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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1911)
The Valentine Democrat GEORGE M. GASKILL , Editor. VALENTINE , - - NEBRASKA. DES MOINES LINE AND CARMEN OBEY INJUNCTION AND MEN RETURN TO WORK. FIGHT UP TO DISTRICT COURT Scenes Attending Resumption of Traf- fice Rival Those of Friday Night , When Men Quit for What Many Thought a Last Trip. Des Moines. Promptly at 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon street car traific was resumed in Des Moines , and the 40- Lour strike which began at 1:15 : a. m. Saturday , when the union employes walked out , was terminated. For the first time in the history of the country the order of a court has put an end to what gave every indica tion of becoming one of the bitterest struggles ever waged between organ ized labor on the one hand and capital on the other. The mandate issued by Judge Lawrence De Graff , of the dis trict court , was promptly obeyed by the Des Moines City Railway company and the carmen's union , and while there is ample prospect of a fight later in the courts , one thing is certain , an injunction has restored , temporarily at least , nearly 500 conductors and motormen - tormen to their original positions. ASKED TO TAKE ACTION. Private George Peters Alleged to Be a Spy for Austria. Indianapolis , Ind. On an affidavit furnished by Miss Clara Anita Dyer , formerly of Philpot , Ky. , Capt. James Watson , in charge of the local United State recruiting office , has asked the war department to arrest Pri vate George Peters , said to be of the One Hundred and Thirty-fifth coast ar tillery , stationed at Fort Totten , N. Y. , charging him with being a spy in the employ of the Austrian government. The allaged exposure of Peters , who , according to the informant , is Count Winisch-Graetz , of Prague , Bohemia , was made by Miss Dyer while trying to obtain his release from the artillery corps of the local recruiting station. Exhume Bodies of Three Men. Cheyenne , Wyo. Three bodies were exhumed here by workmen excavating for a cellar. One of the bodies was in a perfect state of preservation and petrification had set in. This was the body of Charles Morgan , who was hanged 30 years ago by the Cheyenne i 1 , vigilance committee. He was one of 1 * tA the most noted outlaws of this sec tion. Fifty Buried in Cave-In. East Liverpool , Pa. Two Italians were killed and four others fatally in jured when fifty men were buried in a sewer cave-in at the plant of the Pittsburg Crucible Steel company at Midland , Pa. , seven miles from here. Quick and effective rescue work pre vented a larger loss of life. Boys Play Bandit. St. Louis , Mo. While playing bandit with two revolvers thought to be emp ty Vincent Pizzimentia accidentally shot and probably fatally -wounded his chum , Henry Scherometoro , 5 years old. The bullet struck the latter in the temple near the left eye. He is not ex pected to live. Proclaim a New President. Port au Prince , Hayti. The first di vision of the revolutionary army en tered the capital Sunday and imme diately proclaimed Gen. Cincinnatus Leconte chief executive. Gen. Le- conte's election to the presidency ap pears assured. The city remains calm. Heir to Millions. Bemidji , Minn. Through a newspa per advertisement John Abercrombie , a confectioner here , has just learned that he is an heir to an estate or more than a million dollars. The estate is that of his aunt , Sarah A. Barker. His relatives had not heard from him since 1898. Wichita Recall Petitions. Wichita , Kan. Petitions asking for the recall of Mayor J. H. Graham and E. M. Leach and R. B. Campbell , com missioners have been filed with the city clerk. Sioux City Live Stock Market. Sioux City. Saturday's quotations on the local live stock market follow : Beeves , $ G.25@7.00. Top hogs , $7.10. None of Injured Will Die. Chicago. Physicians said" that the injuries of none of the persons lurt when a flying machine dropped 100 feet into a crowd of several hun dred spectators at West Pullman are serious. Frank Bellai , the "aviator , was uninjured. The biplane was wrecked. An English Aviator Killed. London. Germanld Napier , a young English aviator , was killed wL.le in the air with a passenger at Brook- lands. His companion was uninjured. r ? ' * * i , ARBITRATION TREATIES ARE SIGNED BY UNITED STATES , FRANCE AND BRITAIN. PRESIDENT TAFT IS VICTOR Compacts Result From Suggestion of United States Chief Executive Made in Speech Made in Wash ington Last December. Washington. Three of the great world powers have taken a long stride toward the goal of universal peace. Arbitration treaties binding the United States and Great Britain and France , respectively , were signed at the White House in Washington in the presence of a notable gathering o officials and at the ministry of for eign affairs in Paris. Secretary of State Knox signed the two treaties in behalf of the United States. James Bryce , the British am bassador , affixed his signature in be half of Great Britain , thus completing the Anglo-American pact , with the ex ception of ratification by the senate. The French treaty was signed in duplicate in Paris six hours earlier by J. J. Jusserand , ambassador to the United States. As soon as the copies of the two treaties had been signed President Taft affixed his signature to two measures for transmittal to the senate. It was thought at first that an ex change on the Franco-American treaty would be necessary before it could be sent to the senate. Later.on offi cial notification from Paris of the signature there , President Taft de cided to rush the treaties at once to the senate in the hope of securing ac tion at this session. The general features of the new treaties are : All differences internationally justi ciable shall be submitted to The Hague , unless by special agreement- some other tribunal is created or se lected. Differences that either country thinks are not justicable shall be' re ferred to a commission of inquiry composed of nationals of the two gov ernments , empowered to make recom mendations for their settlement. Should the commission decide that the dispute should be arbitrated , such decision will be binding. Before arbitration is resorted to , even in cases where both countries agree that the difference is suscep tible of arbitration , the commission of inquiry shall investigate the dispute with a view of recommending a settle ment without arbitration. The commission , at request of either government , will delay its findings one year to give an opportunity for diplo matic settlement. The convention grew directly out of President Taft's speech in Washing ton , December 18 last , before the American Society for the Judicial Set tlement of international disputes , in which he said : "If now we can negotiate and put through a positive agreement with some great nation to abide the ad judication of an international arbitral court in every issue which cannot be settled by negotiation , no matter what it involves , whether honor , territory , or money , we shall have made a long step forward by demonstrating that it is possible for two nations at least to establish , as between them , the same system of due process of law tfiat exists between individuals under a government. " PASS LARGER HOUSE BILL Senate Adopts Measure Raising Mem bership in Lower Branch of Con gress From 391 to 433. Washington. The congressional re apportionment bill passed the senate by an undivided vote , but the meas ure , as it came from the house , was so amended as to safeguard against gerrymandering of congressional dis tricts by the state. The measure gives the house 433 members , an increase of 42 over the present representation. This does not include the new members which will be sent from Arizona and New Mexico. The bill will go Immediately to the house , where it originated , and , it is expected , will be accepted in its pres ent form and sent to the president. No state loses , and many gain , in the number of representatives. The measure will become effective in less than two years. Its passage was largely assured by a sentiment of concession to the house of : fs right to regulate its own organization affairs. The Democratic cotton bill cutting an average of 21 per cent from the present duty passed the house , all the Democrats and thirty insurgents voting ing for it The' total vote was 202 to 91. The bill cuts the average tariff on cotton manufactured goods from 48 to 27 per cent , ad valorem , a 21 per cent , reduction in duty that the Demo cratic leaders estimate to reduce rev enue by about $3,000,000. Not an amendment was offered to the bill. ' Tobacco Dividend Held Up. New York. An official statement is sued by the American Tobacco com pany to its stockholders gives the in formation that no dividend on the com mon stock will be declared at the pres ent time , which would ordinarily be payable in September. Song Writer Ends His Life. Catskill , N. Y. Robert Cole , the ne gro song writer , author of "The Girl With the Dreamy Eyes" and other popular melodies , committed suicide here by drowninsr NO FAULT WITH HIS HEARING CLtVELAND LEADER. > "Sure , Lady , I Heerd Ye Say a Hundred Pounds ! " UNDERWOOD IN SPEECH IN HOUSE DECLARES NEBRASKA MAN A FALSIFIER. MET WITH WILD APPLAUSE Charge of Delaying Iron and Steel Tariff Revision by Committee Is Cause of Vitrolic Attack by Demo cratic Leader. Washington. In one of the most re markable scenes in the house since the beginning of the extra session Representative Oscar W. Underwood of Alabama , the Democratic leader of the house , fired a verbal broadside at William Jennings Bryan for the lat- ter's criticism of his position on the extension of the tariff revision pro gram. Mr. Underwood's Democratic colleagues wildly cheered him as he made his vitrolic attack upon the Nebraskan. Excoriating the three times candi date of the Democratic party for pres idential honors , Leader Underwood de nounced Mr. Bryan's statements as false , defended his ( Underwood's ) at titude as to revision of the iron and steel tariff schedules , and said Bryan has placed upon every Democratic rneiaber implications unfounded in fact. fact.He He called on his colleagues of the ways and means committee for corroboration - roboration of his attitude. Mr. Underwood was backed up in a similarly striking speech by Repre sentative Kitchin of North Carolina , long a devoted friend of Bryan. Mr. Kitchin expressed surprise that any Democrat should so malign Mr. Under wood and the party , and through all this arraignment not a voice was raised in defense of Bryan. It all came about from a published interview , which purported to be "au thorized" by Mr. Bryan , declaring it was time Democratic Leader Under wood was "unmasked. " "The action of Chairman Under wood in opposing an immediate effort to reduce the iron and steel schedule reveals the real Underwood , " said the Bryan interview. "Speaker Clark and otfcer tariff reformers tried to secure the passage of a resolution instructing the ways and means com mittee to take up other schedules , in cluding the iron and steel schedule , but Underwood and Fitzgerald , the Fitzgerald who saved Cannon in the last congress , succeeded in defeating the resolution. " "The unmasking of Chairman Un derwood will serve a useful purpose , " added the interview , "if it arouses the Democrats to an understanding of the mistake made in putting Mr. Un derwood at the head of the commit tee , if he solidifies his policy of de lay. " As the clerk finished reading the Bryan interview , Mr. Underwood , in calm and even tones , opened the vials of his wrath. He declared that because of his investments of the iron and steel mills in his own state , Alabama , he had urged the ways and means committee at the beginning of the session to save him embarrass ment by taking up the iron and steel schedule at once. This had not been done by the committee , he said , be cause it had determined that the tex tile schedules should be revised first to satisfy public clamor. CHOSEN FOR PATRIOTIC TASK Architect Henry Bacon Designated to Design $2,000,000 Memorial for Abraham Lincoln. Washington. On recommendation of the fine arts commission , President Taft and the Lincoln memorial cpm- .mission designated Henry Bacon of New York as the architect of a design for the $2,000,000 memorial which is to be erected in this city. Falling Plane Hurts Seven. Chicago. Seven persons , three of them little girls , were victims of an , aeroplane accident at the Chicago iSchool of Aviation field , when Frank 'Bella ! lost control of a big Curtiss biplane and swooped down from a height of 100 feet into a crowd of 150 spectators. Makes Reynolds Rear Admiral. Washington. President Taft sent to the senate the nomination of Capt Alfred Reynolds , U. S. N. , as a rear admiral. CLASH OVER ALASKA TWO W1CKERSHAMS APPEAR BE , FORE HOUSE COMMITTEE. Alaskan Delegate Renews His Allega tion That Attorney General Shielded Criminals. Washington. Attorney General Wickersham and Alaskan Delegate Wickersham faced each other before the house committee on judiciary which is making an investigation into government affairs in the northwest and charges of "graft" and "bribery" were bandied with much freedom by the delegate during the hearing. The question of the insufficiency of what the delegate declared was proof that the attorney general "purpose ly shielded and defended Alaska syn dicate criminals against punishment" arose. Representative Sterling suggested that Delegate Wickersham's charges indicated only failure of the depart ment of justice to prosecute. "Oh , he has gone way beyond that , " interrupted Attorney General Wick ersham. "Yes , " said Delegate Wickersham , "I Insist there was a deliberate r.t- tempt to protect. " The delegate declared that United States Marshal H. K. Love , who fig ured In the Cunningham coal land cases , had discharged a deputy named Bowers , who was also jailer at Kodiak , because he "wouldn't give up the graft. " "He wouldn't pay Love $100 a month out of what he received for the board of prisoners , " the delegate ex plained. Delegate Wickersham , a Repub lican , reviewed his attempts to have the department of justice move against D. H. Jarvis of the Alaska syndicate and J. H. Bullock of the John J. Sesnor company for alleged conspir acy on government coal contracts , whereby he alleges the government lost $50,000. The delegate charged that federal officials in Alaska had been bribed. Representative Howland of Ohio de manded that he prove that statement "I will before I finish , " declared the delegate. SHIP UPSETS ; SEVEN DROWN Ferry Steamer Capsizes in St. Law rence River Seventy-five Passen gers Are Hurled Into Water. Massena , N. Y. Seven persons were drowned in the St Lawrence river when the ferry steamer Sirus struck a shoal eight miles below this city , capsized and hurled its 75 passengers into the river. Four bodies were recovered. The Sirus left here for Cornwall on the Canadian side , wifE 75 persons bound for a day's outing there. Most of those aboard were residents of Og- densburg and Massena. The boat had started on the return trip and her pas sengers were seated on deck when the crash came. The deck was swept bare in a moment. Picknickers at the International park nearby , in motor boats and skiffs rushed to the rescue and saved scores. Others , benumbed and ex hausted , were swept down-stream to death. MOROCCAN CRISIS NEAR END Britons Believe Germany , Having Made Her Bluff , Is Now Pre paring to Withdraw. London. The Moroccan crisis Is practically ended. At least this Is the opinion of the English public , al though the foreign office is careful to point out that the negotiations are not simple and may drag on for months. Germany , according to the English view , has made a bluff , which is being promptly called , and she is now pre paring to withdraw. Taft to Exhibit His Cow. Washington. President Taft Is to be an exhibitor at the international dairyman L , exposition In Milwaukee , Wis. , in October. He has promised Senator Isaac Stephenson of Wiscon sin to send Pauline Wayne , famous White House cow , to the show. Revolt of Albanians Over. Cettlnje. The Malissori tribesmen have decided to accept the concessions made them by Turkey as a condition that they cease hostilities and return to their homes in Albania. WHITE TELLS OF BRIBE TELLS HOW HE MADE $1,000 BY LORIMER VOTE. Throws Interesting Light on Leglsla tlve Life , Including Receipt of Railroad Passes. Washington. Charles A. White , former member of the Illinois legislature , told in detail before the senate investigating committee the story of the alleged corruption in con nection with the election of Senator William Lorimer. Attorney Marble , counsel for the committee , led White to tell his story in narrative form , taking all events in their chronological order. White received Pullman passes. Transportation could be exchanged among members , and destinations on Pullman passes could be altered to suit the convenience of the holders. Then the committee took up the actual confession. White said that on the night of the twenty-fourth , 1909 , Lee O'Neill Browne , Democratic lead er , first asked him to vote for Lori mer. "Browne gave me $100 about the time the legislature adjourned , a few days later. I saw Browne June 16 , at the Briggs house , in Chicago. He gave me $50 that night , and told me to call again the next day. I did so , and he gave me $850 , making $1,000 in all. He wore a belt , in which he was carrying about § 30,000. " White said he met Wilson , and Rep resentatives Clark , Shepard , Luke and Link at the hotel. "Luke was complain ing about the amount of money he had received , " said White. "He said ho only got $900 , and he could have had $1,500 earlier in the session. "I told Luke I hadn't been paid to vote for Lorimer. He said , 'Oh , yes you were. You got $1,000 same as the rest of us. ' "I asked him if he had been given Lorimer money. He said he had that he had made his deal direct with Lori mer. "We went up to Wilson's room in the hotel. Shepard went into the bathroom with Wilson. When he came out , Wilson called me into the bathroom , and gave me $900. 'There's all of it , ' he said , 'and I'm glad to be relieved of the burden. ' "He said that the governor had ve toed some of the bills for which money was to have been distributed. Then ho said that Browne was sick , and that was the reason why he ( Wilson ) had to come down to distribute the money. " White said that he met Representa tive Beckemeyer on a nearby street that day. Beckemeyer later confessed to taking bribe money. FARMERS' BILL IS PASSED Free List Measure in Modified Form Is Adopted by the Senate. Washington. By a vote of 48 to 30 the senate by a coalition of Demo crats and Republican insurgents of that body passed a compromise farm ers' free list bill , which removed the tariff from a large category of agri cultural implements and farm operat ing materials when imported from Canada. The original house bill first was de feated and then reoffered in modified form by Senator Kern of Indiana. As amended and finally adopted the bill differed but little from the orig inal. The principal articles placed on the rree list are : Agricultural imple ments , cotton bagging , cotton ties , leather , boots and shoes , fence wire , meats , cereals , flour , bread , timber , lumber , sewing machines , salt LUNATICS BURNED TO DEATH Eight Die in Asylum Fire at Hamilton , Ont. Many Knocked Senseless and Saved. Hamilton , Ont. The loss of eight lives and desperate struggles with maniacs who fought against rescue at tended a fire which destroyed one of the main buildings of the insane asylum on the side of the mountain southwest of the city. There were 800 patients in the building when the fire was discovered and only a well-trained fire-fighting corps and admirable coolness and bravery on the part of the nurses and attendants under Doctor English pre vented a greater loss of life. E. A. ABBEY DIES IN LONDON Famous American Painter Passes Away in English Capital Ap peared to Be Recovering. London , England. Edwin A. Abbey , the American painter , died here. Mr. Abbey , regarding whose Illness so little was made public that It was not until a day or two ago that it was Ijnown that his condition was serious , underwent an operation for liver trouble about a month ago. It Is now stated that he appeared to be recover ing , when a few days ago he suffered a relapse , after which he slowly sank. Builds Bathtub for Pigs. Caldwell , N. J. Frederick Heller , a local politician and stock raiser , has just installed in the rear of his home a bathtub which is to be used exclusively for the cleanliness and comfort of two prize winning black Berkshire pigs. German Explosion Kills. Hamburg , Germany. A number o persons were killed and many injured when an explosion wrecked the ce ment works of Wulff & Stavenow in this city. Football at Nebraska University. Preparations for the gridiron season are well under way at the University of Nebraska , under the personal guid ance of Earl O. Eager , the Cornhusk- ers' veteran manager of athletics , and. the football machine will soon have a clear track. The schedule as arranged is the most attractive ever drafted at Nebraska university. In fact , it is. doubtful if any western institution in. the history of the game was ever so handsomely favored. The Cornhusk- ers are to clash with Michigan , last year's western champions , and Minnesota seta , the foremost exponent of foot ball in the Chicago conference. For Missouri Valley exponents , the Corn- huskers are to contest with the pick , of the teams in the valley district , , the schedule including games with Missouri and Kansas universities and the agricultural colleges of Kansas , and Iowa. Here is the roster of games in full : Oct. 7 Kearney normal at Lincoln. Oct. 14 Kansas Aggies , at Lincoln. Oct. 21 Minnesota university at Minneapolis. Oct. 28 Missouri universitv at Lin coln. coln.Nov. . 4 Ames Aggies at Ames. Nov. 11 Doane college ac Lincoln- Nov. 18 Kansas university at Law rence , i Nov. 25 Michigan university at jjincoln. Oswald Stiehm , the Cornhuskers * new coach and athletic mentor , is to- arrive in Lincoln in September and will immediately inaugurate the prac tice grind. The prospects for a for midable team are highly encouraging. The Cornhuskers have lost four of last year's stars , Collins , Temple , . Rathbone and Minor , by graduation , although a long list of veterans is expected to report and furnish the \ nucleus of a winning team. The Corn- huskeis were easily victorious in the- Missouri Valley last year , defeating all opponents for the valley conference championship by shut-out scores. Not in years had a valley champion equaled this record , but with Captain Shonka , Frank , Warner , Chauner and other seasoned veterans available for the coming season , in addition to a squad of promising freshman recruits for 1910 , the outlook for another for midable eleven is more than roseate. Manager Eager is given credit for having contributed largely to the Ne braska successes of last year. Him self a Cornhusker football star during the regime of Coach Booth , he stepped into the management of athletics at Nebraska several years ago fully con versant with the intricate details of athletic management. Under his di rection the Cornhuskers have pros pered both athletically and financially. This year the Nebraska squad is to play its games on a sodded gridiron an innovation in Cornhusker affairs. In former years Nebraska elevens have been hampered by their "gran ite" gridiron. Players have been in jured and the accidents , in almost every instance , were charged up to > the game of football , whereas the grid iron was largely at fault. The sodding of the Nebraska field was completed early in June , and , despite a long war fare with the drouth , the grass has made a fine growth and the gridiron , promises to be in perfect condition , when practice begins. Another im provement at Nebraska's athletic plant is in prospect , Manager Eager having : ordered the draft of plans for a per manent covered grandstand along the north side of the gridiron. Bids are to be solicited and the new stand is to be completed in time for the first big game of the season Kansas , on October 14. The gala event of the season , how ever , is booked for Saturday , Novem ber 25 , when the Michigan Wolver ines , champions of the west in 1910 , . are to invade Lincoln and contest with the Cornhuskers on Nebraska , field. The Wolverines on that date will play their first football game wesA. of the Missouri river. The Nebraska- Michigan game is expected to draw- the greatest football concourse in the- history of the game in the Missouri , valley region. A census of indigent consumptives , under the care of counties is being ; taken by the board of public lands , and buildings preparatory to the erec tion of the necessary shelters for- these patients at the Kearney tuber culosis hospital. Regent Copeland and Dean Burnett of the state university have left for- Scotts Bluff , where they will inspect the university experiment station es tablished two years ago. The two- men will also look over the entire- North Platte valley region. Nebraska's Wealth Grows. Taxable property in Nebraska is worth | 2,077,451S65 , according to the , * completed returns made to Secretary Seymour of the state board of equali-- zation. This is an increase of $17- 740,250 over the figures returned last year. Since the advisory board of par dons came into existence there have been thirty-five applications received. Of that number there have been two. pardons granted so far and a like * number refused.