Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 17, 1911, Image 4

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GEORGE M. GASKILL , Editor and Manager.
A Weekly Newspaper published every Tlmrs
day it Valentine , Nebrus.
Subscription - SI.50 Per Year
Local Notices , 5cper line per issue
Entered at the TostoJllce at Valentin ! , NeD. .
for transmission through the mails , as secoud
class matter.
Thursday , August 17 , 1911.
The primary election passed off
very quietly. None of the candi
dates for county offices having op
position at the polls. There was
some talk out south of putting-up
men to run against Cumbow , Kos-
seterand Quigley but it was start
ed too late to draw any kind of a
following. River precinct gave
one vote to Kirae for she rill1on
the democratic ticket and five to
Dotson on the republican. The
returns from the different pre
cincts are coming in very slow and
the total vote will not be known
before tomorrow.
The Spirit that Helps a Town.
Last week the committee in
charge of the Fraternal Picnic and
Carnival , decided that one bridge
across the creek at the city park
was inadequate for the crowds
that will fill the grounds on the
date set for the big doings , and
made arrangements to put in two
more foot bridges. The material
was secured and the trusses , were
made by a local carpenter. The
work of putting the bridges in
place was done by less than a doz
en men who believe in helping the
town in any way they can. Xhis
was one of the ways ; the bridges
were a necessity and there was not
enough money to hire them put
iu , so they did the work for noth
ing. After everything is said and
done there will be some who will
not be pleased. Give the commit
tee a boost ; tell them they are
doing good work , for they are.
The little words of cheer that they
deserve will offset any amount of
dissatisfaction and grumbling done
by some who are never satisfied
with any public work. The
bridges are solid and perfectly
safe. Use them.
Land Office Notes.
The local land office does not
expect the abandoned Forb Kio-
brara military reservation to be
opened to settlement before the
spring or summer of 1912. The
President has signed an order
turning the land , with the excep
tion of the tract embraced in the
state experimental farm , over to
the Secretary of the Interior for
disposition under the law now ex
isting , or under new provisions as
Congress may enact. The law"
now , provides for the sale of land
in such reservations , at public sale
for cash , after the land has been
appraised ; but Judge Kinkaid ad
vises the register of the local office
that he intends to introduce a bill
providing for the opening of the
reservation under the homestead
laws , and the secretary will doubt
less withhold the .opening until
the regular session of Congress
next winter , the opening cannot
occur for many months.
Congress has passed an act ,
whieh it is supposed has now been
signed by the President , giving
settlers within this land district a
leave of absence from their home
steads until April 15 , 1912. The
local officers will not be acquainted
with the exact forms of the ac& un
til they receive copies of the act
from the general land office. One
'fact , however , may as well be im
pressed at once'upon the minds of
all persons who intend to take ad
vantage of the act , and that is that
the time during which the settler
is absent from the present time un
til the loth of next April must be
made up before final proof can be
offered. In other words , a settler
who is absent during the period
covered by this act is delaying his
final proof just that much longer.
Mrs. Teft and Mrs. Carter rf
Norden returned from a .visit in
.Oklahoma Wednesday and diove
- f
to their home next day *
P. H. O'Kourke of Gordon and
Gee Capler of Spade were here
Wednesday on land business.
GoorgG and Paul Lamoureaux
and Foster Berry wer.e initiated in
to the Eagle lodge Tuesday night.
All prizes given on produce at
the Fraternal Picnic will be award
ed on Cherry county products
Jackson Bros , of White River
are coming to the Fraternal Picnic
with five auto loads of pleasure
seeking people.
A. M. Morrissey has returned
to Lincoln. While here he had
his law books and .other personal
property shipped to his new home.
The replevin suit of Bristol vs.
Kalblinger which was set for trial
Wednesday was adjourned on ac
count of several of the witnesses
being absent.
Mrs. O. W. Noyes left for Kan
sas City this morning to visit with
her mother. She will also visit
Mr. Xoyes' parents in Humbolt ,
Kas. Mrs. ISToyes will be gone
until after Christmas.
Misses Laurentia and Margaret
Haley and Hazel Xoyes went up
to Cody for the dance Saturday
night and visited with Mrs. Jar-
chow over Sunday.
Maynard Bishop came down
from Gordon Monday and is visit
ing friends. Mrs. Bishop and
daughter Leta have been heresev-
D. E. Sherman went to Fullerton -
ton , ] ebr. , Tuesday night to visit
his daughter , Mrs. Elsie McClel
land. Arthur Sherman went as
far as Norfolk with him.
Miss Edith Adamson gave a
pirty in the pavilion Tuesday
evening in honor of her guest Miss
Jessie lloss of Gordon. About
forty friends w.ere present.
Charles Eids was down here ,
with the Rosebud orchestra last
week. He is now working in a
store there having given up car
penter work for a time at least.
Mrs. C. G. Anderson gave a
lawn party in honor of Miss Ruth
Randolph Monday evening. The
time was delightfully spent with
games. Refreshments were served
to about twenty guests.
Mrs. Brown and daughter Selina
started for their home in Crab
Orchard. Nebr. , Wednesday morn
ing. They had been visiting here
the past two months with Mr. and
Mrs. Walcott.
Miss Hazel Graham went to
Omaha Wednesday morning ,
where she will visit her grand
father , Mr. ICneeland , and other
friends. Miss Graham expects to
be gone about two weeks.
MrsEJ. . Baker and children re
turned to their home in Neligh
Tuesday morning : after spending
several days visiting the former's
parents , Mr. and Mrs. , Eagene
Gra e. Mrs. Grace accompanied
them as far as Ling Pine where
she spent the day with her SOE
Bert and family , returning home
6h the evening train.
Geo. W. Beamer and wife came
down from near Gordon Tuesday
to make final proof on his home
stead of 320 acres and beside othei
testimony sent a picture of bis
home and buildings which included
a lot of stock and other improve
ments on his place. Henry Borne-
man and Martin P. Johnson were
his witnesses. It goes without
saying that Mr. Beamer made a
splendid final proof.
Last Friday week Anson Broad
while running a mower on the
Roan ranch got three fingers of
his left hand cut off in trying to
stop a run-a-way team hitched to
i mower. Anson was thrown' to
the ground in front of the cutter
bar and placing his hands to the
ground attempted to spring over
the bar thus saving himself ex
cepting as above stated. He i-s
getting along fine and feels very
thaqkful that he got oil-so easy as
hje might have fared cocsideably
worse. /
nJffBjp ?
Absolutely Piere
sly &s&fe.7
30x13 fc
Bad Omaha
( Omaha Sica )
Bad Omaha , one of the best
known of tlie present gene ration of
Sioux Indians passed from this life
Monday , August 14 , at 12 o'clock
noon at his horns near Si. Francis
Mission on Rosebud reservation.
In the passing away of Bid Oru. aha ,
the Sioux Indians have lost one of
their most ; beloved. He was un
tiring in his efforts to raise his
people to a higher plane of civiliza
tion. His work in that respect was
full of zeal and energy , yet with
unostentation. He was lovahle and
honest , full of sympathy and com
passion for his fellow man. He
early embraced the Catholic faith ,
and was a devout attendant of that
church up to the time of his death ,
his purity was marked and sincere.
Many Indians from various sections
of the reservation were in attend
ance to pay their respects to sll
that remained of this noble Indian
and to extend to the sorrowing
widow- their tender and sincere
The services were held at St.
Francis and were conducted by the
Reverend Father Digman , Father
Superior , after which the remains
were laid to rest in the beautiful
cemetery connected with the Mis
sion. The deceased was 74 years
old. A widow survives.
Miss Athmore Grey One night
only Friday , August , IS.
Miss Grey ranks as a dancer
with such people as Isidore Dun
can , Maude Allen and Ruth St.
DennisFischer's Orchestra will
assist Miss Grey. It will be a
rare treat for music lovers.
See hand bills for program.
You can get the Daily State
Journal all the rest of this year ,
without Sunday , fpr only One
Dollar , or including the Big Sun
day paper , only § 1.25. This is a
cut price made just to get you
started reading this splendid pa
per , and at the end of the time the
paper will be Stopped without any
effort on your part. The State
Journal , in addition to its wonder
ful associated press and special tel
egraph services , is the leader in
reporting affairs from all over the
state of Nebraska. It is clean , in
dependent , and thoroughly relia
ble. The publishers think it's the
one Nebraska paper above all oth
ers that you should read , no mat
ter what your politics. This Lin
coln paper will please your 'whole
family. The sooner you send in
the more papers you will .get for
your money.
Relieves gas in stomach , distress
after eating , stomach nervousness ,
dizziness , headache , heartburn ,
heart palpitation and other ail
ments f aued by faulty digestion.
Price 25c. Prepared by United
Drug Company , Boston , Mass.
Sold in Valentine only by G. A.
Chapman , The Rexall Store.
for THIS
F. M. Walcott Oliver M. Walcolt
Walcott & Walcott
Practice bo fort ? U. S. Land Olllce and al
Federal and State courts.
Valentine .Nebraska
"We will close out our sweep
rakes at cost. Ludwig Lumber
Company. ' 31
The Phelps Photo Studio is open
the first Wednesday and Thursday
in each month. IGtf
McCormick mowers are the old
reliable machines Ludwig Lum
ber Co. 31
For Sale One yearling pure
bred Ilolstein bull. F. J. Taylor.
Harmony , Nebr. 30-3
Happiest Girl in Ijincoln.
A Lincoln , Neb. , girl -writes , "I had
been ailing for some time with chronic
constipation and stomach trouble. I be
gan taking Chamberlain'a Svomach and
Liver Tablets and in three days I was
able to be up and got better right along.
I am the proudest girl in Lincoln to find
siicli a good medicine. " For sale by
Chapman , the druggist.
Picture taking with an East
man is a constant source of
Do away with the old-
fashioned , arm-tiring-
method of scraping. Old
Dutch Cleanser saves you
both labor and time. The
fine particles will immedi
ately loosen and remove
the grease and the hard
est "burnl-in" crusts
which soap , soap powder
and scouring brick only
imperfectly wear off after
long , hard scraping. An "all-
'round' cleanser for every part
ol the " neat-as-a-pin" house.
Slriclly hygienic.
Selling Out
We desire to announce that we are not clos
ing out , but are still selling the very best goods
at reasonable prices.
Our line of John Deere Implements , Yelie
Buggies , Moline and Davenport Holler Bearing
Wagons and Samson Windmills is complete . . . ;
and priced right. I
We also have a large stock of lumber , lime , ' 4
Wall Plaster , Cement , Brick , Sash , Doors , etc. !
Is it not good policy to patronize a firm who . -
expects to continue in business and intends to
handle the same line of goods for years to come.
We never advertise so-called bargains : f
because we have always had our goods priced
Valentine Lumber Co.
A. E. Morris. W. W. Morrissey. Dr. C. W. Noyes.
n\ \
'lH : \
0 e > !
Go to the
Stock Exchange Saloon
Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr.
Just received a fine new line of
They sell from 5c to 35c each
Wash Shirt Waists
Johnson's Millinery.
AUGUST 25-26,1911
Speaking by Prominent Men of Cherry County. Baseball , and Races of
Many Kinds. Dance each Night. Come and have a Good Time.
hoes and Clothing
20 per cent on Clothing 15 per cent on Shoes
Don't miss this opportunity to get high grade
roods at this discount.
Free Lemonade during the Fraternal Picnic at
& / LVc sS