Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 03, 1911, Image 3

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Marcuse Colony , located in Sutter
County , which Is in the heart of the
Sacramento Valley , is fast coming to
the front as a farming community in
which nearly every agricultural prod
uct known may be successfully raised
"without irrigation.
The soil is a dark , sandy loam ,
sedimentary in character , level and
well drained. It has the advantage
over other soils in that it is loose in
character and superior to heavy soils.
With this wealth of soil , abundance
of water , unexcelled climate and long
growing season , Marcuse Colony is
the ideal place for the homeseeker
with limited means , the worn out pro
fessional man , or the young man look-
fr a small farm in a healthful
"The proximity of MarCuse Colony to
Sacramento , furnishes a ready market
for vegetables , poultry , eggs and
dairy products. Fruits , vegetables ,
alfalfa , grains and grasses and poultry
yield large returns. The rainfall Is
certain and drought is unknown.
Land is yqi moderately priced , but
crop Tamires in other sections of the
United States will bring new settlers
in rapidly. This , together with the
holding of the Panama Pacific Expo
sition in , San Francisco during 1915 ,
is bound to raise the price , and wheth
er for a home , or for an Investment ,
now is the time to purchase. Land
may be had in tracts suitable to the
means of all and the results , obtained
are almost beyond belief. FuKner in
formation will be gladjy furnished by
BUREAU , 630 Bee Bldg. , Omaha , Neb.
Putting on Airs.
Mrs. Flubber is a very superior per
son. "
"Oh , very. You'd think she had
been to a half dozen coronations. "
By Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Peoria , 11. "Iwish to let every ona
know what Lydia E. Pinkham's remedies -
dies have done for
me. For two years
said I had tu
mors , and the only
remedy was the sur
geon's knife. My
mother bought IQS
Lydia E. HnkiMn i
Vegetable Com
pound , and today I
am a healthy wo
man , For months
J suffered from in-
flammationand your/Sanative "Wash re
lieved me. Your Liver Pills have no
equal as a cathartic. Any one wishing
proof offhsi your medicines have
( lone for"me can get it from any drug
gist or by writing to me. You can use
my testimonial in any way you wish ,
and I will be glad to answer letters. "
Mrs. CIIBISTINA BEED. 105 Mound St. ,
Peoria , 111.
Operation Avoided.
New Orleans , La. "For years I suf
fered from severe female troubles.
Finally I was confined to my bed and
the doctor said an operation was neces
sary. I gave Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound a trial first , and
was saved from an operation. " Mrs.
LiLYPEYHOTJX , 1111 Kerlerec St. , New
Orleans , La.
The great volume of unsolicited tes
timony constantly pouring in proves
conclusively that Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound is a remarkable
remedy for those distressing feminine
ills from which so many women suffer.
in Western Canada
2OO Million Bushels
Wheat to be Harvested
Harvest Help in Great Demand
Reports from the Provinces of
Manitoba , Saskatchewan and Alberta
( Western Canada ) indicate one of
the best crops ever raised on the
continent. . To harvest this crop will
require at least 50,000 harvesters.
Low Rates Will be Given
on All Canadian Roads
Excursions are run daily and full
particulars will be given on applica
tion to the following authorized Cana
dian Government Agent. The rates
are made to apply to all who wish to
take advantage of them for the pur
pose of inspecting the grain fields of
Western Canada , and the wonderful
opportunities there offered for those
who wish to invest , and also those
who wish to take up actual farm life.
Apply at once to
E. T. Holmes , 315 Jackson St. , St. Paul , Minn.
J. M. MacLachlan , Drawer197YVatertcmn.S.D.
DAS KILLER plated urnfcer * , * t
trncto mod fclllf all
. lllf . Nu % clem ,
I ornamental , conren.
| ! cntcheap. LuUslI
wuaa. Can'tsplllor
j tip over , will net soil
lor injure anything.
i Guaranteed eEcct-
! ! T * . Of all dealer * or
sent prepaid for ZOc.
UrooUjn , S.Y.
For the treatment of Chronic Ulcers , Bono
UlcersScrofulous UlcersVaricose Ulcers.In-
dolent Uleers.rilercnrial Ulccrs.Wlilte Swell-
Intr , Milk L.CJT. Fever Soresslloid ton * . V rjae. .
teuful. B ; mill tOc. J. P. ALLEN , Dipt. A7 , St. Ptnl , Jllnn.
Mail orders given special attention.
AH kinds amateur supplies strictly
fresh. Send for catalop.
Thompson's Eye Water
Message to the Senate Fully Explains the Trans
action and Denounces the Attack on Chief
Executive and His Brother as Wiiful ,
& and Malicious Falsehood.
Washington. President Taft sent
to the senate Wednesday a message
that recalled some of those received
from his predecessor. It was in re
ply to a resolution of the senate re
questing the president to transmit to
the senate all the documents relating
to the elimination from the Chugach
national forest , in Alaska , of land
fronting upon"'Controller bay. Mr.
Taft seizes the cccr.-on occasion { &
make a vigorous defend of his' own
honor and that of his brother , Charles
P. Taft , against the attacks made In
relation to this Controller hay "scan
dal. "
The president sent in all the docu
ments asked for , and more , and
quotes the executive order in ques
tion , by which 12,800 acres were
eliminated from the national forest.
His _ message describes the import
ance of Controller bay as a railway
terminal and relates the operations of
the Copper River railroad , owned by
the Morgan-Guggenheim interests ,
whose terminal Is at Cordova.
Ryan's Application Investigated.
In December , 1909 , Richard S.
Ryan applied for the Controller bay
elimination , afterward granted , stat
ing that ho represented the Controller
Railroad and Navigation company.
Mr. Talt tells how this application was
referred to the district foresters at
Portland , Ore. , and in Alaska and
was approved by Chief Forester
tributed to a newspaper correspondent
that in an examination of the files of
the Interior department a few weeks
ago a postscript was found attached
to a letter of July 13 , 1910 , addressed
by Mr. Richard S. Ryan to Secretary
Balllnger and in the present record
urging the elimination of land
enough for terminals for the Control
ler Railway & Navigation company.
The. postscript was said to read as fol
lows :
"Dear Dick : I want to see the presi
dent the other day. He asked m < j
who it was I represented. I tofd him
according to our agreement , that I
represented myself. But that didn't
seem to satisfy him. So I sent for
Charlie Taft and asked him to tell
his brother , the president , who it was
I really represented. The president
made no further objection to my
claim. Yours , DICK. "
Uses Strong Language.
"The postscript is not now on the
files of the department. If it were ,
it would be my duty to transmit it
under this resolution. Who is really
responsible for its wicked fabrication
if it ever existed , or for the viciously
false statement made as to its authen
ticity , is immaterial for the purposes
of this communication. The purport
of the alleged postscript is , and the in
tention of the fabricator was , to make
Mr. Richard S. Ryan testify through
its words to the public that although
the latter was away for his vacat'on
for two months , must impress every
Places the Blame.
"The person upon whose statement
the existence of what has been proper
ly Characterized as an amazing post
script is based , is a writer for newspa
pers and magazines , who was given
permission by Secretary Fisher , after
consulting with me , to examine all the
files in respect to the Controller Bay
matter and this under the supervision
of Mr. Brown , then private secretary
of the secretary of the interior.
After the examination , at which it
is alleged this postscript was re
ceived from the hand of Mr. Brown ,
the correspondent prepared an elab
orate article on the subject of
this order and Controller Bay ,
which was submitted to Mr. Fisher ,
and which was discussed with Mr.
Fisher at length , but never in the con
versation between them or in the arti
cle submitted did the correspondent
mention the existence of the post
script. Mr. Brown states that there
was no such postscript in the papers
when he showed them to the corre
spondent and that he never saw such
a postscript. Similar evidence is
given by Mr. Carr and other custodial !
of the records In the interior depart
ment ,
' 'slronger evidence of the falsity and
maliciously slanderous character of the
alleged postscript could not be had.
Its only significance is the light it
throws on the bitterness and venom of
some of those who take active part in
every discussion of Alaskan issues.
Scandal-Mongering Denounced.
"I am in full sympathy with the con
cern of reasonable and patriotic men
that the valuable resources of Alaska
should not be turned over to be ex
ploited for the profit of greedy , absorb
ing and monopolistic corporations or
syndicates. Whatever the attempts
which have been made , no one , as a
matter of fact , has secured in Alaska
any undue privilege or franchise not
completely under the control of con
gress. I am in full agreement with the
view that every care , both in admin
istration and in legislation , must be
observed to prevent the corrupt or nn
PrtftnJ by dirtcti
Offict efttn Coatt ent CeaJetie Surrey
July 1311
of nee f letrtr tat ? wottr
OrOrgnulfy fropouJ eftxfatieit ,
842 James J. Ryan
-TermtiflTriKffileJDK.I4.l3IQ. .
844 - ArncU L Seieaer
/ran * f farts
Z&24 11. ( To f c. pijt J }
'Graves ; how the navy department
stated it did not desire to use Con
troller bay as a reservation ; how the
matter was considered fully by the
forestry bureau , the secretary of ag
riculture , the secretary of the inter
ior , the general land office and the
cabinet. As a result , after an inter
view between the president and Mr.
Ryan , an order was drafted eliminat
ing 320 acres.
Meanwhile Mr. Ryan had satisfied
the president and other officials that
he and his associates had no connec
tion with the Morgan-Guggenheim in
terests and were engaged in an in
dependent enterprise in good faith to
build an independent railroad. The
question again came before the cab
inet , and the president , with the ap
proval of the secretaries of the in
terior and agriculture , changed the
order so that it eliminated 12,800
acres , with sufficient room for a
railroad town. The message says :
"I was willing to do this because I
found the restrictions in the law suf
ficient to prevent the possibility of
any monopoly of either the uplands
or the harbor or channel by the Con
troller Railroad and Navigation com
pany or any other person or con
cern. " These restrictions the presi
dent sets forth at length , and shows
that the Ryan company has not the
slightest opportunity for exclusive
appropriation of the harbor facilities
unless congress shall by future act
deliberately and voluntarily confer It.
"Dick Dick" .
The to Letter.
Coming to the personal side of the
matter , Mr. Taft says :
"Before closing , I desire to allude tea
a circumstance which the terms of
this resolution make apt and relevant.
It Is a widely published statement at-
Cover for Bathtub.
Many housekeepers spend a lot of
time cleaning their bathtubs. Here Is
a way to make the work less strenu
ous : Cut a piece of unbleached mus
lin the size of the tub and round off
the edges to fit It , a bias facing is tnen
stitched round the cover , and through
this a piece of tape is run. When the
tub is not in use the cover Is put on
and tape drawn tightly under the
edge. It is easy enough to wash , and
spares an incredible lot of wear and
tear on batiitab ,
I was at first opposed In the public In
terest to granting the elimination
which he requested , nevertheless
through the undue influence of my
brother , Mr. Charles P. Taft , and the
disclosure of the real persons in in
terest , I was induced Improperly and
for the promotion of their private
gain , to make the order.
"The statement in so far as my broth
er is concerned and that is the chief
feature of the postscript is utterly
unfounded. He never wrote t me or
spoke to me in reference to Richard
S. Ryan or on the subject of Controller
Bay or the granting of any privileges
or the making of any orders in respect
to Alaska. He has no interest in
Alaska , never had , and knows nothing
of the circumstances- connected with
this transaction. He does not remem
ber that he ever met Richard S. Ryan.
He never heard of the Controller Bay
railroad until my cablegram of inquiry
reached him , which , with his answer ,
is in the record.
"Mr. Ballinger says in a telegram in
answer to my inquiry , both of which
are in the record that he never re
ceived such a postscript and that he
was in Seattle on the date of July 13 ,
when it was said to have been written.
"Mr. Richard S. Ryan , in a letter
which he has sent me without
solicitation , and which is in the
record , says that he never met my
brother , Mr. Charles P. Taft , and
that so far as he knows , Mr. Charles
P. Taft never had the slightest inter
est in Controller Bay , in the Controll
er Railway and Navigation company ,
or in any Alaskan company , and he
utterly denies writing or signing the
alleged postscript. The utter improb
ability of his writing such a postscript
to Mr. Ballinger at Washington , when
Soldier's Brave Deed.
Asked what was the bravest deed he
nad ever seen , Lord Roberts said he
iinembered that while he was on his
.vay to Lucknow his lorce was F * > ed
oy a walled Inclosure. A little soldier ,
a Punjabi Mohammedan , seeing the
uifliculty , endeavored to open the door
wnich barred their way. When he tried
urst to draw the bolt one of his hands
was cut off by one of the enemy ; then
lie managed to unfasten-the bolt with
nls other hand , which was subsequent
ly nearly severed from the wrist.
fair acquisition of undue privilege ,
franchise , or right from the govern
ment in that district. But everyone
must know that the resources of
Alaska can never become available
either to the people of Alaska or to the
public of the United States unless rea
sonable opportunity is granted to those
who would invest their money to se
cure a return proportionate to the risk
run in the investment and reasonable
under all circumstances.
"On the other hand , the acrimony of
spirit and the intense malice that have
been engendered in respect of the ad
ministration of the government in
Alaska and in the consideration of
measures proposed for her relief and
the wanton recklessness and eagerness
with which attempts have been made
to besmirch the characters of high of
ficials having to do with the Alaskan
government , and even of persons not
in public life , present a condition that
calls for condemnation and requires
that the public be warned of the de
moralization that has been produced
by the hysterical suspicions of good
people and t-he unscrupulous and cor
rupt misrepresentations of the wicked.
The helpless state to which the credul
ity of some and the malevolent scan-
dal-mongering of others have brought
the people of Alaska in their struggle
for its development ought to give the
public pause , for until a juster and fair
er view be taken , investment in
Alaska , which is necessary to Its de
velopment , will be impossible , and hon
est administrators and legislators will
be embarrassed in the advocacy and
putting into operation of those policies
In regard to the territory which are
necessary to Its progress and pros
perity. WILLIAM H. TAFT.
"The White House , July 26 , 1911. "
Sampson at Gaza.
A familiar story Is that of Sampson ,
pulling down the pillars of the temple
of Gaza , whereby the roof fell upon
the Philistines. How Samson was
able to do this Is now known. Excava
tions on the site of Gaza show that the
pillars of the temple were of wood ,
and rested upon foundations of stone
without being fastened thereto Tbi
strong man had , therefore , merely to
push these pillars off their supporting
stones , when down would come the
: ont of the wb'ole , building.
liuiiiiiimimianimmmutHuiMinnmmrniiiMitunniiti For Infants and Children *
The Kind You Have
imiuiMiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiniiiiuiuntinmMiiiuttii.iiiMiiiiii Always Bought
Vegetable Preparation for As
similating IheFoodandRegula- Bears the
KB ring the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes DigsstiosxCheerful-
ness and Resl.Con tains neither of
Opium .Morphine nor Mineral
pf cfOldDrSA
f\unfftin Stftf-
JfetMUSatU -
/.nist fee : ! ,
WormSceil -
Clon'fitd Suyar
H7nkryreert f favor.
A perfect Remedy forConstipa-
tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea ,
Wo Worms .Convulsions .Fever ish-
nessand-LosS OF SLEEP.
facsimile Signature of'
A to itonlIsolds
* Guaranteedjindcrhe ( Fpodai
Exact of Wrapper.
Mrs. Justwed There's nothing In
the house fit to eat. I'm going home
to my mother.
Mr. Justwed ( broke ) Wait till I get
my hat , and I'll go with you.
There are but few sure things in
this old world. One of them is the
uncertainty of a woman's age.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrnp for Children
teething , softens the pruras , reduces Inflamma
tion , allays pain , cures wind colic , 25c a bottle.
Dodging bad story tellers is one way
of avoiding poor relations.
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
Can quickly be overcome by
Purely vegetable
act surely and CARTERS
gently on the
liver. Cure ITTLE
Biliousness , IVER
ache ,
ness , and Indigestion. They do their duty.
Genuine must bear Signature
Established 30 Years
Floral emblems and cut flowers for all
occasion. SIOUX CITY , IOWA
other itarcbea only 12 ounces game price and
Wnt oHE.Coleman"Wa3b-
PATENTS InBton.D.C. Books free. High
est references. Best results.
W. N. U. , SIOUX CITY , NO. 31-1911 , I
A Poor Weak Woman
As she is termed , will endure bravely and patiently
agonies which a strong man would give way under.
The fact is women are more patient than they ought
to be under such troubles.
Every woman ought to know that she may obtain
the most experienced medical advice free of charge
and in absolute confidence and privacy by writing to
tthe World's Dispensary Medical Association , R. V.
Pierce , M. D. , President , Buffalo , N. Y. Dr. Pierce
lias been chief consulting physician of the Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute , of Buffalo , N. Y. , for
many years and has had a wider practical experience
In the treatment of women's diseases than any other physician in this country , . '
His medicines are world-famous fer their astonishing efficacy.
The most perfect remedy ever devised for weak and defi *
cate women is Dr. Fierce's Favorite Prescription *
lHie many and varied symptoms of woman's peculiar ailments are folly set
forth in Plain English in the People's Medical Adviser (1008 pages ) , a newly-
revised and up-to-date Edition of .which , cloth-bound , will be mailed free on.
receipt of 31 one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only. Address as above.
Low round trip fares to-
New York , Boston
New England , entire Atlantic Coast and
other Eastern Summer Resorts
taYorkGbntral Lines
Lake Shore Big Four Michigan Centra !
Tickets at reduced fares will be on sale daily during
August and September. free
Many stop-over privileges -
ileges , and optional boat trips on Great Lakes ,
St. Lawrence and Hudson Rivers.
We will be glad to send you full informa
tion as to fares , berth reservations and
routes , and on request will send
copies of our new 1911 summer
booklets and folders.
Address W. B. Jerome
503 La Salle Street Station
_ _ Chicago , I1L