Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 10, 1911, Image 1

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Volume 26 , No. 31 VALENTINE , NEBK , THURSDAY , AUGUST 10 , 1911. § 1.50 per year
Trunks and Suit Cases.
A good trunk and suit case is a necessity
to everyone. They are accessories that
are needed at all times and in all seasons.
.Fo this reason it is well to select "when
buying a trunk or suit case , something
that is good and will last and keep its
appearance. , We have this very thing
in stock. When selecting your trunk or
suit case come in and look"our-line over.
Trunks ranging in price from $3.00 to
.50. Suit cases from $1.50 to 112.50.
If you are not a customer
of the Bed Front Mercan
tile Co. , they would appre
[ lav ciate your becoming one.
In their Grocery Depart
ment you will find the best
grades of canned fruits ,
vegetables , smoked meats ,
lards , syrups , and break
fast foods.
Phones 5 and 75
Yes , we've got it ? if not we'll ' get it
Orders tafon for ail
Big Reductions on
.vi. Summer Millinery . Morey
: /
* * s < aaksGt
Bakery Goods Confectionery I
Ice Cream and Soda Water
Cigars and Tqtiacco .
* ' "
- - ji i * 2 jli - 'w * * * * * - % >
Lunches and Meals
Home Bakery.
Correspondents from all parts of Cherry County.
There's a treat in reserve for Democrat writers * .
Send for stationery. Do it now !
Address , The Democrat , Valentine , Nebraska ,
Mr. and Mrs. John Heehn of
Arabia were in town Saturday.
II. H. Wakefield came down
from Crookston Monday night.
Sheriff Rosseter attended the
sheriffs' convention in Omaha this
Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson
were in from their farm on the
Table , Saturday.
Tom Yearnshaw was in town
Monday on his way to his home in
Neligh , having spent his vacation
at the lakes.
Invitations have been received
announcing the golden wedding
anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. T.
W. Cramer , on August 29.
A. M. Morrissey came up from
Lincoln Monday night and will be
here a week or more straightening
up his unfinished business.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Vogel and
daughter Iva , and Miss Ethel
Worley were in from their home
south of town Tuesday afternoon.
J. M. Osborn , secretary of the
Old Settlers' Picnic at Sparks ,
was in town Monday arranging
for display bills and advertising
for this annual event.
Mr. and Mrs. Forest Shepard
visited the latter's parents , Mr.
and Mrs. J. B. Gaskill , from Sat
urday till Tuesday. Mrs. Shei-
ard has been quite sick.
J. F. Young and party passed
through Valentine Tuesday in
their auto. They have toured sev-
ral w.estern states and Nebraska ,
and were on their way to their
homes in Cody.
James Galloway and a crew of
workmen went up to John Niess'
place on the reservation TATednes-
diy to construct a concrete dam.
Mr. Niess is putting in a private
lectric light plant.
Mrs. Wm. T. Kincaid and son
Hickman returned home Friday
ni ht. Mrs. Kincaid had been
visiting relatives in Dennison.
Iowa , and Hickman had been with
his grandmother at Henry , 111.
Judge Westover held a special
term of district court Monday to
sentence Clark Benedict , who lisa
plead guilty to a charge of horse
stealing. His sentence 'is from
one to three years in the peniten
Thomas Langdon an employee
of the T 0 ranch was bere a few
days last week. He 'brought his
wife aid children to Cody last
Thursday where they took the
train for ' orth I end , Nebraska ,
where Mrs. tiangdon's parents re
side , in the hope of binefiting her
health. Mr. Langdon has return
ed to the ranch.
Entries for the State Fair Races
Sept. 4th to Sth will close Monday ,
August 14th , and are follows :
Trotting , 2:25 : , 2:18 : , 2:15 : and 2:10.
Racing , 2:30 : , 2:20 : , 2:17 : , 2:10 : and
Free for All. Each for a § 500. ( JO
purse , with five per cent entry.
On this date also closes t e il-l@
fflifc bV ska gerbj far § 300 ,
a c } the 1Q mile relay running race
(2rpiles ( each day ) for § 1250.00.
These with the 8 early closing
races , four of which are for $1,000
each , and nine running raeas easily
constitute the best card ever offer
ed in Nebraska. The new grand
stand to seat 6,400 people will be
completed and patrons will have a
nice comfortable seat from which
to enjoy races , aeroplane flights ,
Liberates Military Band and
Grand Opera Concert Company ,
Vaudeville and fireworks.
Jepaiis | for- the Piano or Jones
mowing machines ordered on short
notice at Fischer's Hardware.
Can furnish all repairs in five
days time.
Did it Rain Sunday ?
Ask any one of the occupants of
the three auto's that started to
Crookston Sunday afternoon and
they will say "IT DID" . Valen
tine was to play Crookston on the
latter's diamond and started for
that town about two o'clock.
When about half way they ran in
to the storm and had to return to
The following is a letter receiv
ed by Mr. Meltendorff from E.
Shelly , who is with the Rainey
hunting expedition in British East
Forest Glen , Nairobi , British
East Africa , June 30 , 1911. ] Vy
dear Meltendorff We returned
from our first safari , June
12. Mr. llaiuey has taken Forest
Glen here for a year. He left for
the north a few days ago and left
me here to look after the place.
He will be gone about three
months after elephant. When he
re'turns we are going on another
lion hunt. We have thirty-three
more dogs due at the coast July
12 , and I am going to Mombasa ,
to meet them. We had a great
time and broke all records killing
I may not return to America
with the others , am thinking of
building a tannery and going into
that business. It looks like a
good thing.
Mr. Rainey has instructed me to
send you a lion skin with his com
pliments. I will try and put in
something with it in the way of a
Am sending some pictures un
der separate cover. Will let you
know when the lion skin starts.
With best wishes to Mrs. Mel-
teudorff and the girls , I am ,
Very truly ,
E. Shelley.
Mr. Shelley sent several pic
tures of hunting scenes , wounded
game , etc. , which are now on ex
hibit at Chapman's. One picture
shows the hunting party and nine
ions. Eight of them had been
killed in thirty minutes , a big re
cord for even that big game coun
try. Mr. Meltendorff supplied
the party with several dogs and
horses , and at the present time
has ten head of horses in reserve
for Mr. Rainey.
The Phelps Photo Studio is open
the first Wednesday and Thursday
of each month. 16tf
Furnished rooms to rent by clay
or week , Hot and cold water
baths included. Valentine House ,
John D. Eaton , Propr. 32tf
For Sale : From 1 to 40 head of
horses ; from 1 to of land , close
to town. Residence and lot.
H. H. Wakefield , Crookston ,
Nebraska. 13
The Phelps Photo Studio is open
the first Wednesday and Thursday
in each month. 16tf
Ice cream and soft drinks at
For sanitary pJurahiBSf or heat
ing call H. I. Weinsimmer. 20
The. Crystal refrigerator , all
steel , can never wear out. Buy
them at Fischer's Hardware. 27
St , Nicholas * . Church.
Services will be held in the
Catholic church as follows :
In Valentine on Sunday A ug , 20.
1st Mass at S a. m. . 2nd Mass at
10 a. m. Benediction of the Bless
ed Sacrament after Mass. In
struction for the children at 3 p. rn.
In Arabia on Tuesday , A vigust ] 5 ,
Assumption , of the Bs M.
M. BILAEUE , Rector.
r Never leave home on a journey with
out a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic ,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is
almost certain to be needed and cannot
be obtained when on board the cars or
steamships. For sale by Chapman , the
for a Tailor Made Suit or Over
coat for fall or winter ?
If so , come in and inspect our
large line of all-wool samples.
None better made for the money.
We guarantee every garment to
fit perfect or no sale.
We have a large stock of cloth
ing on hand we can fit * you in
most any size.
When in need of shoes
give us a trial.
Clothes of Quality For AH Mankind
Phone 145. '
McQEER & CARROLL , Proprs.
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars
Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies :
Old Crow , Sherwood ,
Hermitage , Guchenhcimcr ,
Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook ,
Spring Hill , and 29/year/old
andjas. E , Pepper * O , F , C. Taylor ,
These whiskies were purchased in bond
and came direct from the U. S. gov
ernment warehouse. They are guar
anteed pure and unadulterated , tin-
excelled for family and medical use. A
i >
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies. Imported
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinnessfs Extra Stout.
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer ,
Valentine Nebraska
When in need of anything
Crookston - Nebraska
Stetter & Tobien , Props.
All Kinds of Fresh I
and Fait Meats. . . .
Will buy your Cattle , Hogs , -
Poultry , Horses , Mul s and
mything you have to sell.