EXCUSE FOR HIS BLUNDERING idea ! Walter , True to the End , Had Been Working Under Pretty * "Heavy Handicap. lie was an immaculate servant. To watch him serve a salad was to watch an artist at work. To hear his sub dued accents was a lesson in the art -of voice-production. He never slipped , ie never smiled , and his mutton-chop whiskers marked him as one of the old and fallMnl stock. But one eve ning , to the surprise of his master , he showed unaccountable signs of nerv ousness. When the chicken came on , he confused it with the pheasant He served everything in the wrong or der , made blunder after blunder , and put a final touch to his shame by up setting the salt over the only super stitious member of the party. Then , at last , when the ladies had retired to the drawing room , he touched his mas ter on the shoulder. "I beg your par don , sirhe said in a respectful un dertone , "but could you manage to spare me now ? My house is on fire. " DOCTOR PRESCRIBES CUTICURA REMEDIES "I wish to let you know of a couple of recent cures which I have made by the.use of the Cuticura Remedies. Last August , Mr. of this city came to my office , troubled with a severe skin eruption. It was dermatitis In Its worst form. It started with a slight eruption and would affect most parts of his body , thighs , elbows , chest , back and abdomen and would terminate In little pustules. The Itch ing and burning was dreadful and he would almost tear his skin apart , try ing to get relief. I recommended all the various treatments I could think of and he spent about fifteen dollars on prescriptions , but nothing seemed to help him. "In the meantime my wife , who was continually suffering with a alight skin trouble and who had been try ing different prescriptions and meth ods with my assistance , told me she was going to get some of the Cuticura Remedies and give them a fair trial. But as I did not know much about Cuticura at that time I was doubtful whether it would help her. Her skin would thicken , break and bleed , es pecially on the fingers , wrists and arms. I could do nothing to relieve her permanently. When she first ap plied the warm baths of Cuticura Soap and applications of Cuticura Ointment she saw a decided Improve ment and in a few days she was com pletely cured. "I lost no time In recommending the Cuticura Remedies to Mr. , and this -was two months ago. I told him to wash with warm baths of the CSuticura Soap and to apply the Cuti cura Ointment generously. Believe me , from the very first day's use of the Cuficura Remedies he was greatly relieved and today he is completely cured through their use. I have great faith in the Cuticura Remedies and ehall always have a good word for them now tnat I am convinced of their wonderful merits. " ( Signed ) B. L. Whitehead , M. D.t 10S Dartmouth St. , Boston , Mass. , July 22 , 1910. Progress of Civilization. Lady And did you make your con gregation give up cannibalism ? Missionary ( suppressing a grin ) Not quite ; but after "much trouble J persuaded them to use knives an < ? forks. The Throne. Garfield Tea keeps the bodily machinery in order ; tt regulates the digestive organs and overcomes constipation. It's easier to put up a bluff than it is to put up the stuff. WOMEN MAYAVOID OPERATIONS By taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound The following letter from Mrs. Orville Kock will prove how unwise it is for women to submit to the dangers of a surgical operation when it may be avoided by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. She \vas f our-weeks in the hospital and came home suffering worse tlian before. Here is her o\vn statement. Paw Paw , Mich. "Two years ago 1 suffered very severely \vith a dis placement. I could not be on my feet for a long time. My physician treated me for seven months without much relief and at last sent mete to Ann Arbor for an operation. I was there four weeksand came home suffering worse than before. My mother advised _ [ me to try Lydia 13. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , -and I did. Today I am well and strong .and do all my own housework I owe tny health to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and advise my friends "who are afflicted with any -female complaint to try it. " Mrs. ORVTLLE BOCK , E. E. Ko. 5 , Paw Paw , Michigan. If you are ill do not drag along until -an operation is necessary , out at once take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. For thirty years it has been the stan dard remedy for women's ills , and has positively restored the health of thou sands of women. Why don't you try it ? ALL OVER NEBRASKA Road Building in Merrick. Merrick County. The two days' good roads building jubilee was con cluded last week and a stretch of good road in Merrick county running from east to west along the line of the Union Pacific for forty miles is about completed. The road officers In the districts through which the road passes had prepared the way for the completion of the work by having all the grades turned up and everything ready for the volunteer workmen to go ahead , putting on the surface and the finishing touches. The principal problem was to overcome the sandy stretches and this was done by haul ing muck and clay onto the sand and mixing the two soils. The work was under the direction of H. E. Glatfel- ler , president of the association , and Joe A. Hays , secretary , assisted by district foreman. Want Change of Venue. ' Gage County. A motion for a change of venue was filed in the dis trict court at Marysville , Kan. , by L. W. Colby , attorney for Alexander Menard , the Wymore farmer who is charged with assisting in the robbery of the Hanover , Kan. , bank last win ter , but was denied. Menard's case was continued to the next term of court , and his bond was increased from $2,000 to $2,500 , which he failed to give. The case against Frank Wheeler , who has been out on bond of $2,000 , on a similar offense , was ilso continued to the next term. School for Deaf. Douglas County. At the Omaha School for the Deaf , during the last two years 220 pupils were enrolled. At present ninety-four boys and eighty-four girls 178 in all are in at tendance. One hundred and twelve pupils have been enrolled since the founding of the institution , and eighty-eight of this number have grad uated. Twenty-one were mutes. Wants Tuberculosis Hospital. Sheridan County. Hay Springs is the latest applicant for the $40,000 tu berculosis hospital which the board of public lands and buildings is to locate. Kimball , Lodge Pole and North Platte are previous applicants. The board will inspect the various sites during early summer. Railroad Building in Nebraska. Scottsbluff County. J. R. Williams , who has the contract on the Gering extension of the Union Pacific , will have the grading from the river west twenty-two miles , complete by June 15 , except the yards at Gering , which will take him until July 1. Mr. Wil liams will then take up the exten- tion of the Callaway branch of the Union Pacific as far west as Tryon. Killed by Explosion. Lincoln County. Engineer Warren Kelly , Fireman Smith and Fred Thompson , head breakman , were killed when the engine on a freight- train blew up a mile west of Birdwood siding , the second station west of North Platte. Young Girl Suicides. Polk County. Miss Zella Hollister , the 17-year-old daughter of George Hollister. who has resided eight miles southeast of Osceola for many years , committed suicide by taking strych nine. She had been having some words with her mother regarding a young man with whom she had been keeping company. Squirrel Adopted by Cat. Cass County. O. P. Monroe exhib ited a cat acting as mother to a young timber squirrel. The young squirrel was found by boys and the squirrel was taken to their home and placed with the cat , which at once adoptee it. Youthful Tlopers Captured. Furnas County. Carrie Southworth , the who ' last 12-year-old girl ran'away week with Louis Carrier of Cam bridge , a boy of 17 , has been located at Julesburg , Colo. , where the two are being held by the sheriff. The father of the Carier boy has started to bring the truants home. Bank Change at Hemingford. Box Butte County. The controlling interest in the Peoples bank at Hen- ingford has been sold to Keith L. Pierce , cashier of the First State bank. L. Canfield of Bennett , Neb. , re mains president and C. U. Canfield has been appointed cashier. Seward Woman Dies Suddenly. Seward County. Mrs. Mable Bel- den , wife of Dr. Roy Belden , died very suddenly on the lawn of her home. She leaves a babe 4 months old. Earthquake at Tekamah. Burt County. A slight earthquake shock was felt at Tekamah and was so pronounced that dishes rattled on pantry shelves. Killed by Wajer Crane. Furnas County. As No. 6 was pull ing into the yard at Oxford an uniden tified man , supposed to be Charles F. Winters , was knocked off the tender of the engine by the water crane. He died soon after the accident. Chase Farmer Killed by Lightning. Chase County. Charles A. Mont gomery was killed by lightning dur ing a rain and electrical storm. He was a prominent and well-to-do farm er of the southwest part of the county. STEEL TRUST PROFITS BUSINESS BUILT UP BY UNFAIR TAX ON CONSUMERS. Congressional Committee Has Brought Forth Facts That Should Cause Voters to Do More Than a Little Thinking. The congressional committee that started an investigation of the United States Steel corporation uncovered "sensations" which have been matters of public knowledge for ten years. The fact that Carnegie received for his Pittsburg plants $160,000,000 more than he was willing to take a few months before the trust was organized received widespread publication at the time. As the investigation- proceeds the committee doubtless will "discover" also that other properties were turned into the trust for millions upon mil lions more than they were worth. Ref erence to the plan of the organization of the United States Steel corpora tion will show that about $450,000,000 in United States Steel stock was giv en in exchange for about $400,000,000 of capital of six large corporations which had been organized a few years previously , every one of which had been created with a capitalization very much in excess of the actual value of its properties. It was well known then that the 500 millions of United States Steel corporation common stock and a con siderable portion of the 500 millions of preferred stock represented no tan gible value in property. With these facts well known , the freedom of the United States Steel corporation from congressional Inves tigation and legal prosecution during the past ten years is a mystery. An explanation for it Is the policy of can dor and publicity adopted by E. H. Gary , the chairman of the executive committee of the concern , early in its career , and the efforts that have been made to build up the properties of the corporation so that they would more nearly approximate the capitalization. Several hundred millions of earnings have been put into the new properties and an enormous increase In the value of the corporation's coal lands and iron mines has occurred , so that the actual value of the corporation's prop erties is much closer to its capitaliza tion today than ten years ago. But the fact cannot be overlooked that this result has been possible only because the steel business has yield ed excessive profits. The material capitalization of the trust has necessi tated an unfair tax on consumers of iron and steel , to pay dividends and Interest and to build up the value of the properties. Lumber and Reciprocity. Scratch a Russian , said Napoleon , and find a Tartar. Scratch a "farm er" opposed to reciprocity at Washing ton nowadays and find the lumber trust. The duties on lumber and wood which we remit under the agreement with Canada amounted last year to $1,323,630. A combination In re straint of trade , a monopolizer of mar kets , a blacklister , an extortioner and a conspirator , as this trust is de scribed in the arraignment just filed by Attorney General Wickersham , is not going to surrender the advantage which it derives from this unneces sary tax except under compulsion. It Is this forestaller and engrosser which speaks through most of the "farmers" who have been heard at Washington. Commissioner of Corporations Smith recently reported that 195 holders , most of them in combination , control one-naif of all the privately owned timber in the United States. It was these gentlemen or their agents wheat at an expense of $100,000 "put over" Mr. Lorimer in Illinois. Are the oth er senators who are trying to defeat reciprocity doing their best to "put one over" for the lumber trust ? New York World. Anybody Proud of the Senate ? It may be wondered whether any considerable element of the Republic an party of the country feels any sense of pride or satisfaction in the present course of the majority in the national senate. Here is "the greatest deliberative body in the world" fooling away its time , obstructing legislation , defying the advice and wishes of the presi dent and doing nothing. With promptitude and even enthusi asm , the house of representatives has attended to the matters covered by the president's call for the extra ses sion. It has gone further , in initiat ing and carrying to completion the consideration of matters and meas ures for the good of the country. But that senate , controlled by mem bers of the party which elected the president , persists in ignoring and opposing the very matters for the con sideration of which it was called to meet Is anybody in all this wide republic proud of that aggregation of alleged statesmen ? Work of Special Session. There is every reason to believe that the Canadian treaty will be .passed before adjournment comes , and it seems no les certain that the constitutional amendment for the di rect election of senators will pass the senate at this session. The enactment > of two such measures as reciprocity and the popular election of senators will make the special session well worth while , even If nothing more is accomplished in the way of general legislation. 18 WICKERSHAM FAILS IN DUTY Attorney General Consistently Treats Trust Lawbreakers as Favored Class of Criminals. Something like three years must pass before the suit brought by At torney General Wickersham against the lumber trust can be finally set tled in the court of last resort. When the last word is uttered by the Su preme court the lumber trust stock may take a jump upward as Stand ard Oil shares did on the curb when the decision against it was an nounced. And as in the Standard case no individual personally guilty of the crime alleged against the lumber trust corporation will go to jail. This Is making a joke of a criminal statute strong enough to stop con spiracies in restraint of trade when honestly enforced. Mr. Wickersham's Inexplicable refusal to indict the violators lators and put them In jail brings the Sherman law into further contempt from the lawmakers. Every time he files one of his puerile civil actions for dissolution Wall street shakes its sides with mirth. Injunctions against such criminals are as ridiculously in effective as injunctions would be against counterfeiting and burglary. The Sherman law is a panal statute , and only by enforcing 'its severest penalties can any respect be gained for it. When the attorney general fails to prosecute criminals by pro ceeding personally against them he violates the spirit of his oath of office : It then becomes the duty of the president of the United States to dis miss him from office and appoint an attorney general who will no longer treat the trust lawbreakers as a favored class of criminals. PEOPLE TO LEARN THE FACTS Truth About the Steel Trust , Gigantic "Confidence Game , " Is Being Re vealed by Investigation. When Mr. Stanley introduced his resolution in the house of representa tives , calling for an investigation of the steel trust , there was no possi bility of favorable consideration dur ing that session of congress the house was Republican. When it became apparent that Dem ocrats would dominate the houfce in the present session , arguments loud and long were made against the adop tion of the resolution. It was held by opponents of the Stanley measure that it would be unjust , unfair and posi tively unnecessary to have an investi gation when the steel trust affairs were pending in the courts. But Mr. Stanley pushed the matter. The resolution was adopted by the Democratic house. The investigation has begun. It is intimated in some quarters that John W. Gates , in his testimony be fore the committee , has not "told all he knows" about some of the deals notably that in connection with the Tennessee Coal and Iron company. However , Mr. Gates has given the pub lic some very Interesting reading. Developments so far justify the ac tion of Mr. Stanley in refusing to lay aside or delay action in the matter. The people will be afforded opportu nity to know the inside workings of one of the most gigantic confidence games ever worked upon the nation. Democratic Theories Confirmed. Democratic contentions of 1910 are very handsomely confirmed by the events of the present spring and summer. It was argued that , In spite of the superficial danger of deadlock involved in a situation where the house of representatives was held by one party and the presidency by an other , the sequel would show that leg islation of real merit , the reciprocity treaty , for example , would experience no difficulty In receiving cheerful sup port from both the executive and the house. Subsequent history has confirmed the soundness of this Democratic view. The president and the house , under Its wise and able leadership , have worked together like a happy family , and the more than friendly relations between the White House and Speaker Clark have presented the country a most gratifying exhibit in statesmanlike amity and patriotic co operation to the common good. Need an Andrew Jackson. The protected manufacturer , of course , desires to have the bars let down , even if it affects the middle class , who are the very backbone of the republic. Some day they will rise in their might and the protective tar iff and the alien steamship influences will be crushed. An Andrew Jackson is needed. Let the People Say So. The United States senate's great est exponent of the term "I object , " Mr. Heyburn of Idaho , at a recent ses sion declared "thepeople do not want direct election of United States sena tors. " If so , why doesn't the gentle man from Idaho cease his objecting and allow "the people" to say so ? Jingoism Runs Away With Him. To provide a peaceful solution oi questions respecting honor , independ ence and integrity such questions as courts settle for individuals is the beneficent purpose of the arbitration treaty. History proves the sensible and honorable method proposed to be quite feasible. Mr. Roosevelt's Inherent - herent jingoism again runs away with his judgment. New York World. "What Is the senate going to do ? " inquires a contemporary. " That's just what the senate would like to know CABINET E MEASURE success bv accu mulation. The measure 1 * false. The true measure Is appreciation. He who loves most has most. HELPFUL HINTS. When grease Is spilled on the kitch en floor or table pour cold water over It at once. This hardens the grease before it can sink in , and much of it can be scraped off. Try ground caraway seed in cakes and cookies. It is much better liked than the whole seed. Add a teaspoonful of turpentine to the water in the boiler when boiling clothes. It will whiten them. When cutting fresh bread , dip the knife in hot water. When cutting fresh cake , use a fork for cutting. This Is well to remember when cutting hot ginger cake. Put a little sand in the tall vases to keep them from tipping over. Scraped raw potato applied to a burn will give quick relief. Soak new brooms in strong salt water before using. This toughens them and they wear better. Celery eaten freely is good to cure neuralgia. When buying carpets for durability , choose those with small figures. A brighter window will result if no soap , but a few drops of kerosene , is used in the water. Torn-up bits of newspaper and soap suds will clean the water bottle beau tifully. Never use soap and water on var nished surfaces. Keep an apple in the cake box and the cake will keep fresh much longer. A piece of camphor kept with the silver will keep it from tarnishing. A little salt in the water will keep flowers much longer. A cure for hiccoughs is to take a long breath and hold it as long as possible. A few drops of oil of lavender will sweeten the air In a room and a little sprinkled in the book cases before they are shut up for the summer will keep the books from molding. Never bite thread with the teeth. It injures the enamel. Boiled flaxseed and lemon juice Is excellent for a cough. A little butter added to cake frost ing improves it. Never put any acid fruits Into tin ware. HEARTY welcome manifested - ed in kindly and polite atten. tions. will make a very plain meal mori enjoyable than a banquet. TERMS USED IN COOKING. There are many confusing terms used in cookery , many of them from the French. The term saute means to cook in a small amount of fat. Soup bag is a most indefinable ex pression , which means a bunch of herbs and spices tied in a small piece of cheese cloth and used to flavor soup. The following proportions may help : Three cloves , six pepper corns , four mustard seeds , three sprays of pars ley , thyme and summer savory and a fourth of a teaspoonful of celery seed is a good amount for one bag. Cafe noir is black coffee. Au gratln is with browned crumbs. Bisque Is either a soup made of fish or tomato , which Is called a mock bisque , or an ice cream to which ia added chopped nuts. A mousse is a frozen dessert that Is thickened with gelafin. A parfait Is thickened with eggs and then molded to freeze. Suggestions. A very easy and simple way oi cleaning windows Is to moisten a little whiting in water , rub it over the win dow and allow it to dry. Then rub It off and polish with a newspaper. This leaves the glass clear and bright. When butter gets strong , put a lit tle into cold water to which a pinch of soda has been added. Let it stand two hours , then pour off the water. The butter will be wonderfully sweet ened. Grass stains are easily removed if they are well rubbed with lard before putting them into the washing suds. To remove the odor of onions from the hands , wash them in water with a little mustard. White tissue paper makes most sat isfactory dress shields and it may be renewed daily at small expense. Don't forget to try them , especially when the dressmaker is fitting a gown on a hot day. Put anything washable that has been stained with Ink at once into milk. Rub the spot , and in a short time it will be entirely removed. Mr. Graytop. "I try to keep young , " said Mr. Graytop , "and I keep right on fancy ing that I look so ; but every now and then something happens that jars me. "Only this morning as I was walk ing along the street a sweet little child ran up to me and said : " 'Are you grandpa ? ' "This , you see , was the comment of a quite unprejudiced observer ; and it is things like this that jar that more than jar that jolt me. " FREE PAW-PAW PILLS _ TRADli HAH * A trial package of Munyon's Paw Paw Pills will be sent free to anyone on re quest. Address Professor Munyon , 53d & Jefferson Sts. , Philadelphia , Pa. If you are in need of medical advice , dc not fail to write Professor Munyon. Your communi cation will be treated in strict confidence , and your case will be diagnosed as care fully as though you had a personal inter view. Munyon's Paw Paw Pills are unlike all other laxatives or cathartics. They coax the liver into activity by gentle methods. They do not scour , they do not gripe , they do not weaken , but they do start all the secretions of the liver and stomach in a way that soon puts these organs in a healthy condition and corrects constipation. In my opinion constipation is responsible for most ail ments. There are 26 feet of human bowels , which ia really a sewer pipe. When this pipe becomes clogged the whole system becomes poisoned , caus ing biliousness , indigestion and impure blood , which often produce rheumatism and kidney ailments. No woman who Buffers with constipation or any liver ailment can expect to have a clear complexion or enjoy good health. If I had my way I would prohibit the sale of nine-tenths of the cathartics that are now being sold for the reason that they soon destroy the lining of the stomach , setting up serious forms of indigestion , and so paralyze the bowels that they re fuse to act unless forced by strong purgatives. Munyon's Paw Paw Pills are a tonic to the stomach , liver and nerves. They invigorate instead of weaken ; they en rich the blood instead of impoverish it ; they enable the stomach to get all the nourishment from food that is put into it. These pills contain no calomel , no dope ; they are soothing , healing and stimulating. They school the bowels to act without physic. Regular size bottle , containing 45 pills , 25 cents. Munyon's Laboratory , 53d & Jefferson Sts. . Philadelphia. Should Report Tuberculosis Cases. The National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis says that the first requisite for a com prehensive campaign for the elimina tion of tuberculosis in a state or city is well-enforced law requiring that every living case of tuberculosis be re ported to the health authorities. Such reporting Is now required by law or health regulation in 25 states , while in 28 states and territories no provi sion whatever Is made for keeping rec ord of cases of this infectious disease. Several cities in non-registration states , as for instance , Chicago , Cleve land , St. Louis and New Orleans , have local ordinances requiring that tuber culosis be reported. In all , there are about 100 cities In the United States which have ordinances of this nature. Before taking the bull by the horns you should complete satisfactory ar rangements for letting go at the psy chological moment. Constipation causes and seriously aggra vates many diseases. It is thoroughly cured by Dr. Pierce'a Pellets. Tiny sugar-coated granules. It's difficult for people to generate advice that is foolproof. Garfield Tea overcomes constipation , sick-headache and bilious attacks. Charity is too often charily dis- pensed. JAMES BRAID SAYS : "No Athlete can do himself justice if his feet hurt. Many thousands are using daily , abroad and in this country , Allen's Foot- Ease , the antiseptic powder to be shaken into the shoes. All the prominent Golfers and Tennis Players at Augusta , Pinehnrst and Palm Beach got much satisfaction from its use this Spring. It gives a restfulness - fulness and a springy feeling that makes you forget you have feet. Allen's Foot- Ease is the greatest comfort discovery of the age and so easy to use. It prevents soreness , blisters or puffing and gives rest from tired , tender or swollen feet. Seven teen years before the public , over 30,000 testimonials. Don't go on your vacation without a package of Allen's Foot-Ease. Sold everywhere , 25c. Don't accept any substitute. Sample sent FREE. Address , Allen S. Olmsted. Le Eoy , "N" . Y. DAIQY Fl V III ! 1 FP pi = r str. . t. Al J I L I lILLLitnwta a < t kUI HI Iliei. Neat , clam , ornamental. ccnyen- Ie2tcheapLutiaQ MM * . Ckn.'tssllle tip OTCT.will not so U or Injure anything. Guaranteed e&ect * sent prepaid for 2Ce. HAROLD 80HEK3 ISO BaKalblr * . Brvoklya , 5.T. Eslibllstei 30 Yean FLORISTS Floral ambltms and cat flowers for all occasion * SIOUX CITY , IOWA W. N. U.-i SIOUX CITY , NO. 24-1911.