4 SPAIN'S RESTAURANT Mi MEALS AT ALL HOURS V Short Orders of all Kinds , Day and Night First = Class Meals 25c. Jti j S 3A jg < L5 S - Livery ? -Feed and Sales Stable. . . Wood Lake , Nebraska 5 Special Attention to Hunting ; and Fishing Parties. j T A"VET rfT y TS. T O TTfOT Ta ' i JACKSON & FISCHER UNDERTAKERS " LICENSED EMBALMERS f Valentine , Nebraska Calls Answered at All Hours Night Phone No. 74 Chartered as a National Bank Bunk Chartered us si Stsito June 1,1881. August 12,1W)2. ) . lira. The f to Bank of Valentine. ) Valentine , - Nebraska. CAPITAL - $25.000 A General Banking , Exchange SURPLUS - 25.000 Uudivided Profits 4,000 and Collection Business : : : : O. H. CoKNEia. , President. M. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier. . . . ' J. T. May , Vice President. 11. JJ.KUHN , Ass't Cashier. The Chicago House JIM FELCH , Propr. Call on nle for rooms and lodging. - Valentine Nebraska St. Nicholas' Church. Services will be held in the Catholic church as follows : In Arabia on Saturday , July 15th. In Crookston on Sunday , Jqly 16th at 10 a. m. In Valen tine on Sunday , July 23. 1st Mass at S a. m. 2nd Mass at 10 a. m. Instructions for the child ren at 3 p. m. LEO M. BLAERF , Rector. . Cost of Growing Crops in Nebraska. The Nebraska Experiment Sta tion has just issued Bulletin ISro. 122 , entitled , "Cost of Growing Crops in Nebraska. " An average of reports for two years shows that it cost the farmers reporting 29.6jeents per bushel to produce corn , 32 cents to produce oats , 54.9 cents to produce wheat , § 5.37 per ton to produce wild hay , § 4.18 per ton to produce clover , § 3.10 per ton to produce alfalfa. The figures used were secured by correspondence with the best farmers in various communities. The yields are considerably higher than the average yields of the state. The cost of production does not include marketing , and includes time for man and team at the aver age rate of § 3.35 per day , only while in the field. It was found thnt the two great est factors influencing the cost per bushel or per ton were the price of land and the yield per acre. The yield per acre can be increas ed by enriching the land , using better methods of cultivation and better seed. At the average market price , the most profitable crops were alfalfa winter wheat , and corn. Crops which are profitable in one sec tion of the state may not be profi table in another. Ib was found that the growing of clover and alfalfa in rotation and the use of barnyard manure greatly reduced the cost of grow ing corn per bushel. Kesidents of Nebraska whose nanles are not on the station mail ing list may obtain this bulletin free of cost by applying to E. A. BURNETT , Director , Agricultural Experiment Station , Lincoln , Nebr. U. S. Weather Bureau Report WEEK ENDING JULY 20,1911. Daily mean temperature 70 ° . " Normal temperature 743 Highest temperature 89 ° . Lowest temperature 40 = . Range of temperature ID0. Precipitation for week OO.l'J of an inch. Average for 23 years 0.72 of an inch. Precipitation March Iht to date 5 75 inches' . Average for 23years 12.74 of an inches. JOHN J. MCLEAN. Observer. il l ! The undersigned will sell at commencing a I0 o'clock p. m. 12 1 A * consisting of 20 mule : . , three to six years old ; 12 yearling mules , 8 two and three year old r.ales ; 10 head HG saddle horses , all-sound and well broke ; 20 mares and geldings , well broke ; 20 two-year-old colts ; 25 yearlings ; 10 mares , some with colts by their side ; 2 imported per- Ji i J cheron stallions , Grandin and Colonel. Mares are bred to three im ported stallions. This stock is good , well bred , and will positively be sold without reservation. TERMS : One year at 7 per cent. Discount of 3 per cent for cash. I' t * Q ; E. TRACEWELL * Auctioneer W. E. HALEY Valentine Mrs. Walter S. Jackson came up from Omaha Friday night. Mrs. Amzi Yeaqh and children and Mrs. M. R. Keplinger went out to J. G. Gaskills to-day to visit until Sunday. The Minnechaduza * Park Pavi lion has attained popularity as an amusement place. Fischer's Or chestra will give another dance there on Friday night , July 28th ! Come and enjoy a good cool time. Barney and Fred McNitt and Henry Murphy and son Gust were in from Banner this week. Mr. Murphy proved up on a claim that was filed upon by his son Harry who died some time ago. There will be services in St. John's church , on Sunday next , as follows : the Holy Communion , the Apostolic , rite of Confirmation , and sermon at eleven a. m. , by the Bishop of Kearney , the Rt. Rev. Geo. A. Beecher. Evensong with address at eight p. m. Choir re hearsal on Saturday evening , July 22 , at eight. Merriman. Wm. Slade and Frost Pruden were Merriman visitors Sunday. Prof. W. E. Baker and wife were in from Lacreek Tuesday. N. G. Quible returned from Syra cuse last Saturday morning. Margret Baldwin returned to her home in Iowa Sunday evening after spending a number of weeks with her father. Doris Qnible visited at F. D. Ar- nets the past week. Fannie Jerman returned from Rushville on the local Tuesday , where she has been visiting the past week. week.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Naylor went to Rushville Sunday evening return ing Monday. Ernest Schubert had again the misfortune of injuring his shoulder last week by a horse falling with him. This is the second accident of this kind he has experienced this summer. Spencer Moffet of Idaho spent Sunday with John Sasenbery after accompanying the body of his father to Gordon , where it was buried Saturday. Mr. Moffet is a brother- in-law of Mr. Sasenbeiy. John E. Reynolds , a young man of about eighteen years drowned in a pond near Lacreek , 8. Dak. , Sun day afternoon. He was visiting relr atives at that place , and in an at tempt to swim across the pond be g-pparently became cramped and sanfc t.Q fcfte bottom. His body was pot recovered until four hours later after al } t e water } aad bpen Jet put pf the ppnd. His upcle started with the fypdy \Yp0cjland ; Oklahoma Tuesday The dance given by F Orchestra last Friday night was well attended. pr Jones mowing ma chines apd rakes af ; reduced prices. For gale by Frapk FischerT The hibit of automobiles at the Interstate LiveStock fair the week ot September 18.wilf be * s large as ordinarily is seen at shows ex clusively for motor vehicles. Far At § 5.00 per acre , S3 of SWi and S * of SEi of Sec. 27 , Tp. 31. Range 26 of Cherry county , Neb raska. Will leave mortgage of $500 , at 6 per cent for iyears. . G. H. Folkins , Ames , Iowa. Estray. Taken up ftt ray place six miles north east of Crookfiton pn June , i , one bay gelding , weight 1100 pounds , between 6 and 7 years , branded D on left shoulder , white pind foojb. J. C. $ ofya/sgrpp / ] ston , Nebr. Right in your-busiest seaapji ieii vvuu the least time to spare you are most likely to fcslvS diarrhoea and lose several days' time , unless yon have Chamber lain's Colic , Cholera and Itfarrhoea Rem edy at hand .and take a do&e on the firsi appearance of the disease. For sale "b ; , the druggist. -7 * * * ? ? , The automobile that will travel all directions out of Valentine without fear of being sand or hill bound. We invite everyone to inspect this up = to = date car. Simple in Design and Construction Dambly & Layport Auto Dealers Valentine , Nebraska Cigars and Soft Drinks PROP. red ? Every c3 should be protected in a reliable company. Irepreso-1 ne Columbia Fire Insurance Co. of Omaha and the Com mon wea ! . > t New York. Both of these companies are safe and sound. For Life I. mrance , the Merchants Life Insurance Co. of Burlington , la. , put out : policy that is hard to equal by other companies. Call me up , Phone 92 , and I will explain the advantages these companies offer. J. W. SHEPARD , Ag-ent. \ " "E. M. Faddis & Co Postofflce address Valentine or Kennedy. Some branded p * * on left * , - , : thigh ( Horses branded left isboulder | or thij'h Some Some branded on rigli on left or ihoulder. shoulder or thijjh P. H. Young. Simeon. Nebr. Cattle branded as cut on left side Some left side. - on left jaw of V horses. Range on Gordon Cre k north of Simeon , JsT. S , Rowley. Same as cut on lef fog side and hip , find on' left shoulder of her ses. eft side hip. If X on Jezt Some cat tie branded - _ ed hugk-5S3JSzi8 mg peg ( either side up ) on eft side or hip. pr ou left jaw 304 left sboudar } of howea , LU LUQ on left hip of horses. on left jaw of horses C. P. Jordan. Rosebud , SD Horses and cattle same as cut ; also CJ BE JJ on righ { , hip. Range qn Oak apd Eutte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rustlers of stqpk K. M. Tei'rill , Propr. Rrov. nice , 3S"eu. Cattle branded as in cv.t on left side. Some branded li. T Y on left hip. Range on Nortji Loup river , two inijes wpsp of Bre\ynlep Not Afraid St Francis Mis sion , Kosebud , S.IX rattle branded put ; hoises between Spring G'k and Little White river. 1 ' i1 i . i _ _ _ _ _ Albert Whipple & Sons. Kosebud S , D. Cftttle branded SOS on left side OSU on rijzhtside Some cattle also have a 4on neck Some with A on left shonlder and some branded with two bars across hind eraar- . _ M . lt rs- Some Texas cattle branded O ou left side and some ] on left side. Horses branded SOS on left hip. Some cattle" branded AW bar connected on both sidea and left hip of horses D. M. Sears.- Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.Ieft side Some on loft hip. Horses same on Islt shoulder. Range Square Lake. Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. 3artlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock. V. P. Ghas G Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded on any part of animal ; also the following brands : horses branded tbe > same Range betweea Gordon on the FJ5. &M.V.R.R.and Hyannis on 1 ? & M. ft R. Jn Northwesteni Nebr. BA.RTl.ETT KIOflARDS. Ellsworth. Sawyer Bros. Oasla , Nebr G. K. Sa\vyer has chanre of these cattle. H rses I onleftshoul- der. So left side. same left thigh. Uange on Sliajce river. Metzger Bros. Kpjfe Npjjp Cattle branded anywhere ' 'on Jeft $ $ * - farmark , square crop right ear. Horses have same brand on e/t thigh. $ ange op Gordon and Hnake Creekx. A Reward of $250 will be paid to any person for itffprn tioq- loading tp tlje arrest apfl pr nvjptjQij of any person with above nw J. A. Taryan. Pullman , Nebr , Cattle branded JY on right side Horses branded JY on right shoulder .Reasonable reward for any Information leading to the re covery of cattl strayed Irom my range. A TRIUMPH IN WE AJ Qf BREWING THE LEADING BEER I McGeer MTDEMMWWEST alentine