Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 03, 1911, Image 8

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Short Orders of all Kinds , Day and Night
First-Class Meals 25c ,
9A& & 3 &SJZ& & $ J $ & 2J& & 3
. Livery , Feed and
, Sales Stable ,
Wood Lake , Nebraska
Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties.
S'S'S'alTX r
( r
Valentine , Nebraska
Calls Answered at All Hours
H , Night Phone No , 74
it "
Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as n National Bank
June 1,1884. August 12,11X)2. )
( Successor to Bank of Valentine. )
Valentine , Nebraska.
SURPLUS CAPITAL - - $25.000 25,000 A General Banking , Exchange
Undivided Profits 4.000 and Collection Business : : : :
O. H. COHNKLI. , rresldent. Jf. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier.
J. T. May , Vice President. II. L.Kuiix , Ass't Cashier.
D. A. WHIPPLE , Propr
Valentine Headquarters at the Chicago House
Rosebud " " " Rosebud Hotel
Leave Valentine at 8 o'clock every morning ,
Sundays excepted.
Arrive at Rosebud at 2 o'clock p. m.
Leave Eosebud at 8 o'clock every morning ,
Sundays excepted.
Arrive at Valentine at 2 o'clock p. m. -
11 i Dinner at Britt at 11 o'clock a. m.
i '
i * Special attention to passengers , baggage and
express or packages.
Leave orders at headquarters or at the Eed
Front store.
With new prices , which are the lowest for II II I I
good business. My stock consists of Dry S I
Goods , Groceries , Shoes and 5 and 10 cent
bargains. You are invited to call and
make this your home store. Highest pric
es paid for produce. Come and get ac
2nd Building South the Bank. Crookston , Neb
! i
Dr. D. W. Sumner
Hornby Building
Two 4-room houses for rent.
I. M. Rice , tf
U i
\ \ IfAT Fischer's Hardware sells bicyc
les and bicycle supplies of all
kinds. Repairing done promptly.
Sprains require careful treatment.
Keep quiet and apply Chamberlain's Lin
iment freely. It will remove the soreness -
ness and quickly restore the parts to a
healthy condition * For sale by "Chap-
p * th& druggist.
Piano or Jones raowiBp ; ma
chines and rakes at reduced prices.
For sale by Erank Fischer. 27
Everybody vvno reads
magazines buys news
papers , but everybody
who reads newspapers
doesn't buy aagzzines.
Catch ihe Drift ?
Here's ibe medium to
reach the people of
this community.
Preparations are t now well un
der way to have Nebraska hand
somely and effectively represented
at the Omaha Land Show from
October 16 to 28. Commercial
and developement associations in
various parts of the state have
gone earnestly to work gathering
and arranging for agricultural and
other specimens that will make the
finest display to be seen at the
Land Show. Realizing that much
is due to the State of Nebraska ,
since it is the home state of the
Land Show , the management has
selected the most desirable section
of the immense Coliseum for the
exhibits. The Nebraska section is
in the most prominent part of the
building on the stage. The ex
hibits that will be placed there
will be seen from any point in the
huge structure. Whether a visitor
tor to the Land Show be in the
midst of a throne : on the main floor
or arena , or whether he be in fcho
opposite end of the building on
the balcony he will observe the
Nebraska display standing oat
The University of Nebraska
will be represented by aji educa
tional exhibit collected by the Uni
versity at Lincoln , and professors
of that institution will be here to
hold what will practically be a
farmer's institute on a big scale.
Besides this exhibit there will
be many individual displays. The
Chadron Commercial Club has al
ready planned to give a big Dawns
County Exhibit. This was the
only county to make an exhibit at
the show in January , and so profi
table was this exploit that the club
will come in October to eclipse all
other efforts in the line of boost
ing. Arrangements are also being
made for a Sheridan county exhib
it under the auspices of the Sheri
dan County Booster's Association.
Brown and Cherry counties will
also be represented.
A feature of the forthcoming
show that will be of especial inter
est to the farmers'of Nebraska is
the farm machinery department.
A.t the National Corn Exposition
the implement department drew
the attention of the very best far- ,
mers. This feature was missed
by them at the Land Show in Jan
uary , and to meet this interest an
implement department has been
arranged. All classes of farm
machinery used in the west will
be shown. Machinery Hall will
be located just south of the main
exposition Ibuilding and the en
trance to the two sections will be
directly opposite each other , each
being equally accessible from the
main entrance.
The coutinuous "Best Agricul
tural Exhibit shown at any Fair
ia the United States" bids fair to
again enjoy that distinction at Lin
coln September 4th to 8th. Over
§ -1,000.00 was paid out on agricul
tural exhibits at the 1910 Fair and
a greater premium list is offered
this year. The feature of this de
partment is the County Collective
Exhibits each of the Eastern Cen-
tr al and Western portions of the
state competing against that par
ticular section , so that no unjust
competition on account of'climatic
conditions or altitude has to be met.
Mr. William James of Dorchester ,
who has made such a success of
this department in the past , is
again the superintendent for the
year 1911. Make your County
Collective entry direct to him.
that just bacause you are in
business , everybody is aware
of the fadl. Your goods may
i be the finest in the market
bat they -will remain on your
shelves unless the people are
told about them.
if you -want to move your
2 ( f , merchandise. Reach the $
j $ buyers in their homes through
the columns of THIS PAPER
and on every dollar expended
you'll reap a handsome
y dividend.
M. J. Denkinger was up from
Wood Lake Thursday.
Charles Waltz of Crqokston
spent Sunday in Valentine.
F. J. "Wilsie of Rosebud spent
Friday and Saturday in town.
Albert Pike and his father were
in town Wednesday afternoon.
Obe Church was down from his
place near Merriman Saturday.
Jack Whipple and Joe Carroll
were down from Rosebud Tues
J. II. Quigley returned from
his ranch near Merriman Friday
John DeCorey was down from
Rosebud Wednesday after a load
of supplies.
Miss Virginia Bowden has gone
to Gordon where she has secured
Miss lidiih Adamson is visiting
Mrs. Ross and other friends in
Gordon this week.
Miss Alma Carlson who has been
visiting in Dwight , Nebraska and
Chicago , is expected home this
John Neiss was here Monday
and bought two mowers and other
machinery and intends to start
haying at once.
The Donoher Hotel recently in
stalled a power washing machine ,
the old hand machines not being
able to do the work for this up-to-
date hotel.
Mrs. Anna Layporfc went to
Potter , Nebr. , last week to see her
brother , John Ladely , who recent
ly suffered a paralytic stroke. Mr.
Ladely was some better when last
beard from.
Misses Kate Helzer , Alice Mc
Lean and Helen Sparks- went out
: o the Rowley ranch Tuesday to
visit with Miss Maude Rowley for
some time.
The Valentine Band will give
concerts on Main street twice a
week , beginning Saturday even
ing , to raise money for caps and
trimmings for their uniforms.
"Wm. Seay was cleared of the
charge of shooting with intent to R
kill , in county court last Monday.
Mr. Seay shot a Turk in the leg
while the latter
was making ari
assault on him with a shovel. The :
case was dismissed for want of
Lei Old Duci ! ! Cleanser do i
hall your house cleaning. In
hall ihe time \vilh hall the
labor it will dean marble , k
painted walls , woodwork ,
enamel or tin tubs , floors in
fact everything about the house ,
barn or dairy. It will quick
ly banish all dirt and grease
which soap , soap powders and
other cleansers will not cdect ,
and make everything spick
ar.d span in no time.
Avcia caustics and adds.
The automobile that wi ! ! travel all directions
out of Valentine without fear of being sand or
hill bound. We invite everyone to inspect this *
up = to = date car.
Simple in Design and Construction
Dambly & Layport
Auto Dealers
Valentine , Nebraska
Cigars add fl
Soft Drinks
i\ \
red ?
Every ce : should be
- protected in a reliable company.
I repres f ine Columbia Fire Insurance Co. of Omaha and the Com
mon we. . : > of New York. Both of these companies are safe and sound.
For Lif. 1 insurance , the Merchants Life Insurance Co. of Burlington , la. ,
put oui uolicy that is hard to equal by other companies. Call me up ,
Phone 92 , and I will explain the advantages these companies offer
J. W. SHEPARD. Asreni.
E. M. Faddis & Co
Postofllce address Valentino or Kennedy.
Some branded
? s on left
Horses branded
Some <
on left
oi Ilu0h
P. H. Young.
Simeon. lsTebr.
Cattle branded
as cut on left side
Some Q.von left
- on left Jaw of
V horses.
Ranee ; on Gordoa Creek north of Simeon.
N. S. Rowley.
Kennedy , - JNeuraska.
Same as cut on left ,
ide and hip , and on
eft shoulder of hor-
ies. Alsog53 § & on
eft side
d husfcCT5g3gging ] peg ( either side up ) on
3ft side or hip. p on left Jaw and left shoulder
horses. uj
ujQ on left hip of horses.
J"on left } a\v of horses
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , 3D
Horses and cattle
same aa cut ; also
CJBE JJ on right
Itango on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
E. M. Terrill , Propr.
Brov.nlee , Xeo.
Tattle branded as
in c-.c on lelt
side. Some
branded Ji. T V
on fcfthii ) . Range
on Is'ortli Loup
river , two milns
\\est of Urewnlee
Not Afraid
on. Rosebud.
ttle branded
in cut ; horses
imeor .H\P on
ftthigh ; , Ranee
t\\ee Spring
and xittle
rhite river.
Albert Whipple & Sons.
JRosebud S.D.
Cattle branded
SOS on left aide
OSO on rlghtslda
Some cattle also
have a 4on neck
Some with A. on
left shoulder and
some branded
with two bars
.across hind qnar-
u _ Jfcrs Some Texas
c-ittle branded O ou left side and some
on left side.
Horses branded SOS on left bin. Some cattii
branded AW bar connected on both sides and
left hip of horses
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Xebr.
Cattle branded
as on cut.Ieft side
Some en left hip.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Square
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co.
3artletC Richards Pres Will G Comstock. V. P
Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas
Cattle branded on
aQy Part of animal ;
aigo the following
brands :
"Range betwee
Go don on the F.E.
V..R. R. and
Hyanrm on R & M. ft R. in Northwestern Nebr
hA.ftTl.ETr Kirn A UPS. Kll8wunh. elir
Sawyer Bros.
Oasis , Nebr
G. K. Sawver has
charge of tliese
cattle. H rse *
> S on leftshoul.
der. Somef
left sifle.
same left thigh.
Kange on tjnake
Metzger Bros.
Jtolfe Xcbr
Cattle brandPd
anywhere on left
Earmark , square
crop right ear.
Dorses have
same brand on
eft thigh.
Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks.
rd of $23 ° wil1 hp Paid lo a ° y Person for
ation leading to the arrest and final
anyLerson or Persons stealing
oyp hranil.
J. A. Taryan
Pullman , Nebr
Cattle branded JY
on rightslde
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
lor any Informatioa
leading to the re
covery of cattle
strayed from my