Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 20, 1911, Image 1

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    tfiitorical Societj
Volume 26 , No. 28 VALENTINE ; NEBE , THUBSDAY , JULY 20 , 1911. § l.cO per year
Trunks and Suit Cases ,
A good trunk and suit case is a necessity
to everyone. They are accessories that
are needed at all times and in all seasons.
For this reason it is well to select when
buying a trunk or * suit case , something
that is good and will last and keep its
appearance. We have this very thing
in stock. When selecting your trunk or
suit case come in and look our line over.
Trunks ranging in price from § B.OO to
$32.50. Suit cases from 81.50 to $12.50.
This is the time of the year , when your wife
does not like to stand over a hot stove frying
meats , and would rather that you would
buy for her :
One-half pound Pink Salmon
One-half pound Red Salmon
One pourieJ'c'ftoice.Red Alaska
Salmon , taSI
One pound , Forest City
Special , tali , red
One Columbia River
pound O
Salmon steak , flat - - LJw
One pound Forest City
Special , flat
Also a full line of Sardines , Potted Meats ,
Chipped Beef , Roast Beef , Corned Beef and
Baked Beans. Fresh vegetables are scarce ,
> ve have a full line in cans.
BVt BD El K 3 . . . %
Red Fran ! lero. Co.
Grocery Department Phone 5 ,
Yes , we've got it , if not we'll get it
Orders taken for all music.
Reductions on
Summer Millinery . W.
J 2
j. Get anything on earth that's good to eat at fj
Phe Navy Department has se
cured space in Mercantile Hall
for their exhibit at the coming
State Fair , Sept. , 4th to Sth. In
this exhibit will be six model
battle ships , each 8 feet in length ,
plete , gun carriages and equipment
mess outfit , and in fact everything
-to interest the boy who has aspira
tions and ambitions to at some
time be of service to his country ,
should occasion require. The
small ' naval exhibit of last year
. "
created such aa interest that the
* i J < t * t\ * ! * * * ' *
officer in charge said that Neb-
raska' s Fair was one of the best
places in the country at which to
make an exhibit.
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Teeters of
Newton were in town Monday.
Mrs. Alva Green moved into
the T. W. Cramer property this
Mrs. Geo. A. Corbin went to
Omaha last Saturday- night for a
Alfred Ganow came up from
Oasis and visited his parents over
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ballard
spent a few'days in Valentine the
past week.
Gordon O'Kief of Wood Lake
came up last Friday to attend the
dance at the pavilion.
Mrs. G. A. Chapman and Mrs.
0. W. Noyes will entertain at
" 500" this evening at the former's
Gladys Ralyaof Sioux City came
Friday night to visit her parents ,
Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Ralya south
of town.
Pearl McNeil went up to the
S. II. Kiramel ranchon , the reser
vation last Thursday to spend sev
eral weeks.
John Neiss received a shipment
of twenty-one cars of cattle on
Monday. They were loaded at
Rapid City.
George Blaisdell former express
agent here , now stationed at-Dead-
wood , spent Friday in Valentine ,
on the way to his home in Iowa.
J. T.5Galloway and Henry Wil
son went up northwest of Kilgore
last Saturday to plaster a house
being built by Charles Anderson.
Geo. Fessant and wife of Kej a
Paha county are visiting the Cha -
bonneaus near Thacher this week.
Mr. Fessant and Mr. Charbonneau
were in town Monday.
Peter Anderson of Valentine
and Miss Bessie Lever of ljale ,
Iowa were married by Judge Quigley -
ley , Sunday evening. They will
make their home here ,
Miss Gertrude O'Sullivan who
has been visiting her sister Mrs.
Nicholson , went to O'Neill Tues
day for a visit with Mrs. P. J.
Flynn. ' Miss O'Sullivan will re
turn here Sunday night and then
go on to her home in Belle
Fourche ,
Clark Benedict who waa arrested
test week in ) ouglas , Wyo. , was
arraigned before Judge Quigley
last Thursday and plead guilty to
the charge of horse stealing. He
was bound over to the district
court. Judge Westover is expectl
ed here in a few days to pass sen-
Sheriff Eosseter arrested Wal
ter Everhan last Sunday at the
ranch of Alfred Morris near Wood
Lake , where he was working in
the hay fields. Everhan is wanted
at Sidney , Iowa , on a charge of
breaking and entering a house.
The Sherriff arrived from Sidney
Wednesday after the
F'loycj cous- ,
aged six an , $ seven , years ,
oqt jast Scip.cjay pn.a grasshopper - i
hopper sod forgot to come
home. Their mothers became
alarmed and began a search for
them bub were unsuccessful. The
boys had gone to the creek \Yher e
hey had n et Iovcj ( * § fa grand
iifle with him about two
An unusual attraction which has
been engaged for the Interstate
Live Stock Fair at Sioux City this
. U.V Vj- *
year is > tha $ fc a aek of sheep
&a and their trainers the out
fit to arrive from Scotland this
month. These dogs have reached
the perfection of animal training.
They go after sheep , separate one
kind from another , as intelligently
as would a human *
Land Office Notes.
The local office is receiving
many inquiries from persons in
various parts of the country in re
gard to the proposed opening of
the military reserve eisfc of town.
This opening is prospective only ,
may be made under the homestead
laws , if so it will require action at
the regular session of Congress ,
and the office does not expect an
opening before 1912.
During the fiscal year just end
ed the Valentine office allowed 62 o
homestead * entries aggregating
348,199.30 acres , an average of
558 acres each. There was 713
final proofs allowed , aggregating
267 , acres , an average of 375
acres each. There were 107 pub
lic sales of laud , aggregating 14-
8S9.91 acres , an average of 139
acres per sale , and averaging
§ 1.33 per acre in price. Thus
about 282,000 acres were added to
the tax-list during the fiscal year.
The yearly statement of un
appropriated lands made by the
local office at the end of every fis
cal year shows that in Valentine
land district there was vacant land
in the various counties , on July 1 ,
as follows ; Brown county'19,428
acres ; Cherry county 435,349
acris ; Keya Paya County 960
acres ; Rock county 6,120 acres ;
total 461.857 acres. In Cherry
county the entries and sales for
the year were approximately 294 ,
424 acres , and the cancellations by
relinquishment , contest , etc. , were
approximately 139,418 acres , mak
ing a reduction in the vacant acre
age of ' " * the county of 155,166 acres
for the year. In Brown county
the reduction for" the year was
7,952 acres , in Rock county 4,380
acres , in Keya Paha county there
was an increase of 240 acres ; in
the whole district there was a de
crease in the acreage of vacant
land amounting to 167,259 acres.
Binding twine very cheap. Ludwig -
wig Lumber Co. . 26
Special prices on summer dress
goods and low shoes at the Red
Front. v'
The Phelps Photo Studio is open
the first Wednesday and Thursday
of each month. 16tf
Millet seed for sale at Checker
Front Feed barn. Frank Ash-
burn , Prop. 23-3
Furnished rooms to rent by day
or Veek , Hot and cold water
baths included. Valentine House ,
John D. Eaton , Propr. 32tf
For Sale : From 1 to 40 head of
horses ; from 1 to f of land , close
to town. Residence and lot.
H. H. Wakefield , Crookston ,
Nebraska. 13
We are overstocked on binding
twine. Ludwig Lumber Co. 26
The Phelps Photo Studio is open
the first Wednesday and Thursday
in each month. 16tf
3 kinds of S. G * FS at Ludwigs ,
The BJafcner , Superior , and Inter
national. Ludwig lumber QQ. 26
Ice cream. soft drinks at
For sanitary plumbing or heat
ing call H. I. Weinzimmer. 20
The Crystal refrigerator.
steel , can never wear. QBfc , Buy
them at Fis < sh a Hardware. 27
Ranch For Sale.
590 acre ranch 20 miles east on
north side of Niobrara. Two
miles of river f rontt 1 $ $ wes un
der cultivation , gail , sandy loam ,
nav teA fcfi abundance of timber
to farm purposes , running water
from pure springs that fleYer
freeze in winter. TjPafr improve
ments , fennel and cross fenced.
This is an ideal ranch home and will
be sold at a bargain § 12.50 per
acre. Half cash , balance on liber
al terms. Address owner , JOHN
is not what some people imagine it to be.
There is only one kind of clothing value =
actual worth. When you read a ( Bargain
Sale ? ) notice of § 50 value for $7.69. your
good sense tells you it is not worth § 50.00
most likely it is a $7.50 value.
Every-garment we offer is worth the price
we get for it. A $15.00 suit will be worth
$15.00 in actual wearin'g value to you.
At the price you pay us , we are absolutely
certain that it is the most style , quality
and workmanship to be had for that inon-
ey-no matter if it fs $15.00 or $35.00. Our
policy is : "The utmost value at the price/ '
Clothes of Quality For All Mankind
Phone 145.
McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs.
\ Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars
§ Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies :
Old Crow , Sherwood ,
Hermitage , Guchenheimer ,
Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook ,
Spring Hill , and 29xyear/old
and Jas , E , Pepper , O , F , C. Taylor ,
These whiskies were purchased in bond
and came direct from the U. S. gov
ernment warehouse. They are guar
anteed pure and unadulterated , tin-
excelled for family and medical use.
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout.
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon an.d Budweiser Beer ,
Valentine Nebraska
- - V"When in need of anything " ' ? * <
GIVE US A TRIAL . " " ' . f
Crookston - , Nebraska
Stetter & Tobien , Props.
All Kinds of Fresh S
and Fait Meats. . . .
Will buy your Cattle , Hogs ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules and
anything you have to selL