Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 27, 1911, Image 1

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    ffl torJcaJ Society
Volume 26 , LTo. 29 VALENTINE , NEBE. , THURSDAY , JULY 27 , 1911. per year
Trunks-and Suit Cases ,
A good trunk and suit case is a necessity
to everyone. They are accessories that
are needed at all times and in all seasons. -
For this reason it is well to select when
buying a trunk or suit case , something
that is good and will last and keep its
appearance. We have this very thing
in stock. When selecting your trunk or
suit case come in and look our line over.
Trunks ranging in price from $ B.OO to
$32.50. Suit cases from $1.50 to § 12.50.
This is the time of the year , when your wife
does not like to stand over a hot stove frying
meats , and would rather that you would
buy for her :
One-half pound Pink Salmon
One-half pound Red Salmon
Steak "
One pound choice Red Alaska
" - : ' - < 1C
Salmon , tail - >
One pound , Forest City
Special , tail , red
.One pound Columbia River
Salmon steak , flat
One pound Forest City
Special , flat
Also a full line of Sardines , Potted Meats ,
Chipped Beef , Roast Beef , Corned Beef and
Baked Beans. Fresh vegetables are scarce ,
\ we have a full line in cans.
Grocery Department Phone 5.
-'v : Yes.wey.e , ; got it , if not we'll ' get ii
Orderfetaken for all music ,
Big Reductions on
'Summer Millinery
Are You Hu
9 K
I @et anything on earth that's good to eat at i
* /
The Navy Department has se
cured , pace in Mercantile Hall
foAheir' exhibit at the coming
State Fair , Sept. , 4th to Sth. In
this" ' exhibit will be six . model
i * i * i
battle ships , each § feet in length ,
§ wjrelpss "telegraph outfit com =
plete , gun carriages and equipment
mess . outfit , and in fact everything j
* * i
to interest the bby whd has aspira- j
tions and ambitions to at some
time be of service to his country ,
should occasion require. The
small naval exhib.jV pfj j st ypa.r
created such. a.s interest th.a.fc the
ofljcers in charge saicj that Neb
raska's Fair was one of the best
places in the country at which to
make an exhibit" .
Max Viertel was down from
Crookston last Saturday.
Sara Hudson was in from Sim
eon Tuesday.
Frank Fischer Jr. made a bus
iness trip to Cody , Sunday night.
Gene Hutchinson of Norden
was attending to business here on
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grace went
to Long Pine Sunday and spent
the day with Bert Grace and fam
Judge Quigley issued a marriage
license Monday to Byron T. Mc-
Neill and Mrs. Nellie Colgan , both
of Nenzel.
II. L. Kuhn assistant cashier of
the First National Bank , returned
Sunday from a two weeks visit in
Omaha and Villisca , Iowa.
The Episcopal choir went to
Crookston Monday night. , to take
part in the services conducted by
Bishop Beecher and Rev. W. W.
Charles 0. Schaad and Clara
Kesselhuth residing near Elsmere
were married by County Judge
Quigley in his office Monday
Mrs. Keller , who is spending
the summer with her daughter
Mrs. L. 11. Sheldon has been quite
sick for some time , arid is now
under the doctor's care , though
able to be up most of the time.
Monday and Tuesday were gala
days for fisherman at the pond.
Hundreds of croppies were pulled
out Monday afternoons and their
appetite for live minnows had not
diminished Tuesday morning.
The committee in charge of the
raising of funds for the Omaha
Land Show got busy Tuesday
morning and by 10 o'clock § 100.00
had been subscribed. It will take
about § 300 to make a display
worthy of Cherry county.
Mrs. F. M. "Walcott went to
Norfolk Saturday night to meet
her sister , Miss Celina Noble who
had been visiting friends in Plain-
view. They came home Monday
night. While in Norfolk Mrs.
Walcott called on Mr. and Mrs.
Pettibone , who formerly resided
here. Mr. Pettibone is still with
Fleming's Pharmacy.
Between Friday evening and
Sunday some unknown person or
persons cut the water hose on the
school house lawn. The trustees
of the school district will give 850
reward for information leading to
the arrest and conviction of the
one responsible and have given no
tice that trespassers on the school
grounds will be punished accord
ing to law.
A contract was signed up last
Saturday for the Walter Savidge
Carnival Company to be here for
the Fraternal Picnic , Farmers'
Institute and Corn Show. This
amusement company has been in
Valentine before and bears a rep
utation for clean shows and square
dealing. Mr. Savidge has donated
the use of his large theatre tent in
the afternoon and it will be used
for speaking purposes.
The J. S. Worley C > mpany , en
gineers have secured a contract
with Norfolk to draw plans for
their municipal lighting plant.
This is the same company that now
has our light plant in hand. Pal
mer & Company drew plans for
Norfolk in the first place bufe upon
investigation bjf members of the
Norfojk cjty council it was decid
ed np.t to. risk using them as they
coqld not sepure satisfacto.ry rec *
Qmmenda.tionsi.This is the same
qonqpany that drew plans for the
city dam here , and which went out
before being accepted by the to.wn
board , - - *
Fred Cumbow went out to his
home at Bed Deer Monday.
Wm. Steadman of Kennedy and
Tom. Huston of Chesterfield were
in from their respective places
Frost is reported between Ken
nedy and Chesterfield , Tuesday
night. It was noticeable at Joe
Jannett's ranch.
Miss Bessie Gaskill came in
from her home Sunday evening
and has been in attendance at the
institute this week.
Attorney Kelly of Independ
ence , Mo. , was here on Tuesday.
Mr. Kelly is one of the attorneys
for Harry Heath , George and
Alma Weed , and Kenneth Mur-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tyrrell of
Lincoln are spending some time at
their ranch south of town. Mr.
Tyrrell was formerly county at-
topne.v of Lancaster county , and
is" now associated with A. M. Morrissey -
rissey in the law the
capital city. They will return to
Lincoln in about ten days.
Indians Will be Here Sept. 6-9.
Through the courtesy of Major
Woods , Indian agent at Rosebud ,
the Sioux Indians will be allowed
to take part in the big doings bere
Sept. 6-0. Mr. Woods met with
the committee in charge of the
Fraternal Picnic , Tuesday night
and assured them that the Indians
would be given permission to
come , and also promised to get
High Pipe and others who have
reputation as the best dancers , to
be here.
# -
Each year has found some new
improvement on the State Fair
Grounds and when the next fair
dates , September 4th to Sth rolls
around , the visitor will behold a
new Grand Stand with steel sup
ported roof covering the entire
structure , which covers a space
80x20 feet. This new Stand is
built on the old site but a little
further back from the track , and
contains 6400 comfortable seats ,
the upper row of which is 40 feet
from the ground. An earthen
dyke over one half mile in length
and averaging about six feet in
height has been constructed around
the west of the grounds to prevent
flood water from Salt and Antelope
creeks from coming on the
grounds. Some of the other im
provements are a cement floor in
the Auto building and the instal
lation of turnstiles opened by
Be sure and read the large ad of
A. John & Co. in this issue.
The Phelps Photo Studio is open
the first Wednesday and Thursday
of each month. 16tf
Millet seed for sale at Checker
Front Feed barn. Frank Ash-
burn , Prop. 23-3
Furnished rooms to rent by day
or week. Hot and cold water
baths included. Valentine House ,
John D. Eaton , Propr. 32tf
For Sale : From 1 to 40 head of
borses ; from 1 to 1 of land , close
to town. Residence and lot.
H. H. Wakefield , Crookston ,
Nebraska. 13
The Phelps Photo Studio is open
the first Wednesday and Thursday
in each month. 16tf
Ice cream and soft drinks at
For sanitary nlvsrablag or - heating
ing call H. I. Weinzimraer. 20
The Crystal refrigerator , all
steel , can never wear out. 3.7
them at Fischer's Hardware. 27
The p-evaon who took a spool of
light galvanized barb wire from
my chicken house last week was
Recognized by a neighbor. To
avoid exposure they have until
August 4 , to return the wire. -
' G'e'drge M : Gaskift
is not what some people imagine it to be.
There is only one kind of clothing value
actual worth. When you read a ( Bargain
Sale ? ) notice of § 50 value for S7.69 , your
good sense tells you it is not worth § 50.00
most likely it is a $7.50. value.
Every garment we offer is worth the price
we get for it A § 15.09 suit will be worth
$15.00 in actual wearing value to you.
At the price you pay us , we are absolutely
certain that it is the most style , quality
1 m\
and workmanship to be had for that mon
ey-no matter if it is $15.00 or § 35.00. Our
policy is : "The utmost value at the price/ '
Clothes of Quality For All Mankind
Phone 145.
McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs.
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars
Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies :
Old Crow , ' Sherwood ,
Hermitage , Guchenheimer ,
Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook ,
Spring Hill , and 29/yeaivold
andjas , E , Pepper , O , F. C. Taylor ,
These whiskies were purchased in bond
and came direct from the IT. S. gov
ernment warehouse. They are guar
anteed pure and unadulterated , tin-
excelled for family and medical use.
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies. Imported
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout.
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer.
Valentine Nebraska
When in need of anything
Crookston Nebraska
Stctter & Tobien , Props.
All Kinds of Fresh Sfi
and Fait Meats.
Will"buy your Cattle , Hogs ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules and
anything yduHiave to"