THEY DONT WANT WRINKLES. She Mr. Smith advertises all the new wrinkles. He Fatal mistake. He won't get a ; woman in his store. PITIFUL SIGHT WITH ECZEMA "A few days after birth we noticed an inflamed spot on our baby's hip which soon began spreading until baby was completely covered even In his eyes , ears and scalp. For eight weeks he was bandaged from head to foot He could not have a stitch of clothing on. Our regular physician pronounced it chronic eczema. He is a very able , physician and ranks with the best In this locality , nevertheless , the disease began spreading until baby was completely covered. He was losing flesh so rapidly that we be came alarmed and decided to try Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment. "Not until I commenced using Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment could we tell what he looked like , as we dared not wash him , and I had been putting one application after another on him. On removing the scale from his head the V hair came off , and left him entirely bald , but since we have been using Cutlcura Soap and Ointment he has as much hair as ever. Four weeks after we began to use the Cutlcura Soap and Ointment he was entirely cured. I don't believe anyone could have eczema worse than our baby. "Before we used the Cuticura Rem edies we could harilly look at him , he was such a pitiful sight He would fuss until I would treat him , they semed to relieve him so much. Cuti cura Soap and Ointment stand by themselves and the result they quick ly and surely bring is their own rec ommendation. " ( Signed ) Mrs. T. B. Rosser , Mill Hall , Pa. , Feb. 20 , 1911. Although Cutlcura Soap and Oint ment are sold by druggists and deal ers everywhere , a sample of each , with 32-page book , will be mailed free on application to "Cuticura , " Dept 29 K , Boston. " Just So. "Why do they caH a bell boy In a hotel 'Buttons ? ' " "Because he's always off when you need him most , I guess. " Feminine Reasoning. Stella Her gown is just like yours. Bella I don't care if her's is a dupli cate of mine , but I don't want mine a duplicate of hers. Puck. Dr. Pierce's Pellets , small , sugar-coated , easy to take as cand } ' , regulate and invig orate stomach , liver and bowels and cure constipation. Should Walk Upright A man should be upright , not have to be kept straight Marcus Aurelius. SEVEN YEARS OF MISERY All Relieved by Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. Sikeston , Mo. "For seven years I Buffered everything. I was in bed for four or five days at a time every A * li month , and so weak I could hardly walk. I cramped and had backache and head ache , and was so nervous and weak that I dreaded to see anyone or have anyone move in the room. The doctors gave me medicine to ease me at those times , and said that I ought to have an operation. J would not listen to that , and when a friend of my husband told him about Lydia E. Pmkham's Vege table Compound and what it had done for his wife , I was willing to take it. Now I look the picture of health and feel like it , too. lean do my own house work , hoe my garden , and milk a cow. I can entertain company and enjoy them. I can visit when JL choose , and walk as far as any ordinary woman , Eny day in the month. I wish I could talk toevery sufferingwomanandgirL" Mrs. TiTTM-A BETHUNE , Sikeston , Mo. The most successful remedy in this country for the cure of all forms of female complaints is Lydia E. Pink , ham's Vegetable Compound. It is more widely and successfully used than any other remedy. It has cured thousands of women who have - been troubled with displacements , in flammation , ulcerati9n , fibroid tumors , Irregularities , periodic pains , backache , that bearing down feeling , indigestion , and nervous prostration , after all other jneans had failed. Why don't you try it ? SEED BREEDING PLAT Should Be Planted Thickly and Then Thinned to Stand. Under Average Conditions It Will Be Necessary to Cultivate Once Every Week or Ten Days Un til Near September 1. ( By J. E. PAYNE. Dry Land Specialist , Colorado Agricultural College. ) Those who have had to buy seed for planting their crops this year should be able to appreciate the value of a seed breeding plat Those who have a variety of corn which has been grown successfully on the same farm for five or more years , should plant at least one acre for special seed. This plat should be well prepared , and upon it should be planted the choicest seed selected from the seed corn. Every ear used should be tested for germination be fore planting. In order to get a per fect stand on this plat , the corn should be planted thicker than the ordinary fields , and thinned to a stand after the plants are a few inches high. While thinning , the strongest plants should be left The plat should be given the best cultivation possible , so as to furnish conditions for the proper develop ment of the crop. Under average conditions , It will be necessary to give the plat a cultivation once every week or ten days from the time of planting until near September 1. The plants should be watched as they develop. If some of them seem to withstand drought better than others they- should be barked , and the soil about them should be examined to see if the apparent drought-resistance was caused by local conditions or * by some quality peculiar to the plant. A record should be kept of dates of tasseling and silking , and the date when the plat is beyond the stage of possible damage by frost should be noted. As we must breed mainly for earliness - ness , a record of special plants will be desirable. The height of the stalk , height of ear from the ground , num ber of leaves on the stalk , relative size of leaves and general appear ance of the plants should be noted. This work should be taken up by the boys and girls who should be al lowed time to study the plants. It Is probable that we of the semi-arid re gion shall have to adopt standards of perfection for ears of com which will differ very much from the standards of the main corn producing regions. For corn grown here I would allow larger cobs , shallower and broader grains , and larger shanks than the standard for perfect ears of eastern corn would suggest. In breeding plants for semi-arid conditions , we must cut loose from standards made for humid regions , and work out our problems independ ently. We shall have to dream out Ideals of plants which are best suited to our conditions. The twenty-five years of experience which settlers have had in eastern Colorado , show that we can grow grains , and a study of the grains which they now grow points the way to improvements which may be profit ably undertaken. Catching Chickens. Who has not seen the farmer , his wife , the hired man , and one or more children engaged in the exciting chase for the chicken which Is to be served for the family dinner ? All around tne yard , over the fence , under the barn , through the garden , until somebody luckily falls upon It An easier way Is to make a long-handled net , using a sound , well-made barrel hoop. An old hammock makes a fine net for this purpose. The net should be about two feet deep. Lay ! t down , mouth up , put a few grains of corn on top , pretend you are looking the other way , and when a chicken steps on the net to pick up the corn , lift It sud denly , tip It slightly to one side , and you have the fowl safe. If you are particularly expert , the net may be dropped over the bird. Bite Each Other's Feet. Young chicks , especially young Leghorns , often get Into the habit of picking the feet of other chicks In the flock , and the moment the blood Is drawn there Is a regular stampede and unless detected In time they will pick the entire feet of the victim to pieces. The only remedy is to catch the chicks that are being attacked and coat the feet with carbolated vaseline or some similar substance. The taste of it will at once discourage any further attempts. What a "Green" Duck Is. The market term green duck , is of late Innovation. The cognomen is applied for the reason that the bird has not yet matured. It should weigh not less than four pounds and be not over ten weeks old , eight weeks would be better , and should never be allowed bathing water. As an article of diet , If provided by a chef , the green duck resembles the famous and fast disappearing canvas \ back duck. The Deadly Flea. 1 The hunt for squirrels and such ro dents as carry the deadly flea that spreads the bubonic plague Is to be carried into the Monterey national forest , California. Since July 85,000 squirrels have been examined In the suspected districts. The government has spent $800,000 on this work and the state and counties of California 5500,000 more. I PEANUTS ON DRY LAND FARM One of Best Drouth Resisting PlantJt Milo Also Is Crop That Never Fails in Arid Regions. The peanut is one of tlie best drouth-resisting plants , according to Prof. H. M. Cottrell. Last year in some parts of the southwest was the dryest' year that has been known since the country was settled. In some parts of this section there was in midsummer five weeks of severe drouth with burning hot winds daily. The peanut stopped growing , but lived ; it wilted every day and fresh ened every night. A rain came , the nuts filled out and stockmen got 500 to 1,000 pounds of gain on hogs for each acre of peanuts pastured. This in one of the dryest seasons known. Mlle is a dry land crop that never fails. Ten bushels of milo has the same feeding value as nine bushels of corn. Milo Is a starchy feed like corn. In Nebraska ; eastern Kansas and eastern Oklahoma the feeder uses al falfa to balance up corn ; the dry land fanner can use peanuts for the same purpose and secure equally as good results. All the regularly grown dry farm ing feed crops , such as Kafir , milo and * sorghum , have been deficient in oill and protein , the material necessary : for making flesh , milk and blood. The peanut , one of the best drputh resist ing crops , Is exceedingly rich in both protein and oil. The growing in large fields on every ) farm with sandy soil In the dry farmIng - Ing sections of Texas , New Mexico , , Oklahoma , Kansas and Colorado , and ! milo and Spanish peanuts , will make this territory a great producer of beef- cattle , hogs and dairy products , and the feeding of these crops will Insure1 good profits , no matter how dry the season. Good Dry Country Advice. One who has had long experience in1 Montana say at "The potato might possibly give the , best yield on new spring plowed lands. ) Some seasons potatoes yield well sod land. Hulless barley is also good crop to grow , where the moisture Is uncertain. But our counsel to the ! beginner Is to sow Scotch Fife wheat just as early as possible. If he gets a crop It will be saleable and If he does not get a crop of grain he may get . crop of grain hay. If our friend going to try to make a home O land , we would urge him to get ten acres seeded to alfalfa as soap , possible. Dry farming is largejy wheat proposition for the man able _ operate on a large scale. But If bfttj friend can get ten acres of alfalfa seeded he may soon get so he can ? keep four good cows , a few chickens ! and a good brood sow. It will be slow and hard work establishing one's ; self on a dry farm , without money.and ! even money may fall. There are a great many factors entering Into dry farming. " Plant Some Popcorn. Plant a small patch In the garden. Not only will it be a source of much satisfaction for the children next win ter , but In a small way itcan be marketed , especially In country- towns and villages. Cultivate the same as field of sweet corn. Plant somewhat closer , and do not allow more than four stalks to remain in the- hill. Of the two general varieties , white and red , choose the white , as It looks better and If to be sold finds a more ready market What Protein Is. "Protein" Is a term employed to designate the compounds containing nitrogen in feeds , and is a necessary ingredient for the formation of flesh , ligaments , muscles , tendons , sinews , hair , hide and all portions of the , body which have strength , including * bones , which contain from 20 to 25j per cent of a nitrogenous substance. ' FARM NOTES. Keep a close watch for the cut worms. Coal ashes do not add anything to * the soil. Moles in a garden prove an intoler able nuisance. For potato blight spray with Bor deaux mixture. The secret of growing good cabbage lies in rich sell. A noted gardener says : "Water the garden with a rake. " Rhubarb plants once planted continue to yield well for eight or ten years. Beet leaf spot is one of the most , common diseases of the garden beet. Select and mark large and vigorousi hil's of . .potatoes for next season's eoed. To do their best all garden crops must have regular , thorough cultiva tion. Spraying vegetables should be , commenced the very moment the insects are seen. Lima beans , either pole or bush , may be planted early this month when the. ground is warm. It is better to give the crop a thor ough soaking once a week than to sprinkle lightly over it. Wood ashes and lime should be sprinkled over the gar.den and among the growing vegetables often. Fine manure in the cow lot may be worked up and applied to the garden between the rows of vegetables during all summer. Sweet corn Is one of the wholesome and popular American table vege tables , and it should be had for table use from summer until after frost Arsenate of lead is death to the beetles that injure asparagus , and In fact may be used to advantage for nearly all crawling things in the garden. FURNITURE IN SUMMER UPHOLSTERED PIECES SHOULD BE COVERED WITH SLIPS. Thase May Be of Chintz or Gay Cre tonne That Can Be Selected to Match the Wall paper. The housekeeper who in winter time rejoices in her beautifully fur niture in summer time flees from its stuffy presence and hies her to the store where linen abounds. Nothing can help more to cool the appearance of a room than crisp slippery linen furniture slips. Delightful results can be attained at only a small expense , for material costs but from twenty- five to seventy-five cents a yard. For hard service plain brown Holland lin en or linen jute is most practical , but often the heart of the householder yearns for something more ornamen * tal. Then come vast quantities of chintz and gay cretonnes from which she may choose. As she Is wise she will ofcourse , choose a material which will harmonize with her wall paper and floor covering. For this purpose a favorite is the material v/hich has a white or deep ecru background , and patterns in old pinks , olive green and faded blues. This harmonizes with al most any room whether the wood work be white or mahogany. One at tractive room with white wood work had slip covers made of an ivory white material , sprigged with a rather con ventionalized flower In the popular mulberry shade. As for the cutting and sewing of furniture covers , authorities say it is no longer permissible to pipe the seams with a plain color. Seams are hidden and the covers fit snugly now. All of which means that the housewife must be possessed of skilful scissors and cut her slips with phenomenal ac curacy to make them fit well else she must hire a professional to help hei > which doubles the cost However , \i well made , these covers last several seasons. In the Cake will not stick to their tins if placed on a damp cloth when removed from the oven. In making crusts of any kind , do not melt the lard In the flour. Melting wiil injure the crust. If gravy is too salty , put a pinch of brown sugar in it. This does not spoil the gravy in the least. A spoonful of vinegar put into the water in which meat or fowls are boil ed will make them tender. A tin kettle or coffee pot Is eas ily cleaned by being rubbed with a woolen rag soaked in paraffine. If you rub your hands with a piece of celery after peeling onions it will quite remove the unpleasant smell. Eggs are best 12 hours after they are laid. They can be kept for months , packed without touching , In salt , small ends down. When making fruit pies , damp the edge with milk instead of water. It holds better , and the juice Is not liable to boll over. Before preparing vegetables or fruits that stain the fingers , a very good plan is to previously rub the thumb and fore-finger with a little grease , which will prevent the stains that are so unsightly and difficult to remove. Chicken Fricassee. Take one good sized chicken and cut in pieces ready to serve. Wash and wipe dry , roll in flour and fry in chick en fat or butter until a golden brown. Have a stew pan ready and as the chicken is fried put It In the stew pan , rinse the frying pan with enough bellIng - Ing water to cover the chicken , then add one onion minced very fine , a tiny piece of garlic , one cup of strained tomatoes , dash of cayenne and black pepper and salt enough to suit taste. Set on back of stove and let simmer till done , stirring frequently so as not to burn. Rhubarb Jam. Allow to each pound of rhubarb cut In half-inch pieces one pound of sugar and one lemon. Peel the yellow rind of the lemon off thin , remove the white part and slice into a bowl , re moving the seeds. Turn the rhubarb over the lemon , add the sugar and al low to stand over night. In the morning boil three-quarters of an hour In the preserving kettle , stirring often. Cool slightly after taking from the fire , then pour into air-tight jars. Strawberry Jam. Allow for each pound of stemmed berries a generous three-quarters of a pound of sugar. Put the fruit over the fire in a preserving kettle and cook half an hour , stirring often. Add the sugar , boll 20 minutes , skim carefully and place in airtight jars while boill- Ing hot. The berries should be ripe and solid and of good flavor. Mock Lemon Pie. One cup sugar , yolks of two eggs , one heaping teaspoon cornstarch. Beat well together , add one teaspoon lemon extract and one cup thick sour milk. Beat well with an egg beater all together and bake In one crust Beat whites of two eggs stiff , sweeten and spread on pie. Set In oven just \ minute ° r so * ° brown. CASTORIA 9 oo DROPS For Infants and Children niiiiiniiiiiiimiiiuiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiititfii ijii * 7 * fc & ThB. Kind You Have B * liiiiitiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiMiiiiiiimniiii iiiiii Always Bought ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT ; /Vegetable Preparation for As similating the Food and Regula Bears the ting the Stomachs a M Bon-els of L i , > M w Promotes DigEsfionCheerful- ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium .Morphine nor Mineral NOT N AR c OTIC Ruialcin SM - txSw * ' WothtUt Salts - V/stiV * Stti \WormStU \ - Clartfi'td Suyar . \Winknrtm. \ flavor A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea , Worms .Convulsions .Feverish-1 ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. ' - | IFsc Simile Signature of Thirty Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY NEW YORK. I Ate months , old DOSE * > J5CFNT5 COTORU guaranteed under the FoodanjJ Exact Copy of Wrapped T * BKSfnwai marr , NATURALLY. HIx Did you notify the police of the robbery ? Dix Yes , and I am expecting at any moment to hear that they have arrested the wrong man. To Make Fruit Jar Rubbers Last. To have fruit Jar rubbers last , keep them well covered In a jar full of flour until used , and as soon as re moved from empty Jars. One can then afford a good quality of rubbers , as kept thus they will safely last sev eral seasons. When there is doubt of old rubbers , they may often be made to eke out one more season by using two of the rubbers to each jar and screwing down tight Always stand newly filled jars upside down until cool , to test the tops and rubbers. Designer. Not for Mr. Hercules. Hercules had finished his twelfth labor. "That's the last ! " he exclaimed. I positively refuse to do another one ! " Thus we see that even Hercules was not free from the " 13" supersti tion. ASK FOB AIXKTT8 FOOT-EASE the Antiseptic powder to shake Into yontahoes. Be- lleyes Corns , Bunions , Ingrowing Nails , Swollen and Sweating feet. Blisters and Callous spots. Bold everywhere , 25c , Don't accept any ntbstltute. Sam ple FREE. Address Allen B.Olmsted , LeBoy.H.Y. I know a woman who says she mar ried Just for fun. And yet some people ple claim a woman has no sense of humor ! Mrs. WlnsTows Soothing Syrup for Children teething- , softens the gums , reduces inflamma tion , aUays pain , cures wind colic. 25o a bottle. The successful borrower is as quick as lightning. Also he never strikes twice in the same place. Chew and smoke nntazed tobacco , cheap and ondoped. Meriwether & Edwards , Clarksville.Tenn. The silk stocking girl is very much In evidence. Instead of Liquid AntisepticsorPeroxide 100,000 people last year used Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic The new toilet germicide powder to b dissolved in water as needed. For all toilet and hygienic uses it if better and more economical. To save and beautify the teeth , remove tartar and prevent decay. To disinfect the mouth , de stroy disease germs , and purify the breath. To keep artificial teeth and ( bridgework clean , odorless To remove nicotine from the teeth and purify the breath after smoking. To eradicate perspiration and oodj odors by sponge bathing. The best antiseptic wash known. Eelieves and strengthens tired , weak , inflamedeyes. Heals sore throat , wounds and cuts. 25 and 50 cts. a box , druggists or by mail postpaid. Sample Free. THE PAXTON TOILET CO..BOSTON.MASS. Don't Persecute Your Bowels Cut out cathartics and purgatives. They are brutal , harsh , unnecessary. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Purely vegetable. Act ' gently on the liver , CARTER'S eliminate bile , an < ITTLE soothe the delicate. membrane of the , , IVER bowel. Care pats. Constipation. Biliousness. Sick Head. . _ ache and Indigestion , aa millions know. SMALL PILL , SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature Established 30 Years FLORISTS Floral emblems and cut flowers for all occasions. 8IOUX CITY , IOWA R tTMU > * fiett , lent , cheap. MUUL. CuTtipOlov tip orer , trill not toiler or injure. HJjtilcr- Guaranteed effect. ire. OfalllMlcno * f eat prepaid far 20c. JUKOLO BOMXSS ISO D. K U AT * . ' BrMklra , H.T. FOB SAL.E Cheap Wisconsin Homes. Cut crver hardwood Umber lands located In Bosk County. 65,000 acres of flno clay loam in the heart of the dairy and clover bait , close to good markets , school * and churches ; terms to suit purchaser. Write for maps and other Information to ARPIN HARD WOOD LUMBHR COMPANY , Grand Baplda , WIs. * " " " DEFIANCE STIReH-80 ? packags other starcbea only 12 ounce * amo price and "DEFIANCE" IS SUPERIOR QUALITY. Ranch Home , Montana. SCO acres on main line Gt. Northern ; prirate Irri gation. Hlghlr improved , snap , pare cash , reason able terms. H. O. Jacobson , Bismarck , K. D. W. N. U. , SIOUX CITY , NO. 28-1911. What AOs You } Do yon feel weak , tired , despondent , have frequent head aches , coated tongue , bitter or bad taste in morning , ' 'heart-burn , " belching of gas , acid risings in throat after eating , stomach gnaw or burn , foul breath , dizzy spells , poor or variable appetite , nausea at times and kindred symptoms ? If you hare any conaiderabl * number of tha Above symptom * you are suffering from b3iona > ness , torpid liver with indigestion , or dyspepsia * Dr. Picrce'a Golden Medical Discovery is mada > up of the most valuable medicinal principles known to medical science for die permanent core of such abnormal conditions. It is a most efficient liver invigorator * stomach tonic bowel regulator and nerve strengthener. The "Golden Medical Discovery" is not a patent medicine or secret nostrum full list of its ingredients being.printed on its bottle-wrapper and attested under oath. A glance at these will show that it contains no alcohol , or hana ful habit-forming drags. It is a fluid extract made with pure , triple-refiated glycerine , of proper strength , from the roots of native American medical , forest plants. World's Dispensary Medical Association , Props. , Buffalo , Nu Yj