Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 13, 1911, Image 5

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    > ' A Safe ,
Simple System
The system of paying
by check was devised
by all men- for any
man for you. It is
suited to the need of
any business , either
large or small. It makes
no difference whether
we pay out $10 or $10000
a month. A checking
account will serve your
Pay by check , the
method puts system in
to your business and
gives you a record of
every transaction.
on the SOUTH would be valuable
now. U , S. Government tests
show a windbreak of trees will
protect crops and conserve moist
ure a rod for each foot in height
of the windbreak , a windbreak of
trees 40 feet high will protect
crops and conserve moisture 40
rods. Cultivate trees each week
or oftener.
We have all varieties of forest ,
shade and fruit tsees , shrubbery
and ornamentals , adapted to North
Western Nebraska.
T. W. CRAMER , Local Agent ,
Valentine , Nebr.
Boyd Nurseries and Fruit
On.C. " & N. W. , 3 blks. east station
Ainswcrth , - Nebraska
Loup Valley Hereford Ranch ,
Herd headed by S. C.Columbus 17
No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289
822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg
Bulls for Sale at All Times ,
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
Attorney-at- Law
Office front room , second story ,
over T. C. Hornby's store , Main
street entrance.
Valentine Nebraska
Dr. M. T. Meer ,
Rooms over Eed Front store
Valentine - Nebr ,
will make you a tubular well
on short notice and guarantee
Crookston - Nebr.
40 head of horses , part broken ,
two or three good milch cows , one
farm ; also two or three houses and
Crookston , 12 Nebraska
f Valentine Transfer
We move everything on
wheels. Baggage and ex
press delivered immediate
ly. Phone 185. After
I JapursjrT. ,
Notice of Hearing.
To n ] ] piTPoJi" Intcn'btPd in fie estate of Ellza-
bcth M. B.irtlett. lc 'ejn rt'
Vou 2iiil e-tdi "i von a e liercby notified that
on tli13i ii luy of hi y. lullV. . K Haley filed a
1 > tltion In thi' i'oiintv romt of ( * h r-y Omntv.
Nebraska pr yii-f : rii t ndininisi ration in tlie
ahovc s' te l * iisj eiH d wirli ami hat the
I'pibiteOwrr mui-e H FiiMl I ) -r > * - naml K i' ' > c
hefts ot tlicdi"CJi ant. : " ! tbut .su < l petition will
lehufrd in tl eC'ouinj C iirtroont iiiV l-n'ine '
in said County on tliu ' . ! tJi day oi July , 1911 , at
the Hour oi in o' * l vk n. in.
It is further onk'red that notice of wild
ht'jirlng IK- given all persons Interested In
Haiti ( ' .state hy the publication of this notice
for three successive weeks in the. Valentine
Democrat , a newspaper printed , published
and circulated In said county.
Dated this 13th day ofInly , I'.HI.
[ SKAT. ] 27 : i Oouuty Judge.
Jy K. D Chiike , Attorney for neuii m r.
Notice of Hearing.
To all pprsons JntPivs'ed in the estate of
( SKii'Ke I. . Fisher , dece < se l :
Yi u ami eueii < if you ar hereby notified that
on ihe lath < fah of .In y , iut. : W. E. Ha ev. lilert
n petition i i rlie Countv Court of i.herry County ,
Nebrabka , praying that administration in the
above estate bj. dispensed wth and that the
I'roimtii r nrt make a Final Decree iidinin the
heirs .f th dec -dant smd nat snid petition will
I > B lu-ard in the ( -oiuity Court room in Val u-
tinelnsnid ott"tvoa the 29th day of July , 1911.
2it rhe hour of JO o'cliick a. in ,
It ib lurthrr o i der d ttiat notice of said hear
ing be } ; ivea 2ill pars ins inreieai < * cl in aid t-s-
tate by the iniblicjition of this notice for thrte
successive weeks in The Valemlue Democrata
newspaper printed , published an-l circulated in
said Ctui'Mv.
Dated this 13th day of July , 1911.
( Stal. ) JAJIKS C. ( juiGLKr ,
27-3 Comity Judge.
By E. D. Clarke. Attorney for petitioner
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land OJice , Valentine ,
.luly 10 , ion.
To Floyd Burdick of Wayne , Nebraska , Con-
te tee :
You are hereby n9tilied that Ralph Ander
son liurbank wh'o gives Wood Lake , Nebras
ka , as his address , did on the 10th
day of June. UM1 rile in this ottice his duly
corroborated application to contest and se
cure the cancellation of your homestead Se
rial No. OJSJ8.J made Oct. ac , 1909. for the EJ S W
4. HEI of Sec. 26. and the SJ SAV and SWJ S
i-J } Sec. 25 , Nt " N E } and NKJ N\VJ Section Xt ,
Township 31 . "Range 28. West of ( ith Principal
Aleridian. and as grounds for his contest he
alleges that Floyd Uurdick has not establish
ed a re-sidence upon the said land : that he
has not settled upon and cultivated the said
land ; that he has wholly abandoned the said
land for more than one year last past , and
that he has tailed to cure his laches to this
You are. tlieiefore , further notified that the
said alienations will he taken iiy this otlico as
having been coiuv.ssed by > u , and your salt
entrj wH bo canceled ihereunder without your
farther ri ht to be he ml therein , rither before
this oilictMirou appeal , if jou fail to tile in this
olnctt within twenty uay ! aftfrihe fourth pub
lication < > i this notice , as shown below , your
answer , under Orttn , specificially meeting ana
responding ro these ; illegations of co itesr , or if
you fail within that tiain U ) lile in this oflice due
pniof that you have served 2V c ipy pt your ans
wer on the'sanl contestant either in peisou or
by registered mail. If this service is made by
tlie delivery of a copy of your answer to the
contestant in person , proof ot such service must
be eitn-r the SUM von tenant's written acknow
ledgement ot his leceipt of the copy , showing
the date of its leceipt. or the 2iairt.ivit of the
person by wiioni the delivery was made staling
when anil wheie the copy was delivered ; ii
made by registered mail , i roof ot su-h service
must consist of the allidavit of the pers m by
whom the copv was mailed stating when
and the postotltce to wlucn it was mailed , and
this atlklftvit must be a-compained by the post-
mai-t'-r's receijt ) for the letter.
You sh"ii d state in your answer the name of
the poit ollice to whijh you desire future noti
ces to ue sent to you.
E. OLSON , Receiver.
Date of first publication July 13.1911
Date of second publication July 20 , 1911.
Date ot third publication July 27 , 1911
Dale of fourth publication August 3.1911.
Contest Notice.
United States Land Office , Valentine. Neb.
July 11.1911.
To Sciealburt F. Thompson of Nenzel , Nebr. ,
Contestee :
You are hereby notified that David O.
Tripp who gives Kilgore , Nebraska , as his
post-office address , did on July 3 , 1911 , tile in
this oflice his duly corroborated application
to contest and s'ecure the cancellation of
vour homestead. Serial No. 05-238 made Feb.
23.1910. for Si SUJ. SI SW.1 , NW1 SWJ. Sec.
12. NK , ' . NW } . NEi SWJNISE } , Sec. 13. To. : U )
Range 82. and as grounds for his contest he
alleges that Sciealburt F. Thompson has
wholly abandoned and changed his residence
from said tract for more than six months
prior to Feb. 13,1911.
You re , therefore , further notified that
the said allegations will ie taken by this of
fice as having been confessed by you , and
vour said entry will be canceled thereunder
without 3'our "further right to be heard
therein , either before this ottice or on appeal ,
it vor fail to lile in this office within twenty
days after th FOURTH publication of this
notice , as shown below , your answer , under
oath , specifically meeting and responding to
these allegations of contest , or if you fail
within that time to tile in this office due proof
that you have served a copy of your answer
on the said contestant either in person or by
registered mail. If this service is made by
the delivery of a copy of your answer to the
contestant in person , proof of such service
must be either the said contestant's written
acknowledgment of his reeipt of the copy ,
showing the date of its receipt , or the affida
vit of the person by whom the delivery was
made stating when and where the copy was
delivered ; it made by registered mail , proof
of such service must consist of the affidavit
of the person bv whom the copy was mailed
slating when and the post office to which it
was mailed , and this affidavit must be accom
panied by the postmaster's receipt for the
You sjioujd st < ite : in your answer the name
of the post office toyjiich you desire future
notices to be font to you.
LUIE M. BATKS. Register
Date of first publication July 13,1911
Date of second publication July 20 , 1911 ,
Date of third publication July 27. 1911.
Date of fourth publication August 3,1911.
Contest Notice.
United States Land Office , Valentine. Neb.
July 11,1911.
To Mary A. Smith of Chadron , Nebr. , Con
testee :
You are hereby notified that Thomas
Peat who gives Kilgore , Nebraska , as his
iWtiOffice address , did on July 3. 1911. lile in
this onlcc Jijs ( July corroborated application
to content and HJJCU.IV the cancellation of
vour homestead. Serjal Np 0173:1 : mivdo Jan. 17.
1910. for Lots 1,3. : * . - . " > . 0 , 7 , & 8 , SB } N\V1.
NEi SW4-Sec.i. Wl.SK } , Sec. 3d , Township
30 , liange 32. and as grounds for his contest
he alleges that Mary A. Smith has never es
tablished or maintained a residence upon
flajd. tract since the date of her homestead
You ar , therefore , further notified that
the t-aicl allegations will be taken by this of
fice as having been confeised by you. and
vour said entry will be canceled thereunder
without your further right to beheard. there
in , either before this ollice or on appeal , if
vou fail to file in this office within twenty
Hays after the FOURTH publication of this
notice , as shown below , your answer , under
oath , specifically meeting and responding to
these allegations of contest , or if you fall
within that time to tile in this office due proor
that you have served a copy orour answer
on the said contestant in person , or by reg
istered mail. If this service is made by the
deliveryof a copy of your answer to the con
testant in person , proo of such service must
be either the said contestant's written ac
knowledgment of his receipt of the copy ,
v - -
of the person by whom the copy V\as"mailecl
stating when and the post oflice to which' it
was mailed , and this allldavit mut > t be accom
panied bv the postmaster's receipt for the
You should state in your answer the name
( ilj yo t ottice to which you desire future
nodcgs ti fj sent to you.
Ijyj'13 Jtf. BATES , REGISTER.
Date of flnt puljljcaliqu Ju'ly 13'UHl. '
Date of secom } publicatipn .fujy 2Q , ItlM-
Date of third publication July ? ? , inn
Date of fourth publication August 3 , lail ,
Two 4-room houses for rent.
. I. M. Bice , tf
Tha oatfa jg&Msasp fp
tnadle frofss
f Gs asas of
Contest Notice.
United States Land Office , Valentine. b.
July 10 , i u.
To Nouh .line1 ? of F rn , Nebrask * , Conrestee :
You are hereby noi'lltjil ' that Amudore Minor
Yount , who irives Craig , Missouri , s hN post-
ollice address , did on the 10th day of.Iuup , 1911.
lile in this olllcft liis duly eorr-boruted aupli-
ciition to contest ati'l secure tli cancellation of
vour h'une < teati Sf pal No. O577.'j made Septem
ber ICih. 1)10 ! ) , for the S of Section G , and th-
N1NW | . NWJ Mi } SvcMon 7 , Township i'S
Range. 34 , West ot Gth Principal Meridian , and
as grounds fi r hi * contest lie alleges tnat .Noah
Jinti-s has not estai'lisned a ivsicleneu upon ilia
said land : that lie has nut settled upon and cu -
tivated the wild laud that lie has wno'ly iibai > -
( ionetl the said 'and for more tliaii einht mo.iths
Ia t past a-iu tnat he has failed to cute his
laches u tnis date.
You are. th'-rei-ire. further notifiofi that the
allegations will be taken by this o nee as
having "neeu cuniessed by joii. and your aid
ent v will bi { canceled thereunder with me your
further right to be heard tli ivin. either helore
this i.iiioe'or on appea , it'you tail to liie in this
olliite w thin twenty dajs aUw the FUUltHl
publication of this notice , as shown oelw. . y Mir
iiisw r. under oatli. specifically meeting and
re > > i > ' > iiding to t-he-se allcgriti 'iis of conte-st. or if
you fu-1 wiiliiu that time to Hie i i this ollice due
proof thut yon huve served a .copy ot yoir : AUS-
wer on he said coafr--lant fillier in person or
bv registered mail. If this servicj is made by
he delivery ot a cupy ot vour answer tthe
contestant in person , i roof of such service must
be either tlu i2itd contestant's wntt n aeknow-
Icdgmejit o lih receipt ot in-copy , showing Hie
dale ot" its receipt , or the affidavit of the per-on
by wnoin the delivery was made station heu
and wiiere i he i-o.iy wus delivered ; if madby
registered mail , proot of such service must co " -
ist ofth-allldivit otthe person bv tbe
copy was maut-d stating wbon and ihep sl-ofllce
to which it was mai ed , and this alildavit must
ue accompanied by tLe's receipt
lor tne letter
Y u siiould stite in yo-ir answer the. name of
thu post oni-e to whlcliyou de ire future noticts
to bssent to yon.
Date of first publication , July 1. mil.
iat of second publicatiiu .Inly 20 , 1911.
D.i e of rnird publication , .July 27 , 1911.
Date of tuiiith publication. August 3 , isll.
Notice to Creditors.
In ihe roiinty Court within and for Cherry
county , .Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of D. F. Story de
To the creditors of said estate :
You ar hereby notified , That f will sit at the
County Coui. Hoom In Valentine in said county ,
on the 29th day of July , 1911.
to receive and examine all claims against
said estate , with a view to tlieir adjustment and
allowance. The time linnte.1 for tlie presenta
tion of claims against said estate is six months
from tiie.-iiith day of .Jan. A. l > . I9ll , and the
time limited for payment ot debts is one year
from saul 2Dth day of .January. 19ii.
Witness my hand an- the seal of said
SEAL County I our : this l t day of July.
- > 1911. JAMES C. QUIGI.KY ,
7 6 I'uuntvJudge.
Wa.cott & Wa'.cott , Attorneys for heirs.
To whom it may concern :
This is to certify that my wife. Marie E.
Miller , has left my bed and board , and I wi 11
not hereatter be responsible for debts con
tracted by her.
Signed this 13th day of July , inn.
O. R. Miller , Urookston. Xcbr. 27
J. A. Kirkwood is back from
his visit with his mother and
friends in Pittsburg , Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Veach and
children spent several days last
week visiting his brother Amzi
Veach and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Forest P. Shepard -
ard returned last week from a
very pleasant visit with Mr. and
Mrs. Harve Shepard at Crawford.
Mrs. M. V. Nicholson will en-
tsrtain several young ladies this
evening in honor of her sifter ,
Miss Gertrude Q'Sullivan of Belle
County Commissioner Nels
Rowley was called home last Fri
day on account of his father-in-
law's illness and the commission
ers adjourned till next weok.
The foundation for the new
Catholic church was finished last
week and lumber is now being
hauled for the building. It will
be completed by Oct. 15.
Mrs. J. C. Quigley and Miss
Ruth Quigley returned Wednesday
morning frqm Wahfp , Nebr-.v
w ere they ha.d' been visiting the
former's parents.
Happiest Girl in Lincoln.
A Lincoln , Neb. , girl writes , "I hac {
bqen ailing for some time with chroniq
constipatipii ajad stomach trouble , I began -
gan ta $ g Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets and in three days I was
able to be up and got better right along.
I am the proudest girl in Lincoln to find
such a good medicine. " For sale by
Chapman , the druggist.
in each morftli'.1 ' ' " " ' - ' " 'IGt'f
Special prices on binding twine. '
See us and get prices. LuiTwJgf
Lumber Co. 26
The Phelps Photo Studio is open
the first Wednesday and Thursday
in each month. 16tf
Dr. M. F. Meer has decided to
visit Wood Lake the first Monday
and Tuesday of each month to do
dental work. 19tf
Registered Hereford Bulls for
sale at all times of the year.
Simeon - Nebraska
Tubular Wells and Windmills up by phone
sow-by. D McLeod * .
r * "
f * * J rf
Guaranteed by International Harvester Company
. - .
* v--.iftj ; luox snr
AM kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes
Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot.
Valentine , * IIONE 72 Nebraska
References : My Many Cusf-oroers.
Old Crow , All Leadin
Hermitage Brands
r-lij ? C ' 5i' * tirrs- ? ;
and Bottled
Guclien- Under the
heimer Supervision
Rye . . o the
Whiskeys. U. S. GOY.
plso handle the Budweiser Beer.
Automobiles will carry you from Main street direct to
the Pavilion , and bring you home any time you wish.