GEORGE M. GASKILL , Editor and Manager.
A Weekly Newspaper published every Tliurs
day at Valentine , Nebras.
Subscription - $1.50 Per Year
Local Notices , 5cper line per issue
Entered at the I'ostolflce at Valentine , .Ne'o. .
for transmission throuph the mails , as second
class matter.
Thursday , July 20 , 1911.
Notice of Primary Election.
Notice is hereby given that on
Tuesday , the loth day of August ,
A. D. 1911 , at the regular voting
place in each precinct in Cherry
County , Nebraska , a Primary
Election will be held for. the pur
pose of voting on candidates for
the nomination to the following
stale and county offices , viz :
Three Judges of the Supreme
court ,
Two Kegents of the. State Uni
versity ,
One State Railway Commission
er ,
One District Judge-lGth Judi
cial District ,
One County Treasurer ,
One County Clerk ,
One County Sherriff ,
One County Judge ,
One Clerk of the District Court ,
One County Superintendent of
Schools ,
One County Coroner ,
One County Surveyor ,
One Commissioner-2nd commis
sioner district ,
Two Justices of the Peace for
each precinct ,
Two Constables.for . each pre
cinct ,
One Eoa3 Overseer for each
road district ,
which election will be open at 12
o'clock noon on said date above
given , and continue open until 9
o'clock in the afternoon of the
same day.
Dated at Valentine this 5th day
of July , A. D.1911.
County Clerk.
Democratic County Convention.
Notice is hereby given that the
Democratic County Convention in
and for Cherry County , Nebraska ,
will be held at the Court House in
Valentine , Cherry County , Neb
raska , on Saturday , July 22,1911 ,
at 2 o'clock p. m. , in pursuance tea
a state call , for the purposes of
electing seven delegates to attend
the State Convention to be held at
Fremont , Nebr. , on the 25th day
of July , 1911 , and for the transac
tion of such other business as may
regularly come before it. An ap
portionment of votes cast at the
regular election entitles the follow
ing precincts to representation as
follows :
Barley 2 Buffalo Lake 2
Dewey Lake
Loup *
Mother Lake
Middle Prong
Pleasant Hill
Sharps Ranch
By order of the County Central
Rasmus Anderson , Chaii man.
W. W. McDonald , Seen lary.
Democratic State Convention
The democratic electors of the
State of Nebraska are hereby call
ed to meet in delegate convention
in the city of Fremont , Tuesday ,
July 25th , 1911 , at 2o'clock p. m. ,
for the purpose of drafting a dem
ocratic state platform , the election
of a democratic state committee ,
and the transaction of any other
business that may properly come
before the convention.
It is recommended by the state
commlttee that no proxies be re
cognized by the state convention ,
but that the delegates actually pre
sent from each county be author
ized to cast the full number of
votes to which the county is entit
led under this call.
Leo Matthews , J. C. Byrnes ,
Secretary. Chairman.
The following candidates have
filed for the various county offices :
Fred A. Gumbow , Clerk.
J. T. Keely Clerk Dist. Court.
C. A. Rosseter Sheriff.
J. C. Quigley Judge.
Cora Thackrey Supt.
Alvin R. Green Surveyor.
Alec. McAlevy Commissioner 2d
Gertrude Jordan Treasurer.
Alfred Lewis Coroner.
The above candidates for office
will have no opposition. The
reason for this is that the people
are well satisfied in the way the
office and county affairs have been
conducted the past term.
A meeting of Democratic elec
tors was held in Judge Quigley's
office Wednesday evening. The
meeting was called to order by
John G. Stetter , precinct commit
tee man. Wallacg McDoriald was
made chairman , Frank Fischer Jr.
secretary. Thirteen were elected
as delegates to the county conven
tion to be held Saturday.
Junior Normal Notes.
Mr. Dauthitt , representing the
Nebraska School Review spent
Friday at the normal.
Mr. J. Ciago of Hill City , So.
Dak. was here Wednesday , the
guest of his brother Prof. Grago.
Among the visitors the. , past
week were Mesdames Chas.
Sparks , Levi Sparks , T. C. Horn
by , Wooster , Austin , Jay cox and
t he Misses Hobson and Bartell.
A number of good musical num
bers have been rendered during
the past week at chapel period ,
among them being a piano solo by
Miss Baier , a piano duet by the
Misses Sparks and Helzer , and
vocal solos by the Misses Sparks
and McLean.
A very pleasant trip to the
Snake Falls was taken last Satur
day. Mr. and Mrs. Walcott , Mi s.
Brown , Mrs. Stewart MissTilfoil ,
Miss Harris , Mr. Swanson , Miss
Garlso n , Mrs. L. C. Sparks and
the faculty composed the party.
The trip was made in autos and
the day was spent most en joy ably
exploring the canyons and various
points of interest. A bountiful
feast was spread at noon of which
the hungry picnickers partook
with great relish. The party re
turned home early in the evening
and the day was ended with fes
tivities at Lake Minnechaduza.
The prophecies of a dismal de
cline in the fortunes of the Valen
tine Junior Normal so far failed of
realization. The building of a new
state normal on our western bor
der would , it was thought , sap the
vitality of the Valentine school
and cause its early abandonment
It has been found , however , that
there is room for both in the abun
dant territory of the northwest.
In spite of the circumstances that
would hinder us , and in spite of
the advertising that was consider
ed necessary to the starting of a
new school , we have come within
three of last year's enrollment ,
, with every prospect of passing the
"combined normal and institute en-
Iftpllment of a year ago.
? C Mickey-Hanna
Miss Mary Hanna and Mr
Benjamin H. Mickey , son of
the late ex-Governor Mickey ,
were married at the home of the
bride's parents in Wood Lake on
Wednesday evening at 8:30 o'clock
Rev. W. W. Wells officiating.
Miss Dora M. Johnson of Loup
City was bridesmaid and Mr. Rus-
sel D. McNeill of University
Place , was groomsman. Miss
Woodruffe of Ainsworth played
the wedding march. About eighty
relatives and friends witnessed
the ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. Mickey left the
same evening on No. 2 ( amid
showers of rice ) for Lincoln ,
where they will spend a few days
before going to their new home , a
plantation at San Pedro , Chiapas ,
Miss Bertha * * Ryschon j , * . of 'Britt
was calling on friends in Valentine
Valentine and Cherry County will Ex
hibit at Omaha Land Show.
VV. 0. Paisley , manager of the
Omaha Land Show and Edward
II. Butler , traveling agent of the
Northwestern railroad were in
Valentine Tuesday getting the
people interested in a land and
produce display at the Omaha
Land Show , to be held in Omaha ;
Oct. 16 to 28. In the evening
there was an informal meeting of
the commercial club in the Eagles
lodge room. Mr. Paisley gave a
talk on the advantages that have
been realized from displays at
former land shows. He cited sev
eral instances , where thousands of
acres of land have been sold , and
districts colonized as a direct re
sult of the displays. This has
been mostly in Colorado , Wyo
ming and California. Nebraska
heretofore has not done her share
toward advertising her immense
resources. But it will be different
this year. Northwestern X'brad-
ka will be well represented as sev
eral counties have either contrac
ted for space or signified their in
tention to exhibit at the coming
After much .discussion a com
mittee of five was appointed by
Mrs J. S. Pfunder of Norfolk
and daughter , and Mrs. Swift efFort
Fort Oglethorp , Georgia , arrived
Tuesday evening for a visit with
the former's sister , Mrs. George
W. Cypers and family.
Miss Margaret Robinson dame
up from IJincoln Friday to visit
her parents.
W. M. Bachelor was down from
Marriman to-day.
Chairman Davenport to raise
funds and arrange for an exhibit ,
the total cost of which will be close
to 8300. ' Those on the committee
are D. McLeod , H. E. Layport *
W. S. Barker , M. V. Nicholson
and W. E. Haley. The best of
the exhibits at our local Corn Show
Farmers' Institute will be added
to and taken direct to Omaha.
The Northwestern will carry all
display material free.
It is estimated that 60,000 people
will pass through Omaha during
the opening of the Pine Ridge
and Rosebud reservations. Near
ly all of these people will be on the
lookout for a home and will be
\suretovisit the Coliseum , where
the show will be held , to find out
i more about the west , its soil , fer
tility , climate , etc. Valentine and
Cherry county , being so close to
the lands thrown open for settle
ment , will naturally attract hun
dreds who have not been fortunate
in the government dra.viug. Mr ;
Pai&iey and Mr. Butler visited
Ainsworth in the afternoon and
were assured that Brown county
would be well to the front with ex
hibits. From here they will make
all county seat towns west of Val
entine and no doubt every county
will reserve space.
Cherry County Treasurer's Semi-Annual Statement.
Ending June 30,1911.
Funds Balance Receipts Disbursements Balance
Jan. 1,1011 June 80. 1011.
State Fund $7487.03 $28o7.17
County General Fund $ ! . ( > ) lll.jO.Ho 1822i.2 ( ! ) 87.10
County Bridge Fund r siiss J57S0.01 7t K.7l ) 1C82.11
County Road & Labor Fund 8754.71 4023.01" 4739.02
Special Road Fund ' . ! ! . 12 00.12
County Sinking Fund 548.41 5520.CO ' 10328.5)0 )
Soldiers Relief Fund 71.03 71.05
Judgement Fund lia.cs .12 il'8.73
School Dibtrict Fund SJ701.57 2S1 1(5.03 ( 3IUD.OO 20210.00
School Bond Fund UXKW.14 24J5S.12 1877.22 10020.01
Free High School Fund lJl : > 5.X ( > 27J.NO 80.42 KHi.W
Valentine Village Fund 880.07 88S8.CO 4057.38 212.04
Cody Village Fund 2 ( > U8 SO. . " ) 810.78
3Ii rriman Village Fund 'Jttt.S : { J01.17 i'n.X ; ( ) 12.33
"Wood Lake Village Fund 140..M 11(5.10 172.83 S.70 !
Precinct Bond Fund 10. : * $ 3.03 10.28
Protest Fuud 4(5.71 ( 1(52.80 ( 1W.01
Redemption Fund 1:50.74 : 1 178.07 lijj.01 : 178/JO
Sale of K-jtrayss Fund li.4 ( ) 21.23 130.155 -
Miscellaneous Fund 3.0S " 5.08
Fines antl License Fund540.00 ' 103.00 051.00
Fees 400.00 49'J.OO
Receipts Jan. 1 , ' 11 to June 80 , ' 11 .0 ( > 000.48
Balance Jan. 1 , Kill 0158(52.05 (
Balance JuneJJO , 1)11. ! )
Disbursements Jan. 1-11 to June 550-11 7810(5.01 (
Total . 188002.13 188 ( 52.iJ :
I hereby certify that the above statement shows the amount of balances on hand Janu
ary 1 , 1911 , the amounts collected in the several funds from January I , mil to June : ) , llt ! ) ,
inclusive , the amounts disbursed In the several funds from January 1 , Hill to June :50 : , 1)11 ! ) >
Inclusive , and the balances on hand June :50,1'Jll : , and that the foregoing is correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
[ Seal. ] GEKTKUDE JOKDAX , County Treasurer of Cherry County.
By C-IIA.S. K. SWAXSOX , ] ) eputy.
F. M. Walcott made a trip to
Lincoln Tuesday night on legal
business. .
P. H. Young of Simeou was n
town Wednesday , buying machin
ery supplies for haying time.
Miss Jessie Wash burn and Miss
Edna Coffee , who have been visit
ing with Helen Hornby the p s.t
two weeks returned to their homes
in Chadron Wednesday evening.
< g
giTr ) ;
C ra E < s >
B i
& G |
GB GB Convenient Take advantage of the E
B Schedules present low summer rates
B to Chicago , Eastern Cities ,
Seaside and Mountain
Resorts. ,
Travel on the splendidly
equipped fast trains of The North
Western Line and insure for your
TJ Perfect self a pleasant trip.
Dining Car
Service The roadbed is double track
between Omaha and Chicago , and
d guarded by automatic safety sig
nals all the way.
v The Best : of Everything
3 The direct
3 scenic and For tickets , reservations and
comfortable full particulars apply at
3 route
3 Tickets Offices
3 !
3 a.
0n NWIKU , a.s a.b
Selling Out
We desire'to announce that we are not clos
ing out , but are still selling the very best goods
at reasonable prices.
Our line of John Deere Implements , Yelie
Buggies , Moline and Davenport Boiler Bearing
Wagons and Samson Windmills is complete
and priced right.
We also have a large stock of lumber , lime ,
Wall Plaster , Cement , Brick , Sash , Doors , etc.
Is it not good policy to patronize a firm who
expects to continue in business and intends to
handle the same line of goods for years to come.
We never advertise so-called bargains
because we have always had our goods priced
Valentine Lumber Co.
A. E. } Jorris. W. W. Morrissey. Dr. C. W. Noyes-
33 S < 5W i
In Crookston , Neb.
With new prices , which are the lowest for
good business. My stock consists of Dry
Goods , Groceries , Shoes and 5 and 10 cent \
bargains. You are invited to call and
make this your home store. Highest pric
es paid for produce. Come and get ac
. Tracy.
2nd Buildin South the Bank. Crookston , Neb.
Stage Line
D. A. WHIPPLE , Propr.
Valentine Headquarters at the Chicago House
Rosebud " " " Rosebud Hotel
Leave Valentine at 8 o'clock every morning ,
Sundays excepted.
Arrive at Kosebud at 2 o'clock p. m.
. Leave Kosebud 'at 8 o'clock every morning ,
Sundays excepted.
Arrive at Yalentine at 2 o'clock p. m.
Dinner at Britt at 11 o'clock a. m.
Special attention to passengers , baggage and
express or packages.
Leave orders at headquarters or at the Ked
Front store.
D. A. Whipple.
Go to the
Stock Exchange Saloon
Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr.
Estrayed from ray pasture one
> ay mare , dark tail and mane ,
veight about 1,050 pounds , brand-
id on left shoulder ccK , and S
vrench. E. W. Vogel. 28-2p
"Wanted Employment on farm
r ranch by man and wife , and
-i year old boy. Address Harry
vl. Stout , Eagle , Nebr. 28 2
Never leave home on a journey \vitli-
ut a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic ,
/holera and Diarrhoea Reined } * . It is
linost certain to 1 > 2 needed and cannot
e obtained when on Jjoard the cars or
teamships. For sale by Chapman , the
Dr. D. VV. Sumner
Hornby Building
Two it-room houses for rent.
I. M. Rice , tf
Fischer's Hardware sells bicyc
les and bicycle supplies of all
kinds. Repairing done promptly ,
Sprains require careful treatment.
Keep quiet and apply Chamberlain's Lin-
iinenfc . Itvill
freely. \ remove the soreness - \
ness and quickly-restore the parts to 4
healthy condition. For sale by Chapman -
man , the druggist.