Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 29, 1911, Image 5
> > * > V _ < A Safe , Simple System The system of paying by check was devised by ail men- for any man for you. It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out $10 or § 10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method puts system in to your business and gives you a record of every transaction. VALENTINE STATE BANK VALENTINE. NEBR. TREES Plenty of time to plant trees. Our trees are kept in our large , cool , cement building now and are held back so they will be good to put out for several weeks yet. We keep no trees in our building in winter , and only recommend the hardiest and tried varieties that do busitiess in Northwest Nebr. Catalog upon request. T. W. CRAMER , Local Agent , Valentine , Nebr. Boyd Nurseries and Fruit Farm , On C. & N. W. , 3 blks. east station Ainswcrth , - Nebraska Loup Valley Hereford Ranch , C. H. FAULHABER & SONS , BROWNLEE , NEB Herd headed by S. C. Columbus 17 No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289 822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg Bulls for Sale at All Times , H. Stratton Dealer in FLOUR & FEED General Merchandise PHONE 125 cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. C. A. RUBY atLaw Attorney- - Office front room , second story , over T. C. Hornby's store , Main street entrance. Valentine Nebraska Dr. M. T. Meer , DENTIST * 'Rooms over Red Front store Valentine - Nebr , EVERETT WHITE will make you a tubular well on short notice and guarantee satisfaction. Crookston - Nebr. FOR SALE . 40 head of horses , part broken , two or three good milch cows , one farm ; also two or three houses and lots. H. H. WAKEFIFLD , HEAL ESTATE DEALER , Crookston , 12 Nebraska I vValentine Transfer Co. KLEIN & HACKLER , Propr. , " > We move everything on wheels. Baggage and ex press delivered immediate ly. Phone 185. After ft. hours 77. Valentine. P. C. Shocklft.v was in from Brownlee Sunday. j County Assessor P. IJ. Young ' has gone to his home near Simeon. Judge Quigley will deliver an address at Merriraan on July 4th. Mrs. Brosius and son LeKoy re turned Friday night from a visit with Mrs. Moran at Ainsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Layport and Mrs. Frank llacdall went to Wood Lake Monday morning re turning the same evening. Mrs. A. J. Garnish of Lincoln accompanied Mrs. Ole Hartnoan home from a Lincoln hospital Fri day night , and attended to some land business , while here , return ing home Sunday night. Mrs. John Slonecker and two daughters Georgie and Maude re turned home from Hot Springs Wednesday morning , where Mrs. Slonecker has been taking treat ment for rheumatism. She will return to Hot Springs in a few days. County Assessor Young turned over his books on Wednesday. The records this year show a short age of 19,753 head of cattle. The reason for this large decrease was the high market and the short hay crop of 1910. Horses show an in crease of 1,577. The total valua tion of Cherry county for 1911 is § 14,808,420 an increase over last year of § 265,640. Each year shows a good increase in the numb er of acres of land on the assess ment books , 285,850 acres were recorded for taxation'this summer. A. M. Morrissey will leave tc- night for Saskatchewan , Canada. Mr. Morrissey owns a half section j of wheat land near Garvay. He will go from there to Lincoln some time in July- ' A Big Show Campell Brothers Consolidated Shows are advertised to exhibit in Valentine on Thursday July 6 , and on that day it is safe to say , everyone will take a holiday as there will be plenty of entertain ment from early morning till late at night for old and young. All previous efforts of these able circus managers have been sur passed this year and they are pre senting the largest , cleanest and most gorgeous entertainment that has ever been given heretofore un der canvasi No labor has been too hard , no expense too great , to gather to gether a brilliant array of every thing that goes toward the making of a first class circus ; 200 head of fine high spirited horses ; over 300 human beings , many of them from foreign nations over the seas , all trained to perfection in their own special art ; bare back riders ; acr ial artists ; acrobats ; jugglers , and others too numerous to mention , besides the large and elaborate menagerie which has been secur ed at great expense and consists of a herd of trained Elephants-Cam els , Lions , fierce as in their native forest , Tigers , Leopards , an Asia tic Yak , imported direct from the land of Thibet , and others as equ ally interesting. The brilliant street parade will be given promt- ly at 10 a. m. JACKSON & FISCHER UNDERTAKERS LICENSED EMBALMERS Valentine , Nebraska Calls Answered at All Hours Night Phone No. 74 like to talk Kodak We are always best satis fied when our customers are best satisfied. That's one reason why we like particu larly to talk about the goods in our photographic depart ment. The Kodak goods have quality written all over them. They are our kind of goods because our kind of custom ers , the quality kind , can ap preciate them. made and popularized amateur photography. They have always lead in improvements , in new ideas. But what is of equal importance is the careful workmanship and the superb lens and shutter equipments. Yet they are not expensive $5 up. tBtfUUSL VALENTINE. NEB Administrators SALE * . . . I will sell at public auction at ( J DON , NEBRASKA , , JULY 8th 125 HORSES 125 Commencing at 1 o'clock p. m. They are a mixed bunch consisting of yaarlings , two = year = olds , brood mares with colts by side ; some dry mares ; some broke work and saddle horses. This stock is mostly young and in good salable condition and will positively be sold to the highest bidder without reserve. TERMS QF SALE CASH BRUCE H. HEWETT Administrator of the estate of Frank Cashell deceased. * Cols. TRACEWELL and M03HER Auctioneers. Old Crow , All Leadin Hermitage Brands and Bottled GKichen- Under the heimer Supervision Rye of the f Whiskeys. II. S. Gov. \Ve also handle the Budweiser Beer. HENRY STETTER , Propr. St. Nicholas' Church. Services will be held in the Catholic church as follows : In Valentine on Sunday , July 9th. 1st mass at S a. m. ; 2nd at 10 a. m. In Arabia on Saturday , July 15th. In Crookston on Sun day , July 16th at 10 a. ra. LEO M. BLAEKE , Hector. The Phplps Photo Studio is open the first "Wednesday and Thursday in each month. 16tf Its rapid acton enables ycu lo accomplish mere vor'i ' in Ires lime and vi'.h ices cilort than otherwise possible. Il cleans mechanically no hsrmlul chemicals and will not scratch * cr injure ihc surlac : . Keeps cooking utcnsis ! , ilocrs. wjcd- v/ork , racial work , windows cr.J everything about the house. bm cr dairy spick and span , llz fine rarlics ! quickly banish ci\ \ end grcas : which ccap , ssap pov/dcrs and other cleancr2 will net eilcct. Avoid Caustics and Acids INTERNATIONAL " 30" Before buying an auto it will pay you to see the INTERx NATIONAL " 30" No Hill too Steep ! no Sand too Deep Sold by Guaranteed by International Harvester Company w aloon 8 McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs. Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : Old Crow , Sherwood , Hermitage , Guchenheimer , Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , Spring Hill , and 29/year/old and Jas , E , Pepper. O. F. C. Taylor , These whiskies were purchased in bond and came direct from the U. S. gov ernment "warehouse. They are guar anteed pure and unadulterated. Un excelled for family and medical use. Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported Gordon and' DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout. Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , Valentine = Nebraska v S JSK 2 2Z J JBXSOK3if. OLartered as n Stnte Bti-nk Chartered ns a National Bank June 1,1884. August 1-2 , IW2. Hi FIRST NATIONAL BANK ( Successor lo Bank of Valentine. ) Yalenfcine , - Nebraska. CAPITAL - $25.000 A General SURPLUS - 25,000 Banking , Exchange Uudivided Profits 4,000 and Collection Business : : : : C. II. C'oKNKiit. . r'reskkMit. Jr. V. NICHOLSON. Cashier. J. T. May , Vice President. Jl. JJ.IVUIIN , Ass't Cashier. Dr. M. F. Meer has decided to visit Wood Lake the first Monday andTuesday of each month to do dental work. i9tf Try a dish of ice cream at Spain's restaurant. McCormick mowers , rakes and stackers at Ludwig Lumber Co.