Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 01, 1911, Image 4

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I. M. RICE - Editor and Propr.
A Weekly Newspaper published every Thurs
day at Valentine , Nebras.
Subscription ' - § 1.50 Per Year
Local Notices , oc per line per issue
A. Entered at the Postofflce at Valentine , Neb. ,
> j-
for transmission through the nmilB , as second
; class matter.
Thursday , June 1 , 1911.
From Our Exchanges.
; ( Cody Cow Boy. )
Mrs. Dodd of Mullen has been
visiting her sister , Mrs. Nellie
Carter of this place.
Frank H. Leigh ton , aged 22 ,
and Lucile B. Meyers , aged 18 ,
came up from Cody last Thursday
and were married at the court
house by County Judge Edmunds.
The above item appeared in the
Rushville Standard of May 5 , but
escaped our notice until this
week. The contracting parties
are well known in the vicinity oi
Cody , the groom having gromn tc
young manhood here , and the
bride residing here for the past
year and a half. The wedding
has been kept secret here and the
bride left with her parents a few
weeks agd for Belgrade , Neb. , but
it is rumored that she will returr
in a short time.
( Ainsworth Democrat. )
„ Elza Smith , a seventeen year
old boy who lives with his mother
in the Remy property on Third
street , came down town ye.r.y
much excited Tuesday evening
about 9:30 : , with one arm slashed
in a number of places. lie was
looking for help and claimed that
when coming from a closet in the
reae of the house he was attacked
by a man who had a knife. He
asserted that he fought the mac
the best he could , grabbing the
arm in which he held the knife.
Smith's arm was cut in three
places and scratched in several
more. Smith claims that he final
ly > dbugbt his assailantn and
knocked him down , after which
he ran to the house. When he
came down town his arm was
bleeding profusely , * aQd sought a
physician who dreesed his woundr.
which are not dangeroi s.
( Johnstown Enterprise. )
Mina Keister is the new 'dining
room girl at the Johnstown hotel.
( Chadron Journal. )
Operator Brown has relieved
Operator Smith at Valentine.
Smith goes to Manville as agent iu
place of Shippee who will take the
agency at Nisland on the Belle
Fourche Valley Ry.
Bloomers 4-8 Valentine 5-8.
The Boston Bloomers played
with our home team last Saturday
afternoon and evening , our boys
defeating them with a pick up
team about town , composed partly
of high school boys with Gorrill
.and Campbell as battery , defeat
ing the bloomers 5 to 4 in the af
ternoon and even tally of S to 8
in their own game at night our ,
team making their tallies mostly
in the last half of the game and
had the Bloomers stayed for an
other inning could have easily de
feated -them as our boys were
gaining on them fast as they be
came accustomed to the game
which was played with a soft ball
five or six inches in diameter and
a slender stick'bat on a small
diamond. Couldn't 1-mck the ball
, more than twenty to thirty yards
but our boys out batted , them and
were fast getting onto the game
when they announced they'd have
to quit to make their train. Of
course they didn't want to get
beat at their own game and was
glad to get off with a tie.
Only four or five .girls played ,
the remainder being men in the
.Bloomer team and our boys can
beat them bad if they had a few
games practice and beat them as it
was. *
George Stetter made one of his
sensational- hits which sent the
ball way over the right'and center
fielders , who ran for a long time
to overtake it. This so astonished
and dumbfounded the little girl
team that they didn't make anoth
er tally , George making an easy
home run.
They had a good crowd at a half
dollar a ticket each game and lOc
extra for a seat. Too much , many
said , for their game.
Building Construction.
Sealed bids for furnishing all
materials and labor in building
one two-story and basement cem
ent block building and one one-
story cement block chapel & school
building on site of St. Mary's
School , llosebud reservation , S.D.
will be received until 12 o'clock.
June. , 10 , 1911 at the First Na
tional Bank , Valentine , Nebr. .
where ffrlans and specifications car
be seen. Rights are reserved tc
reject any or all bids. Address
L. K. Travis care of First Nation
al Bank , Valentine.
W. E. Case and son were in towr
from King this week. They farn
and raise horses out there and 6
out of 70 is the colt crop. He hai
60 acres in oats and barley thii
year and looking fine. Mr. Casi
tells us that he took Charley Browr
t ) Whitman May 21 and sent Mn
to Hot Springs to doctor for rheum
atism. Couldn't turn over in bed
Has it in knees , ankle and wrist
Was to ha\e ; met Mr. Case here bul
was not'well .enough yet to leavi
the hospital but expects to retun
to Whitman June 3. Charley hoi
a claim between Mr. Case's am
Charley Hoyt's.
Read "Crawford's Quarto Cen
tennial" advertisement else when
in these , columns.It clearlj
demonstrates that Crawford \
again in the swim this year with i
pice-setting celebration that de
ties competition. With its beauti
ful electric lighted city park , "it ;
enviable position from a railroad
standpoint , backed .by vthe co
operation "of Col. Dodd and hi ;
army at Fort Robinson , Crawforc
easily outstrips all competitors ir
g'ving of carnivals and celebra
tions. They claim that their
"Quarto-Centennial" this yeai
will out rival even their own past
efforts. .It is an old saying amen
tie people of the northwest town ;
and cities that "if you want tc
h we a right , real good time g (
to Crawford. " Read their display
advertisement. 2M (
The Cow boys did wonderfu
service in searching for little threi
year old Lucy Stillwell of th <
Hackberry Lake country. The
boys are now planning to have i
big celebration of the event on
Saturday June , 10 , at Hackberrj
lake at Milt Latta's place. It wil
be a big day as planned with al
kinds of rejoicing and horse man
euvering. The Red Front is fit
ting little Lucy out like an ange
with a thousand ribbons and al
kinds of decorations presenting i
picture perhaps never before seei
in the history of this county. E\
erybody in the county is invited
to come and bring tents and cov-
erd wagons and basket dinners.
The men of the west have no eq
ual. Come and everybody take
part in the mounted parade. A
picture will be taken with little
Lucy's rescue for a big story lat
er to be published. Saturday
June 10 at Hackberry lake , at
Milt Litta's place. Everybody
St. Nichols Church.
Services will be held at the
Catholic church as follows :
In Arabia on Saturday , June 10.
In Valentine on- Sunday , June
llth. 1st mass at S ; Sndjat 10. In
struction for children at 3.
for THIS
And Grand Fourth of July Celebration
. In Crawford's Beautiful -Electric Lighted Park
Four Inly 1 0 4ecrea on
Big Days July I-fc-'O-T. Fun and Frolic
PONCO , THE DIVING HORSE , born and reared on the
broad prairies of the northwest , a home product will dive
from a platform , erected 35 feet in the air , into a vat of water at
Crawford's Quarto-Centennial on July 1 and 2 , and two performances
on July 4 , at Crawford's beautiful city park. This feat alone is worth
your visit , but there will be much more. Col. Dodd , Commander of
Ft. Robinson , will give a full dress parade and drill at the park , in
which his entire army w.Ul join. There will be relay , hippodrome ,
cbariott , hurdle , rescue , running , trotting and pacing races ; bronco
breaking contest , steer riding contests , steer roping contests. In fact
there will be one continuous "something Doing'5 from early Saturday
morning until late Tuesday night. Sunday will be set apart for re
ligious services in the big tent at the paik , in which all denominatioi s
of the city will join. Speakers of note , as well as famous singer
have been engaged for this day.
All the races are open to the world no one barred. Get a
program and you will be convinced that Crawford is going to properly
observe its 25th'birthday. .
Alt trains will be met by one or more brass bands
and a hearty-welcome will await you. Come
For information i-cgirding : prizes , programs , canp.privileges in the
park , etc. , write the secretary.
Roy Crowder , Sec. Arah L. Hungerford , Pres.
Last Thursday evening word was
sent over the wires that Lucy the
three year old daughter of E. E.
Stillwell and wife had wandered
away from the home and was lost.
In a bliorfc time nuighbois began ar
riving. A lantern brigade was
formed and the ground where she
was supposed to have gone carefully
searched. Small foot prints in the
sand gave us hope but as the hours
of darkness wore away and no trace
of the missing child was found the
weary searchers halted at 2 a. m. to
await day light. With the first
signs of morning the hunt was again -
gain taken up. The fore-noon pass
ed all too quickly 'for the anxious
throng , who with no sleep and with
but little time devoted to eating ,
covered seemingly every foot of ter
ritory for a long distance in every
direction. Noon came and still the
search wen t on others came and
joined. Despair was showing plain
ly iu the weary faces when about
2 p. m. a rifle shot announced the
glad tidings that she was found.
George Wang had heard , her cry
and m some rubties by the lake sde
she was lying. The child is recov
ering from her experience and will
soon be well. Mr. and Mrs. Still-
well are very grateful to all who
assisted in their time of need-
Order of Hearing on Petition for Appointment
of Administrator.
In the county court of Cherry county , Ne
State of Nebraska , I
County of Cherry , i
To the heirs and to all persons interested
in the estate of Thomas K. Dowell , deceased :
On raiding the petition of H. K. V. Ken-
ni on and Marietta K. Dpwell , praying that
the administration of said estate be granted
to "W. W. Alt as administrator :
It is hereby ordered that you , and all per
sons interested in said matter , may , and do ,
appear at the county court to lie held in and
lor said county , on the 17th day of June
1011 , at 10 o'clock a. m. , to show cause , if any
there be , why the prayer of the petitioner
should not be granted , and that notice of
the pendency of said petition and that the
hearing thereof be given toall persons inter
ested in said matter by publishing a copy of
this order in The Valentine Democrat , a
weekly newspaper printed in said county ,
, for three successive weeks prior to said * day
of hearing.
"Witness my hand and the seal of said
court this 3lst day of May , 1JHJ.
21 3 County Judge.
Absolutely Pure
The only baking powder
made from Royal Crape
Cream of Tartar
That every added sub
scriber helps to make this
paper better for everybody
Free !
If you will send in three
new subscriptions at
$1.50 EACH
If you are already a subscriber you
will be credited on subscription 50c
for each name you send in at $1.50
each if you mention this offer.
The Phelps Photo Studio is open
the first Wednesday and Thursday
in each month. 16tf
You can make your kitchen fairly
shine with cleanliness , with less labor
and in less time than it takes to clean
it with soap , soap powder or other
cleansers if you use
Every speck of dirt is quickly and
easily removed from floors , wood
work , taps , metal work , windows ,
painted walls , cooking and dairy
utensils even the kitchen stove is
cleaned and brightened by this wonderful - '
derful little boon to housewives.
Absolutely free from all harmful
Many other uses and
Full Directions OI2
Lar&e Sifier-can
Don't Overlook
abscnptioa. If you
arrears remember
Not Selling Out
We desire to announce that we are not closing - ; *
ing out , but are still selling the very best goods *
at reasonable prices.
Our line of John Deere Implements , Yelie
Buggies , Moline and Davenport Keller Bearing
Wagons and Samson Windmills , is complete
and priced right.
We also have a large stock of lumber , lime ,
Wall Plaster , Cement , Brick , Sash , Doors , etc.
Is it not good policy to patronize a firm who
expects to continue in business and intends to
handle the same line of goods for years to come.
. We never advertise so-called bargain's
because have had priced '
we always our goods -
Valentine Lumber Co.
A. E. Morris. W. W. Morrissey. Dr. C. W. Noyes.
n Crookston , Neb.
AYith new prices , which are the lowest for
good business. My stock consists of Dry
Goods , Groceries , Shoes and 5 and 10 cent
bargains. You are invited to call and
make this your home store. Highest pric
es paid for produce. Come and get ac
Q. M. Tracy.
Ej 2nd Building South the Bank. Crookston , Neb.
Rosebud Stage Line
D. A. WHIPPLE , Propr
Valentine Headquarters at the Chicago House
Rosebud " " " Rosebud Hotel
Leave Valentine at 8 o'clock every morning ,
Sundays excepted.
Arrive at Eosebud at 2 o'clock p. m.
Leave Eosebud at 8 o'clock every morning ,
Sundays excepted.
Arrive at Valentine at 2 o'clock p. m. '
t 11
Dinner at Britt at 11 o'clock a. mi.
Special attention to passengers , baggage and * >
express or packages.
Leave orders at headquarters or at the Eed
Front store.
D. A. Whipple ,
Go to the *
Stock Exchange Saloon
Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr.
Bathing and Swimming
Dressing Eooms and BathingUSuits for
everyone. Toboggan slide. Spring boards.
Sprains require careful treatment ,
leep quiet and apply Chamberlain's Lin-
iinent freely. It roll remove the sore
ness and- quickly restore the parts to a
healthy condition. For sale by Chap
man , the druggist.
Never leave home on a jotmicx T. . * -
ont a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic ,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Eemedy. It is
almost certain to be needed-and'cannot
be obtained Avhen on boar the cars-or
steamships. For sale by Chapman , thfe