Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 08, 1911, Image 2

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I. M. RICE , Publisher.
Horses Become Unmanageable and
Gallop Down a Winding Roadway-
Vehicle Overturns When Animals
Are Driven Into a Cliff.
Yosemite , CaL In a stage coach
runaway in the Yosemite valley one
man was instantly killed , three women
were seriously injured and seven per
sons sustained minor injuries.
The dead : R. S. Leisenring , Allentown -
town , Pa.
Seriously injured : Miss Martha
Webber , Boston ; Miss Diesenderfer ,
Boston ; Mrs. A. Jaekel , New York.
The injuries sustained by the others
were inconsiderable. All were tour
The party , numbering forty persons
and occupying four big mountain
stage coaches , left Camp Ahwemee
early in the morning for the trip to
Awana , which was 'made safely.
At a steep grade the horses on the
front stage became frightened and un
manageable. The brakes failed to
hold and the team galloped down the
winding road with the stage swinging
from side to side between a high bank
and a sharp precipice , while the pas
sengers screamed in fright.
Convinced that he could not stop
the animals , the driver finally turned
'them straight into the wall of the cliff.
The stage turned completely over and
several of the passengers were caught
beneath it. Leisenring was thrown
clear , but struck on his skull and was
instantly killed.
Four Men Lose Their Lives in the Mis
sissippi River.
St. Louis. Four men were drowned
and three rescued from a similar fate
when a gasoline launch capsized in
the Mississippi river here. The identi
fied dead : John A. Dietrich , August
Masterbrook , Charles Totsch.
The name of the fourth man drown
ed has not been learned and the bodies
ies of the dead are unrecovered.
The accident is attributed to over
crowding of the launch. Seven men
were seated in the stern and when it
dipped under a wave all rushed for
ward and in the excitement capsized
it. One man was rescued by ferry
hands in the lifeboats and two others
by a party in another launch.
West Point Man Ends Life.
West Point , Neb. Robert Hainault ,
an old citizen of West Point , aged 61
years , committed suicide by poisoning
himself. He had been in very preca
rious health for some time past and
had become despondent. Mr. Hainault
was a native of Germany and had
lived in Cuming county for 30 years.
He is survived by a widow.
Revolt Against Turks.
Cettinge , Montenegro. The Merdi-
ties , the most powerful of the Alban
ian tribes , have revolted against the
Turks. They have proclaimed auton
omy for Albania and appointed a pro
visional governor in Oroshi. It is
stated that they are about to put 10-
000 men in the field.
Another Mexican Republic.
Tijuana , Lower California. The in-
surrectos in Tijuana severed connec
tions with the Mexican liberal party
junta , elected Dick Ferris president
of the new republic of Lower Califor-
na and decided to wait on Gen. Pryce
before choosing a new general , Pryce
to have the preference if he returns.
Dies in Paris.
Paris. Mrs. Olive Blount , wife of
Richard F. Blount , died suddenly of
heart failure in her Paris residence.
Mrs. Blount was born in Quincy , 111.
3 Army Aeroplane Flights.
San Antonio , Tex. The first army
built aeroplane in this country made
two successful flights at the drill
grounds at Fort Sam Houston.
American Dies in Paris.
Paris. Frederick A. Keep of Wash
ington , D. C. , died suddenly here of
heart disease. He formerly lived in
Sioux City Live Stock Market.
Sioux City. Saturday's quotations
on the local live stock market follow :
Beeves , $5.00@$5.50. Top hogs , $5.85.
Decapitated by a Flywheel.
El Paso , Tex. E. G. Pake , general
superintendent of the Madera Lumber
company at Madera , Mex. , owned by D
the Pearson interests , was caught by fi
a flywheel in the plant and his head fitl
completely severed. tlL tlt
Train Lands in Ditch. (
Alexandria , Minn. Minneapolis , St
Paul and Sault Ste. Marie passenger
train No. 109 , northbound , was wreck
ed at Vergas , near Detroit , Minn. , and izci
several persons killed. Many are re-
, * tl
? jwjrted to have been injured. tl
Cabinet Member Tells House Commit
tee He Advised Corporation ano
Received $26,000 for His Service !
While With Law Firm.
Washington. Attorney General
Wickersham told the house committee
on expenditures in the department of
justice that as a result of the recent
decisions of the Supreme court in the
Standard Oil and American Tobacco
cases a sweeping attempt will be made
to obtain criminal convictions of all
violators of the Sherman anti-trust
Attorney General Wickersham testi
fied that he had advised the United
States Steel corporation on several oc
casions from 1901 to 1909 during his
connection with the firm of Strong &
Cadwallader and that he had received
his share of the fee turned into the
firm for services to the American Su
gar Refining company , personally at
tended to by Henry W. Taft , brother
of the president.
Mr. Wickersham said his share was
about $26,000.
Mr. Wickersham was examined
chiefly by Representative Beall of Tex
as , chairman of the committee , con
cerning the sale by the government of
friar lands In the Philippines to the
American Sugar Refining company.
He said that Henry W. Taft at one
time appeared as a special attorney
for the government against the "lico
rice trust , " a part of the American To
bacco company.
Mr. Wickersham declared that after
he became attorney general John Hen
ry Hammond represented Strong &
Cadwallader as counsel for the so-
called sugar trust In the purchase of
the friar lands. He added that at the
'time he gave his opinion permitting
the sale of these lands he did not
know that Hammond represented the
president of the American Sugar Re
fining company , Mr. Havemeyer.
When asked about the connection
of the firm with steel affairs , Mr.
Wickersham said :
"I personally have advised the
United States Steel corporation In one
or two Issues. "
"Did Strong & Cadwallader ever
represent the New York Cotton ex
change ? " asked Chairman Beall.
"Yes. Henry W. Taft was counsel
for the exchange , " Mr. Wickersham
replied , "and I think he still continues
in that capacity. "
The chairman sought to learn from
the attorney general why the depart
ment of justice and the treasury de
partment accepted a $2,000,000 settle
ment from the American Sugar Refin
ing company as restitution for under
valuations at the port of New York ,
rather than enforce the severe penal
ties provided for by law. Mr. Wicker
sham replied that the department felt
that the evidence at once was not
sufficient to support a claim for penal
ties , though it was his belief that res
titution was made because the corpo
ration feared penalties would be Im
"Then It was your judgment , " sug
gested Mr. Beall , "that , notwithstand
ing the fact that the government had
access to a memorandum book show
ing the real weight of sugar imported
and to books showing fraudulent
weights , if the government had at
tempted to collect the penalties there
was strong probability of failure ? "
"Yes , " Mr. Wickersham answered.
Seven Caught on Lake Erie Are
Drowned Property Loss In North
western Ohio $1,000,000.
Cleveland , O. Ten dead , manj
missing , scores of Injured and at least
$1,000,000 property loss mark the trail
left by a five-minute storm that ripped
and tore through the northern half of
Cleveland lay helpless under the
flail of a sixty-mile gale that scattered
the shipping in the harbor , took build
ings with it In its fury and twisted
giant trees from their roots.
Seven were drowned in Lake Erie ,
off the Cleveland shore , as the storm
caught fishermen and periled the
lives of yachtsmen and other people
on the water. Three were drowned at
Lorain , while more are missing both j
there and at Cleveland.
Not one block of this city missed l
its mark of the wrecking gale. Showers -
ers of glass from broken windows
splintered on the sidewalks and thousands - *
sands of tree's Were snapped.
Live wires , tangled in deadly cells
in the streets when the poles fell in \
the storm , made many streets paths *
of peril.
Most of those who were drowned a
were fishing in small boats on th * *
lake when the storm broke.
Mountain as a Memorial.
Concord , N. H. A mountain as z
memorial to General Walter Harriman - tlv
man , governor of New Hampshire v
from 1867 to 1869 , has been given to
the state by his son-in-law , Joseph tl
Lesson of Newton , Mass. , according
an announcement made here.
Arabs Capture a Capital.
Hodlrda , Arabia. Rebellious Arabs
Assyr have captured Abba , the
capital , and have made prisoners of
the 3,000 Turkish troops composing
Uio garrison.
TEND * / , *
Goodby , Jim ; THKC Ker of Yourself.
Chairman of Board of Directors Ap
pears Before Investigating Commit
tee of House and Promises to
Give Frank Statements.
Washington. Offering to lay bare
all the facts concerning the United
States Steel corporation , denying that
he is planning to form a monopoly to
control steel products of the entire
world , and frankly admitting that the
steel corporation has absolute domina
tion of subsidiary companies. Elbert
H. Gary appeared as the second wit
ness in the inquiry being conducted
by the steel investigating committee
of the house.
The disclaimer as to a worldwide
combination was called out by a state
ment by Chairman Stanley that Mr.
Gary was credited with being the di
recting genius of such a trust.
Examination of Mr. Gary brought
out that the department of commerce
and labor and its bureau of corpora
tions are not co-operating with the
Stanley committee. Mr. Stanley asked
the witness if he knew whether a re
port of the bureau of corporations on
its investigation of the steel corpora
tion had been submitted to President
Taft or former President Roosevelt.
Mr. Gary said he did not know.
Mr. Gary declared he would give the
committee all the facts and figures it
desired concerning the affairs of the
United States Steel corporation and
its subsidiary companies.
"There is not any doubt , " Mr. Gary
told the committee , "that the United
States Steel corporation as the owner
of most of the stocks of the subsidi
ary companies ultimately controls
those subsidiary companies , including
their management and conduct"
Asked if the Carnegie Steel com
pany competed now with other sub
sidiary companies In the steel cor
poration , Mr. Gary said :
"I should say it does , putting my in
terpretation on the word. I came to
be frank , and to give you the exact
facts that you may put your own
construction on them.
"The subsidiary companies have
their own directors and officers and
have the right to act independently ,
but as the steel corporation owns the
securities , if the conduct of a subsidi
ary company was antagonistic in any
way it would only be a question of
time when the administration of
that subsidiary company would be
changed. "
Takes Famous Turf Event With Com
parative Ease King and Queen
Witness Classic Race.
Epsom Downs. Sunstar , J. B. Joel's
magnificent horse , won the Corona
tion derby here. Favorite in the bet
ting , he ran a sensational race , win
ning England's most famous turf
event with comparative ease.
Sunstar was a 7 to 4 choice In the
betting , and a vast sum was laid on
him by his admirers.
The classic of the thoroughbred
world was graced by the presence of
King George and his consort. Queen
Mary. Fully 20,000 Americans were
also at the track , the occasion being
the feature sporting event of the
coronation celebration.
Turks Shelve American Rail Plan.
Constantinople. The project for
the construction of an extensive rail
way system in Asiatic Turkey by an
American syndicate was shelved In
the chamber of deputies by a vote ot
76 to 64.
32 Hurt in Rail Crash.
Syracuse , N. Y. Thirty-two 'persons
svere injured In a collision between a
local passenger train and a construc A
tion train on the Syracuse , Lake Shore
Northern railroad at Baldwinstl
S. P. Dickson Is Killed , A. W. Greinef
and Six Others Are Injured
at Indianapolis.
Indianapolis , Ind. The first 500-mile
auto race on a speedway , the greatest
test of skill and endurance in motor
racing history , was won by Ray Har-
roun , in a Marmon car , in the time of
6:41:08. :
Ralph Mulford in a Lozler was sec
ond. Forty cars started and ten fin
Notwithstanding predictions of
wholesale disaster In the race only
one man was killed and seven in
jured. The victims were : Killed
S. P. Dickson , mechanician Amplex
car No. 44.
Injured Arthur Greiner , driver
Amplex car No. 44 , seriously.
David Lewis , mechanician Lozier
car No. 34 , leg broken.
Teddy Tetzlaff , driver Lozler car
No. 34 , bruised and shaken up.
Harry Knight , driver Westcott car
No. 7 , severely.
John Glover , mechanician Westcott
car No. 7 , seriously injured.
L. Anderson , mechanician Case car
No. 8 , thrown out , not serious.
The most spectacular accident of
the day was when four cars were
wrecked almost directly in front of
the grandstand. The only person who
was seriously hurt was John Glover ,
mechanician for Westcott car No. 7 ,
driven by Harry Knight , who also
was hurt.
The other cars that were wrecked
were Eddie Hearne's Fiat No. 17 , Joe
Jagersberger Case No. 8 , and Lytles
Apperson Jack Rabbit No. 35. That
several people were not killed was a
mystery to the great crowd In tha
The prize winners were :
First Ray Harroun , Marmon.
Second Mulford , Lozier.
Third Bruce Brown , Fiat
Fourth Wishart , Mercedes.
Fifth DePalma , Simplex.
Sixth Merz , National.
Seventh Turner , Amplex.
Eighth Cobe , Jackson.
Ninth Belcher , Knox.
Tenth Hughes , Mercer.
Martin Resolution Providing for In
vestigation by Regular Commit
tee Is Adopted by Senate.
Washington. The senate of the
United States passed the resolution
offered by Senator Martin of Vir
ginia , directing the standing commit
tee on privileges and elections for
the second time in a year to ascertain
if corrupt methods were used in the
election of William Lorimer as junior
senator from IllinciS.
The vote was 48 to 20. It marked j a
the defeat of the resolution submit- I h
ted by Senator La Follette of Wiscon U
sin , providing for a special investigat
ing committee of five new members
of the senate , and for which a most
significant fight has been waged for
two weeks.
The Martin resolution was passed
with the understanding that the actual
work of Investigating the Lorimer
case shall be conducted by a subcommittee
mittee consisting of the following n
senators : fi
Dillingham and Gamble , Republicans tl
ans , and Fletcher and Johnston , Demo P
crats , representing the pro-Lorimer
element. a
Clapp and Sutherland , Republicans , tifi
and Xern and Lea , Demoorcts , on the fi
anti-Lorimer side. / u <
Aged Slayer Sent to Prison.
Bloomington , 111. William Arming-
ton , aged sixty , was given a sentence gi
of twenty years in Joliet penitentiary tl
the Marshall county court on the ir
charge of killing Jerome Cray , a horse ciei
buyer of Wenona , while quarreling at ei
that place last fall. rihi
Asserts Kissing Spreads Disease.
Philadelphia. In an address at the
American Laryngeological convention
aere Dr. Allen B. Thracher stated tc ;
iat kissing spreads many serious dis- st
jases. particularly those of the threat.
All Instructors Unable to Subscribe tc
Essential Doctrines of Church
Must Go.
New York. The Presbyterian
general assembly , having practical
ly secured control of Union Theologi
cal seminary , and not having surren
dered in its 20-year fight against
heresy , it is now proposed to reorgan
ize that institution.
This is the real meaning of the
"Overtures" to the seminary trustees
made at the general assembly in At
lantic City last week.
The directors of the seminary have
given substantial assurance that they
will insist that all instructor's In the
divinity school shall be free from the
taint of heresy. Those who are unable
or unwilling to subscribe to the essen
tial doctrines of the Presbyterian
church will have to go.
The committee appointed by the as
sembly will Insist that there is no
room in the Presbyterian church for
those who doubt the Deity of Jesus
Christ , his miracles and the Atone
ment. New York presbytery will come
in for its share of the purging in
time , it is said on good authority.
That the majority of its membership
now favors this Is also said to be
Dr. David G. Wylle , one of the New
York members of the committee , re
fuse * to say that changes in the fac
ulty of the seminary were to be pro
posed by the committee. He said that
it would be unwise to discuss action
which might , or might not , be taken
by the committee.
Proposed Democratic Revision of Tan
iff Unanimously Approved Rates
Slashed One-Half.
Washington. The proposed Demo
cratic revision of the wool tariff the
Underwood bill was unanimously ap
proved by a full Democratic caucus.
Its indorsement followed some rapid
maneuvering by the Democratic house
leaders , who devised a scheme which
effectually disposed of the opposition
of the free wool advocates , backed by
the open support of William Jennings
Chairman Underwood gave the com
plete text of the proposed revision of.
the wool tariff to 200 Democrats who
assembled In the party caucus. It
proposes a duty of 20 per cent , on
raw wool , a reduction of more than
50 per cent from th Payne-Aldrich
law , now in force.
Twenty Die in Nicaragua Presiden
tial Palace and Other Buildings
Damaged by Explosion. *
Managua , Nicaragua. About 20 sol
diers were killed and the presidential
palace and other buildings were damg
aged when Las Lomas , the fortifica
tions overlooking the capital , were
blown up.
There are many rumors of a Llber-
alist plot aimed probably at the presi
dential palace , but saner opinion is
that the explosion was caused by careg
The soldiers of the garrison are no
toriously foolhardy , and have been
known on many occasions to smoke
cigarettes within the magazine.
Electric Association Delegates Applauc o
Proposal New Scheme Is Outlined oSi
at New York Convention. SiSI
New York. Plans for a profit d
sharing system for the 600,000 n
employes of the National Electric of
Light association were presented in olCi
the report of the public policy com CiS
mittee of the association at last
night's session of the convention and
received with applause by nearly nh
4,000 members in attendance. Plans
for accident and sickness insurance
for employes , death benefits , pensions ,
and life insurance and employes' savings - .
ings and investment funds were out-
lined. .
Deported President of Venezuela Is
Reported Loading Vessel With ;
Artillery and Munitions.
Lisbon. The Portuguese government - ccH
ment has received a communication H
from the United States government to st
the effect that Cipriano Castro , ex- Pi
president of Venezuela , is in Portugal. th
It is reported here that Castro has fii
steamer at Teneriffe loaded with ar op
tillery and munitions , waiting for the Insi
first : opportunity to return to Venez ( si
uela. The movement Is being watched.
Britons Cheer for Taft.
London. Andrew Carnegie was the ea :
guest of honor at a banquet given at
the National Liberal club here. The
Ironmaster's speech was cheered vo til
ciferously , especially his one refer
ence to President Taft , the company
rising and waving serviettes and W
aandkerchiefs. th
Two Drown , One as a Hero.
Hartford City , Ind. In a vain effort ar
res < jue Glen Woolard , a high school tei
tudent , from drowning , William Wil-
iams lost his own life.
fli ]
* Sj
Liberty-Loving People Have AM the ,
Liberty the Heart Can Desire ,
Under Canadian Laws. \
The New York Commercial of April
I9th contained an interesting article
on conditions In Western Canada. The
following extracts will prove instruc
tive reading to those who contem
plate moving to Canada. The writer
speaks of land at $8 to § 18 an acre.
As a matter of fact , there is very
tittle land that can be had now at
less than $18 per acre , but when one-
considers the productive qualities of
this land it is safe to say that in two
years' time there will be little avail
able land to be had at less than $30-
an acre. Already the free grant
lands in the open prairie districts
are becoming exhausted and the
homesteader has to go farther back
to the partially wooded areas. This
Is no drawback , however. Some pre
fer this land to the open prairie. A
recent publication , issueu oy the De
partment of the Intei ior , Ottawa.
Canada , and which is forwarded free
to applicants by mail by any of
the Canadian government agents
throughout the United States , says
of the newly-opened distiicts :
Water Is always abundant , wood and
fuel are plentiful and the soil that
can grow the poplar and the willow
as well as the rich grasses that are
to be found there can be relied upon
to produce all the small varieties of
grain with equal success. The New
York Commercial article referred to
deals more particularly with condi
tions along the line of the Grand
Trunk Pacific , but what Is said of
one line of railway may with truth
be said of the land and the conditions
along both the Canadian Northern
and the Canadian Pacific. The article \ j' '
says : Vi
"It would be no exaggeration to-
Bay that practically all the land along-
the entire distance traversed by the
Grand Trunk Pacific" system is capa
ble of furnishing homes to those who
engage In farming. The lands are of
three classes. They may be desig
nated , first , as having special adap
tation to the production of grain ;
second , as having such adaptation to-
mixed farming , of which live stock
will form an important feature , and
third , as being mainly adapted to the-
production of live stock only. On
the third class of lands the area Is
not very large , 'if the second it Is
much larger ana of the first It Is
by far the largest.
"As soon as mixed farming shall
be generally adopted , land that may
now be obtained for from $8 to 518
per acre , and even lands open now
to free homesteads , will sell for $50 :
to $100 per acre. This is not an ex
travagant statement. In natural fer
tility these lands fully equal those
of the American corn belt. In vari
ety of production they excel them ,
and yet the latter sell for $100 to
$200 per acre. In addition to the
grain crops now grown of wheat , oats ,
barley and rye , much of the land will
grow winter wheat when properly-
prepared. Eighty per cent , of the-
land will grow ctover and alfalfa. A
still larger percentage will grow field
peas , and the entire tillable area wilt
grow good crops of the cultivated :
grasses , timothy , brome grass and :
western rye grass. With these ele
ments what can prevent this region ,
from becoming the main source of
food supply of the Empire and Im
perial dominions ? "
Special stress Is laid upon the edu
cational : conditions. The writer says :
"The foundation of the social fabric-
of the agricultural country may be-
said to rest on the efficiency of its
school system. Liberty-loving people
ple have all the liberty the heart can
desire under Canadian laws. In this ,
regard Western Canada has a system
education based upon the best fcat
can be obtained from the United
States or Eastern Canada. Its school
system and regulations are second to-
none. < Every boy or girl has a school
house ( brought to his or her doorway. ,
rhe government is most liberal in its.
support of higher education. In Win
nipeg , Saskatoon and Edmonton are-
be found excellent colleges and uni-
. > rsitles , so that the problem or
ilgher education is solved. The pro
vincial agricultural schools , located
t Winnipeg and Saskatoon , give
practical courses in scientific farm-
ng , preparing graduates to take up-
he responsibilities of farm life.
"The newcomer settling in this
avored section will find the social
conditions far beyond a pioneer stage ,
le will find helps on every hand. In
stead of his going to the 'jumplng-off :
place , ' as is often supposed when
banking of Western Canada , he will ,
ind himself surrounded by wonderful
jpportunitles for social advancement
a. new country fraught with prom-
se. "
Margaret I think Mr. Baker could :
asily hypnotize people.
Katherine Why do you think so ?
Margaret He often holds my hanct
it falls asleep. Puck.
It isn't always the person wh&
rants to say something that has some-
hing to say.
Garfield Tea corrects constipation by
irousing the digestive organs to their in ,
ended activity. Composed of Herbs.
Occasionally a girl doesn't try
Hit because it's involuntary.