-V , - I ' SPAIN'S RESTAURANT MEALS AT ALL HOURS Short Orders of ail Kinds , Day and Night First Class Meals 25c. tJtAA j At 5 5 * & HOWE & BUONTAGNE g Livery ? JFeed and Sales Stable , Wood Lake , Nebraska Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties. * JACKSON & FISCHER UNDERTAKERS LICENSED EMBALMERS - Valentine , Nebraska Calls Answered at All Hours Night Phone No , 74 . Chartered as n National Bank Chartered ns n St.-tte Bank , . Juno 1 , 1881. Auyust 12 11)02. ) The . ( Successor to Bank of Valentine. ) Yalentine , Nebraska. CAPITAL - $25.000 A General Banking , Exchange SURPLUS - 25,000 and Collection Business : : : : Uudivided Profits 4,000 . . . , , . M. V. NICHOLSON , Onshier. C. J. T. H. May COIINKI.T , Vice President. President. H. L.KuiiK , As > s't Cashier. Rosebu e Line D. A. WH1PPLE , Propr Valentine Headquarters at the Chicago House Rosebud " " " Rosebud Hotel Leave Yalentine at 8 o'clock every morning , Sundays excepted. Arrive at Rosebud at 2 o'clock p. m. Leave liosebud at 8 o'clock every morning , Sundays excepted. Arrive at Yalentine at ' 2 o'clock p. m. Dinner at Britt at 11 o'clock a. in. Special attention to passengers , baggage and express or packages. Leave orders at headquarters or at the Eed Front store. . A. Whipple. With new prices , which are the lowest for good business. My stock consists of Dry Goods , Groceries , Shoes and 5 and 10 cent bargains. You are invited to call V and make this your home store. Highest pric es paid for produce. Come and get ac R quainted. o 2nd Building South the Bank. Crookston , Neb > l Dr. D. W. Sumner DENTIST Hornby Building- Two 4-room houses for rent. I. M. Rice , tf Fischer's Hardware sells bicyc les and bicycle supplies of all kinds. Repairing done promptly. I ! Sprains require careful treatment. Keep quiet and apply Chamberlain's Lin- imenfc freely. It .v/ill remove the soreness - . * * ness 'sad quickly restore -the-parts ; to a * healthy condition. For sale by , the druggist. . Estrayed from ray pasture one bay mare , dark tail and mane , weight about 1,050 pounds , brand ed on left , shoulder ccK , and S wrench , E , W. Vogel , 28-2p Wanted Employment on farmer or ranch by man and wife , and 14 year old boy. Address Harry M. Stout , Eagle , Nebr. ' 28 2 Never leave home on a journey wit ! ? ' out a hottle of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain-to be needed and cannot , be obtained when on board the cars or j steamships. For .sale by Chapman , the druggist Junior Normal Notes. * Mrs. Eaton and Mrs. McLean were visitors Tuesday. Misses Sparks , .McLean and Helzer rendered a beautiful six- han l piano selection at chapel one day this week. Miss Shadell of Lincoln arrived Tuesday evening to look after the interests of the Nebraska Teacher at the Normal. I. M. Downing , former state inspector of normal training in ' i high schools , was in town Tuesday | and made us a visit. The faculty and students were delightfully entertained Tuesday at chapeFby some select readings given by Miss Krutz of North western University. ' Examinations occupied Friday and Saturday of last week , so that no classes .were heard. An other will be given at the close of this week , but it is not expected that any class work will be omit ted. The Principal desires to take this opportunity to exprsss his appreciation of the uniform loy alty of the people of Valentine to the best interests of the schools of this part of the state. We have felt constantly that we had the support of all , and we owe them thanks. Particularly we may mention the board of education , the press , and the Commercial Club , to which number we may add many others whom we have learned to think of as friends. A most enjoyable evening was spent by the Normal , almost in a body , at the home of Levi Sparks on Tuesday. The lawn , the front porch , and poitionsof the spacious residence were occupied by the merry-makers who were looking for a good time and found it. The time was passed in games of var ious kinds , light refreshments in tervening. Miss Krutz favored us with some entertaining read ings , and Misses Sparks , Helzer , McLean. Baier and VanDrielgave short selections on the piano. This has been Institute week , and , as a consequence , many new faces are among the students. The enrollment reached 89 at the close of the day Tuesday , three in excess of the enrollment of 1910. The'recitation periods are short ened this week , thus giving addi tional time for work more in the line of the institute proper than that of the normal ppu } $ be made. Three half-hour lectures anegfren daily at nine , ten ano ! two o'clock by members of the faculty , these addresses taking lip the features of the teacher's work in detail and from the stand point of experience. On Monday the Institute was ad dressed by Miss Gordon , Mr. Jean and the Principal. On Tues day Mr , Marcellus , Miss VanDriel and Mr. Crago spoke. Each , in turn , will speak ag in during the week. \ IF YOU Want a Cook Want a Clerk Want a Partner Wsitf a Situation Want a .Sefygnt Girl Want to Sell a Fia * $ Want to Sell a Carriage Want to SellTownProperty Want to eJJ Your Groceries Want to Sell Touf Hardware Want Customers for Ay'M.n Advertise Weekly in This Paper. Advertising Is the Way to Success Advertising Brians Customers Advertising Keeps Advertising Insures Advertising Shows Energy Advertising Shows Pluck Advertising Is "Biz" Advertise or Bust Advertise Long Advertise Well ADVERTISE Once In This Paper If you owe yourseif a suit of clothes be sure and buy it of A. John & Co. while they are cheap. Millions Educated by Tuberculosis Exhibits. _ Exhibitions , showing in graphic k form the prevention of consump tion , have been shown in every state 1 in the United States , except Nevada , Arizona , New Mexico , and Wyoming , and also in most of the Canadian Provinces , and in Mexico , Porto Rico , and Cuba , according to a bulletin issued to day by the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. The bulletin also shows that 25 states and 16 cities i have permanent and traveling ex hibits besides the two operated by the National Association itself , the total number of such displays ba- ing over 200 , including about 150 small Fchool exhibits. The first tuberculosis exhibit in America was shown by the Mary land Tuberculosis Commission in January , 190i. In 1906 there were four such exhibits. Today practically all of thu larger cities i of the country have such displays , and in twenty-five states compre hensive campaigns have been car ried on with them. These exhibits are visited annually by millions of people. The American Tuberculosis Ex hibition of the National Association is completing six years of contin uous service , during which time it has been shown under three flags , in the United States , Mexico , and Canada , and has been displayed in 21 states , including every South ern state east of the Mississippi , except Test Virginia , Maryland , and Delaware. The Western Tu berculosis Exhibit of the National Association , just closing its season in Butte , Montana , has been shown in Illinois , Kansas , Nebraska , Missouri , Arkansas , Oklahoma , Colorado , Utah , Idaho , and Mon tana. tana.As As a result of the general educa tional campaign through the vari ous exhibitions on tuberculosis , millions of pieces of literature have been distributed ; millions of people shown how to prevent con sumption ; and several states and cities have been roused to take legislative action against this dis ease. In 1908 the management of the State Fair built an Auditorium with 5,000 comfortable seats in which tired sightseers might rest and enjoy several concerts each day by one of the best bands se cured in the United States. Hep * tember 4th to Sth this year tb'e wonderful A. Liberati's New York City Military Band and Grand Qpera Company of Instrumental ists and § 0 lingers some of whom are the best Italian ( rjrand Opera Soloists to be foimd in the country will be heard in eoqcerts at 1080 ; a. m , and 180 ; and 4 p. ra , The narae "Liberati" explains the mer it of this musical orgapization to music lovers. For Sale. At f 5.00 per acre. Si of SWi and BJ of ggj pf Sep. 2J , Tp. 31 , HaL-ge 26 of Cherry PPHPfcr , e r raska. Will leave mortgage of $500 , ai 6 per cent for 4 : years , G. H. Folkins , Ames , Iowa. Piano or Jones mowing ma- chioes and rakes at reduced prices. For sale by Frank Pgcfoer. 2f The Minnechadaza Park Pavi lion has attained popularity as an amusement place. Fischer's Or chestra ujlj give another dance there on Friday tight , .July 28th. Come and enjoy a good cool time. U , S. Weather Bureau Report WEJS ENDING JULY 27 , 1911. Daily mean lemp/jjrature 68 ° . " Normal temperaturp 7J3 Hig hgst temperature 93 = . lowest temperature - . Range of tsiPperature 53 = . Precipitatioa for Week OO.ll of An inch. Average for 23 years 0.72 of an inch. Precipitation March 1st to date 5.86 inches. Average for Shears 13.4(5 ( of an inches. N J. MCL.EAN. Observer. Happiest Girl in .Lincoln. A Lincoln , Neb. , girl writes , ! ' 1 had been ailing for some time with chronic .coagj& § Jon and stomach trouble. I began - | gan tamng'CjiauiJbijjjJ n's Stomach and ' Liver Tablets and'jin'jthrjep , aa.ys I was I able to be up and got better right along. am the proudest girl in Lincoln to find each & gflQ < l- JnedicinB.V.For sale by Chapman , the druggist. i Midland " 40" * The automobile that will travel all directions out of Valentine without fear of being sand or hill bound. We invite everyone to inspect this up = to = date car. & > . Simple m Design and Construction i Dambly & Layport Auto Dealers Valentine , - Nebraska LL Cigars arid Soft Drinks G. STETTER Every .ie should be protected in a reliable company. Irepre- -1 , tne Columbia Fire Insurance Co. of Omaha and the Com mon we i : 'i of New York. Both of these companies are safe and sound. For Lit 1 isnrance , the Merchants Life Insurance Co. of Burlington , la. , put out s policy that is hard to equal by other companies. Call me up , Phone 92 , and I will explain the advantages these companies offer. J. W. SHEPARD , Agent. E. Jt. Faddis & Co Pnstofflce address Valentine or Kennedy. Some branded Sven left Horses branded i left shoulder or thih Some Some branded brai'dod on right thigh on left or iliouhler. shoulder or thi h P. H. Young. Simeon. Nebr. Cattle branded as cut on left side Some QVon left side. on left Jaw of V horses. Ranpe on Gordon Creek north of Simeon , N" . S. Eowley. Kennedy , - fleuraska. Same as cut on left side and hip , and on' ' left shoulder of her ses. AlsolSJsi on klt ; side hip. FX ° n Home fat-i tie brand ed husk-5SS3Sj3iIiing peg ( either side up ) on left side or hip. p on left jaw and left shoulder of horses , HI HIQ on left hip of horses. 3"on left jaw of horses 0 , P Jordan , Eosebud. SD Horses end cattle same as cut ; also CJBE JJ on right hip. Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rusijara of stock bearing any of these brands. K. M. Ten-ill , Propr. Brett nice , rattle branded as in c.t on. left s j d e. S o m p branded Iv T Y on'h'ft hip.'ftangp oji' yorth Xqpp river. t\\-o \ miles west of Brotvnlea Xot Afraid § t Francis sion , Kos'ebud. S. D. . ' ' ( Mtle branded as in cut ; horses same orIKP on leftthfeh. Kanse between Spring C'k and Little White river. Albert Whipple & Sons. V Rosebud S. D. Cattle branded SOS on left aide OSO on rfghtslde Some cattle also have a 4on neck Some with A on left shoulder and some branded - with two bars icross hind qnac- cers. Some Texas cattle branded O 011 left side and somej on left side. CH > Horses branded SOS on left bin. Some"cattf * branded A.W bar connected on both sides and left hip of horses D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.left side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. 3artlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock , V. P. Chas C Jamison Sec&Treaa Cattle branded on any part of animal ; also the following lorses brandec same Range betweei Gorauu on tne F.Js. & M. V. . B. B. and Hvannis on 1 ? & > M. R.R. in Northwestern Nebr. v llKHlA-UDS. Ellsworth. Nehr Sawyer Bros. Oasis , Nebr G. K. Sawyer has charee of these cattle. II rses J onMtshouI- der. So leftside. Horses same left thigh. Hange on Suake river. Metzger Bros. itoit'e Nebr Cattle branded anywhere on left side. Earmark , square crop right ear. Horses have same brand , on effjfhigh. Range on Gordon and Snake Creole * . A Reward" $250 w ill be paid to. any person for information leading to the arrest aud final conviction of any person or persons stealing. with above nraml. Taryan. Jullman , Nebr Cattle braqded JY onrightsjde Hojrses branded J ? on right 3ho.uid.er' Eea,3onable reward for any infonnatfon leading to the re covery ol cam strayed Irojn i y range. .A .TRIUMPH IN THE ART OF BREWING THE LEADING BEER : e r & Carroir * Dealeis