Historical Society HBT NTINE DEMO Volume 26 , No. 24 VALENTINE , STEER. , THURSDAY , JUNE 22 , 1911. per year We have a number of broken lots and sizes in Mens' and Ladies' Oxfords which we are offering at exceptional prices. This is good , clean , stylish stock at a great saving in price. Mens' $4.00 Tan Oxfords Mens' $3.50 Tans and Patents 2.1 Mens' $3.00 Black and Ox-blood H m * " Ladies' $4.00 Oxfords x 2J 2JU 2JU Ladies' $3.00 Oxfords U Ladies' $2.50 Oxfords Ladies' $1.75 Oxfords u THECORNERSTORE Davenport & Co. HOT WEATHER NEED : If you need anything in Summer Goods call and see the Green Front , there's where you save money. . . TRYING IS THE BIGGEST PROOF CHOICE POTATOES $1.15 PER MIKE IS , VALENTINE , NEBRASKA. Eureka Saloon McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs. Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : Old Crow , Sherwood , Hermitage , Guchenheimer , Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , Spring Hill , , and 29/yeovold and Jas , E Pepper , & * \ * "jC & . F , C , Taylor , , These whiskies were purchaseatfe. bond and came direct from- the UrS. gov ernment warehouse. They are guar anteed pure and unadulterated. Un excelled for family and medical use. H 1 Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout , Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , Valentine Nebraska Are You . * * Hungry ? * -i * - „ * r * V > ? , ' * % Z\ % ? * 1 ' i anytfiing n earth that's good Jo eaf : | TELEPHONE NO. 7 WMi } i ZKKKKKK JU& BULLS FOR SALE Registered Hereford Bulls for sale at all times of the year. SUNNY SUJPE STOCK JIANCH - - Simeon Nebraska JOHN F. PORATH JtUCGE VEIL Tubular Wells and Windmills Call me up by phone Valentine. John Slonecker visited in Ains- \vorth Sunday. Frank Sedlacek was up from Kennedy Monday. Wallace McDonald is home from Ann Arbor ( Mich. ) law school. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Clark of Little VV bite River were m Valentine on Wednesday. Mrs. Theo. Tillsnn and Mrs. C. W. Hamer of Penbrook. were shopping in Valentine Monday. Mrs. Williamson , who is visit ing her aunt , Mrs. T. C. Hornby , has been quite ill. Howard Layport , Judge and Mrs. Quigley , Mrs. Killian and daughter autoed to Cut Meat Sun day. John Kazda and Will Shinn spent Tuesday night fishing on the Nic- brara. They caught three big cat fish. fish.The The Home Bakery moved to its new quarters Monday and are now prepared to serve meals 25 cents and up. Chas. Gasson's boys Eli and Ed die have new bicycles , and are as proud of them as any two boys in town. town.Wm. Wm. F. Clark and Miss Nellie F. Johnson both of Wood Like were married on Saturday June 15 by TCev. J. E. Parsons. E. P. Eriksen and M. J. Cox of Erik , Nebr. , drove to Valentine last week. They gave us a very pleasant call on Saturday. W. H. Kennedy came up from Omaha Sunday night , where he had been visiting relatives , and went out tct the- ranch Monday. Crookston will celebrate the 4th this year in an up-to-date manner as in the past. Read the large ad vertisement elsewhere in this issue. Sheriff Rosseter transferred Frank Allen to the penitentiary at Lincoln Wednesday to begin a three year sentence for horse steal ing. Mrs. Stewart and daughter Min nie arrived from Washington , N. J. , Sunday evening to spend the summer with the Cyphers fam- i'ies. Lieut , and Mrs. Douglas Don ald and two children of Richfield Park , X. J. , are visiting at the Davenport home. Mrs. Donald is a daughter of Mrs. Davenport. Mrs. John Hittle was in town Monday advertising their home for sale. On account of Mr. Hit- tie's failing health they will , move to California before cold weather. * Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Valentine stopped off in Valentine Friday to visit friends and attend the Eagle's dance in the evening. They were on the way to their home in Cbad- ron. Bruce H. Hewett , Wm. L En- low , and P. H. O'Rourke were down from Gordon Monday. Mr. Hewett was arranging for a large horse sale to be held in Gordon on July 8. Oliver Waicott returned home from Lincoln Tuesday night. Mr. Waicott graduated from" the state university law scool last week .and "will take up practice with his" father , P. M. Waicott. On a recent auto trip Howard Layport came upon a party trav eling by buggy. That is they had been traveling that way but when Howard saw them the two ladies of the party were sitting to one side and the young man was under neath the buggy vainly trying to repair the break. It is not un common to see owners of auto mobiles toiling with might and main to make their machine travel just a little farther and it gives these said owners no little pleasure to come upon a buggy hopelessly b'ro'ken fltfwn ; The many thousands of Nebraskans - ans who expect to attend the Oina- ha Land Show , October 1C to 28 in clusive , will have the pleasure of seeing their home state magnificent ly represented. Soma of the best space in the big coliseum where the sho.w will be conducted is being reserved - served , for the Nebraska exhibits. Ttfere will be a special Nebraska State Day , and nothing will taft un done to show up the best advantage. The regents of the University of Nebraska have decided to assemble an exhibit designed to show the ad vantages-and vast resources of the state. Besides this big general ex hibit there will be a large number of individual county displays. In dications are that evejy section of Nebraska will be represented at the Land Show. Already a number of western counties are arranging for space in the coliseum , and more will be heard from as soon as the individual communities know what to send for exhibition purposes. The people from all over the west will be especially interested to know what Nebraka has to offer , and the object , is to make the best possible showing. General Manager . 0. Paisley , who has just returned from a tour of several western states , says that everywhere he went he found basic conditions wonderfully solid , largely because the era of de- velopement is beginning to dawn , and the speculator is being crowded out of the field. He is enthusias tic over the crop conditions , which will insure a prosperous season , and finer land displays than Jhave ever gone out of the west. ' . See our Platner stackers before you buy. Ludwig Lumber Co. Steel and wood tanks in all sizes and prices at Ludwig Lumber Co. The Phelps Photo Studio is open the first Wednesday and Thursday of each month. 16tf Millet seed for sale at Checker Front Feed barn. Frank Ash- burn , Prop. 2o-3 Furnished-rooms to rent by day or week , Hot -and cold water baths included. Valentine House , John D. Eaton , Propr. 32tf u For Sale : From 1 to 40 head of horses ; from 1 to of land , close to town. Residence and lot. H. H. Wakefield , Crookston , Nebraska. 13 The best windmill is the Eclipse at Ludwig Lumber Co. To Rent : Two 4-room houses. One has good Cellar and water in house. Both close in on Cather ine street , less than a block from Main street. 16 Dr. M. F. Meer , dentist , will be at t the Lake view Hotel , Wood lake , the first Monday and Tuesday of each month. 19tf The Phelps Photo Studio is open the first Wednesday and Thursday in each month. 16tf Sprains require careful treatment. Keep quiet and apply Chamberlain's Lin- iuient freely. It will remove the sore ness and quickly restore the parts to a healthy condition. For sale by Chap man , the druggist. For Sale. At § 5,00 per acre , S. 1-2 of S. W. 1-4 and S. 1-2 of S. E. 1-4 of Sec. 26 , Tp. 31 , Range 26 of Cherry county , Nebraska. Will leave mortgage of § 500 , at 6 per cent for 4 years. G. H. Folkins , Ames , Iowa. Ranch For Sale. 590 acre ranch 20 miles east on north side of Xiobrara. Two miles of river front , 100 acres un der cultivation. Soil , sandy loam , hay land , and abundance of timber for farm purposes , running water from pure springs that never freeze in winter. Fair improve ments , fenced and cross fenced This is an ideal ranch home and will be sold at a bargain $12.50 per acre. Half cash , balance on liber al terms. Address , owner , JOHX j ' * ) ' The new Spring Line of Clothing is here and open for your inspection in all lines for Men and Boys. Prices from $1. * Eemember you promised yourself anew i new outfit for the 4th. Why not look over the new stock while it is still complete ? You ought to see our new Spring Hats , Shoes and Oxfords. Agent for Dr. Eeed Cushion Soled Shoes. Phone 145. SHEET MUSIC Yes , we've got it , if not we'll get it. Orders taken for all music. Big Reductions on - g-\ \ r Summer Millinery U. W. OLarterod as n Stnte Bu k Chartered sst u National Bank . > June 1 , J S4. 12 , iw. . FIRST NATIO ; ( Successor to Bank of Valentine. ) Yalenfcine , - Nebraska. SURPLUS CAPITAL - - $25.000 25,000 A General Banking- , Exchange Uudivided Profits 4,000 and Collection Business : : : : C. . H. . COKXKJ.I. , President. . M. V. NICHOLSON , 1'aslilor. , J. T. Vice . . President. May II. L.KriiN , As't Cashier. GENERAL MERCHANDISE vfi k.11 L.I InL. if B L.I i U I sFll i U \JL- I - AT REASONABLE PRICES When in need of anything - ' GIVE US A TRIAL MAX E. VIERTEL DEALER IN EVERYTHiNG Crookston - Nebraska = DRS. DALLAL & BARAKAT , = GENERAL PRACTICE and SURGERY EYES TESTED and GLASSES FITTED SCIENTIFICALLY. We compound and dispense our own medicines. Office on 2nd lloor ot T. C. ' . . Hornby's. Phone 161. Valentine , Nebraska Stetter & Tobien , Props. , DEALERS IN All Kinds of Fresh | JT and Fait Meats. . . . * Will buy your Cattle , Hogs , * PoultryHprses , Mules and _ * . 1 ' ' * L ' Vl i.1 * 1 ? 1- 2 > anything you hivs fc selT.