Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 08, 1911, Image 7

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Cures all humors , catarrh and
rheumatism , relieves that tired
feeling , restores the appetite ,
cures paleness , nervousness ,
builds up the whole system.
Get it today in usual liquid form or
chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs.
plaed an jrk r , at
tract * Bed fcllli all
( ! ( . Neat , clean ,
ornamental , conrea- LitUall
ituen. Can't spill or
tip over , will not seller
or injure anything.
Guaranteed effect
ive Of * ll dealer * or
sent prepaid ( or ZOc.
1(0 Ie E lb AT * .
Ere kljs , H.T.
Thompson's Eyt Water
Aunt Melissa Supremely Indifferent to
Fact That Pa Had for Days
Been in a "Huff. "
Aunt Melissa Spigott was such ai.
exceedingly energetic talker that the
youngsters of the family used to sup
pose that her tongue must be copper-
toed , because it never wore out. Uncle
Silas , on the other hand , was as eco
nomical of words as a marketman is
of early strawberries.
The too free exercising of this un
ruly member of Aunt Melissa's , on
one occasion , gave Uncle Silas serious
offense , which he manifested by a
severe silence lasting for several days.
At the end of that period one of the
older daughters approached her
mother upon the subject with the re
mark , "Ma , seems like you ought to
make up with pa by now. "
"Make up with pa ! " exclaimed
Aunt Melissa , in great astonishment.
"Make up what ? "
K , Why , " returned the daughter ,
"don't you know poor pa's feeling bad
yet ? He's still huffing. "
"Huffing , for the land's sake ! How
long's he been a-hufflng ! " -
"Ever since you came down on him
BO hard about wasting sugar by not
stirring his coffee ; that's three days
ago. "
"Why , you don't tell me , Janle
Maud ! " Aunt Melissa looked amazed.
"Your pore pa ! Been a'huffing for
three days , and I never mistrusted a
thing of it ! " Youth's Companion.
Australia Rich in Libraries.
Victoria's ( Australia ) five hundredth
free library was .opened lately. One
and all of the older libraries are well
patronized. The gross revenue re
ceived by them in the aggregate from
halls , members's subscriptions , and
grants is about $340,000. There are
about a million books in these libra
ries , and it was claimed that some
thing like 3,600,000 visits are paid to
them in the year. While works of flc-
tion are read to the greatest extent ,
general literature and history receive
a good deal of attention.
The Night Shift.
Positive Wife John , why do you
talk in your sleep ? Have you any
idea ?
Negative Husband So as not to
forget how , I suppose. It's the only
chance I get ! Puck.
But few novels are written for think
ing people ; most of them are written
for the entertainment of women.
A Lunch Fib for a King.
'An active and successful young
lady tells her food experience :
"Some years ago I suffered from
nervous prostration , induced by con
tinuous brain strain and improper
food , added to a great grief.
"I was ordered to give up my work ,
as there was great danger of my mind
falling me altogether. My stomach
was in bad condition ( nervous dyspep
sia , I think now ) and when Grape-
Nuts food was recommended to me , I
had no faith in it. However , I tried
It , and soon there was a marked im
provement in my condition.
"I had boon troubled with faint
spells , and had used a stimulant to
revive me. I found that by eating
Grape-Nuts at such times I was re
lieved and suffered no bad effects ,
which was a great gain. As to my
other troubles nervous prostration ,
dyspepsia , etc. on the Grape-Nuts diet
they soon disappeared.
"I wish especially to call the atten
tion of office girls to the great benefit
I derived from the use of Grape-Nuts
as a noon luncheon. I was thoroughly
tired of cheap restaurants and ordin
ary lunches , and so made the experi
ment of taking a package of Grape-
Nuts food with me , and then slipping
out at noon and getting a nickel's
"worth of sweet cream to add to it.
"I found that this simple dish , fin
ished off with an apple , peach , orange ,
or a bunch of grapes made a lunch fit
lor a king , and one that agreed with
me perfectly.
"I throve so on my Grape-Nuts diet
that I did not have togive up my work
at all , and in the two years have had
only four lost days charged up against
"Let me add that your suggestions
In the little book , 'Road to Wellville , '
are , in my opinion , invaluable , especially
cially to women. " Name given by
Postum Co. , Battle Creek , Mich.
Read "The Road to Wellville" in
"There's a Reason. "
Ever read the above letter ? A new
ve appear * from time to time. Tjy
are sreanlae , true , awl fall of
LABOR throughout the world is rejoicing over the decision of the United States Supreme Court which
set aside the sentences of imprisonment against President Samuel Gompers , Secretary Frank Morrison and
John Mitchell of the American Federation of Labor. The sentences were Imposed by the District of Columbia
supreme court for contempt in the Bucks boycott case.
Pair of Them Received at Lin
coln Park Zoo.
Two Magnificent Specimens of Rarest
Species of Feathered Tribe Known
to Ornithologists Landed
Safely in Chicago.
Chicago. Lincoln park now has
two magnificent specimens of the em
erald bird of paradise , one of the
rarest species of birds known to
ornithologists. There are only two
other live specimens in this country ,
it is said , these being at the Bronx
zoological gardens in New York , and
the number in captivity , except in the
gardens of oriental potentates , could
almost be counted on one's fingers , it
is declared.
The emerald bird of paradise comes
from the jungles of interior New
Guinea , and is so rare and shy that
it 'is seldom seen , even by the na
tives , except in the mating season.
Then the birds congregate in com
paratively large flocks and the hen
birds sit on branches of the trees
while the male birds ? o through what
the natives call the marriage dance.
This consists in the birds extending
their magnificent plumes and grace
fully hopping from branch to branch
to attract the hen birds. At other
seasons of the year the birds pass
most of their time in the topmost
branches of tall trees and are most
difficult to approach , not to say
snare alive.
The two birds now at Lincoln park
came from a dealer in London , and
Cy De Vry , in charge of the zoo , con
siders himself lucky to get them at
$200 apiece. They are about the size
of a crow , with a beautiful metallic
green plumage on the body , orange
colored tail feathers and with bronze
and green and a red feather on the
head. Because of the rarity of the
birds and the great difficulty that
has been experienced with them in
captivity De Vry suggested that Chicagoans -
cagoans who wanted to see birds of
paradise other than those displayed
in military shops or on the hats of
women visit the birdhouse without
"When I heard that the Bronx gar
dens had two birds of paradise , " said
Mr. De Vry , "I was anxious to get one
or two for Lincoln park. Fortune fa
vored me. A month ago a dealer in
London wrote that he had a few
specimens and I promptly ordered two
male birds of the emerald variety.
This is not so gorgeous a bird as the
king bird of paradise , but it is such
a rarity that it is extremely valuable.
The two I ordered arrived in a special
box fem London , but in shipping
some of the beautiful tail feathers
were broken. As it would take sev
eral months for these to grow in the
natural way after molting , I pulled
the broken quills and expect that the
older bird will be in full plumage
within two months. The younger one
will not attain its full plumage for
perhaps a year.
"Fruit and insects 'form the food of
these birds and we are giving them
the best we can get ants' eggs , meal
worms , bananas , oranges and apples.
Remarkable Experiments of German
Surgeons Have Proved Highly Suc
cessful Two Cases.
Berling. After American surgeons
had begun to graft skin , muscles and
bones from animals on human bodies
German surgeons undertook to im
plant parts taken from dead bodies
into living men. Doctor Kuttner , pro
fessor of the University of Breslau , re
placed in a wounded man a ball and
socket joint and part of the femur ta
ken from a body with success.
The patient died a few months later
of apoplexy and Professor Kuttner
was thus able by means of postmor
tem examination to show in the surgi
cal congress anatomical pieces prov
ing that the part really taken from the
dead body had received new life and
attained natural articulation. Anoth-
See Menace in Steel Rust
n Half Century Loss of Property and
Life Will Be Great , Asserts
Washington Scientist.
Philadelphia. "If steel tuberculosis
becomes epidemic in our buildings
, and great structures , the destruction
of millions of dollars' worth of prop
erty will be inevitable , and within
half a century the loss in money and
life may be appalling. "
This statement was made before a
gathering of scientists in Franklin in
stitute by Dr. Allerton S. Cushman ,
chemical investigator of the depart
ment of agriculture , at Washington.
Steel tuberculosis , Dr. Cushman ex
plained , is a corrosive disease , attack
ing iron and steel structures , occa
sioned by natural processes of decay
and by electrolysis a decay precipit
ated by stray electrical currents that
escape from wires everywhere and
penetrate the girders of steel struc
tures and the reinforcing of concrete
"No effective rust resistants have as
yet been discovered , " said , Dr. Cush
man , "to 'cover the surface of iron and
steel and make it proof against this
decay ; and this problem confronting
engineers at present is what can be
done to Insure a permanent quality to
these two metals which are such vital
factors in our modern constructive
and commercial life.
"So far zinc is the only metal
which has been found to preserve iron ,
and its use in covering wire and other
building material is helping to over
come corrosion. Paint technologists
have not made any great strides to
ward a solution of the problem , and
no pigment has been discovered that
has the desired result of arresting
rust. "
Dr. Cushman declared that unless
the country takes measures to insure
iron from rust and to protect struc
tures which have already been erected
so that the waste of the metal is ar
rested , the supply of the metal will
become exhausted within a century
and scarcity will create a new prob
lem for engineers and scientists.
24,000,000 HENS IN IRELAND
Figures Given Out at Dublin Poultry
Conference Show Large Gains
Becoming Second Denmark.
Dublin. Astonishing facts relating
to Irish land development have come
to light in connection with the poultry
conference here. Figures have been
compiled showing that the country
possesses more than 24,000,000 hens
and 250,000 goats. It is exporting
near 4,000,000 ( $20,000,000) ) worth
of poultry produce , while England
imports 7,000,000 ( $35,000,000) worth
of eggs.
Ireland , according to these figures ,
is becoming a second Denmark. The
increase in poultry is due principally
to the establishment of co-operative
depots , which have steadily multiplied.
The recently started society called the
United Irish Women is rapidly be
coming a force in the development of
agriculture , and it is believed that the
efforts of the organization will result
in a Kreatlv reduced emigratiop-
Just now they are pretty wild , not be
ing familiar with their surroundings ,
but I hope to tame them soon and
to carry them safely over the ills
that so often befall exotic birds in
captivity. "
Oklahoma Rancher Convinces Ticket
Agent That He is Not a Hobo
When Seeking Ticket.
Kansas City , Mo. There is little
that escapes the cheerful clerks in the
Pullman ticket office in the Union
depot. Cheerfulness makes for sym
pathetic observation , and even in the
rush of the early evening , when tick
ets for all the night trains are being
sold , they catch the drift of events
and record it with a smile. Here is
their latest :
A wide hatted gentleman of tower
ing stature doubles himself down to
look through the ticket window and
states his needs :
"I want a berth to Bliss , Okla. "
"Got a reservation ? " asks the clerk.
"Reservation ? " asks he of the hat ,
doubling up a little more so as to look
his Interrogator straight in the eye.
"No , but I've got 160 acres just next
the 101 ranch. "
er patient operated on in the same
way presented himself a year after
the operation.
The surprising success of this new
method of grafting parts of dead bodies
ies was surpassed by a demonstration
by Professor Lexer of the University
of Jena , the inventor and propagator
of new transplantation methods. He
presented a female patient who had
attempted suicide by drinking sul
phuric acid and seriously injured the
oesophagus. Professor Lexer formed
out of a piece of the Intestine and ex
ternal skin a new oesophagus , reach
ing from the stomach to the throat.
The assembly , which was composed
of the most famous German surgeons ,
was able to convince itself that the
patient not only eats and drinks , but
that the new oesophagus fulfills all the
natural functions.
Ister of finance , was the only
member of the old cabinet of Presi
dent Diaz to survive the recent
changes in that oody. Next to the
president , he has long been considered
the strongest political figure in his
country and it was supposed that DiasJ
had destined him to be his successor.
But Ldmantour represents the old or
der in the republic and may be com
pelled to yield to some younger and
more progressive nfen.
M > . Hopkins Weil Understood the
Frugality of Her Esteemed
Fellow Townsman.
Mrs. Wiggins had "run in" for a
minute to talk over the latest news
of the village with her friend , Mrs.
"Do you know , " she said , "they
tell me that old Mr. Magee didn't sub
scribe but 50 cents to the minister's
salary. That doesn't seem possible ,
does it ? "
"To anybody that knows Silas Magee -
gee real well , it does , " replied Mrs.
Hopkins. "You haven't lived in this
town all your life , Mis' Wiggins , and
you don't know what Silas is capable
of. Why , I remember once when he
was a young fellow , going to singing
school with the rest of us , we got up
a picnic.
"One of the girls spoke up and said
she'd bring some chicken sandwiches.
" 'I'll bring some frosted cake , ' says
" I'll bring some sliced ham , ' says
" 'I'll fetch some jelly and cookies , '
says somebody else , and so it went on
till we had most evertyhing we could
eat , promised. Then one of the boys
who had no sisters said he would
bring the coffee. That gave Silas his
chance. He'd been sitting by , listenIng -
Ing to it all , and now he spoke up
real brisk , and says he :
" Til bring the water for the cof
fee ! "
"No , Mis' Wiggins , I ain't surprised
a mite at bis subscribing only 50
cents. The only surprising thing is
that it wasn't a quarter. " Youth's
"When a child , I suffered eight
years with eczema. I could not sleep
at night , and had sores all over my
chest. We had doctors and none
could do any good , until my mother
saw the advertisement of the Cuti-
< 5ura Remedies in the paper. We used
the Cuticura Soap , Ointment and
Resolvent , and they cured me of
eczema. I also used them on my five
children. Two of them had eczema
very badly. When my children had
eczema , I was not worried at all , as
I knew the Cuticura Remedies would
do their work. They had sores all
over their heads , their hair would fall
out , and they would scratch al night
and day. They had It on their heads ,
face , and in back of the ears so that I
thought their ears would drop off. I
washed their heads and bodies with
Cuticura Soap and they are as clean
as the driven snow. Cuticura Soap
and Ointment also cured my children
of ringworm. I would not be without
the Cuticura Remedies. They are
wonderful. " ( Signed ) Mrs. Violet
Cole , 26 S. Redfield St. , Philadelphia ,
Pa. , Oct. 29 , 1910.
Cuticura Soap and Ointment are
old throughout the world. Send to
Potter Drug & Chem. Corp. , sole
props. , Boston , for free book on skin
and scalp diseases and their treat-
Market Hogs Much Lighter.
The average weight of hogs market
ed in recent years is much lighter
than in former years : in the decade
1870-1879 the average weight of hogs
killed during the -winter months in
western packing centers was about
275 pounds ; in the decade 1880-1889
ahout 257 pounds ; in the decade 1890-
1899 about 239 pounds , anjl in the
past decade 1900-1909 about 219
pounds. In other words , hogs mat-
keted between 30 and 40 years ago
averaged one-fourth heavier than
those marketed in recent years.
Very Select.
The landlady was trying to Impress
the prospective lodger with an idea of
how extremely eligible the neighbor
hood was. Pointing over the way at a
fine mansion , she said in a hushed
whisper :
"Young man , over there across the
street there's seven million dollars ! "
Out of the Hare.
"Here's a hairpin in the soup , wait
er , " said the mad diner.
"Yes , sir. It's all right It's hare
sopp , sir. "
To save a man , give him good
friends or bitter enemies ; these by
love and those by their hate to keep
him from evil doing. Antisthenes.
Mrs. Winslows Soothlnpr Syrup fos Children
teething , softens the g ims. reduces Inflamma
tion , allays pain , cures wind colic. 25c a bottle.
Lots of city farmers make a spec-
cialty of sowing wild oats.
Garfield Tea regulates a lazy liver.
Your wife as well as your sins will
find you out.
This Woman Had to Insist
Strongly , but it Paid
Chicago , HI."I suffered from a fe
male weakness and stomach trouble ,
and I went to the
store to get n bottle
of Lydia E. Pink-
ham's VegetablG
Compound , but the
clerk did not want
to let me have it
he said it was no
good and wanted mete
to try something
else , but knowing
all about it 1 in
sisted and finally
got it , and I am so
glad I did , for it has cured me.
"I know of so many cases where wo
men have been cured by Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound that I can.
say to every suffering woman if that
medicine does not help her , there is
nothing that wills' Mrs. JAXETZKI ,
2063 Arch St. , Chicago , 111.
This is the age of substitution , and
women who want a cure should insist
upon Lydia E. Unkham's Vegetable
Compound just as this woman did , and
not accept something else on which the
druggist can make a little more profit.
"Women who are passing through this
critical period or who. are Buffering
from any of those distressing .ill's pe
culiar to their sex should not lose sighb
of the fact that for thirty years Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ,
which is made from roots and herbs ,
has been the standard remedy for female - .
male ills. In almost every community
you will tind women who have been
restored to health by Lydia E. Pinfc ,
ham's Vegetable Compound ,
The Farmer's Son's
Great Opportunity
Why wait for the old farm to become
your Inheritance ? Bet'lnnon to
prepare for your future
prosperity and Indepen-
laenco. A great oppor-
Itnnlty awaits you In tobaSaskatchewan
lor Alberta , whore you
I can secure n FreeHomc-
I soiiable prices.
not a ycarfromnoTT ,
when land will be high
er. The profits secured
from the abundant crops of
Wheat , Oat * and Barley ,
as well as cattle rahlng , urn
.causing a steady advance In
iprlce. uoTernment returns show
that the number of settlers
in "Western Canada from
the U. 8. was 6t > per cent
larger in 191O than the
Many farmers have paid
for their land out -of the
' proceeds of one crop.
Free Homesteads of 16O
acres and pre-emptions of
16O acres at 83.OO an acre.
.Fine climate , good schools ,
excellent railway facilities ,
low freight rates ; Treed , \ rater -
ter and lumber easily ob-
For pamphlet "Last Best "West , "
particulars as to suitable location
and low settlers' rate , apply to
Supt of Immlcratlon. Ottawa ,
Can. , or to Canadian GOT "I .Agent.
LT. Hotoe.315 J b8sSl.5t. Pint , Mm.
J. M. Hadadtki. Drner 197. tfatrt rs.S.D.
Use address nearest yon. 3T
Vanishes Forever
Prompt Relief Permanent Cure
faiL Purely vegeta
ble act surely CARTER'S
but gently on
the liver.
Stop after IYER
dinner dis PILLS.
indigestion , - -
improve the complexion , brighten the eyes
Genuine must bear Signature ] \
Established 30 Years
Floral emblems and cut flowers for all
occasions. SIOUX CITY , IOWA
I Allen'sUlcerineijalvectiresChronlcUlcer * , Atone
Ulcers.Scrofulcms Ulcers. Varicose Ulcers , In
dolent Ulcers.MercurlalDlcers/Whlte Swell-
- 2rFever8ores. H l < itor . FotUiirij o
Ct. J .P.ALJLENIept.A7St..PaulMlnn. )
ineton.D.C. Boots t rcc ! High
est references. Best resoia
W. N. U. , SIOUX CITY , NO. 23-1911 ,
Or , Pierce's Favorite Prescription
Is the best of all medicines for the cure of diseases ,
disorders and weaknesses peculiar to women. It is the
only preparation of its kind devised by. a regularly gradu
ated physician an experienced and skilled specialist in
the diseases of women.
It is a safe medicine in any condition of the system *
THK ONE REMEDY which contains no alcohol
and no injurious habit-forming drug * and which
creates no craving for such
THE ONE REMEDY so good that its makers
are not afraid to print its every ingredient oa
each outside botde- wrapper and attest to the
truthfulness of the aexae under oath.
It is sold by medicine dealers everywhere , and any dealer who hasn't it oa
get it. Don't take a substitute of unknown composition for this medicine OF
KNOWN COMPOSITION. Ne counterfeit is as good as the genuine and the druggist
who says something else is "just as good ae'Dr. Pierce's" is either mistaken
or is trying to deceive you for his own seUuh benefit. Such a ioan is net to be
trusted. He is tqkSiag with your most priceless possession your health
may be your life itself. & * that you fit wtat you ask for.