Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 15, 1911, Image 5

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    A Safe ,
Simple System
The system of paying
by check was devised
by all men- for any
man for you. It is
suited to the need of
any business , either
large or small. It makes
no difference whether
we pay out $10 or $1X)00 ( )
a month. A checking
account will serve your
Pay by check , the
method puts system in
to your business and
gives you a record of
every transaction.
Plenty of time to plant trees.
Our trees are kept in our large ,
cool , cement building now and are
held back so they will be good to
put out for several weeks yet. We
keep no trees in our building in
winter , and only recommend the
hardiest and trie.d varieties that do
business in Northwest Nebr.
Catalog upon request.
T. W. CRAMER , Local Agent ,
Valentine , Nebr.
Boyd Nurseries and Fruit
x *
. - On C. & N. W. , 3 blks. east station
& Ainsworth , - Nebraska
Loup Valley Hereford Ranch ,
Herd headed by S. C. Columbus 17
No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289-
822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg ,
Bulls for Sale at All Times ,
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
Office front room , second story ,
over T. C. Hornby's store , Main
street entrance.
Valentine Nebraska
Dr. M. T. Meer ,
Rooms over Red Front store
Valentine - Nebr ,
will make you a tubular well
on short notice and guarantee
Crookston - Nebr.
40 head of horses , part broken ,
two or three good milch cows , one
farm ; also two or three houses and
Crookston , 12 Nebraska
Bight in your busiest season -when you
have the least time to spare you are most
likely to take diarrhoea and lose several
days' time , unless you have. Chamber
' and Diarrhoea Remedy
lain's Colic , Cholera
edy at hand and take a dose on the first
appearance of the disease. For sale by
Chapman , the druggist.
Seeds that always grow for sale
at Fischer's hardware. 10
Ti yo , pa sa in the Sioux lan
guage is the same as Red Front
store in
j Valentine.
| Mrs. Bina Cramer was in town
j Mrs. Mary McClelland is very
sick this week.
John Slonecker spent Sunday
with his family at Hot Springs.
Nick Carstensen has resigned
his position at the Home Bakery.
Hugo Stevens and Tom Coffey
came down from Merriman Sun
D. McLeod received a car load
of International " 30" autos this
Miss Jessie Austin of Ainsworth
is visiting at the G. M. Gaskill
Miss Maud VanOrsdoll has gone
to Indiana for a visit of several
Henry Auguston and son of
Brownlee registered at The Dono-
her Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilber went up
to Gordon Tuesday night to visit
with their son.
Mrs. Albert Husted of Johns
town is visiting her parents , Mr.
and Mrs. Kiester.
W. H. Boyer and J. L. Rose-
berry of Pullman were Valentine
visitors this week.
J. F. Naylor is down from
Merriman attending a session of
county commissioners.
Amzi Veach has gone up north
of Kilgore to do carpenter work
for Charles Anderson.
Florence O'Bannon went to Fre
mont Monday evening to visit a
brother and other relatives.
Mrs. Mary Bachelor went out
to Kennedy Wednesday for a visit
with her son , Ben Bachelor.
The F. O. E. lodge will give the
opening dance in the pavilion at
Minnechaduza park on June 16.
Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Wells of
Crookston were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. G. H. Hornby on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson and
daughter Neva of Sparks are visit
ing at the home of Mrs. Anna
Raymond and Herbert Jones
are back from Bellevue. Raymond
mend is working at the Home
Mrs. W. E. Haley and daugh
ter Reta left Wednesday night for
a two months visit with relatives
in Salt Lake City.
Frank Brayton and son Donald
went to Fond du Lac , Wis. Monday
morning. Mr. Brayton will take
osteopathic treatment for rheuma
Miss Margaret Stetter has gone
to New York City to spend the
summer with her sisters , Miss
Ruth Stetter and Mrs. Hallings-
Mrs. Joe Spirk of Neligh and
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Nicholson of
Chadron are visiting with Mrs. T.
C. Hornby and Mrs. Charles
Two new auto ads appear in
The Democrat this week , those
of Dambly & Layport and D.
McLeod , dealers in Midland and
International autos.
J. W. Shepard has rented room
No.l in the Hornby building and
has furnished it real swell for his
insurance business. You can reach
him over phone 155.
Services in St. John's church
on Sunday next ; morning , at elev
en , and evening , at eight o'clock.
Choir rehearsal at eight o'clock on
Saturday evening.
Hickraan Kincaid is visiting
relatives in Henry , 111. He went
as far as Chicago with Mr. Bray
ton and Donald , and will also join
them on the homeward trip.
At a meeting of the Masonic
lodge on Tuesday night the follow
ing officers will be installed : Rev.
Wells , Master ; E. D. Spencer , S.
W. ; J. J. Lewis , J. W. ; Henry
Hoenig , Treas. ; T. C. Hornby ,
Absolutely Pure
the only baking aowttor
made front Royal Crape
- Gream of Tartar
Junior Normal Notes.
Six new students enrolled for
work in the normal Monday.
The normal instructors were en
tertained informally at tea by Mrs.
McLean Saturday evening.
New classes have been organized
n Trigonometry , Macbeth , and Ger
man , and a class in chemistry.
During the excursion Monday
Miss Baier sustained a slight sprain
of the ankle but was able to attend
classes next day.
Mr. Goldstein of Lincoln , repre
senting the Nebraska Supply Co. ,
spent Monday at the normal , ad
dressing the students during chapel
Miss Effie Carlson entertained
the instructors and students of the
normal most delightfully Monday
evening. The crowd assembled at
the court house and then took a
most pleasant rarnbls among the
bluifs along the Mmnechaduza ,
coming to a halt at the lake. A
fire was built and the party pro
ceeded to toast marshmallows.
Boats were then brought and xthe
rest of the evening was'speift on
the lake.
The new Chicago and North
western Terminal in Chicago was
opened to the public on June 4.
Shorty Riffle of Rosebud was
down Wednesday in his new Inter
national. He is very well pleas
ed with his new car recently pur
chased from D. McLeod.
The best windmill is the Eclipse
at Ludwig Lumber Co.
Ice cream and soft drinks at
The Phelps Photo Studio is open
the first Wednesday and Thursday
in each month. 16tf
McCormick mowers , rakes and"
stackers at Ludwig Lumber Co.
Ti yo pa sa , pronounced Tee yo
pa shah , is the name of the store
where you can buy the latest Har
em or Trouserette skirt , the new
est hot weather waists and low
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Cilice , Valentine , Nebraska ,
Junes , Hill.
To Charles M. Stanley of Canton , S. Dak. ,
Gontestee :
You are hereby notified that Albert N.
Wood who gives Watte S. Dak. , as his post-
office address , did on May 10,1911. Hie in this
office his duly corroberated application tote
to contest and secure the cancellation of
j-our homestead. Serial No. 0580(5 ( made Oct. 1 ,
1010. for WJ. Section 14. Kl K\ \ . Section 15.
Township 30. Range yo , .and as grounds for
his contest he alleges that said Charles M.
Stanlej- has never e.stablished or mainted a
residence upon said tract.
Vou are , therefore , turtlier notified that the
said allegations will be taken t > y this ollico as
having been confessed by yon , and your saM
entry will lie canceled thereunder without your
further rieht to be heard therein , either before
this oitic ° oren appeal , if you tail to file in this
office wuhin twenty days after the fourth pub
lication of this notice , as snoxvn below , your
answer , under oath , specificiallv meeting ana-
responding ro thests allegations of coolest , or if
you fail within that time to lile in this office due
proof that jou have served a c-py ol your ans
wer on the said contestant either in person or
by registered mail , if this service is made by
the delivery of a copy of your answer to the
contestant in person , proof ot snch service must
be elttit r the saiaontestant's written acknow
ledgement ol his leceiptof the copy , showing
the date of its receipt , or the affidavit of the
person by whom the delivery was made stating
when and where the copy was delivered : if
made by registered mail , proof ot su"k service
must consist of the affidavit of the pers in by
whom the copy was mailed stating when
and the postolhce to whicn it was mailed , and
this affidavit must be accompanied bv the post-
mart-r's receipt for the letter.
You sh"H d state in your answer the name of
the post office to wlii li you desire future noti
ces to DC sent to you.
LUKIC M. BATES. .Register.
Date of first publication June 15,1911.
Date of second publication June 22,1911.
Date 01 third publication June 20,1911.
Due of fourth publication July 0,1911.
Sprains require careful treatment.
Keep quiet and apply Chamberlain's Lin-
iuient freely. Itwill remove the sore
ness and quickly restore the parts to a
healthy condition. For sale by Chap
man , the druggist , i
40 Acres of School Land
Half Mile West of Val
Who wants a nice home a good
easy living ? 40 acres , all in the
valley of the beautiful Minnecha-
duza , creek flowing through one
corner , soil rich and deep , shelter
ed by hills on the north and south.
This is an ideal place for garden
farming , fruit and chickens. Good
building location facing southeast ,
where stone chicken house can be
built in the hill with front on
level. 400 egg Cyphers' Incuba
tor at half price to go with this
deal. A bargain. Get busy.
I. M. RICE , Valentine , Neb. 6 4
U. S. Weather Bureau Report
Daily mean temperature 72 ° .
" Normal temperature &is
Highest temperature l'5 ° .
Lowest temperature 47 = .
Range of temperature 4S0.
Precipitation for week 00.02 of an inch.
Average for 23 years 0.4 of an inch.
Precipitation March 1st to date 4.-21 inches.
Average for 23 years 7.C9 of an inches.
JOHN J. MCLEAN. Observer.
For summer diarrhoea in children al
ways give Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil ,
and a speedy cure is certain. For sale
by Chapman , the druggist.
Midland " 40"
The automobile that will travel all directions
out of Valentine without fear of being sand or
hill bound. We invite everyone to inspgct this
up-to-date car.
Simple in Design and Construction
Damfoly & Layport
Auto Dealers
Valentine , Nebraska
Before buying an auto it will pay you to see the INTER
No Hill too Steep ? no Sand too Deep
Sold by
Guaranteed by International Harvester Company
'Old Crow , All Leadin
Hermitage Brands
and Bottled
Gruchen- Under the
heimer Supervision
Rye of the
Whiskeys. IT. S. G-OY.
We also handle the Budweiser Beer.
The undersigned will sell at
, . ,
Saturday , June 24 ,
Commencing at 1 o'clock p. m.
Consisting of 30 head of yearling colts , 30 head of two-year-old colts ,
140 head of all kinds of horses , brood mares and some mules.
A part of this stock is broke , some good brood mares with colts by
side , dry mares , good saddle horses and work horses. Some of this
stock will be sold in car load lots , some in teams , any way to suit the
buyers. This stock will positively be sold without reserve to the high
est bidder.
TERMS OF SALE : Twelve months' time will be given on ap
proved notes bearing 10 per cent interest from date. 5 percent dis
count for cash.
Col. G. . Traceweil , auctioneer. W. Jj. .Haley , clerk.