Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 15, 1911, Image 6

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I. M. RICE , Publisher.
Alfonso's Nation Carrying Out Hts
Military Program in Northwest Af
rica Troops Already Occupy Alca
zar and Tetuan.
Paris. The storm raised by Spanish ,
military action in Morocco shows no
sign of abating. The French press is
unanimous in condemning the attitude
of Spain and the nationalist section is
beginning to eclipse the "German bo
gey. " La Patrie declares that Germany
is "Poking up the fire" behind Spain.
Meanwhile dispatches from Morocco
show that Spain is carrying out her
program. Alcazar is occupied and Tet-
nan soon "will be.
La Liberte says the French govern
ment has invited the Spanish govern
ment to define with precision the mo
tives , object and conditions of its mil
itary action at El Araish and Alcazar
and France will then decide what steps
to take in accordance with the reply.
The Diary Universe of Madrid says
there is no reason for a second con
flict with France concerning Al Ara
ish. The rights of both parties , the
paper adds , are clearly defined by the
act of Algeciras and the treaties be
tween the countries. It is a judicial
problem that can be solved by diplo
matic means.
New York Lads Arrange a Prize Fight
in Which One is Killed.
New York. A barefist boxing bout
between two 16-year-old boys of the up
per west side following an argument
over their respective abilities at a
children's street game , ended with the
deah of James Smith , one of the par
ticipants , and the arrest of his oppo
nent , Franke Burke , on a charge of
The bout , which took place on a va
cant lot , was a deliberately arranged
affair , presided over by a referee. Af
ter the exchange of several blows
Burke is declared to have knocked out
his opponent with a heavy blow to the
When the boy spectators found that
Smith showed no signs of recovery and
that -his eyes were glazing they hur
riedly carried him to a drug store ,
where an" ambulance surgeon pro
nounced the boy dead.
rtuns Amuck at Sunday Picnic.
Castle Rock , Colq. Mr. and Mrs. S.
W. Eliston are dead as the result of
the- former running amuck at a picnic
and W. M. Daniels is in jail pending
an investigation , charged with killing
Eliston. Eliston shot his wife at short
range and then turned the gun on him
self. Daniels , who was engaged in
target shooting with a revolver , fired
at Eliston until the latter fell. Daniels
is the son of Mrs. Eliston by a former
husband. No cause is known for the
Plague in China.
Amoy , China , The plague is abat
ing in the interior districts to the
north and west , but is increasing in
the immediate vicinity of Amoy. It is
reported that last month the popula
tions of several villages on Amoy isl
and and in the districts to the south
have been decimated.
Csputy Loses His Life.
Wewoka , Okla. Riley Smith , a dep
uty sheriff , was killed after he had
killed one negro and wounded another
at a negro picnic just north of the lit
tle town of Seminole , Okla. The trou
ble resulted when Smith attempted to
arrest one of the negroes.
Bid for Panama Bonds.
Washington , D. C. The govern
ment's $50,000,000 Panama canal loan
probably will be taken in the main by
small investors. More than 900 sealed
proposals have been received at the
Wage Dispute Settled.
Washington. The dispute between
the Southern Railway company and its
firemen , which has been in mediation
for two weeks , has been settled. Both
sides , it is said , made concessions.
Sioux City Live Stock Market.
Sioux City. Saturday's quotations
on the local live stock market follow :
Top beeves , ? 6.00. Top hogs , ? 6.05.
Released from Prison.
Pittsburg , Pa. William Brand , for
mer president of the common council
of this city , has been released from
the penitentiary after serving fourteen
months for his participation in the
recent councilmanic graft scandal.
Held for Daughter's Murder.
Mt. Sterling , HI. Mrs. Catherine
Engle , 34 years old , was held by the
coroner to the Whiteslde county grand
jury for the death of her daughter , Lu
cille , 6 years old , whose body was
found in Aock river June 7.
s mi&g easaE Ea3OTsm
Seven Hundred Dead Are Reported at
Sart Andres , the Largest City De
stroyed , and Scores Are Believed to
Be Buried in Ruins.
Mexico City. The volcano Colima
is belching forth fire and lava and
the towns of San Andres , Tonila ,
Tonillita , Zapotiltic , San Gabriel and
Tuxpan are overwhelmed. Each ha
a population of from 300 to 5,000 pee
The number of dead is unknown ,
but messages brought on a special
train from San Andres , the largest
town destroyed , reports 700 known
dead and many hundred more buried.
From coast to coast Mexico is de
vastated by the earthquake and to
add to the terror of the inhabitants
the volcanoes Colima and Popocata-
petl are now in full eruption , great
cones of smoke hovering over the
craters and lava pouring down their
sides into the cities and towns lo
cated there.
The death list placed eraly at 1,456 ,
is growing and word is yet to be re
ceived from the isthmus of Tehuante-
pec , which was shaken from end to
end.The famous floating gardens of the"
Montezumas , located on an island in
Lake Xochimilso are no more. Gar
dens , homes , inhabitants , island and
all are sunken beneath the surface of
the lake. How many victims were
claimed by the earthquake here no
one can say , but comparatively few
if any of the natives are believed to
have escaped.
The inhabitants of this island are
direct descendants of the Aztecs and
of pure , unmixed blood. They raised
and sold nearly all the flowers and
vegetables for the'markets of Mexico
City. Now they and their homes and
their products are no more.
One hundred and fifty persons were
injured in Guadalajara , but no one
was killed.
The list of casualties is pouring into
Mexico City. At Tacuba seven are
dead and 19 injured ; Taoabaya three
dead , the number of injured being un
known ; San Angle , two dead and
seven injured from falling walls ;
Pinon , two dead and three injured.
Nearly all of these places are in
the immediate vicinity of the capitol.
The Port of Manzanillo , State of
Colima , that cost $14,000,000 to build ,
Is badly damaged. Twenty-two per
sons were killed. Acapulco also suf
fered greatly , but as yet there are no
America Fighter Defeats Jim Sulli
van , English Champion , and Be
comes Premier Middleweight.
London. Billy Papke , the American
fighter , who claims the middleweight
title in this country , knocked out Jim
Sullivan , the English champion , in the
ninth round of their 20-round battle
at Palladium. This victory crowns
Papke as the middleweight champion
of the world. The men fought under
the English weight limit. They
weighed in at 160 pounds. Papke was
two ounces under the limit , while
Smith was well within the weight.
The battle was a furious one while
it lasted. Both men struggled hard
to land the blow that meant wealth
and honor , and in their wild endeav
ors used all sorts of tactics. Several
times the referee was compelled to
jump into the ring and separate the
fighters. On other occasions he
warned Papke against. using rough
tactics , such as bumping with his
head in the clinches. While Sullivan
was carried out of the ring well bat
tered up , Papke bore the marks of
several stinging wallops.
C. Frederick Kohl , Millionaire 'Frisco
Capitalist , Is Fatally Wounded
by French Maid.
San Francisco. C. Frederick Kohl ,
millionaire clubman and one of the
best-known capitalists of San Fran
cisco , was shot and fatally injured by
Adele Verge , a French maid formerly
employed by Mrs. Kohl.
The shooting occurred in the corridor
rider of the Grant building , Seventh
and Market streets , and was wit
nessed by a score of persons.
Miss Verge , when asked why she
had shot Kohl , broke down and said
she did not know. She was in a hys
terical condition.
For several months Miss Verge has
been involved in a lawsuit with the
Kohls. Mr. and Mrs. Kohl had the
woman charged with Insanity and
were sued by her for alleged unpaid
wages and false imprisonment
Dr. Austin B. Chamberlin Dead.
Washington. Dr. Austin B. Cham
Berlin , secretary general of the su
preme council of the Southern Juris
diction of Scottish Rite Masons , died
here of apoplexy. His body was ta
ken to Galveston , where an elaborate
Masonic funeral will be held.
Son of Stillman Weds.
San Francisco. Ernest Goodrich
Stillman , son of James Stillman , the
New York banker , and Miss Mildred
Whitney of San Francisco were
ried in Trinity Episcopal church.
TAFT is mm
Minority Members of Ways and Means
Committee Declare Measure Is
"Cold Blooded" and Brought For
ward forPurely "Political Reasons. "
Washington. The long expected
wool tariff revision , bill was presented
to the house by Chairman Underwood
of the ways and means committee.
The long report accompanj'ing it at
tacks President Taft and the tariff
( quoting President Taft's addresses
after the passage of the Payne-Aldrich
bill , in which he declared that "the
woolen schedule is indefensible and
I propose to say so , " the report says :
Had the president made these pub
lic admissions earlier , while the tariff
of 1909 was under consideration , by
congress , his declarations would have
been of real service to the people and
would have enabled them to protest
against the betrayal of the public wel
fare to private greed.
The report deals at some length
with the attitude of the administra
tion in not communicating to congress
data on the "steel trust" and other in
dustries now being investigated , and
the failure of the tariff board to com
municate data on the woolen in
"The position of the tariff board ap
pears to be , " says the report , "that
they , in conference with and under
the sole control of the president , shall
be the sole judges as to what part of
the data they collect may be likely to
be of service for purposes of legisla
tion ; and this situation must be con
sidered with reference to the view
point of the president concerning tar
iff legislation.
"It is , therefore , , not Impossible that
there may be some such delay in the
communication to the congress of sta
tistical information collected by the
tariff board concerning wool and wool
en goods as there has been in com
municating to congress or making pub
lic the data by the bureau of corpora
tions concerning investigations of the"
steel and other Industries. "
The report maintains that any
further delay in the revision of the
wool and woolen schedule would be
objectionable to the public.
A minority report is signed by
Messrs. Payne , Dalzell , Needham and
Longworth. "For purely political rea
sons , " it says , "this cola-blooded
measure is brought forward. If it
could become a law it would slaughter
sheep as in 1894 and close the mills
much more universally. "
Gunboat Wolverine , Last of War Ves
sels on Inland Seas , Placed Out of
Washington. An order issued by
the navy department placing the gun
boat Wolverine out of commission at
Erie , Pa. , preparatory to turning it
over to the naval militia at that place
is of international significance. It re
moved from the great lakes the last
regularly commissioned United States
London Bank Is Closed.
London. The Blrbeck bank in High
Holborn , which withstood a run last
fall caused by rumors that the institu
tion was in trouble , has suspended
payment. The directors estimate the
deficit at 51,875,000 , but the actuaries
think that 53,750,000 will be nearer
the mark.
Madison Square Garden Is Sold.
New York. Madison Square garden
was sold to a syndicate which will
tear down the structure and erect a
25-story office building.
Testimony Gathered by Helm Body
at Springfield , III. , Is
Washington. An evldenca of the
thoroughness with which the spe
cial senate committee Intends to probe
the Lorimer scandal is given in the
fact that it is considering several fa
mous lawyers for counsel. It is prob
able that either former Secretary of
War Dickinson or Louis D. Brandeis
of Boston will be retained. The com
mittee expects that the witnesses and
corporations from whom testimony
and books are sought will fight every
step of the way. It may even be nec
essary to make examples of some of
the refractory witnesses and punish
them for contempt
Carrying out the program agreed on
by the senate committee on privileges
'and elections , Senator Dilllngham in
troduced in the senate a resolution
authorising a subcommitte of eight
members to relnvestigate the charges
against Senator Lorimer of Illinois.
The subcommittee Is authorized by
the resolution to sit when and where
It pleases , to employ stenographers ,
counsel and accountants ; to send for
persons , books , records and papers ;
to administer oaths , and report as
early as practicable to the senate.
The committee is instructed special
ly to inquire fully into the sources
and use of the alleged "jack-pot" or
any other fund affecting the election
of Mr. Lorimer.
The. resolution named Senators Dil-
lingham , Gamble , Jones , Kenyon ,
Johnston , Fletcher , Kern and Lea and
directed them "forthwith to > Investi
gate whether Mr. Lorimer is now en
titled to retain his seat. "
In all probability Senator Lorimer
will be the first witness to be called
and his examination may take sev
eral days.
The senate also received formally
the printed testimony taken by
the Lorimer investigating committee
of the Illinois state senate. Upon
motion of Senator Dillingham it was
ordered indexed and upon motion of
Senator Cullom it was ordered print
ed as a senate document and referred
to the senate committee on privileges
and elections.
Proprietor of Ansonia Hotel at New
York Badly Wounded In Quarrel
With Women.
New York. William Earl Dodge
Stokes , millionaire proprietor of the
Ansonia hotel , was shot three times
and badly wounded by two girls whose
apartment on the fourth floor of the
fashionable Varuna , at Broadway and
Eightieth street , , he was visiting.
The young women were Lillian Gra
ham , aged twenty-two years , a singer ,
and Ethel Conrad , eighteen years old ,
an artist. Each fired three shots ,
Miss Graham's bullets inflicting
two wounds and Miss Conrad's
The possession of a package of let
ters , both the girls and their victim
agreed , furnished the motive for the
shooting. The letters , it is said , were
written by Mr. Stokes to' Miss Gra
ham before his second marriage ,
which occurred last February.
Seventeen-Year Locust Appears.
Hastings-on-Hudson , N. Y. What
naturalists say is the 17-year locust Is
here in full force. Trees throughout
the town are alive with the insects.
The characteristic "W" Is noticed at
the tip of the Insects' wings.
Colquitt Is Threatened.
Austin , Tex. Governor Colquitt.
leader of the "wets , " is going to Fort
Worth despite a letter warning him
that he may be killed If he attends
an anti-prohibition rally there. He
has received many other threats.
Bays Roosevelt's Acquiescence in Coaf
Deal Was Act of Constructive
Washington. Elbert H. Gary , ea
ecutive head of the United State *
Steel corporation , told the house
investigating committee a version of
the formation of that enterprise which
contradicted testimony of John W.
Gates that the threats of Andrew Car
negie to build rival railroads and tube
works had Induced J. Pierpont Morgan
to institute negotiations culminating
in the gigantic steel combination.
"Such matters as I learned were
testified to by Mr. Gates before this
committee , " Mr. Gary said , after a de
tailed statement of the formation of
the steel combination , "never were
spoken of in the deliberations over the
deal. I do not remember that Mr. Mor
gan ever mentioned these matters to
me. "
Mr. Gary said that Mr. Gates had
nothing to do with questions regarding
the charter and form of organization
of the steel corporation.
Mr. Gary , In the course of his testi
mony , declared that if former Presi
dent Roosevelt had not approved of
the absorption of the Tennessee Coal
and Iron company by the United
States Steel corporation he , Gary ,
never would have voted to consum
mate that deal
Mr. Gary , cross-examined by Mr. Lit
tleton of New York , elaborated his
views as to government supervision of
corporations and pleaded for greater
co-operation between government of
ficials and the directing forces of big
business combinations. Mr. Gary in
sisted that the government was just
as likely to go too far in one direction
as the corporations In another.
Mr. Gary denied charges , attributed
to Senator Oliver of Pennsylvania ,
that the Steel corporation was trying
to gain control over Ohio river trans
portation lines so as to cut out wa
ter competition in the shipment of
These charges were set forth by
Robert C. Hall , former president of the
Pittsburg Stock exchange , another
Returning to the absorption of the
Tennessee Coal and Iron company , Mr.
Littleton asked "just when" that trans
action relieved the financial situation.
"Just as soon as we sent back word
from Washington that President
Roosevelt would allow the deal to be
made , " Mr. Gary said. "I don't know
what the committee thinks about it ,
but I myself believe that the action of
the president in this connection was a
piece of real constructive statesman
ship. "
Mr. Gary again declared In the
course of further questioning that
President Roosevelt and Secretary of
State Root not only sanctioned the ab
sorption of the Tennessee Coal and
Iron company by the Steel corporation ,
but h'eld it to be necessary to avert
widespread financial disaster.
Mr. Gary said anew that financial
conditions in 1907 were such that
something had to be done to prevent a
panic. The conference at the White
House , he declared , was the final step
in the campaign of prevention , and he
added that if the administration had
declined to permit the combination of
the two big steel properties he would
have opposed it in the Steel corpora
Youngest Daughter of Nebraska Com
moner Is Married to Richard L.
Lincoln , Neb. Grace Dexter Bryan ,
youngest of the Nebraska commoner's
children and last to leave the Bryan
home , was wedded at Fairview to
Richard L. Hargreaves , son of a prom
inent Lincoln wholesale grocer. Rev.
John Huntington , an intimate friend
of the family , .performed the cere
mony. Miss Louise Tyler , daughter
of the ex-governor of Virginia , was
bridesmaid , while William Bryan , Jr. ,
was best man to the groom. The wed
ding was private , attended only by
immediate relatives.
Visible Part of Ship Practically the
Same as Before It Sank Into
the Mud.
Havana. The first stage of the
actual work of uncovering the wreck
of the battleship Maine was complet
ed when pumping operations ceased
after the water level within the great
cofferdam built around the wreck had
been lowered five feet
This leaves the portion of the wreck
visible above the water practically the
same as on the night of the disaster ,
before the hull had time to become
Imbedded In the mud. There is now
visible a long stretch of the starboard
side of the quarter deck.
Confesses to Killing 57.
Berlin. Messages from Kazan aay
that Alexander Zaryzin , arrested there
on a wholesale murder charge , has
confessed to having slain 57 persons ,
Including an army officer and his wife
in SebastopoJ.
Bank Is Robbed of $9,000.
Tooele , Utah. After binding and
gagging S. I. Shafer , cashier of the
Commercial bank , two mounted rob
ber fled to the hills with 59,000 of the
bank's jmoney. Several posses start
ed in pursuit
Some Penitentiary Statistics.
The fact that there are thirty-nine
persons in the state penitentiary serv
ing life sentences will be news to most
lewspaper readers. At the last report
ihere were 426 prisoners there. Of
: hese twenty-five hare sentences rang
ing from 10 to 40 years , while the
remainder are under sentences of from ,
six months to 10 years. There were 321
svhites , 98 negroes , 6 Indians and one-
Koreans. Two white and two colored
women were included. During the last
two years four were received under
sentence of the death penalty , who
had been convicted of first degree mur
der were sent up for lifo and a similar
sentence had been imposed upon three
convicted of second degree murder.
Eight were received who had been
convicted of manslaughter. lu all ; 5L
slayers of their fellows were received ,
at the prison during the biennittm.
Two came from Adams county , one-
from Antelope , one from Brown one
from Burt , one from Cherry , 2 front
Cass , 2 from Cheyenne , 12 front
Douglas , one from Gage , one front
Hall , 2 from Keith , one from Kearney , ,
one from Madison , one from Sheridan.
In addition 36 others who had been
convicted of attempts to kill were
olaced In prison.
An Ordnance Department.
Acting under new regulations of the
orar department , Adjutant General
Phelps has created an ordnance de
partment in the Nebraska national
guard. The work of the new depart
ment has been done by officers in the
adjutant general's department , but
hereafter a separate department will
be maintained. Major Louis H. Gage ,
assistant adjutant general , is detailed
as chief ordnance officer , Captain Lon ,
C. Kesterson , Second infantry , and \
Captain Lincoln Rlley , First infantry ,
are appointed ordnance .officers and all
are detailed as Inspectors of small
arms practice Major Gage to the
First brigade. Captain Riley to the-
First regiment and Captain Kesterson
'o the Second regiment.
New Course for Athletes.
State university athletes will find a
new course of study awaiting their
favor when they return to school next
fall. All-year Athletic Coach E. O.
Steihm has announced an innovation
in the form of a course on the theory
and practice of football. The course
'will be conducted
throughout both se
mesters of next year , including library
readings , class recitations and labora
tory work , the latter in the nature of :
practical demonstrations on the ath
letic field. In return for the comple
tion of the course , the students may
receive two hours' university credit.
The course will correspond to track
Dedicate New Y. M. C. A. Building.
Lincoln. With fitting ceremonies ,
the new five-story Y. M. C. A. building
which has been under construction forever
over a year , was formally and solemn
ly dedicated Sunday afternoon. Two
programs were given , the first in the
city auditorium , followed by an ad
dress and formal opening of the new
building by W. J. Bryan on the west
steps of the structure.
Big Egg Dealers Willing.
The big creamery and egg purchasing -
ing firms of Omaha have adopted res
olutions favoring the new rules pro
mulgated by Food Commissioner W.
R. Jackson , which lay the burden oC
candling eggs upon the country deal
ers who buy direct from farmers. The-
big firms which buy from the mer
chants are heartily in favor of this
Frank W. Booth of Washington , D.
C. , has been appointed superintendent
of the Nebraska school for deaf at
Omaha. Governor Aldrich made the
appointment and it will become effec
tive July 1. Superintendent Stewart ,
who has been holding over , will leave :
the Institution at that time.
Clarence W. Erwin , one of the oldest
of the present state bank examiners ,
has resigned and Governor Aldrich
has appointed in his place H. C. Nich
olson , assistant cashier of the Live
stock National bank of South Omaha.
To Prosecute Bookkeeper. .
Governor Aldrich has instructed At *
torney General Martin to begin crinu
inal proceedings against Thomas R.
Stewart , formerly bookkeeper of the.
state institute for feeble minded at
Beatrice , because of a shortage of
$1,337 in the cash of the institution !
as shown by the books kept by iMr , .
Stewart. It is said Mr. Stewart will
make the defense
that he was- not
alone in the custody of the cash of
the institution and that others had.
access to the money -drawer.
Rural Life Commission Meets.
The rural life
commission , appoint
ed by Governor Aldrich
after the pass
age of a resolution by the last legisla *
ture , met in Lincoln and outlined its >
work for the next year. The members
of the commission are L. C. Lawson
of Clarks , chairman ; Dean Charles E
Bessey , G .T. Condra. J. W. Crabtree
W. S. Delano and F. G. Odell , all of
Lincoln ; R. W. McGInnis of Fremont
J. D. Ream of Broken Bow *
, J. A Ollis
Jr. , of Ord , and J. S. Canaday of > rinT.