Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 08, 1911, Image 4

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GEORGE M. GASKILL , Editor and Manager.
A Weekly Newspaper published every Thurs
day at Valentine , Nebras.
Subscription - 81.50 Per Year
Local Notices , 5cper line per issue
Entered at the 1'ostolflce at Valentine , Xeb.
Tor transmission through the mails , as see-out
class matter.
Thursday , June S , 1911.
Court will be in session June 12
The thirty-ninth annual conven
tion of the State Press Associatior
is in session this week iu Omaha
President Taft opposes any a
roendment to-the Canadian reci
procity agreement. lie does it ii
very affective language , and sayi
it is all right as it is.
Attorney General Martin has
ruled that a county assessor is t <
be elected in Sheridan county thi :
fall. Some time ago the county
assessor resigned and the county
commissioners appointed a man t <
fill the vacancy. In this case th <
attorney general holds that the ap
pointment is good only until th <
next election.
j. Owen Evans , representativt
from Stark county in Jhe Ohi <
legislature , has plead guilty to ai
indictment charging him with ac
cepting a $100 bribe from L. C
Miller , a loan agent of Akron , ir
connection with a bill to regulate
the loan companies. He was finec
$500 by Judge Kinkead. Evans
will tell all he knows about tin
bribery scandal to the grand jury
Under New Management.
With this issue The Democra
came under my charge as edito ;
and manager. 1 will give tin
people of Cherry county a brigh
and newsy democratic paper. Ii
fact I want to make it somethini
to be looked lor each Thursday
not for the sensational news that i
might contain , but for the loca
happenings , court house and stat <
news , country correspondence anc
advertisements. Personalities. s (
far as injuring the character o
any law abiding citizen , will not be
tolerated , nor will I use the col
umns of the paper as a club agains
aay one whom I may personally
The Democrat will not pleas <
all of the people all of the time ,
No paper can. Be liberal in youi
condemnations. Remember you
are only one of the many hundreds
of readers , and what displeases
you may have the opposite effect
upon your neighbor. Yes , be lib
Democrats of Northwest Meet at Si
Paul. Minn.
Last Thursday night about 800
democrats , representing the pro
gressive element of the party in
the northwest , gathered about the
banquet tables in the auditorium
to celebrate the victory of the dem
ocratic party in the last state elec
tions throughout the United States.
Well known democrats from Minn
esota , Iowa , North and South Da
kota , Missouri and Nebraska were
present. The delegation from
North Dakota launched a well de
fined boom for Governor Burke of
North Dakota as the vice president
candidate next year. The Iowa
delegates also supported Mr.
Burke. The speakers were W. J.
Bryan , Governor Burke , Former
Governor Polk o ! Missouri , Con
gressman Hammond of Minnesota
and'J. E. O'Connor of Iowa. Mr ,
Bryan in his address praised Gov
ernor Burke and Former Gover
nor Folk of Missouri , referring to
them as candidates for the presi
dency and said should either be
nominated he would work in their
The Phelps Photo Studio is
" *
the first Wednesday-and Thursday
in each month. . 16fcf :
The government printing office
recently installed two large press
es for printing postal cards. Each
is capable of turning out 2,200,000
complete postals in an eight hour
working day. The two presses
are turning out between 3,500,000
and -1,000,000 cards a day , six days
a week , this output being required
to keep pace with the correspond
ence of the American people.
Newspaper Men Enjoy an Outing.
Saturday morning several mem
bers of the Elkhorn Valley Edi
torial Association went to Hackberry -
berry Lake on a fishing trip. Gee
A. Miles of the Holt County In
dependent , A. H. Backhaus of the
Pierce County Leader , E. F.
Hughes and -Elmer Bight of the
Norfolk Daily News , F. E. Cochran -
ran of the Carpenter Paper Co. ,
I. M. Rice , former editor of The
Valentine Democrat , and son Law
rence , comprised the party. They
returned to Valentine Sunday
night. It is said that Mr. Miles
holds the record for the largest
fish caught , and that no one could
beat Mr. Backhaus eating blue-
gills. Mr. Cochran of course told
the biggest stories as is his habit.
This outing will not be consider
ed a regular meeting of the Elkhorn -
horn Valley Editorial Association
to be held in Valentine ; they will
be here in regular session the first
Saturday in June-1912.
Special Term of The District Court.
A special term of the district
court for Cherry county was held
on Wednesday , Judge Westover
presiding. Eleven cases were dis
posed of at this terra.
Robt , M. Eaddis vs Annie Fad-
dis. Divorce. The court found in
in favor of the plaintiff and a de
cree of absolute divorce was grant
ed , with custody of the minor
Occidental Building and Loan
Association vs Geo. A. Corbin
et al. Foreclosure. Motion con
fessed and security for cases giv
en. Defendants to answer in
twenty days.
Application of Wm. E. Haley ,
guardian . of Amelia Hoffman , to
sell real estate. Sale confirmed
and deed ordered.
In the matter of Edward D.
Parry guardian , for sale of real
estate. Sale confirmed and deed
Application of Wm. E. Haley ,
guardian , for sale of real estate.
Sale confirmed and deed order
Robert Robinson vs. Lester Be-
bout. and David Be bout , deceased.
Foreclosure. C. A. Ruby was ap
pointed guardian ad vitem for
minor heirs.
Hugh H. Baxter vs James A.
Wilson et al. Confirmed. Sale
anddecree set aside.
H. 0. Jelineck vs John Clark
et al. Foreclosure. Confirmed.
James N. Dunlap vs Blaine
Anderson et al. Foreclosure.
A. M. Isenhart vs Elizabeth
Dayton nee Lizxie Christie , John
O. Shelby et al. Foreclosure.
Obijah Morey was born in
Peachum , Vt. , Oct. 26 , 1S824 and
died in Valentine on Saturday ,
June 3 , 1911 ; aged 86 years , 8
months , 8 days. Mr. Morey mov
ed to Illinois in 1814 : where he was
married to Harriett J. Webster on
March 21 , 1852. From Illinois
the family came to Key a Paha
county , Nebraska , in 1881. For
bhe past seven years he made his
borne with his son , O. W , Morey
and family. Mrs. Morey died last
The funeral was held from his
late residence Sunday afternoon ,
Rev. Parsons conducting the ser
vices. Interment was in Mount
ETope cemetery.
The Phelps Photo Studio is open
, he first Wednesday and Thursday
n each month. 16tf
Laundress wanted at Lake View
bfer at Wood Lake , tfebj. 22
are the kind you should wear.
They cost but little more than the hand-
me-down article and are infinitely su
perior. Come and inspect samples.
Shirtwaist Patterns ,
Underskirts ,
Hatpins , Broaches ,
Barretts ; Belt Pins ,
Side & Back Combs I
Complete Line of Millinery |
in the latest and most popu =
lar shapes. o
We are Making Special
Prices o& Hair Goods.
Johnson's Millinery.
Are You
Every one should be protected in a reliable company.
I represent tne Columbia Ifire Insurance Co. of Omaha and the Com
monwealth of New York. Both of these companies are safe and sound :
For Life Insurance , the Merchants Life Insurance Co. of Burlington , la. ,
put out a policy that is hard to equal by other companies. Call me up ,
Phone 92 , and I will explain the advantages these companies offer.
J. W. SHEPARD , Agent.
And Grand Fourth of July Celebration
In Crawford's Beautiful Electric Lighted Park
Four liiU1 0 Q A , Recreation
Big Days J u 'J " " 'Tr. Fun and Frolic
PONCO , THE DIVING HORSE , born and reared on the
broad prairies of the northwest , a home product will dive
from a platform , erected 35 feet in the air , into a vat of water at
Crawford's Quarto-Centennial on July 1 and 2 , and two performances
on July 4 , at Crawford's-beautiful city park. This feat alone is worth
your visit , but there'will be much more. Col. Dodd , Commander of
Ft. llobinson , will give a full dress parade and drill at the park , in
which his entire army WJU join. There will be relay , hippodrome ,
cbariott , hurdle , rescue , running , trotting and pacing races ; bronco
breaking contest , steer riding contests , steer roping contests. In fact
there will be one continuous "something Doing" from early Saturday
morning until late Tuesday night. Sunday will be set apart for re
ligious services in the big tent at the park , in which all denominations
of the city will join. Speakers of note , as well as famous singers ,
have been engaged for this day.
All the races are open to the world no one barred. Get a
program and you will be convinced that Crawford is going to properly
observe its 25th birthday.
AH trains will be met by one or more brass bands
and a hearty welcome will await you. Come
For information regarding prizes , programs , camp privileges in the
, park , etc. , write the secretary.
Roy Crowder , Sec. Arah L. Hungerford , Pres.
Mrs. J. F. Naylor and daughter ,
Esther were Gordon visitors last
John Sanders and family were
callers in town Monday.
Margaret Baldwin is spending
a part-of her summer vacation with
her father.
Wm. Slade spent Sunday in Gor
don with John Larson , \vhoisthere
for medical treatment.
Mrs. Eugene French of Hay
Springs is here visiting relatives
and friends.
Jennie Bennett returned home
last week from Nenzel where she
has been teaching the past year.
The Angler Bros , show made th-ur
fifth annual visit to our city Mon
day and as usual a large crowd as
sembled. The play was interesting
and exciting. A. free concert was
given both morning and evening by
their band.
It seems as though some people
enjoy robbing the poor Kinkaiders
who are endeavering to improve
their homes and meet the require
ments of the law. We cannot help
hut think they have & 'ome object in
view for doing this , but let them
take care ere these Kinkaiders ex
pose them to the public.
Ti yo pa sa , pronounced Tee yo
pa shah , is the name of the store
where you can buy- the latest Har
em or Trouserette skirt , the new
est hot weather ? waists and low
shoes. . -
Absolutely Pure
The only baMng powder
mssfa from Ro aa Grape
© psam of Tartar
Order of Hearing on Petition for Appointment
of Administrator.
In the county court of Ohcrry county , Ne
State of Nebraska. )
County of Cherry , i
To the heirs and to nil persons interested
In the estate of Thomas E. JJowell. deceased :
On reading the petition of S. K. V. Ken-
ilison and Tujirietta E. Dcnvell. praying that
the administration of said estate be. granted
toV. . \V. Alt as administrator :
It is hereby ordered that you. and all per
sons interested in saiil matter , may , and do ,
appear at the county court to be held in and
for said county , on the 17th day of June
IH11 , at 10 o'clock a. m. , to show cause , if any
there be. why the prayer of the petitioner
should not be "ranted , and that notice of
eDiier.ty of said pctitiou and that -the
ng thereof he giv-33. to all persons later-
in tald matter by publish ing a copy of
this order iu Tiie "V alentine Democrat , a
vveeklv sev.-spaper priaxci in said count .
for three successive weeks prior to said duy
of hearing.
Witness my hand and ths seal of said
court this 81st day of May , mil. .
; 'I a - Couuty Judge.
Not Selling Out L\ \
We desire to announce that we are not clos
ing out , but are still selling the very best goods
at reasonable prices. '
Our line of John Deere Implements , Yelie
Buggies , Moline-and Davenport Holler Bearing
Wagons and Samson Windmills is complete
and priced right.
We also have a large stock of lumber , lime ,
Wall Plaster , Cement , Brick , Sash , Doors , etc.
Is it not good policy to patronize a firm who
expects to continue in business and intends to
-handle the same line of goods for years to come.
We never advertise so-called bargains
because we have always had our goods priced
Valentine Lumber Co.
A. E. Morris. W. W. Morrissey. Dr. C. VV. Noyes.
In Crookston , Neb.
With new prices , which are the lowest for
good business. My stock consists of Dry
Goods , Groceries , Shoes and 5 and 10 cent
bargains. You are invited to call and \
make this your home store. Highest pric
es paid for produce. Come and get ac
Q. M. Tracy.
E 2nd Building South the Bank. Crookston , Neb.
Rosebud Stage Line
D. A. WHIPPLE , Propr
Valentine Headquarters at the Chicago House
Rosebud " " " Rosebud Hotel
Leave Valentine at 8 o'clock every morning ,
Sundays excepted.
Arrive at Eosebud at 2 o'clock p. m.
Leave Eosebud at 8 o'clock every morning ,
Sundays excepted.
Arrive at Valentine at 2 o'clock p. m.
Dinner at Britt at 11 o'clock a. m.
Special attention to passengers , baggage and \
express or packages.
Leave orders at headquarters or at the Eed
Front store.
D. A. Whipple.
o * e
i Go to the * S
i L
Stock Exchange Saloon
Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr.
Bathing and Swimming
f \ > t
Dressing Eooms and Bathing JSuits for
everyone. Toboggan slide. Spring boards.
, I *
' j
Sprains require careful treatment.
Keep quiet and apply Chamberlain's Lin
iment freely. It "will remove tha sore
ness and quickly restore the $ arts to a
healthy condition. For sale by Chap
man , the druggist.
Never leave home on a journey with
out a bottle ot Chamberlain's Colic , *
Cholera and DJarrhoeaMleiafedy. It is\ '
almost certain to ba seeded and- cannot \ ! ' - * * i
be obtained when on board the'cars' r \ * \ '
steamships , ' For sale by-Chapman , thi * J "
drp gist. V"