Siitorlcal SoolttjT Volume 26 , No. 23 VALENTINE , NEBR , THURSDAY , JUNE 15 , 1911. 3 .LO per yea - HOT WEATH NEEDS If you need anything in Summer Goods call and see the Green Front , there's where you save money. . . TRYING IS THE BIGGEST PROOF CHOICE POTATOES $1.15 PER BU. VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs. Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : Old Crow , Sherwood , Hermitage , Guchenheimer , Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , V Spring Hill , and 29/yeatvold | and Jas , E , Pepper , O , F , C Taylor , j I These whiskies were purchased in bond and came direct from the U. S. gov ernment warehouse. They are guar anteed pure and unadulterated. Un excelled for family and medical use. Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout. Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , r Valentine Nebraska ; Are B ; rf ) Get anything on earth that's good to eat at | TELEPHONE NO. 7 u ' . &US. Cigars and Soft Drinks i „ STETTER - * PROP. ( ii Zz &fifi&sg BULLS FOR SALE Eegistered Hereford Bulls for sale at all times of the year. SUNNY SLOPE STOCK RANCH Simeon - Nebraska JOHN F. POEATH XEIS. Tubular Wells and "Windmills Call me up by phone > Valentine Transfer1 Co. KLEIN & HACKLER , Propr. We move everything on wheels. Baggage and ex I press delivered immediate v ly. Phone 185. After hours 77. j When you have stock to sell at i * public auction it will pay you to see us before starting your sale. Come ami skfe us. 85 6EO. LAHAIW will start a shoe repairing shop. First class work. Try me once and you will call again. Open June 1. First Door South of McLeod's Auto Garage I. The Chicago House JIM FELCH , Propr. : XiJ ! ' Call on me for rooms and lodging. Valentine - Nebraska ] Low Round Trip Fares. Atlantic CityNew YorkBoston ( ! and other Eastern Summer Kesorts ] daily , June to September inclusive ' i Favorable -stop over privileges j and liberal limits. For particulars apply to Ticket AgentsThe North ' Western Line. 1 Valentine. D. L. McLane was over from White River Tuesday. Frank Fischer will be home from Omaha Saturday night. Jas. F. Cross of Rosebud was a business visitor in Valentine Tuesday. F. D. Arnot , P. HKortz and Mr. Clark were down from-Merri- man Tuesday. Miss ± 5essie Gaskill has been spending the week with her sister , Mrs. Amzi Veach. G. W. Kime and two sons of Prentice were here Monday on business before the land office. A carload of wagons were un loaded here Tuesday and freighted up for a mercantile firm at Rose bud. bud.C. C. M. Coble , post office inspec tor , passed through Valentine Monday. Pie went out south on an inspection trip. Mrs. Carrie Wilkinson and son Earnest were in town Monday. Mrs. Wilkinson filed on a section of land adjoining that of her son near Kennedy. Chas. Brown has been visiting in Valentine. Charley has been laid up several weeks with rheu matism and came down from Hot Springs Saturday , In this issue appears the , address of Wm. M. Maupin , "Nebraska as it Should be Known , " before the Nebraska Press Association meeting in Omaha last week. The premium list , rules and reg ulations for ' "the 1911 Nebraska" State Fair is out. We have a copy which may be seen at any time by calling at this office. The demonstration of Perfection Oil stoves made by the Red Front Hardware Co. Saturday , was well attended and resulted in the sale of several of these excellent stoves. The foundation for the new Catholic church was started Mon day on the site of the old structure. When completed it will be one of the finest churches in this part of the state. R. W. Carter of Brownlee came up Monday as a witness on the Brown cattle case. The case being - ing postponed until the next term of court he returned home the same evening. N. C. Sorensen , one and a half miles north of Brownlee , adver tises a horse sale elswbere in this issue. Thirty-seven head of horses and colts will be sold on June 27. Geo. E. Tracewell is the auction- t eer. Wm. Grant of the firm of Grant and Letton , engineers , with head quarters in Lincoln was here the first of the week and held a con sultation with the village board regarding the city dam. He and several members of the board in spected the dam Monday. ( i- Mr. and Mrs. Walcott , Mrs. Brown and daughter Selena and H. W. Harper drove to Carter and back Sunday in Mr. Walcott's International. The roads are fairly r c good between here and Carter and v they all enjoyed the trip in spite ( of the high wind that blew all day. j Mrs. Clara Fleming , Miss Marian - ' I ian Angelo and August Thieme came up from near Purdum Mon day to Wood Lake and thence to a Valentine by train. Mr. Thierae e expected to get his final citizen's papers at this term of court but learned upon arriving here that * he had not advertised long enough. * Mrs. Fleming and the Angeles came to Cherry county from OkJ J ! i' lahoma last year and bought the , Thieme ranch. They are not a believer in misfortune and have adopted the 23 brand. Ih y returned - * turned home Wednesday morning. ' i Tom Huston was up from Ches terfield Monday. H. V. Carpenter of Merriman was in Valentine Monday. I. M. Rice has moved his office to the rooms over The Democrat. % L. L. Button and H. J. Howe of Mullen are in town this week. Mrs. Forest Shepard is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Harve Shep ard in Crawford. J. R. Fee is here from Missouri and will remain a few days looking after business interests. Mrs. J. H. Howe and daughter Dorothy returned Saturday night from a visit in Fremont and Oma ha. Alex Kief of Wood Lake was up Saturday He called at this office and advanced his subscrip tion a year. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hornby are in attendance today at Epj worth League and ministerial con vention atBassett. Bills are out announcing a big celebration at Sparks on the -1th. Speaking , horse races and a ball game are among the attractions. Mrs. F. E. Brown and daughter Selena of Crab Orchard are visit ing at the Walcott home. Mrs. I Brown is a sister to Mr. Walcott. Howard Lay port was after signers among the business men Monday , for the proposed boosters trip July i and 5. John Howe and family of Pot ter county , South Dakota are visiting - ° ting Mr. Howe's brother , J. II. Howe Northwestern agent. They marie the trip by wagon. See our Plainer stackers before you buy. Ludwig Lumber Co. Go to Fischer's hardware for fresh seeds. . 10 a Rubber garden hose at lowest prices. Fischer's Hardware. 16 Choice timothy , clover , bromus and alfalfa seed at Fischer's Hard ware. 16 ! For sanitary plumbing or heat ing call H. I. Weinzimmer. 20 Steel and wood tanks in all sizes- and prices at Ludwig Lumber Co. The Phelps Photo Studio is open the first Wednesday and Thursday of each month. 16tf For Sale Refrigerator , good as new. Inquire of the baker at i the Home Bakery. 19tf Millet seed for sale at Checker Front Feed barn. Frank Ash- C burn , Prop. 23-3 Furnished rooms to rent by day or week , Hot and cold water baths included. Valentine House , John D. Eaton , Propr. 32tf For Sale : From 1 to 40 head of horses ; from 1 to f of land , close to town. Residence and lot. H. H. Wakefield , Crookston , Nebraska. 13 To Rent : Two tlrroom houses. One has good cellar and water in house. Both close in on Cather ine street , less than a block from Main street. 16 Taken Up Two stray work mares , between four and six years old , bays , with white spot on face , weight 1,000 and 1,100 pounds. Owner can have these horses by paying ; for this notice. Albert Pike , CrookstonNebr. Dr. M. F. Meer , dentist , will be at the Lake view Hoi el , Wood lake , = the first Monday and Tuesday of each month. 19tf For Sale : 590-acre ranch ; hay , timber , fine springs , 100 acres cultivated - tivated ; soil , sandy loam ; all fenced , fair improvements. § 12.50 per acre. Half cash. Balance , liberal terras. Address owner. ' John Hittle , Penbrook , Neb. 20-4 The Phelps Photo Studio is open -n the first Wednesday aad Thursday p h each month. 16tf i fci The new Spring Line of Clothing is here and open for your inspection in all lines for Men and Boys. Eemember you promised yourself a new outfit for Easter. Why not look over the new stock while it is still complete ? You ought to see our new Spring Hats , Shoes and Oxfords. Agent for Dr. Eeed Cushion Soled Shoes. JBL J& Phone 145. JLarterecl as : i Stitc : Brvnk Olmrterou ' . as a National Hank , 'Juno 1,1881. August 1L , I -aa ( Successor to Bunk of Valentine. ) Valentine , Nebraska. SURPLUS CAPITAL - - $25.000 25.000 A General Banking- , Exchange Judivided Profits 4.000 and Collection Business : : : : . II. rou > KM , , President. r. V. Xj T. May , Vice J'r sidi nt. If. I.Ki IKN , As.s't Cashier ftl ! E. y too a c > ? ij s X a a c AT 'NABLE ' K ! i When in need of anything GIVE US A TRIAL M 3 . TE P SIM F P YTH i ISSfV si s B y i w Lu > a L l 2 v < 4 ebraska BARAKAT = = | GENERAL PRACTICE and SURGERY 1 EYES TESTED and GLASSES FITTED SCIENTIFICALLY. * " a We compound and dispense our o\vn medicine : ? . Office on 2nd iloor ot T. C. Hornby's. Phone 161. Valentine , Nebraska GRANT BOYER CARPENTER & BUILDER. Ul kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , PHONE Nebraska References : .My Many Stetter & Tobien , Props DEALERS IN All ilinds of .b'resh and Fait Meats. . . . # - JvO& : . > ' - sJ MEiSrps& tt _ _ _ - " ' - - r- ' " ? Nbuy \ \ your Cattle , Hogs , Poultry , Horses , Mules and ytfu have to sell.