Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 03, 1911, Image 4

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GEORGE M. GASKILL , Editor and Manager.
A Weekly Newspaper published every T
day at Valentine , Nebras.
Subscription - § 1.50 Per Year
Local Notices , ocper line per issue
Entered at the Postolllce at Valentine , Neb. ,
for transmission through the niuila , as second
class matter.
Thursday , August 3,1911.
Notice of Primary Election.
Notice is hereby given that on
Tuesday , the loth day of August ,
A. D. 1911 , at the regular voting
place in each precinct in Cherry
County , Nebraska , a Primary
Election will be held for the pur
pose of voting on candidates for
the nomination to the following
state and county offices , viz :
Three Judges of the Supreme
court ,
Two Kegents of the State Uni
versity ,
One State Kail way Commission
er ,
One District Judge-lGth Judi
d cial District ,
One County Treasurer ,
One County Clerk ,
One County Sherriff ,
One County Judge ,
One Clerk of the District Court ,
One County Superintendent of
Schools ,
One County Coroner ,
One County Surveyor ,
One Commissioner-2nd commis
sioner district ,
Two Justices of the Peace for
each precinct ,
Two Constables for each pre
cinct ,
One Road Overseer for each
road district ,
which election will be open at 12
o'clock noon on said date" above
given , and continue open until 9
o'clock in the afternoon of the
same day.
Dated at Valentine this olh day
of July , A. D. 1911.
[ SEAL ] If. A. CUMBOW ,
County Clerk.
Senate Accepts Compromise on Free
List Bill.
( From Omnlm World-Herald. )
Washington , D. C. , August 1 ,
The senate today passed the far
mer's free list bill after amending
it according to a compromise offer
ed by Senator Kern.
The bouse bill , exempting from
a tariff duty a variety of agricul
tural implements , cereals , meats ,
cotton bagging and other articles ,
was defeated by a tie vote of 39 to
Its democratic Cramers claimed
that , in effecting a great saving to
the people generally , it involved
a net reduction of a little over
$8,000,000 in tariff revenue.
According to program , the senate
ate immediately , after voting
down the bill , reconsidered the
vote without roll call , on motion of
Senator La TTollette , republican in
surgent , and Senator Kern of In
diana , democrat , then offered a
compromise amendment taking
meats' off the free list when com
ing from countries that do not ad
mit American cotton , corn , wheat ,
oats , horses , cattle and hogs free
of duty.
The senate adopted the Kern
compromise amendment to the
free list bill , 49 to 29. The com
promise measure was then pas&ed ,
48 to 30.
The bill , despite its importance
and the general interest it has awakened -
wakened along with other tariff
revision legislation , has had but
sparse reference on its merits as
a bill on the floor of the senate ,
but its provisions have frequently j
figured incidently to other pend
ing measures.
Its life dates back to April 12 ,
when democratic Leader Under
wood introduced it in the house.
The ways and means committee
seven days later reached the bill fa
vorably and the house on May S ,
passed it by a vote of 236 to 109.
Then the finance committee of the
senate took it , gave hearing on it
for five days and on. June 21 ,
Chairman PenrosB of that com
mittee reached the bill adversely
to the senate. The next day Sen-
ator Bailey of Texas offered the
bill as an amendment to the reci
procity bill and this amendment
was rendered on July 12. On
July 14 , the bill was fixed for a
final vote today and it became the
unfinished business of the senate
on July 27 , though little advan
tage was taken of.the opportunity
to debate the bill.
The free list bill would place on
the free list agricultural imple
ments , cotton bagging , cotton ties ,
leather boots and shoes , fence
wire , meats , cereals , flour , bread ,
timber , lumber , sewing machines ,
salt and other articles. The ex
emptions are designed to take
effect on the day following the
approval of the measure.
Voting on various amendments
to the farmer's free list bill was
begun in the senate as soon as the
routine morning business was dis
posed of. The first amendment
to add coal and coke to the free
list was defeated , 23 to 52.
Senator Bailey's amendment to
exempt fresh meat from the op
eration of the free list bill was de
feated , 14 to G3. This amend
ment received no.democratic votes
and apparently foreshadowed pas-
age of the house bill without a-
mendment. . The Bailey amend
ment to put lemons on the free
list was defeated , 15 to 59.
Special Notice.
Lack of sufficient water for power
at the Minnechaduza Mill , due to
the drouth , has forced closing of
the li ht plant at midnight , redu
cing the efficiency of the pumping
plant. Therefore great care in the
use of city water should be exer
Ordinance-No. 82 prohibits sprin
kling between the hours of eight o'
clock p. ru. and five o'clock a. m.
and provides a fine of § 1 to $5 for
each violation. Willful and un
reasonable waste of water is also
forbidden with a penalty attached
for each offense. From this date on
the ordinance will he enforced , even
to the shutting elf of water.
Ordinance No. 76 provides a pen
alty of from § 2 to § 25 or imprison
ment for not more than five days
for riding bicycles on the sidewalk.
This and all other ordinances will
be enforced , and the marshals are
so instructed. Village Board.
Trespass Notice ,
Having posted notices forbid
ding shooting on my premises
west of Valentine and the same
being ignored , I further give no
tice that no person shall enter
u pen or cross my said premises
having in their possession firearms
of any description without my
consent. This decision is necces-
saryfortbe reason I have been
compelled to kill two valuable
horses which had been shot and
have a third wounded from shoot
ing. Offenders will be dealt with
by me as severely as the law will
permit. Therefore all are given
fair warning. A. N. Compton.
The committee in charge of the
Fraternal Picnic , Corn Show , and
Farmer's institute offer a prize of
$10.00 cash to any young lady in
Cherry county selling the greatest
number of tickets at 75c each ,
good for 4 days admittance to the
Miunechacluza park Sept. 6-9. Tick
et s can be had at the office of D.
McLeocl , Sec. Contest closes Sept.
5th at 4 p. m. Those residing at
a distance should mail to the sec
retary the number sold by them
not later than Sept. 5th at 4 p. m.
D. McLeod ,
H. Layport ,
L. L. Bivens ,
J. C. Quigley ,
AVm. Sh pard.
The price of season tickets for
the Fraternal Picnic is only 75
cents. Through a misunderstand
ing they wer.e advertised at § 1
each. Up to the present time
very few young ladies have ap
plied for tickets of Mr. McLeod.
There is § 10 in cash for some girl
who calls for some of these tick'ets
and gets out among her friends.
For Sale Beautiful residence
in Colorado Springs , Colorado.
Wilh take part payment in live
Stock. Address , Oliver Peters ,
Lake ,
A. 0. Colraan of McCann was
in town several days this week.
F. M. Walcott went to Rush-
ville Wednesday night on legal
Geo. N. Davis residing in the
east part of the county was in
town Friday.
The Stetter horse and mule sale
held in Valentine last Saturday ,
drew a good crowd of buyers.
Oliver Walcott and Dr. Sumner
made a trip to Rosebud Wednes
day morning in the VV alcott auto.
Sam Austin came up from Long
Pine Mend iy evening and spent
the time between trains visiting
his sisters.
Quigley & Bachelor shipped a
carload ot' implements and fence
posts to their ranch" near Merri-
raan on Monday.
S. H. Kimmol , Mrs. George ,
and Don and Pearl McNeil , came
down from Rosebud Monday in
the former's auto.
The work on the Catholic church
is in full swing. The side frame
work is up and the rafters for thereof
roof are about in place.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gaskill were
in town Saturday visiting their
daughter , Mrs. Forest Shepard
who has been quite sick.
Miss Margaret Haley and Geraldine -
aldine Trace well went up to Cody
Saturday and visited with Mrs.
Jarchow until Sunday evening.
Fred Green hauled a load of
hogs to town Wednesday. The
prospects for a short crop caused
him to sell off most of his hogs.
Miss Emma Prussa who has
been staying with her aunt , Mrs
John Kazda , and attending nor
mal , returned to her home near
Atkinson Saturday morning.
Mrs. J. H. Quigley and son
Bryan returned home Friday
night. They had been visiting
with Mrs. Quigley's brother. Wes
ley McDowell , at .Casper , Wyo.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Lilly and
two daughters returned to their
home in Bowman , N. D. , Friday
night after visiting a week with
Mrs. Lilly's uucle , J. F. Shepan
and family.
Lightning started a prairie fire
near Thomas Malone's place on
the Table , Tuesday night. After
much hard work the fire was pu
out about eleven o'clock Wednes
day morning.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Robertson
and little daughter came up fron-
Long Pine Friday evening and re
turned the nextday. Mr. Robert
son has been at the Pine for" some
time organizing a local branch o :
the W. 0. W.
Alex McAlevy came in Satur
day to attend the Stetter horse
sale. Mr. McAlvey is a candidate
for commissioner from-the seconc
district and he received many con
gratulations from his friends for
filing for the office.
The hot weather has not effect
ed the steady growth of building
operations in and around Valen
tine. Tuesday one lumber man
said "Business is fine" and meant
it too. He told of the number of
houses being builb on the reserva
tion and in the sand hills south of
here. His yard supplies about
much lumber for the south terri
tory as the north.
The work of making the Frater
nal Picnic , Corn Show and Far
mers' Institute , the big event of
the year for north west Nebraska is
progressing nicely. The com
mittee is very well pleased with
the way a big majority of the busi
ness men , and the people of Val-
jntine , are appreciating the -vim
ind enthusiasm they are displaying
n getting everything ready for
.he big doings Sept. 6-9.
Never leave home on a journey with
rat a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic ,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is
iliuost certain to be needed and cannot
) e obtained when on board the cars or
steamships. For sale by Chapman , the
The only Is&izastg powder
made fpQm Rsystl
A con was born to Mr. nnd Mrs.
Perry VtaciiVednesday \ morn
Don't forget to attend the Pav
ilion dance at the park , Friday
night. The music starts at 8:30. :
Lightning killed two horses
Wednesday night on the J. R.
Ayers farm near Crookston.
Mrs. Henry Stetter and son
John went up to Hot Springs
Thursday to spend the rest of the
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wilder of
Neligh are visiting Mrs. Wilder's
sister , Mrs. Frank Fischer and
other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kimmel
went up to Rosebud Tuesday.
Mr. Kimmel wil ! work at St.
Mary's Mission.
The Hall Street girls gave a
dancing party in Quigley Hall
Wednesday evening. About twen
ty young people enjoyed them
selves until a late hour.
The Quigley girls gave a party
at the park pavilion last Thursday
night in honor of Miss Florence
Hanna of Wood Lake and Miss
Bullard of Pawnee City.
M. F. Harrington of O'Neill
was in consultation with the coun
ty commissioners and County At
torney Tucker Wednesday. Ar
rangements have been made with
Mr. Harrington to be one of the
prosecuting attorneys in the
Heath , Murphy and Weed broth
ers trial for murder.
Martha Haley , Ruth Qu'gley '
and LPOH Anderson gave a fare
well party for Helen Hornby on
the lawn at the Haley residence
last Saturday evening. About
twenty of Helen's friends gather
ed to bid her good-bye. Helen ac
companied her parents to Lincoln
Monday evening.
Mrs. C. H. Cornell gave a Musi
cal party Friday night for mem
bers of the Episcopal choir and a
few of their friends. About thirty
ty- five enjoyed the evening at the
Cornell home. Objects having
a musical meaning were placed about -
bout the room. There were three
prizes for the three who guessed
the greatest number. It was trub
a musical evening and was verj
much enjoyed by all.
Male Help Wanted.
A TREASURE CHEST , full of hun
dreds of dollars In hard cash ! The
TRAIIj to it , any wide-awake boy
can follow. Don't worry any longer
where to get real money or whatever
article you want. Come to me and
get it. Parents investigate ! forthis
buIf-Miiue ROAD has led many a hey
to a bank account. Come with your
boy if you choose. Come early.
Valentine , Nebr.
U. S. Weather Bureau Report
) aily mean temperature 7J3.
" Normal temperature 74 °
[ ighest temperature ! K5 = .
owest temperature 45s.
lange of temperature 51 = .
'recipitation ' for week 00 .M of an inch.
. \-erage for 23 years O. s of an inch ,
'recipitation ' March 1st to date 040 inches ,
.verage for 23 years 14.39 of an inches.
JOHN J. MCLEAX. Observer.
few stackers for sale at cost
Lumber Co. 29
elling Out
We desire to announce that we are not clos
ing out , but are still selling the very best goods
at reasonable prices.
Our line of John Deere Implements , Yelie
Buggies , Moline and Davenport EolJer Bearing
Wagons and Samson Windmills is complete
and priced right.
We also have a large stock of lumber , lime ,
Wall Plaster , Cement , Brick , Sash , Doors , etc.
Is it not good policy to patronize a firm who
expects to continue in business and intends to
handle the same line of goods for years to come.
We never advertise so-called bargains
because we have always had our goods priced
ine Lumber Co.
A. E. iorris. ] W. W. Morrissey. Dr. C. "W. Noyes
. .A
Go to the
> tock Exchange Saloon
Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr.
Just recsived afina new line of.
They sell from 5c to 35 c each
Wash Shirt Waists
Johnson's Millinery. i'
CE C E Low
G E ft
E Convenient Take advantage of the
G Schedules present 'low summer rates
E to Chicago , Eastern Cities ,
S Seaside and Mountain
5S S Resorts.
3I 3 Travel on the splendidly
I equipped fast trains of The North
I 1 Western Line and insure for your
1I 1S Perfect self a pleasant trip.
I Dining Car
I I Service The roadbed is double track
T I between Omaha and Chicago , and
li guarded by automatic safety sig
liS liS S nals all the way.
liB S
B The Best of Everything
a The direct
a scenic and For tickets , reservations and
a route full particulars apply at
a Tickets Offices
Harriet Quimby has been award
ed a pilot's license by the Aero
Club of America. This is the first
icense that has ever been award
ed a woman aviator in this country.
Miss Quimby flew in a Mosmt
Monoplane atHemstead , L. L
Repairs for the Piano or Jones
mowing machines ordered on short
notice at Fischer's Hardware.
CiQ furnish all repairs in fivedajs
Posts in all lengths and prices.
Ludwig Lumber Co. 9
Happiest Girl in Lincoln.
A Lincoln , Neb. , girl \vrites , "I had
been ailing for some time with chronic
constipation and stomach trouble. I Le-
gan taking Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets and "in three
days Iwas
able to he up and got better right along.
I am the proudest girl in Lincoln to find
such a good medicine. " For sale by
Chapman.the druggist.