Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 03, 1911, Image 5

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    A Safe ,
Simple System
The system of paying
by check was devised
by all men- for any
man for you. It is
suited to the need of
any business , either
large or small. It makes
no difference whether
we pay out $10 or $10000
a month. A checking
account will serve your
Pay by check , the
method puts system in
to your business and
gives you a record of
every transaction.
on the SOUTH would be valuable
now. U. S. Government tests
show a windbreak of trees will
protect crops and conserve moist
ure a rod for each foot in height
of the windbreak , a windbreak of
trees 40 feet high will protect
crops and conserve moisture 40
rods. Cultivate trees each week
or oftener.
We have all varieties of forest ,
shade and fruit trees , shrubbery
and ornamentals , adapted to North
Western Nebraska.
T. W. CRAMER , Local Agent ,
Valentine , Nebr.
Boyd Nurseries and Fruit
On C. & N. W. , 3 blks. east station
Ainiwcrth , - Nebraska
Loup Valley Hereford Ranch ,
Herd headed by S. 0. Columbus 17
No. 160050 ' , and Climax 2 , No. 289
822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg
Bulls for Sale at All Times ,
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
Attorney-at- Law
Office front room , second story ,
over T. C. Hornby's store , Main
street entrance.
Valentine Nebraska
Dr. M. F. Meer ,
Rooms over Red Front store
Valentine - Nebr ,
40 head of horses , part broken ,
two or three good milch cows , one
farm ; also two or three houses and
Crookston , 12 Nebraska
The Chicago House
JIM FELCH , Propr.
Call on me for rooms and
Valentine Nebraska
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an execution issued by the
clerk of the district court of Cherry County ,
Nebraska , July 1 , mil under mi oxcrutlon
wherein Tlllle Hippie is Judgement creditor
and Frank Hippie is Judgement debtor , I
will sell at the front door of the court house
in Valentine , Cherry County , Nebraska ,
that being the building wherein the last
term of said court was held , on the 1'Jth day
of August 11)11 ) at 10 o'clock a. m. to satisfy
judgement of $ liK1.28 ami interest lit 10 per
cent from cinte of Judgement May J7th. 1 1 ( > ,
. at $25.23 d accruing costs
and costs taxed il $ - " * - - " " * - V"1 +
at public auction , to the highest bidder , for
cash , the following _ . . , described - property , . . , to-
- - % rxri \ c ? > * > rn. > T
Dot'eel ' this 23th tiny of July , 1011.
O. A. ROSSETKK , Sheriff.
\Valtt > tt & Walcott ; Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Lsuitl O ucf , Val-iitiiic.
July 10,1'JII.
To Floyd Burtilclc ofWayne , Nebraska , Con-
tcstcc :
You are hereby r.otiile'l that Ralph Ander
son Lurjan'-C ! who gives Wood Lake , Nebras
ka , us his post-ollice address , did on the 10th
day of .tune , l'il ) nle in this otllce his duty
corroborated application to- contest and se
cure the cancellation of your homestead Se
rial INTO. 01981 made Oct. (5 ( , WM , for the EJ S\V
4 , SK } of Sec. M and the SJ SWf and SWi S
M Ser.i5Ki NKJ and KK } NW | Section 35.
rj'ownbhip31. Itange ' 8 , West of Oth Principal
Meridian , and as grounds for his contest he
i alleges that Floyd Hurdick has not establish
ed ii ; residence upon the .said land ; that he
1 has not settled upon and cultivated the said
laud : that he has wholly abandoned the said
] land for more than one year last past , and
that he has tailed to cure his laches to thh >
You are. therefore , further notified that thf
sain : ilitiutloiix will be taken by tms olllco *
havinjr I'eer. ' ronf scd by you , and your SHI J
entry wi I be enxueled thereunder without your
fiirtncr ri ht io t > e he > rd "heroin , either before
this oHlr/Mirou appeal , if . < ou fail to tile in thi >
oillc * wit'iiiri tucuty uay.saftriie fourth pub
lication ut thb no.uce , as shown below , .yom
answer under oaf , speciflciallv meeting ana
respondi"K io th se allegations of eo.itesf , or if
jou fail within tuiin to Hie in this oftke diif
proof that , i uu have serveii a e py ol your ans
wer on Hi * ; said contestant either in poison or
by registered mull. It this-Mi'vice is ninde b >
the drhvery of a copy of your answer to the
contestant in person , proof of buch .service must
be eitn- the KU i i-oute'tant's written acknow
lefijrriuent ol his lecelpt of thr copy , showing
the date oHts receipt , or the a < ttdtvit of the
person by whom the delivery was made stating
when anil where the copy wai Otciveied : if
mailby mail , i roof ot su ° h .service
must co'-.slst of the affidavit of the puts-jn by
whom the e pv was mailed stating whcj
ami the post cilice to wlucii it was mailed , and
this allidavit-must be a-eoinpanied by the post-
mart r'i5 receipt tor the letter.
You sh'-u d .state in your answer the name ol
the | -o-.t office to whijh you desire luture noti
ces to ne .sent to i ou.
E. OLSON , Receiver.
Date of lirst publication July 13 , lli ! )
D.ite ot second publication .1 uly : ! 0 , 1011.
Oatrt ot third publtniti July 27 , i il
I ) io of fourth publication August' { 1011.
Contest Notice.
United States Land Oillce , Valentine. Neb.
July 11.1911.
To Mary A. Smith of Chndron , Nebr. , Con-
tc-stee :
You arc hereby notified that Thomas
Peat who give.s Kilgore , Nebraska , as his
post-olllce address , did on July 3. 1911. tile in
this ofnVe his duly corroborated application
to contest and secure the cancellation of
your homestead. Serial No 047.madeIan. ? ; ? 17
1910. for Lots 1,2. a. 1,5. 0 , 7. & 8. HE } NW.J.
XE | SWJ. Sec. 6 , Wl , SE } . Sec. : ? S. Township
: ? 0. Kange : * J. and as grounds for his contest
he si lieges that Mary A. Smith has never es
tablished or maintained a residence upon
said tract since the date of her homestead
You are. therefore , further notified that
the said allegations will be taken by this of-
llce as having been confessed by you. and
your said entry will be canceled thereunder
without your further right to beheard there
in , either before this otnce or on appeal , if
you fail to tile in this office within twenty
days after the FOURTH publication of this
notice , as shown below , j-our answer , under
oath , specifically meeting and responding to
these allegations of contest , or if you fail
within that time to tile in thisonice dueproor
that you have served a copy or your answer
on the said contestant in person , or by reg
istered mail. If this service is made by , the
delivery of a copy of your answer to the con-
testant'in person , proof of such service * must
be either the said contestant's written ac
knowledgment of his receipt of the copy ,
showing the date of its receipt , or the a'llida-
vit of the person by whom the de. ivory was
made stating hen and where the copy was
delivered : if made by registered mail.'proqf
of such strvioe must consist of the aflidavit
of the pel son by whom the copy was mailed
stating u hen and the post otlice to which it
was mailed , and this affidavit must be accom
panied by the postmaster's receipt for the
You should state in your answer the name
of the post office to which you desire future
notices to be sent to vou.
Date of first publication July 13. 1911.
Date of second publication July 20 , 1911.
Date of third publication July 27,1911
Date ot fourth publication Augusts , 1911.
Contest Notice.
United States Land Office , Valentin ? , Neb
July in , mil.
To Noah .lines f FTU , Nebraska , Contettee :
You ur * hpreby not'lled rhat Amadore Minor
Yount , who cives Cr.iig , Missouri , as his post-
olHue address , did on the 10th nay of June , 1911.
file in 'his office his duly com-boraled appli-
catioh to contest and s - cure th" cancellation ot
vonr homc'tead Serial No. 05773 made c eptem-
Uer ICih. 1910 , fortheS&of Section 6 , aim the
Ms NW $ . Is'Wj NE | Section 7 , Township 23
Uange 34 , We t of Cth Principal Meridian and
as grounds fur his contest he alleges tnat 2J
Jines lias not established a residence upon the
said land : that he has not settled upon and cul
tivated the said laud that he has whoilv aban
doned the said land for more than eight mo Uhs
hist past and tnat he has failed to cure his
laches to this date.
You are. therefore , further notified that the
said allegations will be taken oy this on < ce as
liavimr been c.omessed by yon. and your s > id
entry will be candied ther iinder without your
further ricdit to be heard therein , either befoic
this ofl'.ce or on appca , if you fail to liie in this
office wthm nventy da > s alter the FOURTH
publication of this notice , as shown oeloAV , ynr
answer , und'-r oath , specifically meeting and
responding to these allegations o'f content , or if
yon fail wiihtn that lime to file in this ofiiee UUP
proof that you luvc served a copy of your ans
wer on tiie said contestant either in person or
by rcgistered'mail. If ilus service is made hj
ihe -livery .f a copj' ot vour answer tthe
contestant m person , proof of such service must
be either the said contestant's write -u acknow
ledgment o his receipt ot th * copy , showing the
date of Us re.eipt. or the affidavit of the per-on
by Avhom the delivery was made stating hen
and where the copy was delivered ; if mad-i by
registered mail , proof of such service must co'i-
sistof thailldivit ofthe person bv whom the
copy wis mailed stating when and the p st-office
to which it was iiiai.efl. . and this affidavit must
be accompanied b- the postmascer's receipt
lor the lekor.
You should state in your answer the name of
the post offii-e to which you de ire future notices
to bs sent to you.
Date of lirst publication. , July 13 1911.
Mate of second pubiieati m July 20 , 1911.
Daie of rhinl publication , July 27 , 1911.
Date of toiKth publication. August 3 1911.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Office , Broken Bow , Nebraska ,
July 15. 1911
To James O. Stephenson , Contestee :
You are here notified that William E.
Hunt who gives 'ihedtord. Nebraska , as his
post-office address , did on July 10. 1911 , tile in
this oliice his duly corroborated application
to contest and secure the cancellation of
of your homestead. Entry No. 5-J92. Serial No.
0-3513 made March. H , lih > 5 , for &EL EiSWi-13 ,
NEJ EINWJ-Sec. 24. Tp. 2o. R. 29. WjNWi-19.
AViSWJ Section IS. lowjiship 25. Range 28 ,
Cth P. Meridian , and as grounds for his con
test he alleges that James O. Stepnenson has
never established a residence on said tract.
and Jias wholly abandoned the same for more
than six months last past , and that said tract
is not resided upon , cultivated , improved or
grazed by said claimant as required by law ,
and that all of sam failures exist at the pres
ent time.
You Jtre , therefore , further notified that
the said allegations will be taken by this of
fice as having been confessed by you , smd
your said entry will be canceled thereundur
without vour further right to be heard
therein , either before this office or on appeal.
if yor fail to file in this office within twentv
days alter th FOURTH publication of this
notice , as shown below , your answer , under
oath , specifically meeting and I'esponding to
these allegations of contest , off you fail
within that time to file in this office d.ut > proof
that you have served a copy of your answer
on the said contestant either in person or bv
registered mail. If this service is made bv
the delivery of a copy of 3our answer to the
contestant In person , proof of such service
must be either the said contestant's written
acknowledgment of his reeipt of the copy.
showing the date of its receipt , or the affida
vit of the person by whom th.e delivery was
made stating when and where tlie copy wa.s
delivered ; it made by registered mail , proof
of such service must consis.1 of th.e' affidavit
of the person by whom the cop } ' was mailed
stating when and the post office to which it
was mailed , and this affidavit must be accom
panied bv the postmaster's receipt for the
You should state in your answer th.e name
of the post office to whiclj vou desjre future
notices to be seut to you.
D uurjs M. AMs JB mr. Receiver.
Date of first publication July 27 , 1911 ,
Date of second publication August 3 , 1911 ,
Date of third publication August 10. 1911 ,
Date of fourth publication August 17 , 1911.
So much has been said concern
ing the entrance charge info the
Corn Show , Farmers' Institute ,
Carnival , and 'Fraternal Picnic to
be held in Minnechaduza Park on
September 6 , 7 , 8 , 9,1911 , that the
committee in charge of the celebra
tion desires to stare its reasons for
advertising such a charge. As a ba = .
sis to reason on the committee does
not feel like inviting the general
public to such a celebration with
out providing for them some form
of amusement. To give them ball
games , smaller sports and other at
tractions. ; to provide for them able
orators to address them on topics
of the dav , agriculture , stock-rais
ing and fraternalism ; to prepare
the park for such gatherings ; and
to let the people know through the
medium of advertising that the
same is to be had ; all demand an
outlay of money. The committee
believes that the average individual
would much rather come and con
tribute bis small portion and get
amusement in return , than to come
without cost and to receive no
amusement. Such gatherings are
first and foremost organized and
attended for ths sole purpose of
supplying amusement and pleasure.
Accordingly the proposition be
fore the committee was'to adequate
ly finance the picnic and carnival.
The lodges participating had limi
ted their donation to an amount
that was insufficient to meet the
expenditures for the reason that
they could not afforJ to give more ,
their funds being short at this time
of the year by reason of their being
assessed the semi-annual per capita
tax. This , however , excepting tbe
Workman lodge which voted ample
funds to pay its pro rata share pro
viding the others could so afford.
The next class to turn to were the
business men but they had already
offered § 250.00 lor prizes to be
awarded at the Corn Sliovv and had ,
with the local lodges , in the past
year invested $1500.00 in providing
a suitable place for such gather
ings ; such as erecting the dancing
and speaking pavilion , clearing away -
way under-brush , planting tame
grasses , enclosing springs with con-
arete , and in general care and
Therefore the one thing remain
ing to enable the committee to fi
nance this celebration and to pro
vide suitable and proper forms of
amusement for the people in at
tendance was to fix a nominal
charge for admission and in that
way to make it the peoples affair ,
as is done at all county fairs , corn
shows and carnivals. la this way
the lodge member who stays at
borne is not assessed for something
that does him no good , for those
that can attend and participate in
the many forms of amusement are
paying the bills. For instance if
it were necessary for the lodges to
iefray the entire expenses and in
so doing to levy extra assessments
on the various members then those
members who could not come would
be paying more money to protect
their insurance in order to provide
a good time for many people who
are not lodge members and might
never be.
The committee realizes that some
may misunderstand its motive in
advertising a charge for the coming
gathering and would gladly accept
any other method to enable it to fi
nance this gathering. However it
is providing the farmers and stock-
raisers with- the best and largest
prizes ever offered in Cherry coun
ty for their produce flnd stock ; it
is securing orators with state-wide
reputations to entertain the people ;
it is furnishing sports of all kind
for amusement ; it is giving you the
finest and cleanest , and most up-to-
date place in Western Nebraska
for your gathering. And in order
to pay its expenses it is asking
adults and children over fifteen
years of age to contribute only
twenty-five cents. This amount
seems so little that we believe that
the great majority of the people
will not complain. Committee.
ya w-hom. it may concern ;
rlns is to certify thai mv wife. Marie E.
Miller , has left my bed and board , and I wi.l
not hereafter be responsible for debts con
Lracted by her.
Signed tais 13th day of July , 1911.
O. R. Miller , Oroqkaton , Nebr. 27
Try a dish of ice cream at ]
Spain's restaurant. j
The Phelps Photo Studio is open
4 the first Wednesday and Thursday
in each month.
The largest and best selected
stock of lumber at Ludwijr Lum
ber Co. 29
The Phelps Photo Studio is open
the first Wednesday and Thursday
in each month. 16tf
Dr. M. F. Meer has decided to
visit Wood Lake the first Monday
and Tuesday of each month .to do
dental work. 19tf
McCorrnick mowers and rakes
at Ludwig Lumber Co. 29
Registered Hereford Bulls for
sale at all times of the year.
Simeon - Nebraska
Tubular Wells and Windmills
Call me up byphone
Before buying an auto it pay you to see the INTER *
.No Hill too Steep j no Sand too Deep
Soldby D , McLeod
Guaranteed by International Harvester Company
_ _ ,
A.11 kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes
Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot.
Valentine , PHONE 72 Nebraska
References : My Many Customers.
Old Crow , -All Leading
Hermitage Brands
and Bottled
Gruchen- Under the
heimer Supervision
Rye of the
Whiskeys. U. S. GOT.
f lso handle the Budweiser Beer.
' . ' ' " * " HP ? * 'rFvTP r * F"fc TT >
E'fo.Tr'h'W STfcTTER , Propr.
Hutch Jack was up from the
south hills Saturday.
Lizzie Allen returned to her work
in Rapid City Monday.
Nellie Skiuner took the train for
Norfolk Monday evening.
Bennie MeWilliams returned
from Oklahoma last Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Fields were i
in from the Starr ranch the first of j
the week.
The City hotel has ag.iin chang
ed hands. Frank Rockwell is the
new manager.
Wm. Flieshman of the Churn
ranch returned from his western
trip Tuesday.
Ed Gentry who has been on the
sick list for some time is now able
to be up and around.
The armless musician and his
company gave their entertainment
here Monday and Tuesday.
Mrs. Cora Hoffman the cook at
the Commercial hotel , returned to ;
her home at Kilgore Monday.
Mrs. McCloucl and children came j
up from Valentine last Friday to
visit her brother , H. L. Ayers re
turning Monday.
Miss Effie Sasenbery came down
from Gordon the first of the week
to keep house for her brother dur
ing the absence of his wife.
The eighteen months' old child of
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Gregg died !
last Monday morning after an ill
ness of about three hours. The
funeral services were held in the :
Catholic church Tuesday morning.
Burial was in the Catholic cemetery.
Ptev. Amos Boss , wife and little (
boy of Allen , S. D. , were badly hurt 1
in a runaway last week. While re
turning home from town they were
driving down a hill when some
part of the harness broke frightening - j
ing the horses. In some way the '
neck-yoke was forced in one of the
horse's breast and killed it. Mr. i
Ross and the boy are in a serious !
) l
Don't put |
Your Shoes On
Not until you have dusted'
a little of our foot powder
in them and you won't feel
quite so tired when you
come in at night.
, *
Foot powder is put up in
neat , round dusting top
cans , so there's absolutely
no trouble in using it.
Simply give the top a turn
and dust ii in. The best
parfof it is that it relieves
foot weariness- Try it.
25o a Package.
Pwight In your busiest season when you
have the least time to spare you are most
likely to take diiirrhoea and lose several
days' time , unless .you have Chamber
lain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy at hand and take a dose on the first
appearance of the disease. For sale "bj
Chapman , the druggist.
If it is worth
doing at all ,
it's worth do
ing well.
First class work
at all times is
our motto.
Let us figure
with you on
"your next job.
For Sale One yearling pure
bred Holstein bull. F. J. Taylor ,
Harmony , Nebr. * SO-S