Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 22, 1911, Image 4

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fiEORGE M. GASKILL. Editor and Manager.
A Weekly Newspaper published every Thurs
day nt Valentine , Nebras.
Subscription - § 1.50 Per Year
Local Notices , 5c per line per issue
Entered at the Postofflce at Valentine , Neb. ,
for transmission through the mails , as second
class matter.
Thursday , June 22 , 1911.
The booster trip planned for
July and 5 by the business men
of Valentine has been called oil.
Inability to secure enough cars for
the trip is the reason for its fail
One hundred thousand calls are
being sent out anbouncing the
sixth annual session and exposi
tion of the International Dry
Farming Congress which meets in
Colorado Springs , Oct. 16-20.
Lead , S. D. is expecting the
largest crowd in years at the an
nual tournament of the South
Dakota Firemen's Association in
July and an interesting program
of races and athletic events har
been arranged with prizes aggre
gating over $2,000 , in money.
President and Mrs- Taft cele
brated their silver wedding on
June 19. The occasion was mark
ed by felicitations , gifts and brill
iancy. In the evening a recep
tion was held on the white house
lawn , which was beautifully illum
inated with thousands of electric
lights and Japanese lanterns.
Dr. Mary Pennington chief of
the research bureau of food section
of the government , is in Omaha
conducting an exhaustive series of
experiments with the qualities of
eggs in Nebraska. Dr. Penning
ton is the most skillful and best
authority on research in the world.
Senator LaFollette , it is announ
ced will soon declare himself a
canditate for the republican nom
ination for president. Not long
ago LaFollette would have been
gladly welcomed as a presidential
candidate. That was when he wus
such a bitter foe to the Payne-Al-
drich tariff bill. He was con
demning that tariff as a breaking
of platform pledges. Now he is
lined up with GallingerandSraoot
and the special interests that are
fighting reciprocity , and has not
a word for the democratic tariff
reduction bills.
U. S. Officers Inspect Military Reserve.
Col. C. A. P. Hatfield of 13th
cavalry , commander of the depart
ment of Missouri and Major D. B.
DeVore of the general staff were
were here Sunday to inspect the
military reserve. They wei-e
shown over a greater part of the
reservation by C. H. Cornell.
These officers were detailed to in
spect all military reserve in the
department of the Missouri and
probably has nobearing upon the
recent petition sent to Washington
by Cherry county people to open
it for settlement.
Contracts have been entered inio
by the State Fair Association with
the Wright Company of New York
for two aeioplanes and two aviators
to .make two flights each day of the
Fair , Sept. 4 to 8. Last year , Hox-
ey with one machine was secured
for the flights and when he went in
to one of the barns on Tuesday
morning it deprived numbe s of our
people from witnessing this modern
attraction. The management does
not intend to have such an accident
to one machine disappoint their
patrons , BO have gone to an added
expense to secure two complete out
fits that people who come to one of
the best fairs on earth will not be
disappointed this year.
Estrayed from my place in Val
entine Sunday , June 4 , one rail
gray mare , branded J on left
shoulder and XZ on right shoulder.
Weight about 1,200. * Finder
please _ . notify Jfqrest.P. . . . Shepard ,
t ' * J * " " "V- * - - " "
Young Ranchman Hanged Near Cody.
Charles P. Sellers , a well known
ranchman about 27 years old , re
siding in Barley precinct , eighteen
miles south of Cody , was hanged
to a telephone pole , Sunday night
between ten and eleven o'clock.
Harry Heath , Alma and George
Weed' and Kenneth Murphy are
in the county jail charged with the
The reasons given by the four
men , who range in age from 19 to
34 : years , are that Sellers theaten-
ed the lives of Eunice Murphy ,
sister of Kenneth Murphy , and
"the whole Heath outfit" .
Sellers attended a dance at the
T. O. grove last Friday night and
danced with Eunice1. Murphy and
at that time it is alleged made
threats upon her life. From the
dance he accompanied Hutch Jacks
to the latters home where he re
mained. Between ten and eleven
o'clock Sunday night they were
awakened by the four men who
covered them with guns , then tied
Sellers hands behind him and
placed the rope , a common throw
rope , over his head and marched
him to a telephone pole about 7
yards from the house where the
rope was thrown over the support
for the insulator. Jacks was
warned to remain in the house
which ho diil. Before entering
the Jacks' home the intruders cut
the telephone wire and turned out
the saddle horses. It was morn
ing before Jacks rounded up a
horse and rode to the home o
George Clifcbe , from there he
phoned the news to Cody. The
sheriff and coroner were notified
and left Valentine at seven o'clock
Monday morning in an auto. The
body was left hanging until their
arrival. The pole was slightly
bent from the weight and the vic
tims' toes were just touching the
ground. The body was removed
to the house where the inquest
was held. About twenty neigh
bors had gathered upon the scene.
After the hanging the four wen
to Cody , where they were arrested
by the sheriff and brought to Val
entine on the eleven o'clock train
Monday night.
Sellers was well known and re
spected by the community as were
the men under arrest.
John M. Tucker appeared in
the county court Thursday morn
ing and plead not guilty to charg
es filed against him by R. M. Fad-
dis , and was'bound over to the
district court.
Dr. D. W. Sumner of Lincoln
has located in Valentine and has se-
secured office rooms in the Hornby
building. Dr. Sumner practised
with Frazer & Ireland , dentists ,
for two years before coming here.
Low Rates East.
Special low rates via the Chica
go & North Western to Detroit ,
Boston , Philadelphia , Rochester ,
Buffalo , Cleveland , Cincinnati , At
lantic City , Xew York City , Port
land , Me. , and other seaside and
mountain resorts.
Direci connection at Chicago
with all lines. For information
apply to an.y ticket agent of The
North Western Line.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Office , Valentine. Nebraska ,
To Charles M. Stanley of Canton , s ! iak. .
Oontestee :
You are hereby notilied that Albert X
Wood who gives Platte S. Dak. , as hh > post-
office address , did on May Hi. ism. tile in this
olliee his duly corroberated application tote
to contest and secure the cancellation of
vour homestead. Serial Xo. 0580(5 ( made Ort 1
PIG. for AVI , Section H. E" J-j. Section "l.\
Township HO , Range ,10. and as grounds for
h's contest he alleges that said Charles M.
Stanley has never established or maimed a
residence upon said tract.
You are , therefore , further notified that tl e
said allegations will be taken by this offica a
having been confessed by you , and your saM
entry will i e canceled thereunder without your
further riehtto be he ml 'herein , either befo e
this oitlc oren appeal , if you. fail to Hie in th s
otllc 5 within twenty days after the fourth pul-
lication of tliis notice , as shown below , your
answer , under oath , specineiallv meeting ana
responding to these allegations of coutesr , or if
. \ou fail ivftlmi that time to file in this office due
proof tli.u } on have served a e pv oi your answer -
wer on lh said contestant either in peison or
by registered mail. Jf this servii-e is made by
the delivery of , i copy of your answer to the
contestant in person , proof ot such service must
be elttiH- the sai-i Contestant's written acknow
ledgement of his receipt of Uin copy , showing
the date of its receipt , or the amd.ivit of the
person byhoni the delivery was made stating
\vlieu and where the copy was ue'ivored : if
madri by reL'inti-re < i mail , i-roof ot su-h service
must consist of the affidavit of the pers n by
whom the copv WHS mailed stating whea
and tlie post onice to whipn it was milled , and
this uttidnvit iiiiihi be a-oompauied bv tUe posc-
itit-t-r's : receipt fr the letter.
Yeti shu d state in your answer the uatue of
the post ollice to which you desire future noti
ces to DU sent to you.
LUKE M. BATES , Kegister.
Date of first publication June 15 , ion.
Date of second publication June 23 , Mil.
12022 ! lsVs * sSZsL : T ssX&Jrs5r Vsm
are the kind you should wear.
They cost but little more than the hand-
me-down article and are infinitely su-
* perior. Come and inspect samples.
Shirtwaist Patterns ,
„ , , Underskirts ,
| e Hatpins , Broaches ,
Barretts , Belt Pins ,
I Side & Back Combs
t \
Complete Line of Millinery
in the latest and most popu =
lar shapes.
* -4ifn 3&M : > 1"v'V -
We are Making Special L
Prices on Hair Goods.
Johnson's Millinery.
Are You Insured ?
Every one should be protected in a reliable company.
I represent tne Columbia Fire Insurance Co. of Omaha and the Com
monwealth of New York. Both of these companies are safe and sound.
For Life Insurance , the Merchants Life Insurance Co. of Burlington , la. ,
put out a policy that is hard to equal by other companies. Call me up ,
Phone 92 , and I will explain the advantages these companies offer.
J. W. SHEPARD , Agent.
Midland " 40"
The automobile that will travel all directions
out of Valentine without fear of being sand or
hill bound. We invite , every one to inspect this
up = to = date car.
Simple in Design and Construction
Dambly & Layport
Auto Dealers
Valentine , Nebraska
Have been engaged at an expense of more than
$4,000 and will be at Crawford on June 30th. ,
ready no make flights at CRAWFORD'S QUAR
TO CENTENNIAL on July 1-2-3 & 4.
These gentlemen guarantee a successful flight of at least
two (2) ( ) miles each day. Circling the entire grounds
each flight , several times.
THERE WILL BE NO "WAITS , " everything will be in
readiness and when the flight is announced , the machine
will be in the air within ten minutes.
This will perhaps be the only chance you will have
for years to see a real Flying Machine soaring in the
air with its load of human freight. Crawford always
leads others "attempt" to follow. Come.
Roy Crowder , Sec. Arah L. Hungerford , Pres.
Cigars and
Soft Drinks
" * c ' * " * 1 -
.y T- > * Tr r
Jake Tobien returned from
Omaha Tuesday qight ,
Frank Gaskill and Thos. Koach
came in from Kennedy Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Nicholson
ind Milton are visiting relatives
in Belle lourche , S. D. '
F. D. Arnot and Arthur Bow-
dpff.jDlJ emjnan weretraiisact-i
A. H. and A. J. Peterson were
down from Kilgore Tuesday. ,
Happiest Girl in Jjincoln.
A Lincoln , Neb. , girl writes , "I had
been ailing for some time with chronic
constipation and stomach trouble. I be
gan taking Chamberlain's Stomach and I
Liver Tablets and in thres diys I was
able to be up and got better right along.
I am the proudest girl in Lincoln to find
- -
Not Selling Out
We desire to announce that we are not clos
ing out , but are still selling the very best goods
at reasonable prices.
Our line of John Deere Implements , Yelie
Buggies , Moline and Davenport Roller Bearing
Wagons and Samson Windmills is complete
and priced right.
We also have a large stock of lumber , lime ,
Wall Plaster , Cement , Brick , Sash , Doors , etc.
Is it not good policy to patronize a firm who
expects to continue in business and intends to
handle the same line of goods for years to come.
We never advertise so-called bargains-
because we have always had our goods priced '
Valentine Lumber Co.
A. ] ' . . Morris. W. W. Morrissey. Dr. C. W. Noyes-
Short Orders of all Kinds , Day and Night \
First = Class Meals 25c.
In Crookston , Neb.
With new prices , which are the lowest for
good business. My stock consists of Dry
( roods , Groceries , Shoes and 5 and 10 cent
I bargains. You are invited to call and
make this your home store * . Highest pric
es paid for produce. Come and get ac
Q. M. Tracy.
2nd Building South the Bank. Crookston , Neb.
Rosebud Stage Line
D. A. WHIPPLE , Propr
Valentine Headquarters at the Chicago House
Rosebud " " " Rosebud Hotel
Leave Valentine at 8 o'clock every morning ,
Sundays excepted.
Arrive at Eosebud at 2 o'clock p. m.
1 M
Leave Rosebud at 8 o'clock every morning ,
Sundays excepted.
Arrive at Valentine at 2 o'clock p. in.
Dinner at Britt at 11 o'clock a. m.
Special attention to passengers , baggage and
express or packages.
Leave orders at headquarters or at the Red
Front store.
D. A. Whipple.
Go to the
Stock Exchange Saloon
Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr.