* ft - * * < aistorical Society , 4 ; Volume 2 $ , No. 26 VALENTINE , NEBK , THURSDAY , JULY 13 , 1911. ou per year Oxford Sale We have a number of broken lots and sizes in Mens' and Ladies' Oxfords which we are offering at exceptional prices. This is good , clean , stylish stock at a great saving in price. Mens' $4.00 Tan Oxfords $2.98 Mens' $3.50 Tans and Patents 2.60 Mens' $3.00 Black and Ox = blood 1. Ladies' $4.00 Oxford s 2. Ladies' $3.00 Oxfords 1. Ladies' $2.50 Oxfords 1. Ladies' $1.75 Oxfords 1.25 THE CORNER STORE Davenport & Co. This is the time of the year , when your wife does not like to stand over a hot stove frying meats , 'and would rath'er that you would buy for her : One-half pound Pink Salmon One-half Red Salmon Steak - pound . . . . 15c One pound choice Red Alaska Salmon , tall One pound , Forest City 25c Special , tall , red One pound Columbia River 25c Salmon steak , flat One pound Forest City 25c Special , flat Also a full line of Sardines , Potted Meats , Chipped Beef , Roast Beef , Corned Beef and Baked Beans. Fresh vegetables are scarce , we have a full line in cans. Red Front Merc. Co. Grocery Department Phone 5. SHEET MUSIC Yes , we've got it , if not we'll get it Orders taken for all music , Reductions on Summer Millinery . W. Are Yoy 2 i n ( Get anything on earth that's good to eat at | Home Bakery. TELEPHONE NO. 7 2EK2EE3SeEEBEaQB , Valentine. Don. McLeod went to Neligh Monday night on land business. Robert Lee of Brownlee was in town Tuesday and Wednesday on business. Miss Bessie Gaskill returned to her home near the Fort on Tues day after a visit of nearly a week in town. James V. Satra died Tuesday at his home northwest of Crookston. Mr. Satra leaves a wife and sever al children. George N. Nelson and Miss Ida Anderson of Lake , Nebr , were married by County Judge Quigley on July 3. Miss Gertrude O'Sullivan of Belle Fourche , S. D. is visiting her sister Mrs. M. V. Nicholson , and family. S. H. Kiramel was down from his home near Rosebud on Tues day. While here he gave us his subscription. Fischer's Orchestra will give a dance in the park pavilion on Fri day night July 14. Take an auto on main street to the park. Arazi Veach finished painting Dr. Hoxey's residence Wednesday and went to Ivilgore on the eve ning train to do carpenter work. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Sears' and children came up from their ranch near Kennedy last week to attend the circus and visit with friends. W. H. Morey was in Valentine Tuesday to file on a half section of land near Nenzel. Mr. Morey : ame to Cherry county from Iowa last year. , Jessie Washburn and Edna Coffee of Chadron are visiting with Miss Helen Hornby. They and several other young ladies are en joying camp life at the park. 'Word comes from Grand June- ion , Colorado , announcing the rirth of a daughter to Mr. and VIrs. Crawford. Mrs. Crawford was formerly Miss Edith Starck of this county. Chas. PI. Lane and H. E Cham- Derlain of Vian and D. E. O'Brien of Brownlee came up Wednesday vening as witnesses in the land uit of the United States vs. Frank Noble et. al. before a special agent at the local land office today. . Wm. Steadmun , Hans Ulrich and Chas. Ramsey of the Cross L ranch spent several days in Valen tine this week. Mr. Ulrich in forms us that upon their return to the ranch they will start the fall round-up and will probably ship 2,000 head of cattle this year. At a special meeting of the board of education Monday night the board was organized. E. Olson was elected president , W. E. PJal- ey secretary and M. V. Nicholson treasurer. E. Olson and 'James Cowen are the new members , who were elected on June 26. The Bruce H. Plewett , horse sale at Gordon on July 8 , was a success in every way. The sale was advertised extensively and a large crowd was present. This is another feather in Mr. Tracewell's hat as a live stock auctioneer for the sale amounted to § 2000 "more than was estimated by Mr. Hew- ett. The Governor has notified C. C. Rosewater , president of the Land Show , that he will act as vice pres ident for Nebraska , and in a short time he will announce the appoint ment'of an advisory board , which will be called upon for advice and assistance in working out the ex hibit. The Land Show manage ment gives the assurance that , choicest display space in the big > , Coliseum is being reserved for the Nebraska exhibits. Land Office Notes. In the case of the United States vs. James C. Carson , the general land office has reversed the decison of the local office , and holds the entry for cancellation. The local office closes at noon on Saturdays during the months of July , August and September. Oaths will not be administerd nor will other business be transacted outside of office hours. During the month of June the local office allowed sixty three homestead entries , aggregating 33,926 acres ; fifty-seven final proofs , aggregating 27 , 219 acres ; twenty-five public sales , aggregat ing 4,335 acres. Recent sales of isolated tracts have been , Samuel PI. Ladd 240 acres , Daniel Truax 40 acres , Ernest B. Quible 410 acres. Arn old C. Blanchard 4SO acres , Julia Fairhead 320 acres in Cherry county ; James V. See 40 acres in Key a Paha county. Binding twine very cheap. Ludwig - wig Lumber Co. 26 Special prices on summer dress goods and low shoes at the Red Front. The Phelps Photo Studio is open the first Wednesday and Thursday of each month. 16tf Millet seed for sale at Checker Front Feed barn. Frank Ash- burn , Prop. 23-3 Furnished rooms to rent by day or week , Hot and cold water baths included. Valentine House , John D. Eaton , Propr. 32tf For Sale : From 1 to 40 head of horses ; from 1 to f of land , close to town. Residence and lot. Jiv H. Wakefield , Crookston , Nebraska. ' * 13 We are overstocked on binding twine. Ludwig Lumber Co. 26 To Rent : Two 4-room houses. One has good cellar and water in house. Both close in on Cather ine street , less than a block from Main street. 16 The Phelps Photo Studio is open the first Wednesday and Thursday in each month. 16tf 3 kinds of stackers at Ludwigs , The Platner , Superior , and Inter national. Ludwig Lumber Co. 26 Ice cream and soft drinks at Spain's. For sanitary plumbing or heat ing call H. I. Weinzimmer. 20 The Crystal refrigerator , all steel , can never wear out. Buy them at Fischer's Plardware. 27 Sprains require careful treatment. Keep quiet and apply Chamberlain's Lin iment freely. It will remove the sore ness and quickly restore the parts to a healthy condition. For sale by Chap man , the druggist. Ranch For Sale. 590 acre ranch 20 miles east on north side of Niobrara. Two miles of river front , 100 acres un der cultivation. Soil , sandy loam , hay land , and abundance of timber for farm purposes , running water from pure springs that never freeze in winter. Fair improve ments , fenced and cross fenced. This is an ideal ranch home and will be sold at a bargain § 12.50"per acre. Half cash , balance on liber al terms. Address owner , Joiix HITTLE , PEXBROOK , XEBR. 24 epA A new departure at the 19II State Fair September 4th to Sfch will be the Cjin Turnstiles at the General Admission gates. Instead of the customary stop and pur chase of tickets at an outsideticket office , the fair visitor will walk to the turnstile and lay down his fifty cent piece which drops into a slot , releasing the lock and permitting the person to pass through. Therefore when you come to the State Fair this year be sure to have a 50-cent piece , as nothing I 3 else will unlock the turnstile. Certain Conditions will never change = = particulary the amount of profit some stores ask on their goods. Our policy has been and always will be THE UTMOST VALUE AT ANY PRICE We aim to make your clothes money go farthest and to your greatest satisfaction -we rely on your appreciation , particularly that which is founded on experi ence. This is the home of Friend Made Clothes and Alma Mater Student Styles to Phone 145. * McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs. Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : Old Crow , Sherwood , Hermitage , Guchenheimer , Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , Spring Hill , and 29xyear/old and Jas , E , Pepper , O , F , C. Taylor , I These whiskies were purchased in bond and came direct from the U. S. gov ernment warehouse. They are guar anteed pure and unadulterated. Un excelled for family and medical use. Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies. Imported Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon .and Budweiser Beer , Valentine Nebraska C E AT REASONABLE PRICES When in need of anything - " " GIVE US A TRIAL MAX E. VIERTEL DEALER IN EVERYTHING Crookston - Nebraska EflfiSMtf fiXT ? SkSl vU ) i8li:3i II Stetter & Tobien , Props. , t DEALERS IN j | All Kinds of Fresh 1 and Fait Meats. . . . Will buy your Cattle , Hogs , Poultry , Horses , Mules and inything you have to sell.