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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1911)
ST. " - - JT . * " , f " " A "JET"v : , - > v -v. - - > * - ' ' . > " * . mri O " "ALENTINE DEMOCRAT. _ ' " ; " * 1. M. Bice , Editor and Proprietor * VALENTINE , NEBR , THURSDAY , JUNE 1 , 1911. Volume 26 , No. 21 e FRIDAY , SATURDAY AND MONDAY Extra Sugar Syrup , Strawberries , Cherries , Apricots , Plums , Peaches at 16 l-2c a can. One dozen assorted $1.95. POTATOES $125 PER BU. MIKE DAVIS , VALENTINE , - NEBRASKA. Eureka Saloon & CARROLL ; Proprs. Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : Old Crow , Sherwood , Hermitage , Guchenheimer , Cedar Brook , , Sunny Brook , Spring Hill , and 29/yeatvold and Jas , E Pepper , O , F , C. Taylor These whiskies were purchased in bond 8 and came direct from the U. S. gov ernment warehouse. They are guar anteed pure and unadulterated. Un excelled for family and medical use. 8 Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , Valentine Nebraska _ , < * * VS f t v Get anything on earth that's good to eat at g * Home Bakery. TELEPHONE NO. 7 AZS POOLANDBILLIAR Cigars and Soft Drinks JOHN G. STETTER - PROP. BULLS FOR SALE . [ Registered. Hereford Bulls for sale at.all times of the year. " SUNNY SLOPE STOCK RANCH : ; ' . .Simeon - Nebraska \ fJOHN F. PORATH BUBGE , KEB. rr , Tubular Wells and Windmills ( Call me up by phone Valentin ; Transfer ci ? : ' . , > , KLEIN , & HACKLER , . Propr. ; . .jl/i W.e move everything on wheels. Baggage and ex press delivered immediate ly. Phone .185. After hours 77. . * / fc 'When/you have stock to sell at p'iiblic auction it will pay you to see. us before starting your .sale. " " " " " v , f * ? v wr7r"T"t > jt Come and see us.- So GEO. LAHAM . will start a shoe repairing , shop. First class work. 1. Try me once and you will call again. Open June 1. First Door South of McLeod's Auto Garage The Chicago House j JIM FELCH , Propr. Call on' "nie ' for rooms and * lodging. Valentine Nebraska Low Round Trip Fares. Atlantic CityNew York , Boston and other Eastern Summer Eesorts daily , June to September inclusive Favorable stop over privileges and liberal limits. For particulars .apply to Ticket AgentsTtie North" Western Line. COUNTY ATTORNEY GETS IN TROUBLE Caught in Bed With Mrs. Fade ! ; Early Wednes day jMorning. County Attorney John M. Tucker was caught in bed with Mrs. Faddis at 2 o'clock Wednes day morning by her husband , R. M. Faddis , D. A. Hancock and a detective from Omaha. John Tucker tried to make- his escape and was about to get away from the detective who was hold ing onto him when Dave Hancock met them at the door and poked a 45-calibre colts into his face and John surrendered , clad in a thin shirt , a pair of drawers and stock ing feet'bare headed and just as he emerged from the bed. Mr. Hancock , the detective , and Mr. Faddis then held them in the room until they called up Jas. H. Quigley - ley , Sheriff Kosseter , F. M.Val - cott , Peter Hoes , city marshal ; Henry Graham , Len Bivens , Fred Cumbow and Val Nicholsoii , who came and , .witnessed the two/ partly clad ( almost totally dis- rob.ed ) , persons who had but a few moments before been occupying the same bed. Tucker's clothing , shoes and hat were kept for furth er evidence against him and Fred Cumbow got him a pair of pants to put on before marching him over to the court house bare- beaded and barefooted. Mr. Faddis is a popular and prominent stockman and since moving to our town several years ago lived happily with his family until John Tucker despoiled their borne. These attentions.we are told , began two years ago or longer and bave continued intermittently while Mr. Faddis was necessarily away from home. Nearly everybody in town had beard this whispered around dur ing the past year and kept mum , hoping it couldn't be true. Some have tried to suppress this news item and keep it out of the newspapers. We'd like to suppress it and we have kept mum before. We'd like to blot it all out as a horrid night mare but we can't. Buchanan told his king that , "thee , O , King , killed the other iwo men in pardoning the.rnurder- er who had later killed".i > a 'second and a third man , " and'the king replied , "then I shall kill no more ; take and behead this murderer. " Some people of this town knew of this last fall when they voted For John Tucker for county at torney , giving him 210 votes in this precinct to only 90 for C. A. Ruby and they would now sup press news against him of the character of which they long have inown and suppressed and boosted lira as the\"best county attorney Cherry county has ever had and admitted by other attorneys. " They placed him upon a pedes tal arid flashed his .picture here and there and payed the way for lis depredations. We can now expect them to ac cuse Dave Hancock 'or the de- bective of breaking up the home or THE DEMOCRAT for telling it. Early Yesterday morning a movement was started to suppres this matter by Tucker's friends who , would , perhaps , whitewas him and give him new gar ments to go into other homes ii this town. This is the kind of a man sera of the people would have fo county attorney and they are in measure responsible for the break ing up of a home in boosting an < bolstering up this vile creature steeped in .criminal lasciviousness i , Governor Aldrich gave a splen did address to the graduatingclas ; last Friday night at the M. E church on the topic of ATwentiett Century Republic , in which he spoke plainly of the duties o1 citizens in upholding men who stand for the will of the people in stead of the corporations and trusts. He deplored the conduct of senators who had been in con gress thirty years without having voted once for a measure beneficial to the people generally. He spoke o | our vast wealth , ability and strength capable of putting sever al million men in the field if neces sary and of our owning about 25 percent of the wealth or gold of the world which "Was a guarantee against any nation taking us off our feet before we had had time to prepare for war , and that our railroads were sufficient to trans port armies where needed post iiaste. He deplored a banking system controlled by Rockerfeller and Morgan as two large banks that could bring on a panic any time . they desired. In dwelling upqn our general -education in ths ynited States he told-the class that education was not only good for what we could rember of it in detail but because it made us a thinking and acting people. The eight girls and one boy in the graduating class were Helen Sparks , Alice McLean , Kate Hel- zer , Kate Burge , Pearl Carey , Hazel Carlson , Anna Galloway , Flora Clarkson and Eugene Tay lo. Go to Fischer's hardware for fresh seeds. . 10 Rubber garden hose at - lowest prices. Fischer's Hardware. 16 Choice timothy , clover , bromus and alfalfa seed at Fischer's Hard ware. 16 The Phelps Photo Studio is open the first Wednesday and Thursday in each , month. 16tf For sanitary plumbing or heat ing call H. I. Weinzimraer. 20 For Sale Refrigerator , good as new. Inquire of the baker at the Home Bakery. 19tf Furnished rooms to rent by day or week. Hot and cold water baths included. Valentine House , John D. Eaton , Propr. 32tf- For Sale : From 1 to 40 head of horses ; from 1 to 4 of land , ' close to town. Residence and lot. H. H. Wakefield , Crookston , Nebraska. . .13 For Sale Five registered Dur ham bulls. Can be seen at my place on Goose Creek. R. W. CATITER , 19 Brownlee , Neb. To Rent : Two 4-room houses. One has seed cellar and water in house. Both close in on Cather ine street , less than a block from Main street. 16 The Phelps Photo Studio is open the first Wednesday and Thursday in each month. 16tf For Sale : 590-acre ranch ; hay , timber , fine springs , 100 acres cul tivated ; soiF , sandy loam ; all fenced , fair improvements. § 12.50 per acre. Half cash. Balance , liberal terras. 'Address owner. John llittle , Penbrook , Neb. 20-i The Phelps Photo Studio is open the'first Wednesday and Thursday of each month. 16tf ring The new Spring Line of Clothing is here and open for your inspection in all lines for Men and Boys. Prices from $1.75 to ! $30. Eemember you promised yourself a new outfit/for / Easter. Why not look over the new stock while it is still complete ? You ought to see our new Spring Hats , Shoes and Oxfords. v Agent for Dr. Eeed Cushion Soled Shoes. Phone 145. ( Chartered ns n Stnte Bmk Chartered as n National Bunk June 1,1881. August 12 , 11W2. The FIRST . NATIONAL . BANE - ' * > * f " * " - - * S- * T- * ( Successor to Bank of Valentino. ) Yalenfciue , - Nebraska. CAPITAL - $25.000 A Greneral SURPLUS - 25.000 Banking , Exchange , , Uudivided Profits 4,000 and Collection Business 0. H. OoiUfBM , , President. M. V. NICHOLSON , ( ! : ishler. J. T. May , Vice President. Miss GLKJT HOKNIG , Ass't Cushler. GENERAL MERCHANDISE . AT REASONABLE PRICES When in need of anything GIVE US A TRIAL MAX E. VIERTEL DEALER IN EVERYTHING ; Crookston - Nebraska = DRS. DALLAL & BARAKAT = = GENERAL PRACTICE and SURGERY - ' EYES TESTED and GLASSES FITTED SCIENTIFICALLY. ' ' * ' . * ° We compound and dispense our own medicines. Office on 2nd floor. t T. C. Hornby's. Phone 161. Valentine , Nebraska . % ? ' , ; GRANT BOYER ; 'f ; \ CARPENTER & BUILDER. All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Kesidence and shop one block south of passenger depot. * - -l ( Valentine , MONB 72 Nebraska References : My Many Customers. ' , Stetter & Tobien , Props. DEALERS IN All Kinds of Fresh I and Rait Meats. . . . Will buy your Cattle , Hogs , Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything you have to selL