
versed the general land office , and
holds for the claimant.
During the month of July the
local office allowed seventy-eight
homestead entries , aggregating
40,190 acres ; one hundred and
forty-eight final proofs
, aggregat
ing 68,951 acres ; twenty-five pub
lic sales , aggregating 5,229 acres.
This is the largest month's busi
ness done for many years , and is
the largest business in final proofs
which is likely to be done again in
this office. Homestead entries ,
however , bid fair to keep up the
present gait for some time.
Public land sales since the first
of the month have been :
James M. Alderman 80 acres ;
Gottlieb Mauch 120 acres in Rock
county ; James Clark 40 acres ,
Earl Weston 120 acres in Keya
Paha county ; Charles H. Djerl60
acres , Gilbert A. Gustafson 200
acres in Brown county ; John Layton -
ton 120 acres , George D. Clizbe
160 acres , Henry J. C. Fliniaux
80 acres , Edward Reiser 40 acres ,
George R. Lackey 360 acres ,
James Cristoffer 480 acres , Ch-irles
L. Kirkpatrick 440 acres , William
A. Meecham 40 acres , George I'eer
40 acres , Eva M. Walker 360 acres ,
Albert W. Patterson 280 acres ,
John H. Wray SO acres , Henry
\Veisflog 280 acres , Charles Lee
40 acres , Harold 13. Tyler 160
acres , Agnes J. Piercy 280 acres
Elmer L. Burr SO acres , Helen E.
Chaloud 440 acres , Otto A. Schleu-
ter 80 acres , Theodore HoQgs 40
acres , Bernie Tinkham 80 acres ,
William M. Glass 200 acres , Hen
ry H. Morgan 320 acres , Wm. M.
Lee 40 acres , Charles J. Kreycik
440 acres in Cherry county.
For Sale One 2-seated car-
riage , one 1-horse buggy , Will
sell at about half price. Both in
gopd condition , pete DeCory.
/ *
George Roberts of Merriman
was here on business Tuesday.
Mrs. Carter of Cody' was tran-
eacting business in Valentine Tues
Mrs. Forest Shepard who has
been seriously ill is now able to
sit up.
A horse belonging to Jake Her
man was killed by lightning last
Friday night.
T. A. Yearnshaw came up from
Neligh Tuesday night and ha
gone out to the lakes.
G. M. Tracy proprietor of the
New Store at Crookston , was tran
sacting business here Tuesday.
A daughter was born on Augusl
16 , to Mr. and Mrs. George Gil
ette of Lower Cut Meat , S. D.
M. F. Harrington special coun
sel for the state in the Seller's
murder case , was in Valentine
Tae picnic committee will give
a dance in the pavilion tonight to
raise money to meet the debts in
curred in improving the park.
Mrs. F. M. Walcott went out to
E. Stillwell's Saturday for a short
visit. Her sister Miss Noble , has
been visiting there for several
Pete DeCory purchased the
Tracewell propertv on Cherry
street last Saturday and has leased
it to Dr. 0. W. Noyes for two
John Belsky who has beeL
working on his brother's ranch
south of Wood Lake committed
suicide last Thursday by shooting
himself with a shot gun. He was
twenty years old.
Lawrence Rice who is spending
his vacation in Manhattan and
Randolph , Kansas , is having a
fine time. He will be home in
time for the Fraternal Picnic.
A fire inthe Cudahy Packing
plant at So. Omaha Sunday caused
a loss of § 200.000. The car shop ,
hog sheds and car-icing plant were
reduced to ashes.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Donald
and children leave this evening
for their home in Ridgefield Park ,
N. J. They have spent the sum
mer with Mrs. Donald's mother ,
Mrs. Davenport.
Hon. James Wilson , secretary
of Agriculture , speaks to the far
mers on Tuesday and Senator
Clapp of Minnesota is a likely
speaker for Wednesday at the
State Fair the week of Sept. 4th
to Sth.
The Ladies' Improvement So
ciety will hold a meeting at the
home of Mrs. Levi Sparks on Fri
day at 3 p. m. All women who
are interested in making Valen
tine a better town should try and
be present at this meeting.
J. C. Carson and W. M. Glass
came down from the former's
ranch at Erwin Wednesday morn
ing. Mr. Wiliotthad planned a
trip down theNiobrara to Parry
Falls but the weather was so un
pleasant an auto ride to the falls
was taken instead. The party
stopped at Mr. Herman's farm
and were shown over' the place.
The water wheel and garden were
greatly admired by the party the
melons were ripe and juicy. The.v
returned to town at 6:30 , Mr. Car
son taking the evening train for
Merriman and Mr. Glass going to
Omaha. Mr. Glass is a partner
in the firm of Lee , Glass , Andree-
son Co. , of Omaha , and has been
spending his vacation in Colorado
and at Mr. Carson's ranch.
Piano Bargain.
I have a slightly used piano in
the vicinity of Valentine. Nebr.
To save expense of boxing and
shipping , will sell very cheap for
cash or payments as low as § 5 per
month. E. M. Wallace , care of
Smith & Barnes-Piano Co , , Chicago
cage , III.
Hay is scarce. Why not buy a
McCormick corn binder ? Ludwig
Lumber Co. 31
That's what
it surely is !
Your dreamy , pleasing
satisfaction of a good
smoke is greatest when
J you have t'ne riglrfcjand
i 'of ' a cigar. the sort
iQo-JL lr you like. All brands are
ex - - . . - . n - .p r " .
O earned at this store. \ \ e
have your favorite moist well kept just ready to light up
and enjoy. Call in and try one.
To Talk With YOU
If you are- not carrying a bank account I want to
talk with you about the help a bank account will be
to you.
You and I have a mutual interest in your carry
ing an account at this bank. Naturally I want to see
you identify yourself and your financial interests
with us. You want to get ahead in the world. Reali
zing that a banking connection is an essential factor
in carrying your financial plans through to success
you are interested , vitally interested , in identifying
yourself with a strong , serviceable bank.
The amount of your present income or the amount
of your first deposit is of much less importance than
the fact of your making the right start.
Will you come in and talk this matter over with
. me ? I shall be glad to have you.
Charles Sparks , fcashser
Deposits in this bank JUT protected by the Depositor's
Guarantee Fund of the St.Tte of Nebraska.
Solid-breech , Harrimerless , Safe
For ease of action the
Pump Gun.
Its shorl leverage enables shooter to"doubIe"aMrap
or blind without "kinking" "cramping" .
Not a second lost when seconds count.
Five shots at the shooter's command.
The only bottom-ejecting pump gun.
Solid Breech , Hammerless , Safe !
PemintonrUMC \ perfect shoot
ing combination.
Send for Descriptive Folder
299 Broadway , New York City
" \7"OU can get
- * them by ad
vertising in this
paper. It reaches
the best class of
people in this
Use this paper if
you want' some
of their business.
Use This Paper
F. M. Walcott Oliver M. Walcott
Waicott & Walcott
Practice before U. S. Land OHice and all
Federal and State courts.
Valentine - - Nebraska
We will close out our sweep
rakes at cost. Ludwig Lumber
Company. 31
The Pbelps Photo Studio is open
the first Wednesday and Thursday
in each month. 16tf
McCormick mowers are the old
reliable machines Ludwig Lum
ber Co. 31
For Sale One yearling pure
bred Holstein bull. F. J. Taylor.
Harmony , JSebr. 30-3
Never leave home on a Journey with
out a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic ,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Keinedy. It is
almost certain to be needed and cannot
be obtained -when on board the cars or
steamships. For sale by Chapman , the
druggist. /
* <
elling Out
We desire to announce that we are not clos
ing out , but are still selling the very best goods
at reasonable prices.
Our line of John Deere Implements , Yelie
Buggies , Moline and Davenport Roller Bearing
Wagons and Samson Windmills is complete
and priced right.
We also have a large stock of lumber , lime ,
Wall Plaster , Cement , Brick , Sash , Doors , etc.
Is it not good policy to patronize a firm who
expects to continue in business and intends to
handle the same line of goods for years to come. ii
We never advertise so-called bargains
because we have always had our goods priced
Valentine Lumber Co.
A. E. Morris. W. W. Morrissey. Dr. C. W. ISToyes
Go to the
Stock Exchange Saloon I ,
Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr.
New stock just unpacke d.
Mostly small shapes this
season in many beautiful
3 colors Cinnamon Brown ,
. Sax Blue , Grey , Black and
White , the latter predom
inating. Come and inspect
Johnson's Millinery.
C ft
AUGUST 25-26,1911
Speaking by Prominent Men of Cherry County. Baseball , and Eaces of
Many Kinds. Dance each Night. Come and have a Good Time.
20 per cent on Clothing 15 per cent on Shoes
Don't miss this opportunity to get high grade
goods at this discount.
Free Lemonade during the Fraternal Picnic at
xv SKns _ _ :
= ; ' ! =
2 Sr ; S !