Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 08, 1911, Image 5

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    A Safe ,
Simple System
The system of paying
by check was devised
by all men- for any
man for you. It is
suited to the need of
any business , either
large or small. It makes
no difference whether
we pay out $10 or $10000
a month. A checking
account will serve your
Pay by check , the
method puts system in
to your business and
gives you a record of
every transaction.
Plenty of time to plant trees.
Our trees are kept in our large ,
cool , cement building now and are
held back so they will be good to
put out for several weeks yet. We
keep no trees in our building in
winter , and only recommend the
hardiest and tried varieties that do
business in Northwest Nebr.
Catalog upon request.
T. W. CRAMER , Local Agent ,
Valentine , Nebr.
Boyd Nurseries and Fruit
On C. & N. W. , 3 blks. east station
Ainsworth , - Nebraska
Loup Valley Hereford Ranch ,
Herd headed by S. G. Columbus 17
No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289-
822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , re * ,
Bulls for Sale at All Times ,
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
Office front room , second story ,
over T. C. Hornby's store , Main
street entrance.
Valentine Nebraska
Dr. M. T. Meer ,
Rooms over Red Front store
Valentine - Nebr ,
< * >
will make you a tubular well
on sjiort notice and guarantee
. -
Crookston ; - Nebr.
40 head of horses , part broken ,
two or. three good milch cows , one"
farm ; also two or three houses and
Crookston , 12 Nebraska
Bight in your busiest season when yon
have the least time to spare you are most
likely to take diarrhoea and lose several
days' time , unless you have Chamber
lain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy at hand and take a dose on the iirsi
appearance of the disease. For sale bj
Chapman , the druggist.
' Saturday , ' JWe 10 , there will I e ;
a demonstration of Perfection Oil ! '
it the 'Red Front Hardware ' ,
Co. Go and "see the workings of j
tibis perfect stoVB\
* f
Seeds that always grow for sale
at Fischer's hardware. 10
j R. M. Faddis returned from Omaha -
maha Monday nightr.
j Theo. F. Folk of Prentice was
1 in Valentine , Saturday.
I Louis Hoenig returned home
from Omaha Monday night.
A. O. Coleman and son of Me-
Cann were in town Tuesday.
Mrs. Chas. H. Lane of Wood
Lake spent Wednesday in Valentine.
Ti yo pa sa in the Sioux lan
guage , is the same as Red Front
store in English.
Erick Anderson of Harmony
hauled a load of hogs to town Sat
urday , for Mr. Taylor.
D. E. Sherman , who has been BO
sick with sciatic rheumatism is now
able to dress and sit up.
Ed. Clarke and Will Haley re
turned from the lakes Tuesday
night with a nice string of fish.
Cole and Young of Cody were
down Sunday in their Elraore
autos. There were nine in the
Leurentia Haley is expected
home this evening from her two
weeks visit with relatives- At
Will Morey will return home
about the 15th. He is learning up-
to-date watch making and repair
ing in Omaha.
0. W. Morey went out to the
lakes Wednesday OE the stage to
get away from business cares for a
time and to catch some bass.
A. J. Wallingford was a Valen
tine visitor Wednesday. Mr.
Wallingford now lives thirty miles
south of Cody , but is thinking
of moving close to Valentine to
give his children better school fac
At the regular meeting of the
Rebecca lodge tonight arrange
ments will be made for the visit
and entertainment of the State
President , Mrs. Elizabeth Rey
nolds of Chadron , who is expect
ed in Valentine this week.
Rasmus Anderson spent seve'ral
days in town last week and on
Thursday night was initiated into
the Odd Fellow lodge. Mr. An
derson started for his home at
Cut Meat , Saturday with some
: arm machinery and other sup
Mrs. W. W. Wells and daughter
Sarah left Saturday morning for a
: ew days visit ia Ewing. From
there , accompanied by her daugh-
, er , Mrs. L. W , Green , and grand
daughter ( Mary Jane ) , they will
go on to Omaha and Schuyler for
stay of several weeks.
James Valentine O'Bannon the 17
year old son of Mrs. Lawless died
suddenly Monday evening of heart
.rouble. . He leaves besides his
mother , three brothers and a sister.
His father died last fall. The fun
eral was held from the Methodist
church Wednesday afternoon at
2:80 o'clock.
Have you noticed the number
of strangers on the streets of Val
entine ? Not very long ago you
could call a friendly hello to near
ly every one you met. But now
'tis different. The opening of
South Dakota lands has called
hundreds to that state in quest of
fortunes in farming and ranching ,
and our own county to the south
is filling up with "Kinkaiders" .
Valentine is a trading point for
homesteaders on the south and the
settlers of the Rosebud country on
the north.
Two slight earthquake shocks
were felt in Valentine last-Friday
at 3:36 p. m. At the depot the a
shock was felt by Roadmaster Ly-
man and in the ofiice of J. J.
McLean , local weather observer ,
the electric lamps swayed. Many
persons on the street noticed the
disturbance. , Mr. McLean for
merly lived in California where
slight earth tremors are of fre-
ouent occurence and says there is
no question but "what Valentine
experienced a miniature earth
quake Friday ;
I Fred Cumbow returned -Wednes ?
' day-nfgnHrom Omaha and other
points. - '
Leroy Springer is in Hot
Springs taking treatment for a
severe attack of rheumatism.
D. C. Hindman of Rushville , 111. ,
is here to make proof of the will of
the late Henry Carter.
Mrs. Finson of Creighton is here
looking after the remodeling of
her store building on Main street.
H. E. Griffith and Frank Sokalik
of Rosebud were initiated into the
Odd Fellow lodge last Thursday
Miss Emma Prussa is here from
Atkinson to attend the Junior Nor
mal. She is staying with her aunt ,
Mrs. John Kazda.
Mrs. Hilsinger and Mrs. Thomp
son entertained the Ladies' Aid
Society of the M. E. Church , on
Wednesday afternoon , at Mrr.
Thompson's home.
A defective flue caused a small
fire on the kitchen roof at the
home of Mrs. Anna Lay port this
morning. The blaze was put out
before the arrival of the hose cart.
W. S. Jockson returned last night
from San Francisco , Mrs , Jackson
stopped in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs.
Jackson have been in Roseburg ,
Ore. , most of the time since leaving
J. M. Pawnee of Rosebud return
ed from Omaha Saturday , where
he had been taking treatment for
blood poison , caused by a bruise.
Mr. Pawnee went up to Rosebud
The A. 0. U. W. will hold a big
meeting on Monday night , June
19. A large number of applicants
will be initiated. Every member
is 'requested to be present. Re
freshments will be served.
John Slonecker expects to go to
Elot Springs the end of the week to
visit his family. Mrs. Slonecker
has rheumatism and is not improv
ing very much. Mr. Slonecker will
bring the children home with him ,
but his Yife will remain at least a
Several tracts of isolated land
were disposed , of at the land office
the past week. 1,240 acres were
sold to J. H. Bachelor , Mrs. J. H.
Bachelor , and Mrs. Mary Bachel
or ; 160 acres to L. F. Brown of
Rock county , and 160 acres to D.
Q Steed of Burge.
The sale at the J. E. Phelps'
place nine miles southwest of
Wood Lake Tuesday , was > vell at
tended by Cherry county people.
Everything sold for good prices ,
cows bringing from § 32 to $55 per
bead. Mr. Pehlps and family
will go to Texas county , Missouri ,
next week where they have pur
chased SO acres of land.
Electric lights were turned off
Wednesday on account of making
neccessary repairs at the power
plant. The trouble was at the
mouth of the Hume , where the floor
bad rotted away. The water hade
; o be let out of the pond before
; he parts could be replaced. The
pond is now filling up and the elec-
, ric current will probably be turn
ed on Saturday night.
The report of the number of
pieces of mail matter handled at
the Valentine post office during
the month of May , showed that
47,163 pieces of out going mail
passed through the office during
the month , and that 55,433 pieces
of incoming mail were handled ;
making an average of 3,308 pieces
daily. The amount of business at
the Valentine post office increases
each month and at the end of the
year is very noticeable.
A small boy and a match were
the cause of what might have been
serious fire at Hammond & Bullis'
aarn shortly before noon Tuesday.
The little fellow had a pocket full
of matches and took delight in set
ting fire to them , while sitting by
the side of the barn where there
was some loose hay. When Mr.
Bullis noticed the blaze it came
only a few feet from reaching the
open door in the mow. Quick
work with pails -of water kept the
fire in check until the arrival of
bbfe hose cart.
40 Acres of School Land
J -T"f ) T r ,
Half Mile West of Val
Who wants a nice home a good
easy living ? 40 acres , all in the
valley of the beautiful Minnecha-
duza , creek flowing through one
corner , soil rich and deep , shelter
ed by hills on the north and south.
This is an ideal place for garden
farming , fruit and chickens. Good
building location facing southeast ,
where stone chicken house can be
built in the hill with front on
level. 400 egg Cyphers' Incuba
tor at half price to go with this
deal. A bargain. Get busy.
I. M. RICE , Valentine , fteb. 6 4
U. S. Weather Bureau Report
Daily mean temperature 72 ° .
" Normal temperature 64 °
Highest temperature ! ' 30.
Lowest temperature 4 ? = .
Range of temperature .
Precipitation for week 00.0:2 : of an inch.
Average for 2:5ears : 0.81 of an inch.
Precipitation March 1st to date 4 21 inches.
Average for 23j-ears 7.C9 of an inches.
JOHN J. MCLEAN. Observer.
For summer diarrhoea in children al
ways give Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy and-castor oil ,
and a speedy cure is certain. For sale
by Chapman , the druggist.
We invite our 'friends to call and in
spect the most complete line of lumber
in Cherry county. We also carry in
stock Plaster Board , Lime , Cement ,
Acme Plaster , Hard Wall Finish
and Plastering Hair.
We also have Red and White
Cedar Posts in all sizes and prices ,
from 10 to 19 cents.
A complete line of Builders'
Hardware , Barb Wire , Nails , Fence
Staples , and Screen Doors.
An examination will convince you
that our prices and the quality of our
material is right.
Old Crow , All Leadin
Hermitage Brands
and Bottled
Gruchen- * Under the
lieimer Supervision
Rye of the
Whiskeys. U. S. Gov.
We also handle the Budweiser Beer.
The undersigned will sell at
Commencing af 1 o'clock p. m.
Consisting of 30 head of yearling colts , 30 head of two-year-old colts ,
140 head of all kinds of horses , brood mares and some mules.
A part of this stock is broke , some good brood mares with colts by
dde , dry mares , good saddle horses and work horses. Some of this
jtock will be sold in car load lots , some in teams , any way to suit the
myers. This stock will positively be sold without reserve to the high
est bidder.
TERMS OF SALE : Twelve months' time will be given on ap
proved notes bearing 10 per cent interest from date. 5 percent dis-
: ount for cash.
Col. . . Tracewdl , auctioneer. W. E. Haley , clerk.