Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 27, 1911, Image 6
The Valentine Democr GEORGE M. GASKILL , Editor. VALENTINE , - - NEBRASF SOUTHEAST PORTION OF STA' OF NEBRASKA IS DELUDED BY WATER. RAILWAY TRAFFIC IS TIED I Bridges and Tracks Washed Out Many Lines One Farmer Suffe Lois of Eighty Head of Cattle a Entire Corn Crop. Omaha , Neb. Reports received this city from Gage and Johnson coi ties in the southeast portion of t state indicate that section was visit early Sunday by one of the heavie rainfalls recorded in that vicinity. From Beatrice comes the repc that the government gauge recorded fall of eight inches of rain and th the Blue river rose a total of 26 fei The Blue river rose at the rate of thr feet an hour , submerging the railroi yards and endangering the residen and business districts , in which pc tion of the town considerable damaj was done by the flood. Women ai children were rescued from the to of box cars. As far as can be learn * no lives were lost. All the railroads were hard hit 1 Ihe floods. The Burlington bridge ov Bear creek and nearly all the trackaj in the Burlington , Rock Island and U ion Pacific yards at Beatrice ws washed out or inundated. For a di tance of 12 miles between DeWitt ai Beatrice most of the track is gone. $325,000 BLAZE IN TOLEDO. Eight Firemen Hurt by Flying Bricl and Glass. Toledo , O. Eight firemen were pai : fully injured in a fire here which d stroyed the manufacturing plant of tt B. A. Stevens company , eight sma dwellings and frame storerooms. Th firemen were injured by flying bricfc and window glass when one of th walls of the Stevens plant collapse after the building had been guttei The men were taken to their homes i ambulances. How the fire started j unknown. Shortly after the fire was discovere two violent explosions occurred in th Stevens plant They were caused , i is believed , by polish which was use by the company in the manufacture c its products. The total loss is estimated at $325 000. The Stevens company's loss i placed at § 300,000 , with $290,000 ir surance. Shot Up a Crowded Car. North Adams , Mass. The victim ! -of Fadlo Malak , a young Syrian wh < shot up a. crowded electric car , are no expected to number more than two Motorman Hoyt and Miss Martha E Ester , who were both instantly killed The bullet which struck Mrs. S. A. Hall 69 years old , was recovered anc unless complications develop she is ex pected to recover. The other five worn en shot are reported to be progressing satisfactorily. Big Reward Offered. Fargo , N. D. The bandits who held up the Northern Pacific train early Thursday morning are believed to be still at large. The reward has been increased from $1,000 to $2,500 for each man. It is estimated that the loss of the passengers runs from $500 to $1,000. Twenty-Five Persons Hurt. Newark , O. Twenty-five persons were injured , six seriously , when the grandstand at the Newark baseball park collapsed during a game betewen the Newark and Wheeling clubs of the Central league , carrying 250 persons with it. Many women and children were in the stand at the time. "Scotty" Philip Dead. Pierre , S. D. James Philip , known as "Scotty" Philip , the noted cattle i ] man and owner of a large buffalo herd , died at his home in Fort Pierre as the result of bursting of a blood vessel in the brain. He had been sick some time. Robbed of Gems and Cash. Colorado Springs , Colo. While asleep in a berth on an Atchison , Topeka - peka & Santa Fe train bound for this city , Mrs. H. G | Seymour , of Kansas r , City , was robbed of a bag of diamonds worth $4,000 and nearly $100 in cash. Sioux City Live Stock Market. Sioux City. Saturday's quotations on the local live stock market follow : Top beeves , $6.55. Top hogs , $6.45. Criminal Driven to Bay by Posse. St. Joseph , Mo. Surrounded by a posse of officers and farmers eight miles north of town , Lewis Legatta , , \ sought on charges of arson and at- temped murder , refused to surrender and was riddled with bullets and buck shot. More Soldiers to Frontier. Lisbon. The Sixth regiment of chas- seurs was ordered to the northern frontier to reinforce the garrison at . -Braga. IJ Lf j ALDRICH SAYS HE DID NOT PRO ISE TAFT'8 AID Ifi LORIMER' * ELECTION. HE WAS 'NOT OBJECTIONABL Former Rhode Island Senator I futcs Much of the Evidence Giv by the Chicago Lumberman Befc Senate Investigating Committee Washington. Former United Stal Senator Nelson W. Aldrlch of Rho Island flatly contradicted at the Lc mer committee Investigation t story given by Edward Hines of C cage that Aldrich had asked him urge Lorimer to become a senator : candidate. In substance , Aldrich's testimo : was to the effect that Hines preached him and asked him what t administration thought of Lorlm < and Aldrich informed him that Lo mer was "not objectionable" to Pr < Ident Taft. A cross-examination brought an a mission from C. F. WIehe , brother-i law of Hines , that the mysterious Re ert Shields of Superior , WIs. , w ) travels the country over refresh ! ] the memories of witnesses prior .heir appearance here , has obtaint 'or his own agency , $4,000,000 of i surance on the Hines Lumber coi pany's properties , has "lobbied" f ; he concern and was active in tl ; lection of Senator Stephenson tVisconsIn. This is what forgner Senator Aldri ( iccomplished during his short a ) earance on the witness stand : Denied that he sent for Edwai 3ines in the spring of 1901. Denied that he asked Hines to s Congressman Lorimer and impress c ilm "that the administration WJ ery anxious to have a Republica enator elected in Illinois as soon lossible. " Denied tfcat he told Hines thei fere several important tariff schei les coming up in the senate for th assage of which It was very in ortant to have every available n ublican vote. Denied that he sent for Hine nd asked him to accompany him t lie White House to discuss the 111 ois situation with the president Denied that he told Hines the pres lent and he ( Aldrich ) thought Lor ler could be elected and again aske tines to urge on Lorimer "the neces ity of becoming a candidate and dc ig all he could to be elected at th irliest moment possible. " Denied that he sent any messag hatever either to Lorimer or t overnor Deneen concerning the elec on. on.Mr. Mr. Aldrich thought he had pai cipated in three conversations witl ines. HREE BANDITS ROB TRAIfl orth Coast Limited Held Up Ir North Dakota Passengers Are Relieved of $500. Grand Forks , N. D. Train No. 2 e eastbound North Coast limited or e Northern Pacific railroad , was : ld up by three masked robbers neai affalo , N. D. The robbers securec lout $500 in cash by searching the issengers , shot Engineer S. P. Olson Fargo twice to make him stop the and made a successful escape in i automobile which they had awaitS - S them near the scene of the rob- ry. The deed as executed was one of e most daring ever perpetrated In is part of the country and showed at the men were no amateurs at e business , as every movement was ; verly planned and admirably exo- ted. When the train stopped at the ? h bridge at Valley City the three ; n boarded it and went into the day ach. Heavily armed and shooting iklessly to intimidate the passen- rs , they first lined the train crew at one end of the car and then jceeded to search the passengers the coaches. WIS STRANG IS KILLED ted Auto Driver Crushed to Death in Attempting to Avoid a Wagon. Hue Rivers , Wis. Louis Strang , i noted automobile race driver , s instantly killed near here , when , an endeavor to avoid a wagon his omobile careened and went crash- over a high embankment Itrang was driver of a car carrying technical committee of the annual lurance tour of the Wisconsin Auto- bile association. a the car with Strang were three er passengers , including Joe Jag- berger , also a driver of Case cars , : Lester Clark of Richland Center , 3. The name of the other passen- has not been learned. Strang did jump , but remained at the wheel was crushed to death in the fall hlrty feet. Hunt Hoosier Politician , ushville , Ind. T. E. Gregg , a field miner under the state board of ac- ats and former city treasurer , has a missing for two months. The trace of Gregg was that he was i In Indianapolis in May. rreed by Immigration Officials , ew York. Hugh Sweeney of In- lapolis , who had been detained by immigration authorities at this as not being a citizen , was re ed on proving that he had Berred lie Civil war. "Look , Chimmie 1 et four cobs o' corn an' three slices o' melor * ! " WICKERSHAM SUGGESTS CORPO ATION COMMISSION AS REM EDY FOR PRESENT EVILS. FIXING OF PRICES POSSIBL Attorney General , in Duluth Addres Proposes Powers Like Intersta Commerce Board's Says Law Supply and Demand Nullified. Duluth , Minn. Attorney Gener Wickersham , speaking before the Mi : nesota Bar association here , advocate a federal commission for the regul tion of corporations in the same wa as the interstate commerce board no curbs the railroads. The cabinet member declared als that the duty of fixing prices of cor modities might devolve upon this con mission , though he expressed som doubt of the practicability of th ] phase of the plan. The law of supply and demand , M : Wickersham said , no longer control prices In the United States. Fc pears , he said , the prices in all th great staple industries have bee Bxed by agreement between the prii sipal .producers and not by a norms play of free competition. An interstate commission , the atto : ley general added , would prevent vie Nations of the anti-trust laws and ai Dusiness men to maintain a continue status of harmony with the require nents of the statutes. "That further regulation of corpora Ions carrying on commerce amoni he states may be necessary , " he said 'is coming to be a matter of curren lomment. It has been openly advc ; ated recently by representatives o ; ome of the largest combinations o apital , probably as a means of salva ion and to preserve under govern uent supervision great organization : /hose continued existence is menacec iy the recent interpretation of th ( Sherman act , the disintegration o : rhich would be attended with heavj DSS. To such it is a case of 'any f orl i a shipwreck. ' Better continued co perative life , even under a powerfu laster , than disseminated properties nd segregated activities without con tant government supervision. "But there are other reasons for uch regulation. The federal depart lent of justice is not organized or quipped to maintain constant super- ision and control of business organ- -ations. It deals only with cases of lolation of the law. The activities of a administrative board or commis- on would be directed to preventing ich violations and in aiding business en to maintain a continued status ! harmony with the requirements of .w. .w."Whether such a federal industrial jmmission should have power to reg- iate prices is , of course , a matter for > rious consideration. The interstate ) rnmerce law prescribed as a legis- tive rule that prices for transporta- on by rail , or wire , or pipe line , shall i reasonable , and that no unjust dis- Imlnatlon. shall be made between in- viduals or localities similarly situ- ed. A similar rule might be made r congress with respect to the prices commodities the subject of inter- ate commerce" Municipal Pigs Prove Failure. New Haven , Conn. Municipal col- ction of garbage , tried out here for .e last six months , has proved a cost- venture. The expense has been at e rate of $54.000 a year , the greater irt of which represents investment pigs. Bobby Carruthers Is Dying. Peorla , 111. Robert Carruthers , at ie time the highest-salaried baseball ayer in the work : , is dying at a hos- t&l in this city from a nervous break- wn. PLAGUE PERIL LES NO NEW CASES ARE FOUND I QUARANTINE IN NEW YORK. Port Health Officer Declares Chole Situation in General Is Very Favorable. New York. The cholera sltuatic at this port is looked upon by Heali Officer Dr. Alvah H. Doty , with i creasing favor. He issued the following bulletin : "At Hoffman island conditions ai satisfactory. There have been r further cases of cholera among tl passengers or crew of the steami Moltke detained there. Reports froi Swinburne island hospital state thei have been no further deaths. "The conditon of the passengei and crew of the steamer Perugia i satisfactory. On the whole the gei eral condition of the cholera situatio looks very favorable. " How difficult it is to 'exclude cho era was brought out in testimon heard at the investigation of Doty' ' administration. Emil Lederer , in charge of th steerage department of the Hamburg American line , testified that the firs case of cholera on board the Moltk did not develop until 22 days afte the passengers had first been quai antined in Italy. Lederer had this from the ship' doctor and from the Italian nava surgeon detailed to the ship. Washington. To help the New Yor ] authorities in the fight against cho ] era invasions from Europe Passed As sistant Surgeon Von Ezdorf , one o the experts of the public health serv Ice , has been sent from Wash ington. WALL PAPER MEN INDICTEE Members of Alleged Trust Are Ao cused of Violating Sherman Law in Cleveland. Cleveland , Ohio. Four Indictments vere returned by the federal grand ury , which has been investigating an illeged wall paper trust. The indict- nents charge conspiracy in restraint if trade under the Sherman law. The indicted persons are officials ol vail paper jobbing houses. They are : . B. Pearce , president of the J. B. Jearce Wall Paper company of ( fleve- and ; Norton Newcomb of St. Louis , Sdward E. Maxwell of Chicago and C. ) . Aler of Columbus , O. Bond was ixed at $5,000 in each case. The specific charge against the In- Icted men is that they met in Cleve- ind May 30 , 19107 and after a secret ession , notified wall paper manufac turers of the country that if they sold rail paper to 5 and 10 cent stores the ) bbers would boycott them. ; ECOND GUNBOAT TO HAITI .mericans and Their Interests Se riously Threatened by Revolu tion Against Simon. Washington. At the request ol merican Minister Furniss at Port 11 Prince , the United States will send aother gunboat to Haitien waters to rotect Americans and their Interests , jrlously threatened by the revolution gainst President Simon. The second arshlp will go to Port au Prince , the ipital. The gunboat Petrel already " at Port Liberte on the north coast Five Passengers Injured. Muskogee , Okla. Five passengers ad the conductor were injured when Midland Valley train crashed trough a bridge near Avant , Okla. lie bridge is fifty feet high. The ructure had been weakened by a vollen creek. Plot to Kill De La Barra ? Mexico City. The police have re- ilved information of an alleged plot assassinate President de la Barra. ie president discredits the report , it detectives are investigatine. PASS PUBLICITY Al ELSCTION REFORM MEASURE APPROVED BY SENATE. Ho Candidate for Congress Can Spi Over Ten Cents for Each Voter State. Washington. With a practl unanimous vote the senate passed most drastic campaign publicity me ure that was ever adopted by elt ] branch of the United States congre Using the pre-election publicity 1 passed by the house of reprc entati1 as a basis , the senate constructed proposed law with the following : portant features : "No candidate for the senate Ii usj snail spend in the election m < than a sum equal to ten dents for QZ voter in his district or state. "No senatorial candidate shall spe a total of more than $10,000 in t primary and general election ; and candidate for the house shall spe more than $5,000. "Publicity must be given to all I mary campaign contributions and i penditures. "All general election expenses mi be made public before the election , 1 ginning fifteen days before clecti ( and making publication each six da until election. "All promises of political Jobs mi be made public. " The bill further makes It Illegal promise political places in order to i cure election support , or to aid In fluencing the election of any memb of a state legislature. The bill will be the subject of prc ably prolonged conference between t two houses. It originated in t house as a part of the Democrat legislative program and was designi to require the publication of expen < tures before election , which is not i quired by the existing rublicity law The Republicans in the house i tempted to extend the bill to cover pi mary election expenses. In the sena the primary election amendment , co pled with more radical amendment were adopted with little opposition. The senate amendments authorize by the committee on privileges ar slections required publicity of all pi mary election expenses and all pledg < 3f political jobs or favors. Some election lection to this was made on the teas ; hat primary elections were not with ! : he control of congress. The amem nent was finally adopted , however , t i vote of 50 to 7. MLSON OUSTS WILEY AI iecretary Removes Floyd W. Robiso Without Consulting Chemist Taft to Act. Washington. Floyd W. Rob on , an important member of the stal if Dr. Harvey W. Wiley , chief of th ureau of chemistry of the departmen f agriculture , it was developed , wa ismissed from the bureau June 30 01 harges of insubordination. Although his dismissal was import nt , it was not considered sufficientl ; oteworthy to bring to the attention o ) r. Wiley's staff of experts In Ne\ rork city. He came originally fron lichigan , Secretary Wilson said that Robisoi ad been relieved of service becaust f his refusal to carry out an ordei f the secretaries of the departments agriculture , treasury and commera ad labor to prohibit the mixing ol enzoate of soda with food , which hac een determined was deleterious tc ealth. /OMAN / IN AUTO SHOT DEAD loodhounds Are Aiding Posses Ir Search of the Assassin in Woods of Virginia. Richmond , Va. Bloodhounds , cried i by their trainers of the Henrica mnty constabulary , are searching ie Midlothian woods in Chesterfield lunty aiding Richmond mounted poe - : e and posses under the sheriff of aesterfield in the hunt for the man ho shot and killed Mrs. Harry C. Battle , Jr. , as she was riding with ; r husband in an automobile. Young Beattie stopped the car when t unidentified man , evidently an an- automoblle fanatic , stood stubborn- In the middle of the road. When ! asked the man to make way the tter with a surly retort raised a igle barreled shotgun and fired at DSC range into the car , killing Mrs. sattle. U"ES' FRIENDS ARE HOPEFUL icken Financier Is More Than Hold ing His Own , and Complete Re covery Is Looked For. Paris. Although the condition of in W. Gates is still critical , he con- ues to make slight gains. Doctor Gros , after his second visit the patient said while it would be 'eral days before the physicians ild say definitely that Mr. Gates s out of danger , his condition at isent justified confident hopes for recovery. Canada Has Honey Famine. Toronto , Ont. Dealers in honey de- re that the drought of June and ly July has caused a shortage of ; r 1,000,000 pounds in Ontario's har- it from the hives. The practical .ure of small flowering field crops ; iven as the cause. Killed in Auto Crash. Villmar , Minn. Mrs. C. W. Carlson [ Jarpenter , S. D. , Is dead and her band Is seriously injured as the ult of an automobile accident near i city. ALL 0\ER NEBRASKA , Jacquot Leaves Big Estate. Caster County. Nicholas Jacquot * who recently died in Merna , left an < sstate valued at $100,000 to his elev en children. He died without having ; made a will and it will be divided , equally , the heirs having petitioned ror an early hearing and settlement. Unidentified Body Found. Sarpy County. The -badly decom posed body of a woman was found on the Wiley farm near Child's point by some boys who were fishing. The body , which was taken in charge by the coroner of Sarpy county , had evi dently been there for a long time. Coroner Will Investigate. Dawson County. An inquest will be held at Overton to ascertain the question whether there is any liabil ity on the part of the Union Pacific Railway company for the death of H- Finke and O. Bleau , who \vere killed by train No. 20 July 13. Alleged Bootlegger Bound Over. York County. The case of the state against E. P. Robinson of Hendcrsoar on the charge of selling intoxicating liquors without legal authority , was called in Judge Wray's court at York. Robinson waived preliminary examin ation and bound over for trial. Forty Tons of Hay Burned. Nemaha County. While at work cutting and raking hay on one of his bottom land farms north of Auburn , David Evans discovered fire near a partially completed stack and dispite his best efforts and the efforts of those who came to his assistance about forty ton of hay was burned. . State Auditor "Touched. " Hall County. State Auditor Silas R. Barton was touched for $165 while on his way home from Denver , Colo. Mr. Barton was practically destitute on arriving in Grand Island until he was able to locate some of his neigh- tors. The money was taken from his pockets while he was asleep on the train. Frontier Days at Osceola. Polks County. The Osceola fron tier dsys this year are July 26 and 27. The officers are pushing haul to make the celebration this year one of great interest and are engaging some of the best talent obtainable. Thte makes the third year that Oscaola has indulged in a frontier day pro gram. Drawn Into Fly Wheel. Saline County. Joe Justa , a thresh- 2r man of Dorchester , met with a seri- ) us accident while threshing on the ! arm of Art Huff. Stooping over to idjust a belt that had become loosen- ; d on the flywheel , his coat tail caught n the wheel and drew him in , break- ng his collarbone , his jaw and three ibs. One of the broken ribs punctur- ; d a lung. His condition is serious. Better Than Average Crop. Custer County. Custer county will lave better than an average corn rep if weather conditions are normal rein now on. At no time this year lad the crop been in serious condi- ion , and the local showers last w ek nd the general rain of this week have laced the ground in condition to de- elop the corn rapidly. The leading : irmers of this vicinity expect a crop f from fifteen to thirty-five bushels , , ependiog on locality and cultivation. Hogs Lost in Mire. Richardson County. A herd of sevr ateen hogs sought refuge from the sat in a slough in Harve Findlay's isture. They buried themselves in le mud , and the slough dried up hile the hogs were taking comfort ; this way. The mud dried about teir bodies and they couldn't get out- fter being missing two days , when r. Findlay found them , four were > ad. He and a neighbor used spades rescue the others by digging them it of the dry mire. Crops Turn Out Welf. Burt County. For the past few ys eighteen steam threshers have en at work and can be seen from ikamah. This is the largest number er before at work at the same time sight of each other in Burt County. ie wheat crop was never more amising. Close Calf for Congressman. ? 1Ilmore County. Congressman C. Sloan had a narrow escape front ious Injury while riding in a and's automobile , going overland : m his home in Geneva to catch a in at Fairmont. He had attended family reunion and spent the irth at home and started on his Y to Washington. The road be- jen Geneva and Fairmont is level ( altogether enticing for a spin , lie going at a good rate of speed machine skidded and turned tie. Both the congressman and companion fell clear of the ma- ae and suffered no serious mis- Little Boy Saves Brother's Life , uffalo County. Edgar Piper , the lar-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed 2r of Kearney , saved the life of brother of 4 years while the fam- were picnicking at Glenwood park Ji of Kearney. The mother had the boys to answer the telephone aid fell off the boat landing into ) d river. As he went down for third time Edgar grabbed him by hair and held him until a little playing near could give the alarm get help. / 1 \