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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1911)
A Safe , Simple System The system of paying by check was devised by all men- for any man for you. It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out $10 or $10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay. by check , the method puts system in to your business and gives you a record of every transaction. VALENTINE STATE BANK VALENTINE. NEBR. A WINDBREAK on the SOUTH would be valuable now. U. S. Government tests show a windbreak of trees will protect crops and conserve moist ure a rod for each foot in height of the windbreak , a windbreak of trees 40 feet high will protect crops and conserve moisture 40 rods. Cultivate trees each week or oftener. We have all varieties of forest , shade and fruit trees , shrubbery and ornamentals , adapted to North Western Nebraska. T. W. CRAMER , Local Agent , Valentine , Nebr. Boyd Nurseries and Fruit Farm. On C. & N. W. , 3 blks. east station AInsworth , - Nebraska Loup Valley Hereford Ranch , C. H. FAULHABER * SONS , BROWNLEE , NEB Herd headed by S. C. Columbus 17 No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289 822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg Bulls for. Sale at All Times , W. H. Stratton Dealer in FLOUR & FEED General Merchandise PHONE1125 cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. C. A. RUBY Law Attorney-at- Office front room , second story , over T. C. Hornby's store , Main street entrance. Valentine Nebraska Dr. M. F. Meer , DENTIST Rooms over Red Front store Valentine = Nebr , FOR SALE 40 head of horses , part broken , two or three good milch cows , one farm ; also two or three houses and lots. H. H. WAKEFIFLD , HEAL ESTATE DEALER , Crookston , 12 Nebraska The Chicago House JIM FELCH , Propr. Call on me for rooms and lodging. Valentine Nebraska Sheriff's Sale. Bv virtue of MM execution issued by the clerk of the district court of Cherry County , Nebraska.July 1 , l ll under MH execution wherein Tlllie Hippie is judgement creditor mid Frank Hippie is judgement debtor , I will sell nt the front door of the court house In Valentine , Cherry County , Nebraska , that being the building wherein the last term of said court was held , on the 2-lth day of August lull at 10 o'clock a. in. to satisfy judgement of $ I2K4.2S and interest at 10 pet- con ! from date of judgement Ma } ' 17th , 1U ! , and costs taxed at ) . > Miul accruing costs , at public auction , to the highest bidder , lor . . , . . . . * ' fr3J 1C7 1 4 Jv * ' * ! * * 4 - 3- - Sec. 1 , Tp. 85 , K. 00 , in Cherry County , Nebraska. Dated this 23th dny of July , 1011. G. A. ROSSETKK , Sheriff. 'Welcott & Wulcott , Attorneys for Plaintiff. 295 Go After in a business way the advertising way. An ad in this paper offers the maximum service at the minimum cost. It reaches the people of the town and vicinity you want to reach. TT * ry It- It Pays The committee in charge of the Fraternal Picnic , Corn Show , and Farmer's institute offer a prize of & 10.00 cash to any young lady in Cherry county Belling the greatest number of tickets at 7oc each , good for 4 days admittance to the Mianechaduza park Sept. 6-9. Tick ets can be had at the office of D. McLeod , Sec. Contest closes Sept. 5th at 4 p. rn. Those residing nt a distance should mail to the sec retary the nuinher sold hy them not later than Sept. 5th at 4 p. m. D. McLeod , H. Layport , L. L. Bivens , J. C. Quigley , AVm. Sh-jpard. Piano Bargain. I have a slightly used piano in the vicinity of Valentine. Nebr. T. ) save expense of boxing and shipping , will sell very cheap for cash or payments as low as § 5 per month. E. M. Wallace , care of Smith & Barnes Piano Co. , Chicago cage , III. DeLaval separators and repairs at Ludwig Lumber Co. 31 Hay is scarce. Why not buy a McCormick corn binder ? Ludwig Lumber Co. 31 Right in your busiest season when you have the least time to spare yon are most Jilcely to take diarrhoea and lose several days' time , unless you have Chamber lain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy at hand and take a do&s on the first appearance of the disease. For sale by Chapman , the druggist. Contest Notice. U. S. Land Oflice , Broken Bow , NcUrask a. JulylS , 1911 To James O. Stephenson , Contestee : You are hereby notified that William E. Hur.t who gives Thedford. Nebraska , as his post-oniee address , did on July 10. 15)11 ) , lile in this otnce hip duly corroborated application to contest and secure the cancellation of of your homestead. Entry No. 5S5I2. serial No. 0 : > ! > J : $ made March. 14 , 1 J5 , tor SEi , ElSWJ-13. NEJElNWl-Sec.i4.Tp.i5. R. 2S ) , W , NWJ-1U. \VJSW > Section 18 , Township 25. Kange 28. (5th P. Meridian , and as grounds for his con test he alleges that James O. Stephenson has never established a residence on said tract , and hasj-wholly abandoned the same for more than si.vmonths last past , and that said tract is not resided upon , cultivated , improved or graxed bv said claimant as required by law , and that all of said failures exist at the pres ent time. You sire , therefore , further notified that the said allegations will be taken by this of- lice as having been confessed b3r 3-ou. smd vour said entry will be canceled thereunder without your further right to be heard therein , either before this oflice or on appeal , it yor fail to lile in this oflice within twentv days after th FOURTH publication of this notice , as shown below , your answer , under oath , specifically meeting and resppnding to these allegations of contest , or if you fail within that time to file in this otnce due proof tnat you have served a copy of 3'our answer on the said contestant either in person or by registered mail. If this service is made bj * the delivery of a copy of your answer to the contestant in person ! proof of such service must be either the said contestant's written acknowledgment of his receipt of the copv. showing the date of its receipt , or the aflida- vit ot the person by whom the deliver\r was made stating when and where the copy was delivered ; it made by registered mail , proof of such service must consist of the allidnvit of the person by whom the copy was mailed stating when and the post office to which it was mailed , and this affidavit must be accom panied by the postmaster's receipt tor the letter. You should state in your answer the name of the post ollice to which yon desire future notices to be sent to you. DAIIIUS M. AMSUEKUV. Receiver. Date of publication July 27.1911. Date of second publication August 3. 1911 , Date of third publication August 10. lull. Date of fourth publication August 17. 1911. Notice of Sale under Chattel Mortgage. Notice Is hereby-given that by virtue of a chattel mortgage dateil on the ard dav of April , A. I ) . 1 I1 , and duly Hied in the oflice ot the County Clerk of Cherry County , Ne braska , on the : trd day of April and executed by Evert White to George M. Tracy , to se cure the payment of the sum of > o < U0 ! , due October 1st , 1911 , the said debt being eviden ced by a promissory note of even date , and the said mortgagee feeling and having reas on to feel unsafe and Insecure , therefore the said George M. Tracy as mortgagee , will sell the property herein described viz : One roan gelding , .seven yeijrs old , branded S on right shoulder , weight about WXl pounds. One bay gelding , bald faced , white feet be hind , weight about 1)50 ) pounds. One bay mare six years old , right hip down , no brands , weight about IKK ) pounds. One com plete well drilling machine , of the Nichols Type said machine having been purchased from the said George M. Tracy ; at public auction in Valentine , Cherry County , Ne braska , an the iHh : day of September A. D. 1911 , at 1 o'clock p. m. of said dav. Dated August loth. 1911. George M. Tracy , Mortgagee. Bv O. A. Ruby his attorney. First publication August 10,1911. Second publication August 17,1911. Third publication August 21 , UU1 , Never leave home on a journey with out a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to be needed and cannot be obtained when on board the cars or steamships. For sale by Chapman , the druggist. Valentine. a Mrs. Henry of Hay Springs is visiting Mrs. Margaret Keplinger. M. B. Koory of Omaha visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. John this week. Miss Anna Gaskill came in from Kennedy Saturday and is visiting relatives. Judge Quigley went to Cody Tuesday to vote at the primary election. ' Amzi Veach , who is working up near Kilgore , spent Sunday here with his family. Ed Mason of St. Joe , Mo. , is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cramer. Mrs. Mason has been here for the past month. Mrs. Welsh and children have returned to Omaha after a short visit at the J. T. Keeley home. Clark Benedict was taken to Lincoln Sunday and turned over to the warden of the penitentiary by Sheriff Kosseter. Mr. Angelo , of the firm of Fleming & Angelo of Purdum , and son Michael were business visitors in Valentine last Satur day. On Sunday next there will be srvices in St. John's church both morning and evening at eleven and eight o'clock respectively. Chojr rehearsal on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Sheldon went to Neligh Tuesday night for a short visit. They are expected home Saturday nigntChas. . Warden is taking Mr. Slieldon's place at the power house. Miss Ruth Randolph formerly stenographer in the office of Wal- cott & Morrissey , came up from Omaha Friday evening and is vis iting at the Anderson home. Miss Randolph will take Miss Graham's place in the law oflice while the latter is away on a vacation. Miss Dorathea I. "VVeisner and Mr. John E. West Jr. were mar ried in St. John's church Wednes day evening at eight o'clock by Rev. W. W. Wells. Only im mediate relatives and a few iix timate friends were present. Al bert M. Dendinger was grooms man and Miss Anna M. Weisner was bridesmaid. After a short visit in Wood Lake , Mr. and Mrs. West will go to Omaha to reside. Mr. West is a traveling salesman for an Omaha fruit company and his territory is in Iowa. The bridal party came up from Wood Lake Wednesday and were enter tained at the D. E. Sherman home. Merriman. Fred Hillman was m from the Diamond F ranch Tuesday. Pearl Folsom was down from Gordon and spent a few clays visit ing friends last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Councel were Merriman visitors Tuesdaj * . Mrs. Chas. Nelson and daughter Alice were business callers in town the first of the week. Miss Phoebe Wilson who has been visiting at Ben Roberts this summer returned to her home at Fremont last Friday evening. Chas. Bates and Thomas Wells were in from the north Saturday for a load of supplies. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Jensen were in from the south hills Tuesday. Carl Sassa was in from Pole creek Tuesday to see the county commis sioner. * About twenty of the ladies of this vicinity were very pleasantly enter tained by Mrs. Ben Roberts and Mrs. C. L. Harvey Wednesday of last week. Grant Bixler took possession of the residence which he purchased from Kermon Harder some time previous , last Monday and Mrs. Harder moved to the house which Mr. Bisler vacated during his so journ here , after which he will move out to his homestead. For summer diarrhoea in children al ways 'give Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil , and a speedy cure Is certain. For sale by Chapman , the druggist , Try a dish of ice cream at Spain's restaurant. Repairs for the Piano or Jones mowing machines ordered on short notice at Fis'cher's Hardware. Can furnish all repairs in five days time. The Phelps Photo Studio is open the first Wednesday and Thursday in each month. IGtf Dr. M. F. Meer has decided to visit Wood Lake the first Monday and Tuesday of each month to do dental work. 19tf BULLS FOR SALE Registered Hereford Bulls for sale at all times of the year. SUNNY SLOPE STOCK RANCH Simeon - . Nebraska JOHN F. PORATH ItURGE XKK. Tubular Wells and Windmills Call me up by phone INTERNATIONAL " 30" i in Htrmrrmrm i imii i T * * irmaMaMaaMa Before buying an auto it will pay you to see the INTERx NATIONAL " 30" , _ _ No Hiil too Steep ? no Sand too Deep Soldby D , MZeod Guaranteed by International Harvester Company GRANT JBOYER , CARPENTER & BUILDER. All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , r oxE 72 Nebraska References : . My Many Customers. Old Crow , All Leading Hermitage Brands and Bottled Gruchen- Under the r S heimer Supervision > Rye of the Whiskeys. U. S. Gov. - so handle the Budweiser Beer. ENRY STETTER , Propr. * © 9 Entries for Exhibits will Close at Noon Wednesday , September 6. 'em i urns e Awarded * Agricultural Exhibits. Bast 5 ears of corn 1st § 15 00 suit , § 1.0.00 meerscham pipe and § 5 00 cash ; 2nd corn grader , 3rd § 5.00 boots. Best one dozen heads of cane- shave , shampoo , haircut , shine and clothes dusted. Best 50 heads of wheat 1st corn grader , 2nd § 2 50 hat , 3rd one doz. en post card pictures any variety. Best 50 heads of oats 1st har row , 2nd § 3 50 shoes , 3rd The Re publican two years. Best 50 heads of speltz foun tain pen. Best 50 heads of rye one half dozen photos- All grasses for sheaf not less than two inches in diameter. Best sheaf of alfalfa 1st $6.50 oil stove , 2nd § 2.50 cash , 3rd § 1.00 cash. cash.Best Best sheaf of alssike 1st 25 Ibs. of stock food , 2nd razor , 3rd shave , haircut and shampoo. Best sheaf of timothy 1st Stet- ter ham , 2nd wrench , 3rd bread and pastry. Smoothest and best one dozen potatoes trio of Buff Coachins , 2nd § 2.00 , 3rd § 1.00. Largest one dozen potatoes 4 horse evener. Best one clozen red onions 1st tobacco pouch , 2nd 1 box of Owl cigars. JBest one dozen white onions ! 1st § 5 00 watch , 2nd 10 tickets to Jewel theater. Best one dozen tomatoes 1st § 5.00 boys suit , 2nd 1 box Little' ; Rothenburg cigars. | Best head of cabbage 1st 500. letter beads , 2nd i meals. Best water melon 1st water set , 1 2nd 50 Ibs of flour. i Best one-half dozen canta loupes 1st hot water bottle , 2nd 50 Ibs. of flour. Best and largest Hubbard squash 1st wash boiler , 2nd § 1.00. Best and largest pumpkin 1st 50 Ibs. of flour , 2nd § 1.00. Best three egg plants 1st § 1.00 , 2nd 50 cents. Best three heads of celery 1st ! 50 Ibs. flour , 2nd § 1.00. Best half dozen turnip beets 1st one dozen cans of corn , 2nd § 1.00. Best half dozen long beets 1st one dozen cans of corn , 2nd § 1.00. Best half dozen carrots 1st one dozen cans of tomatoes , 2nd § 1.00. Best half dozen parsnips 1st one dozen cans of tomatoes , 2nd § 1.00. t Best half dozen turnips 1st § 1.50 , 2nd four meals. Best half dozen rutabagas 1st § 1.50 , 2nd § 1.00. Best half dozen cucumbers 1st § 100 , 2nd 50 cents. Best one dozen peppers 1st § 1.00 , 2nd 50 cents. i Best collection of mixed vegetables - > i bles 1st § 5.00 bridle , 2nd § 2 00. ' j Best plate of apples , any variety ' ' 1st § 2 50 , 2nd § L.50 , 3rd § 1.00. - ! Best boquet of flowers 1st- ' . § 5.00 lady's hat , 2nd lady's apron. . Best collection of potted plants - 1st china fruit set , 2nd lady's : purse. Best loaf of home mad bread * ' 1st 100 Ibs. of flour , 2nd § 2 3rd § ! * , Ladies Department. Best piece drawn work 1st § 1 , [ \ 2nd 50 cents. . ; . Best piece crochet work 1st § 1' ; 2nd 50 cents. Best niece knitting work 1st- ] § 1 , 2nd 50 cents. Embroidery. ' . Hardanger 1st § 1 , 2nd 50c. Mont Mellick let § 1 , 2nd 50c. Eyelet 1st § 1 , 2nd 50 cents. French 1st § 1 , 2nd 50 cents. Shadow 1st § 1 , 2nd 50 cents. * Honiton 1stSi , 2nd 50 cents. Best patchwork quilt 1st § 1 , 2nd 50 cents. Best and largest assortment of fancy work 1st $1.50 , 2nd 75c. Best collection of plain sewing by girls under 15 years 1st § 1 , 2nd 50 cents. Best fancy work by girls under 13 years 1st § 1 , 2nd 50 cents. Neatest dressed doll , dressed by. , girls-uader 13 years 1st $1 , 2nd 50 cents. All Prizes Awarded on Produce from Cherry County Produce Only.