Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 27, 1911, Image 3

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Sore throat is inflammation of the
mucous membrane of the throat , and
if this membrane happens to be at all
sensitive a predisposition to sore
throat will exist
Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic Is both a
preventative and a cure for sore
throat because it possesses extraor
dinary cleansing , healing and germicidal -
cidal qualities. Just a little IP a glass
of water , used as a gargle , will quick
ly relieve all soreness and strengthen
the mucous .mombrane of the iiroat ,
and thus overcome all tendency to
Bore throat.
Paxtine is far superior to liquid an
tiseptics or Peroxide for all toilet and
hygienic uses.
Paxtine may be obtained at any
drug store , 25 and 60c a box , or sent
postpaid upon receipt of price by The
Paxton Toilet Co. , Boston , Mass.
Send for a free sample.
Quarters and Halves.
George Ade , at the recent Lambs'
Gambol in New York , objected to the
extravagance of the modern wife. "
"It is true that the married men cf
today , " he ended , "have better halves ,
but bachelors have better quarters. "
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
C ASTORIA , a safe and sure remedy for
infants and children , and see that it
Bears the
Signature of
In Use For Over 30'Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Thinnest Man Weds.
The thinnest man in the world was
married recently by Municipal Judge
John R. Newcomer at the city hall.
"I had to look three times to see
him. " said the judge.
The man is Arthur Atherton , twenty-
four years old. Though five feet high ,
he weighs only 38 pounds. He mar
ried Blanche Buckley , nineteen years
old , who weighs 136 pounds. Chicago
Daily News.
Honors More Than Even.
Mrs. Patrick Campbell is not kindly
Inclined to criticism of her work. At
a rehearsal of a new play , one morn
V ing , ner manager , Charles Frohman ,
stopped Mrs. Campbell and saidr "Mrs.
Campbell , It seems to me that those
lines should be delivered thus , " repeatIng -
Ing the lines in question. Mrs. Camp
bell drew herself up and said : "Mr.
Frohman , I am an artist. " "That Is all
right , Mrs. Campbell , " replied the ur
bane manager. "I assure you I will
never reveal your secret. "
"Who is that man , " asked the new
boarder , "who is making such a fuss
because he has swallowed a fish
bone ? "
"That's the sword swallower at the
dime museum around the corner. "
A Symptom of Stomach Trouble Cor
rected by Good Food.
There Is , with some forms of stomach
ach trouble , an abnormal craving for
food which is frequently mistaken for
a "good appetite. " A lady teacher
writes from Carthage , Mo. , to ex
plain how with good food she dealt
with this sort of hurtful hunger.
"I have taught school for fifteen
years , and up to nine years ago had
good , average health. Nine years ago ,
however , my health began to fail ,
and continued to grow worse steadily ,
in spite of doctor's prescriptions , am"
everything I could do. During all thi
time my appetite continued good , only
the more I ate the more I wanted to
eat. I was always hungry.
"The first symptoms of my break
down were a distressing nervousness ,
and a loss of flesh. The nervousness :
grew so bad that finally it amounted tc
actual prostration. Then came stomach -
ach troubles , which were very painful ,
constipation which brought on piles ,
dyspepsia and severe nervous head
"The doctors seemed powerless to
help me , said I was overworked , and
at last urged me to give up teach
ing , if I wished to save my life.
"But this I could not do. I kept on
at it as well as I could , each day grow
ing more wretched , my will-power
alone keeping me up , till at last a
good angsl suggested that I try a diet
of Grape-Nuts food , and from that
day to this I have found it delicious
always appetizing and satisfying.
"I owe my restoration to health to
Grape-Nuts. My weight has returned
and for more than two years I have
been free from the nervousness , con
stipation , piles , headaches , and all the
ailments that used to punish me so ,
and have been able to work freely and
easily , " Name given by Postum Co. ,
Battle Creek , Mich. *
Read the little book , "The Road to
Wellville , " in pkgs. "There's a Reason. "
Ever read the above letter ? A new
one appear * front time to tirae. They
arc ffenulnc , true , and fall of buman
fetes In celebration of the thousandth anniversary of the duchy of Normandy have attracted crowds of Europeans
ropeans and Americans to Rome. A vast amount of labor and much money were expended to make the many
historical tableaux correct In setting and costuming.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Or. Bertillon Says Figures "Spell
National Annihilation. "
Glimmer of Hope Seen In Passing of
Law Abolishing Few of Amazing
Formalities Surrounding Mar
riage in France.
Paris. Dr. Jacques Bertillon , head
of the statistical department of Paris ,
declares that the birth and death
rates for 1910 "spell national annihi
lation. " The births were 774,358 and
the deaths 703,777 , difference of only
The number of births Is the lowest
for the past century , barring that for
1909 , which was 4,000 less. In 1859
more than a million children were
born in Franca This figure remained
about stationary till 1868 , when the
number was over 980,000. The births
exceeded 900,000 for 18 years , but
fell to 899,000 in 1886. For the fol
lowing 20 years they exceeded 800,000
During the past four years the fig
ure of births has begun with a seven.
The Increase in 1910 over 1909 Dr.
Bertillon considers Insignificant. The
decrease in the death rate also fails
to give him any hope. He points out
that It Is solely due to the dwindling
birth rate. The reduction Is observ
able only among children under one
year. The only reason , therefore , why
there are fewer deaths is that fewer
children are born.
Meanwhile , as Dr. Bertillon re
marks despondently , the excess of
births over deaths In the German em
pire last year was 884,000 , as com
pared with under 71,000 in France.
The returns give him only one ray of
hope. A law was passed In 1907 abolishing
ishing a few of the amazing formali
ties surrounding marriage In France.
It Is still difficult to get married in
this country , but It was almost im
possible to do so before June , 1907.
Now , for instance , a man or woman
more than thirty years of age may
marry In France without troubling to
obtain his or her parents' consent
Before 1907 such consent , verbal or
written , was needed. If the father
Money Treasure on Pier Unguarded
Because Face Value Doesn't Exceed
$4 Comes From Korea.
New York. Fourteen hundred tons
of cash money was tossed ashore the
other day when the steamship Seneca
came alongside her pier at the Bush
docks , Brooklyn , but no special police
were on hand to guard the treasure ,
for the face value of all this money
would not aggregate $4.
The Seneca comes from various
eastern ports. She takes out oil from
New York and returns with a nonde
script assortment of freight Coinci
dent with the annexation of Korea ,
the Japanese government announced
the substitution of Japanese money
for the Korean coinage. The Korean
banks immediately called in all the
existing currency and the Korean
mints started working overtime to
make yen.
The Korean , who Is not In the
habit of buying luxuries , seldom car
ried anything larger than "cash , " a
coin about the size of an American
cent A thousand "cash" were the
equivalent of an American dollar.
As the native scorns a purse , and
as the women never wear stockings ,
the government thoughtfully stamps
a square aperture through the center
of the coin so that the native may
string them together and carry them
around his neck. To the Korean mind
that is both convenient and ornamentaL -
taL In fact , the Korean society belle
used to get quite worked up if her
particular rival carried more strings
of "cash" than she did.
It was not long before an American
syndicate learned that all the wealth
of Korea was lying around In heaps ,
and mother and the two grandfathers
and grandmothers of either of the par
ties were dead , that party could not
get married unless he or she produced
the certificate of death of all six for
bears. These are still required if the
man or woman in the case be under
However , the simplifications Intro
duced , such as they are , were suffi
cient to send up the marriage rate
wonderfully. Dr. Bertillon notes with
delight that the number of weddings
celebrated In France last year to wit ,
309,289 is one of the highest on rec
ord since the passage of the law of
1907. The marriage rate has since
then gone up some 5,000 a year.
Dr. Bertillon has therefore some
glimmer of hope that the birth rate
may rise , too , though he is the first to
acknowledge that , though French
people marry more that is no proof
that they will increase the population.
Find Bone of Mastodon
Presented to Department of Zoology
at University of Minnesota and
installed in Museum Two
Other Specimens.
St Paul , Minn. A vertebra of a
prehistoric mastodon who roamed the
plains of Minnesota 200,000 years ago ,
before the glaciers sweeping down
from the north had devastated the
feeding grounds of Its kind , exhumed
at Albert Lea by workmen excavating
for a cellar , has just been received by
the department of zoology at the uni
versity and installed in the museum.
Discovered in a state where little re
search work in prehistoric life has
been done , it Is considered by univer
sity specialists as a most valuable
contribution to world-wide science.
It Is the second discovery of the
kind made In Minnesota. Seven
years ago a knee bone and leg bone
of a mastodon were found at Brai-
nerd , near White Fish lake , by a
workman digging a ditch , and sent to
the university museum. A year ago
the head of a mastodon , found near
Tons of Cash Fill Dock
and that moss was growing on it Ne
gotiations were started and before
long the 300,000 tons of accumulated
cash had been purchased and the con
signment on the Seneca is the first
shipment brought to this port.
The syndicate will melt the coins
and extract from their the silver and
the copper of which they are made.
The silver and copper will be sold to
the government , whose mints will
use them In turning out big silver dollars
lars anfi little red cents.
Low Flying Machine Strikes Rossy ,
Spills Aviator and Sails Two Miles
Without Pilot.
Los Angeles , Gal. Bryle Williams ,
who Is trying for a license as an air
pilot , struck a cow while sailing a
Curtis biplane the other afternoon , and
was hurled to the ground by the shock ,
while the machine went careening
along a distance of two miles without
a pilot.
Williams was flying about ten feet
above the ground. Suddenly , as he
passed over the brow of a hill , he
came upon bossy , grazing peacefully.
Some part of the machine struck her ,
knocking her several feet and turning
her over and over. William stumbled
from his seat , but was unhurt The
machine was finally halted by a friend
ly hay stack which received its wear
ied wings in a soft embrace.
The embrace lasted until friends of
Williams in an auto reached the ma
chine and stopped the propeller , which
was still buzzing. ,
Spaghetti Is Now Popular Dish In Bos.
ton One Merchant Alone Import
ed 500,000 Cases.
Boston. Who hath done murder to
Boston bean ?
Boston Is honeycombed with re&
taurants and eats persistently , earnest-
1. and enthusiastically. The dish that
characterizes its eating Is spaghetti.
One Boston merchant imported 500-
000 cases of spaghetti in 1905. Last
year he Imported more than 900,000
cases. This is something over 12,000
tons. This year all records are ex
pected to go by the board.
And this in the town where the bill
of fare is supposed to be beans , beans ,
beans , occasionally varied with the be
loved cod , though the testimony of
restaurant men is that Boston eats no
more beans per capita than other cit
ies , but holds the spaghetti cham
pionship of the western hemisphere.
The consumption of beans is falling
off yearly in contrast with the gain
made by spaghetti.
Valentine , Neb. , consisting of the up
per'jaws , tusks and neck bones , was
sent to the university , where it is now
on exhibition. The three exhibits , representing -
resenting the different parts of the
body , give a good idea of the size and
shape of the pre-glaclal beast
The vertebra discovered at Albert
Lea was found 12 feet below the surface -
face of the ground , In the glacial drift ,
by Charles E. 'May. It is called the
atlas bone , a vertebra located at the
neck , and is of enormous size , measuring -
uring two feet across from shoulder
to shoulder. From the top of the
neck down it is fully a foot deep. The
bone is carefully preserved in every
detail , there being no sign of crumbling -
bling or decay.
Though the excavation at Albert
Lea was prolonged in the hope of dis
covering other parts of the skeleton ,
none was discovered. The absence of
other bones , however , is easily ex
plained by experts in paleontology
at the university. Members of the de
partment say carnivorous beasts of
that period who preyed upon the mas
todon may have detached the bone
from the skeleton and carried it to
the spot where it was found , either to
eat the meat from it or play with it
as a modern coyote , tiger or cat fre
quently plays with its prey , or sepa
rating itself from the carcass as it
decomposed , it may have rolled down
a prehistoric hillside no longer exist
ing or have been carried there by
the glaciers.
Floor Repairer Finds Roll of Bills
Only Partly Chewed Thousands
of Dollars in Lot.
Trenton , N. J. In repairing the
floor of an old house he recently
bought , Patrolman Patrick Kerwick
found hidden between joists a large
roll of bills. Many of them had been
chewed by mice , but that did not pre
vent Kerwick recognizing the $100
mark on them.
How the money got there is a mys
tery , but it Is supposed the house for
merly was owned by somebody who
distrusted banks and who died with
out having confided the secret to any
Kerwick says he will send the
chewed bills to the treasury depart
ment for redemption. He did not re
veal just how many thousands of dollars
lars were in the lot.
Catch Gigantic Sail Fish.
Paris. A huge sail fish , a fish rarely
met with in the Atlantic , has been
captured by fishermen off Concarneau
and towed to that port. The fish
measures eight yards long and four
yards in circumference and weighs
four tons. The fishermen are greatly
disturbed over the presence In the
vicinity of the fish's female compan
ion , who followed her captured lord
throughout the whole of the night he
was being towed to port
Grains Are Heading Out
Rapidly and Harvest Is
Now Approaching With
a Great Demand for
Harvest Help.
Last week it was pointed out In
these columns that there would be a
yield of about 200,000,000 bushels of
wheat throughout Western Canada , an
increase of about 100,000,000 over the
previous year , and that the demand
for farm help was very great. Con
firmation of this news is to hand and
the cry still is for more help. The
Canadian authorities are hopeful that
the friends of the 400,000 or 500,000
Americans who have gone to Canada
during the last few years will come to
the help of these people and induce
as many able-bodied men as they pos
sibly can to take advantage of the
low rate which Is being offered from
all points on the Canadian Boundary ,
and particulars of which can be had
from any of the following Agents df
the Canadian Government : M. V. Mc-
Innes , 176 Jefferson Avenue , Detroit ,
Mich. ; C. A. Laurier , Marquette ,
Mich. ; J. S. Crawford , Syracuse , N.
Y. ; Thos. Hetherington , Room 202 , 73
Tremont Street , Boston , Mass. ; H. M.
Williams , 413 Gardner Bldg. , Toledo ,
Ohio ; Geo. Aird , 216 Traction-Termin
al Bldg. , Indianapolis , Indiana ; C. J.
Broughton , Room 412 , M. L. & T. Bldg. ,
Chicago , 111. ; Geo. A. Hall , 2nd Floor ,
125 Second Street , Milwaukee , Wis ;
E. T. Holmes , 315 Jackson Street , St.
Paul , Minn. ; Chas. Pilling , Clifford
Block , Grand Forks , N. D. ; J. B. Car-
bonneau , Jr. , 217 Main Street , Bidde-
ford , Me. ; J. M. MacLachlan , Box
197 , Watertown , S. D. ; W. V. Bennett ,
Room 4 , Bee Bldg. , Omaha , Neb. ;
W. H. Rogers , 125 West 9th Street ,
Kansas City , Mo. ; Benj. Davies , Room
6 , Dunn Block , Great Falls , Montana ;
J. N. Grieve , Auditorium Building ,
Spokane , Wash.
Every facility will be afforded men
of the right stamp to secure advantage
of these low rates. To those who pro
pose to go , It may be said that they
will have this splendid opportunity o
securing first hand information as to
the excellent producing character of
the lands in Manitoba , Saskatchewan
and Alberta. They will have the op
portunity of seeing some of the great
est wheat fields in the world and prob
ably the largest yield of wheat , oats
and barley that has ever been grown
on the Continent. And all this on
land some of which cost the settler
only the $10.00 necessary to enter for
his j . homestead , or , If he purchased ,
in some cases , costing him from $7.00
to $10.00 per acre , but which is now
1 worth from $15.00 to $20.00 per acre.
Even at these prices the land is re
markably cheap as will be realized
when the statement Is made that from
20 to 25 bushels per acre and over
of wheat are grown , netting the farm
er from $8.00 to $10.00 per acre ; and
this * on land that he got for nothing
or paid merely a nominal price. In
fact the production shows that $18.00
to $20.00 per acre would be a nominal
price ] for land that would produce as
these i lands produce.
Caller I was thinking about openIng -
Ing j a drug store in this neighborhood.
Do you think one Is needed around
here ?
Resident Great idea. There's no
place within ten blocks where a man
can buy stamps or see the city direc
Many a man who has no music In
his soul can play on a woman's heart
Chew and smoke nntaxed tobacco , cheap and
nndoped. Merl wether & Bdwards , ClarksviUe.Tenn.
For a trainwrecker no punishment
can be too severe.
The Quaker Scorecr.
An old Quaker went into a book
seller's shop , and an impertinent shop
man , wishing to have some sport at
his expense , said to him :
"You are from the country , are you
not ? "
"Yes , " replied the Quaker.
"Then here Is just the thing for
you. " responded the man , holding out
the book.
"It is an 'Essay on Rearing
Donkeys. ' "
"Friend , " said the Quaker , "thee had
better present that to thy mother. "
"Did you have fun taking his candy
away from the baby ? "
"Fun ? My dear boy , it was S
scream ! "
Allen's Foot-Ease , the Antiseptic ponder for Tl
aching , swollen , nerrons feet. Gives rest and
comfort. Makes walking a delight. Sold everywhere.
25c. l > ont accept any substitute. For FUHB
sample , address Allen 8. Olmstod. Le iloy. N. Y. „
He Thought So.
Eve AID. I a well dressed woman ?
Adam I guess so ; you never wear
a fig leaf more than once.
Mrs. Wtaslow's Soothing Syrup for Children
teething , softens the gums , reduces Inflamma
tion , allays pain , cures wind colic , 25c a bottlo.
The worst thing about the silver-
lining theory is that you have to turn
the cloud inside out to find it
Your Liver
Is Clogged Up
That's Why You're Tlred Out of Sortt
Have No Appetite.
will put you right CARTERS
in a few days. ITTLE
their duty. , , PILLS.
stipation , . _
Biliousness , Indigestion and Sick Headache
Genuine must bear Signature
20O Million Bushels
Wheatto be Harvested
Harvest Help in Great Demand
Reports from the Provinces of
Manitoba , Saskatchewan and Alberta
( Western Canada ) indicate one of
the best crops ever raised on the
continent. To harvest this crop will
require at least 50,000 harvesters.
Low Rates Will be Given
on All Canadian Roads
Excursions are run daily and full
particulars will be given on applica
tion to the following authorized Cana
dian Government Agent. The rates
are made to apply to all who wish to
take advantage of them for the pur
pose of inspecting the grain fields of
Western Canada , and the wonderful
opportunities there offered for those
who wish to invest , and also those
who wish to take up actual farm life.
Apply at once to
E. T. Holmes , 315 Jackson St. , St. Paul , Minn.
J. M. MacLachlan , Drawerl97 , WatertownS.D.
trttU > nd kllli all
fllffc Neat , clexn ,
ornamental , convea *
lentchcap. LuUan
leuon. Caa'tsplllor
tip over , will cot SOU
or injure anything.
Guaranteed eSect *
ivc. Ofalldealeno *
seat prepaid for ZOc.
110 D * Eilb AT * . ;
Brookljn , Jf.Y.
CM AI I INVESTORS can earn 8 * to lOfc on thell
OIT1HL.L. money in an exclusive California Manu
facturing Company. Guaranteed security. Interest
mailed monthly and money back when wanted. Full
particulars , F. A. GHEES , 1024 Market St. , San Fraoelteo.Cal.
lRr > and learn how yon can buy ten acre
lUb farm for 15 cents a day. Reference ,
Southern Trust Co. , Little Itoclc. Good land. No
rocks. O. C. LUDWIO , Kx-S e. of State , little Uoelt , Ark.
Sioux City Directory
Mexican Red Head Parrots , 83.75. Yellow
Heads , § 7.50. Each Parrot guaranteed to talk
in six months. Send for sample of Alfalfa 6eed.
FI t and Nebraska StrecU , SIOUX CITY , IOWA
Established 30 Years
Floral emblems and cut flowers for all
occasions. SIOUX CITY , IOWA
W. N. U. , SIOUX CITY , NO. 30-1911.
The Fountain Head of Life
7s The Stomach
A man who has a weak and impaired stomach and who does not
properly digest his food will soon find that his blood has become
treak and impoverished , and that bis whole body is improperly and
insufficiently nourished.
makes the stomach strong , promotes the flow ot
digestive juices , restores the lost appetite , makes
assimilation perfect , invigorates the liver and
parities and enriches the blood. It Is the &reai bloodmaker ,
flesh-builder and restorative nerve tonic. It makes mea
strong In body , active la mind and cool la lad&ememt.
This "Discovery" is a pure , glyceric extract of American medical
absolutely free from alcohol and all injurious , habit-forming drags. All its
ingredients are printed on itc wrappers. It has no relationship with secret
nostrums. Its every ingredient is endorsed by the leaders in all the schools of
medicine. Don't accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this time-proven
many cures made by it during past 40 years , right in your own neighborhood.
World's Dispensary Medical Association , Dr. R.V. Pierce , Fret. , Buffalo , N. Y.'i