* < . B GenerafMerchandise. Hats , Caps , Boots and Shoes , Notions and Furnishing Goods. Flour and Feed. : = : : = : : = : HOBSES FOE SALE. 4 < Wood Lake , Nebraska > J * Livery , Feed and * 4 Sales Stable. . Wood Lake , Nebraska g j Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties. * * vr nrT tfririrr-r H. L s , ( Successor to AVelker & Lyons ) Wood Lake , Nebraska Aha still doing driving and freighting. Special attention to hunting and fishing parties. A JL70HO MJ. ' U 4 J yQsi/il By JL A ( Successor to Ed Young. ) Full line of Groceries and Dry Goods. Millinery Goods and Ladies' Furnish ings. Boots and Shoes. Hosiery. Men's Clothing and Furnishings FLOUR , FEED AND COAL. Wood Lake Nebraska. GENERAL FARM F. J. . . and LIVE STOCK UCT ! EC" Satisfaction guaranteed and prices reasonable. Thirty years ex perience in the Eastern states. Will go to any part of the State. Write me , or dates can be made at this office. F. J ILSEY , Auctioneer Box 826 Rosebud , South Dakota W. GENERAL SVIERCHANDISE Boots , Shoes , Dry SWANS DOWN . . . . . . - - * - - w- * * - Goods Hats * ; v * ' ' -I.- ' - - ' , , Caps , s a delight to all housekeepers - Millinery , Groceries * * keepers who take pride m the cake they bake ! for Entertainments , Weddings and Provisions. . and all Social Functions. Once in your home you will continue to use it. A trial GRAIN FEED will . package convince you. Try it and tell your friends. Costs only 2c per Cake. FLOUR. Wood Lake Nebraska Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of mi execution issued by tnt clerk of the district court of Cherry county , Xebriii.ska , August lIllUuiiler ! ) MM execution whereii Kircsc National Dunk ot Valentine. Inc . is jti'lpiteut creditor and Frank Jlipple is judgment debtor. J will sell at- the font door of the court house in VulPiitine. Cherry county. Nebraska , that beiiis the building wherein the last term of said couit WH.helil , on ihft lOtli day of June. 1911. at 11 o'clock a. in. , to satisfy judgment of s.l077.V.i ( and interest- 10 per iji y , from date of judgment Mny > Ji ; , J910 } ami cjxvts''iaxeu at S25.73 am-l accruing costs , at puulic auction , to tlie highest birtriflr , for cuAli.Uie following described prop erty o * - - - JJance : ) . s > 4.sw$4t section x' . section 34. ail in township 33 , 30 , in Cherry county. .Nebraska. Dated this 1st day of May , 1911. , C. A. JiO-WKTKU 17 5 Shenir of Cherry County ' AValcott & Morrissey , attuniejs lor p'hiiutJIr. Sheriff's Sale. Itv. virtue of : m execution issued by clerlrof tb district court of Cliony . oinity. Ne braska. Ausrnst 11 , li 10 , under an xecmiou wherein Till'e riippii * Is jiidgnwt cmlttor and Frank Hippie is judgment annor , I vr II ell nt the front door ot the court house in ' : i' ' ntinp. CJberrj' c uutv , Nbripkn , tbac orine the bu Id- ing whtireui the last term of * .ai < lourr l was h ia , on tliu lOlh day of .June. IJH1. : it 10 o'clock a. m , to satis y judgment of S1U8-J.28 and interest at | 10 per < -eiit from date of judgment , May 17.1010. uti'l costs taxed at 5:25.25 : and accruing c05ts.Ht vublic aucn n to the higbe t bidder ion casu the following described property tor/it : Tie ! tifii'JtiJii. J iiwMi s nt-y , seution 33 , Towntliip3. > . JlangH 3u : s - sw-i , , st-ctioa IT ; nwJiueh , and n-s wa , section 31. tuxvnsliip 35 , range 30 , in Cherry reunify , Nen. Dated this 1st day of May , 1911. C. A. 110SSETKR , --17/5 _ Sheriff , ffalcott & MoiTi sei7 f of being a subscriber to this paper is that ycu and your family become attached to it. The paper becomes a member of the family and its coming each week will i be as welcome as the ar rival cf anyone that's dear. * Itvili keep you informed on the doings of the community and 3 the bargains of the merchants regularly advertised will enable I fe you to save many tunes the cost 15 of the subscription. „ _ _ _ _ Happiest Girl in Lincoln. 2a 2v A Lincoln , Neb. , girl writes , " 1 had a been ailing for some time with chronic 1 : constinution and stomach trouble. I be gan talcing Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and in three days I was able to be up and got better right along. rt rs I am the proudest girl in Lincoln to find t such a good medicine. " For sale by 4 Chapman , the druggist. 5 ! 1TEENDEAD fGOHRECK Two More Victims of Burling ton Goliision Die in Hospitals , OPERATOR HELD RESPONSIBLE. . Official Investigation Shows Order" Was Not Delivered to Train No. 12. Physicians ay More Victims Way Succumb to Their Injuries. Lincoln , May 31. After an official in vestigation of the Burlington wreck near Indianol1. ; , Superintendent Allen j made the following statement : "The wreck T.-CS due to the failure of the operator at McCook to deliver an order to train No. 12. " McCook , Neb. , T-Iiy 31. Two more victims of the Burlington wreck are dead , bringing the list of fatalities up to sixteen. Miss Dean died in the hospital at Holdrege. Hiram Feekin died in the Cambridge hospital. The seriously in jured were removed to these two places as soon as possible after the wreck. Mrs. Feekin is expected to die. H. H. Cuibertson , whose wife is also among the list of dead , is another victim who cannot recover. The body of Miss Dean was sent to the home of her parents , Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dean , at Minder. . Her death was principally clue to internal burns from escaping steam. She was twenty- seven years old and was , until her resignation this spring , a teacher in the Mimlen schools. She was on her way to Los Angeles to visit a brother. L. B. Thomas of Lincoln is the only other injured person in Holdrege whose condition is critical. He was badly scalded by steam. Upon orders from railroad officcls. the body of T. J. Gately is being forwarded to Gretna. REFER LGRIItf ER CASE Committee on Privileges and Election to Name Bipartisan Subcommittee. Washington , May 31. A vjrtua agreement to refer the Lorimer case to the senate committee on privilege and elections with the understanding that that committee shall instruct the proposed iiuiuiiy to a bipartisan and bi-Lorimer subcommittee of eisht was effected in the senate. The agreement was the result of a conference of Democratic senators , at which the previous decision to support the Martin resolution was rescinded and all Democratic senators released from caucus obligations. The bipartisan idea was suggested by Senator Stone , and while no vote was taken , it was generally accepted as a satisfactory compromise. In general terms it meets the de mands of the Democrats. Their sug gestion is for the selection of a sub committee , to he composed of two Re publican members who voted for Lori mer in the hist senate and two who did not and of jtwo Democrats who voted for him and two who did not , with the understanding that in case of a tie vote o'n the admission of testi mony , it will be admitted. It is understood that the subcommit tee on investigation will consist of Senators Diilingham and Gamble ( Rep. ) and Fletcher and Johnstone fDems. ) pro Lorimer , and Senators Clapp and Konyon ( Reps. ) and Kern and Lea ( Dems. ) anti-Lorlmer. The final disposition of this matter by the senate was postponed until the next meeting on Thursday. * Successful Revival Meeting Closes. Crawford , Neb. , May 31. Rev. Frank Mathias , who has been holding evan gelistic services 1'or the last three weeks , closed the meetings. More than 200 converts were made and taken into the several different churches. German Torpedo Boats Collide. 'Kiel , Germany , May 31. Two Ger- nan torpedo boats arrived here in a lamaged condition , having been in a collision near Skagen , a seaport of Denmark , t the northern extremity ) f Jutland. One sailor was killed. , OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Battle Generally Ten Cents Higher , While Hogs Are Nickel Lower. South Omaha , May 30. Cattle Re- : eJpts , 2,500 ; lOc higher ; beef steers , i5.40@6.10 ; cows , steers and heifers , . @ . ; stackers and feeders , io.45 ; bulls , $4.25@5.25 ; calves , $6.50 5)7.75. ) Hogs Receipts , 14,000 ; 5c ewer ; heavy offerings suitable for ard manufacture moved around $5.75 i)5.80 ) , and butcher weights- usually old at or near $5.85 ; the top , $6.00 , is lentical with high price at last week's lose. Sheep Receipts , 5,500 ; 15@25c jwer ; wethers. $4.40@5.00 ; ewes , 3.75@4.65 ; Iambs , $5.40@7.75. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago , May 30. Cattle R'eceipts , ,000 ; steady ; beeves , SS.15@6.4' ) ; 'estern steers , $4./ : 5.60tockers ; nd feeders. $3.90@y.7y ; f-o 's and eifers , 52.50fIT5.SO ; calves , $ a.25@ .00. Hogs Receipts , 14,000 ; slow ; ght , $5.SO < jKi.OC ; mixed , $5.75 ' ( U5 ; eavy$5.GO (51.10 ( ; rough , $5.GO@5.80 ; igs , $5.GOr@.8.1o ; bulk , $6.00@6.10. heep Receipts , 14,000 ; slow ; na ves , ? 3.25 < 5 > 4.75 ; westerns , $3.75@ ,8n : yearlings , $4.50@5.50 ; lambs , \ . RULE OF REASON TO BE THE GUIDE Administration's ' Policy With Re spect to Late Trust Decision , NOTHING NEW IN ATTITUDE , Decision as to Criminal Prosecutions of Members of Tobacco Trust Not Yet Reached by the Government. Many Bills Before Congress. Washington. May 31. That the gov ernment means to formulate its anti trust policies in accordance with the "rule of reason , " as laid down by the supreme court in the Standard Oil and tobacco trust decisions , notwith standing the vigorous dissents of As sociate Justice Harlan , and the many bills intrduced in the senate to amend the Sherman anti trust law , was made evident. Administration officials , after con sideration and study of the tobacco decision and a thorough comparison with the Standard Oil decision , were agreed that "the rule of reason" is no new feature of the supreme court's in terpretation of law , and one member of the cabinet , whose views have al ways been regarded as reflecting those of the administration , made a compre hensive statement to that effect. The statement was attributed to "an official close to the administration. " The possibilities of criminal prose cutions of the individual members of the tobacco trust , which was ordered dissolved by the supreme court , are being carefully considered at the de partment of justice. Neither Attorney General Wicker- sham nor any of his associates on the big case would make any statement as to the probable course of the govern ment and no decision on that point is likely to be made for several days. In respect to criminal prosecutions , however , the tobacco case is said to differ somewhat from the Standard Oil case. In the latter , Attorney General Wickersham said no criminal prosecu tions were under way , but declined to say positively that none were contem plated. Certain questions regarding the application of the statute of lim itation enter into both cases and it is said that the legal problems are very delicate ones. May Delay Amendments. Sentiment in favor of amending the Sherman anti-trust law so as to make "every" restraint of trade a violation of the law , instead of only "unreason able" restraints , was pronounced by several senators as perceptibly re duced by the decision of the supreme court in the tobacco case. No intention , however , of abandoning _ - ing the proposed attempt to amend the law has been announced by the sena tors who introduced amendments in the senate just after the Standard Oil decision. It is said nevertheless that a stubborn defense of the law and of the interpretation by the court would be made on the floor of the senate if the amendments are urged for passage. The drastic remedy held over the heads of the defendants in the tobacco case in event they do not remedy the evils complained of by the court , is said to have strengthened the faith of those who accepted the majority opin ion of the court in the Standard Oil case as the proper course. The de cree in the tobacco case is taken by such persons as showing that the Sher man anti trust law is an instrument by which every evil of this nature in in terstate commerce may be crushed out , "if the government only possesses the will and energy to do so. " The decision of the supreme court has been read with interest by Presi dent Taft and members of his cabinet , but it is probably they will prefer to wait for several months to outline defi nite anti trust policies. If additional legislation is then thought necessary , President Taft will recommend it in his message to congress. _ _ . - . . - - * r | 1 T -.Tr-j.i- CLOUDBURSTS IN GERMANY Twelve Persons Are Drowned in Baden and Four Near Heidelberg. Berlin , May 31. Cloudbursts , accom panied by heavy hail , caused great si lamage In south Germany. In a vil lage in the grand duchy of Baden Twelve persons were drowned. Four lersons were drowned near Heidel- icrg. Eight inches of rain fell at va- ious places. Hangs Daughter and Self. Decatur , Ind. , May 31. Harvey Par- cer hanged his four-year-old daughter torn a rafter in his barn just before le committed suicide in the same man- ler. Mrs. Parker discovered the two lodies. She cut down the child , who ihowed signs of life , but left her hus- > and hanging until the coroner ar- ived. The child is expected to re- over. Neighbors say jealousy was esponsible for the husband's deed. Aged 105 , Entertains 1,000. ' Pana , 111. . May 31. Dr. Linn , a'sur- eon * of the civil war , said to be the Idest resident of Illinois , celebrated is 105th birthday anniversary at his esidence , southeast of Pana , by en- Brtaining 1,000 persons. ' ! Statue of Perkins Unveiled. Annapolis , Md. , May 31. A hand- ome bronze tablet statue to the late 'ommodore ' George P. Perkins of civil ar fame was unveiled at the naval cademy. ' . _ _ . A Furniture and Paints and Oils , Cattle Undertaking Goods Dip , Stock Foods , etc. on Bros. , Lumber , -Machinery , Hardware - „ . ware , Harness , Saddles Wagons , Busies and a full line of Haying Tools , Windmills , Pumps , Pipe , etc. Full stock of Posts and Barb Wire. Wood Lake , = ' - Nebraska Co. . , General Hardware , Wagons and Machinery. . , . > A complete line of ; f Harness and Saddles Household and Kitchen Furniture Lumber and Fence Posts WCOD LAKE , NEBRASKA E. M. Fadclis & Co Post-office address Valentine or Kenne-ly. Some brandec Cfcfi on h ft * Wr ? Uiigli Horses hrandet Hoinu Some branded brawled on itelit thigh ill left or Miouldur. shoulder or Hugh P. H. Young. Simeon. Nebr. Cattle branded as cut on left side Some QVon lefl side. on left Jaw oi V horses. Range on Gordon Cre-k north of Simeon , N. S. Bowley. Kenueuj , - PJeujaska. Same as cut on left , ilde and hip , and oil eft shoulder of heron - - - . on eft side lip. X on leit onie rat- le bruim d husk-S ; 3gging peg ( either Hide up ) on Bft side or hip. p on left jaw and lef c shoulder if hordes. LU LUQ on left hip of horses. yl on left jaw of horses C. P. Jordan. Rosebud. 3D Horses and cattle Hiirat } as cut ; also C.F HE JJ on riffht hip. R3n on Oak and Butte creeks. A literal reward for information leading to detection of rustlers of stock earing any of thei brands. E. M. Terrill , Propr. Brownlee , X rattle-bramled as in C-E on left side. Some branded R T V on left hip. Range oil Xorth Loup river , two Jinlfs \\estofBrownlee ISTot Afraid t Francis Ittis- on. Rosebud , .D. .D.Mile ( Mile branded ' 3 in cut ; horses J K'P tine or .IKP on ft thigh. Kange jtween tprin 'k ' and Little 'hite river. Albert Whipple & Sons. Rosebud 8. D. Cattle branded SOS on left side OSO on rtehtside Some cattle also have a 4on neck Some .with A on left shoulder and some branded with two bars across hind qnar- _ _ Iters. Some Texas cattle branded O 011 left aide and somej on left .side. Horses branded SOS on left hip. Some'cattfe prandPd AW bar connected on both sides and left hip of horses D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cutleft side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. 3artlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock. V. P Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded on any part of animal ; also the following brands : lorses 1 same Eange between 9 r.d ° n ° 5.the F.E. . . . . . on B & 'MRR - ln Sortlwestern Nebr .KTT RICHARDS. Ellsworth. Js'elir Sawyer Bros. j Oasis , Nebr G. K. Sawyer has charge of. these cattle. IIrses > Son left sho'ul- der. Son left sid . Horsssl c same-left thigh. Kauge on'Snake river. Metzg-er Bros. Itolfe Xebr Cattle branded anywhere on left side. Earmark , square crop right ear. Horses have ? ame brand on e/t thigh. wB B r- - r ' " ' - vBMV Ranpe on Gordon and Snake Creeks. A Reward of $250 will he j.aid to any person for information leading to the arrest and final or-persons J. A. Taryan. Pullman , Nebr Cattle branded JY on right side Horses branded JY on right'shoulder Reasonable reward for any Information leading to the re covery of cattle strayed from my range. A TRIUMPH IN THE ART OF BREWING \ THE LEADING BEER. , r n - IN THE MIDDLE WEST I McCreer &jCarroll Dealers - Yalentine