Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 25, 1911, Image 7

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"It is the little things in this world
that cause us the most trouble. "
"Not in my business , " replied the
shoe clerk : "it's the big things , the
owners of which want to put into lit
tle shoes. "
Do your feet feel tired , achy , and sore
nt nicht ? "Rub them with a'little Ham-
ling Wizard Oil. They'll be clad in the
morning and FO will you.
A man can get along without doing
much if he has sense enough to know
what not to do.
Mrs. Wtnslow's Soothing Syrup tor Children
teething , softens the gums , reduces inflamma
tion , allays pain , cures wind colic , 25c a bottle.
Don't mind being laughed at ; some
day you may splash mud on the laugh
ers with your touring car.
The herb laxative , Garfield Tea. prompt
ly overcomes constipation , biliousness ,
eick-hcadache and insures better health.
Many a man succeeds because he's
a good guesser.
Chew and smoke nntaxod tobacco , cheap and
nudopcd. Merlwether & Kdwards , Clarksvllle/Tenn.
Many a fellow who falls into a for
tune goes right through it.
AI *
is the handiest
thing in the pan
try. It is pure and
always ready to
There is no
waste use as
much or as little
as you need , and
the rest keeps
longer than fresh
Gives fine results in
all cooking
Tell your grocer to
send Libby's Milk
$ frzB&
. , .
-X r 2 * -t < * ? ; < < i
in Saskatchewan ( Western Canada )
8OO Bushels from 2O acres
of wheat was the thresher's
return from a Lloyd-
minster farm in the
season of 1910. Many
fields in that as well ns
other districts yield
ed from 25 to 35 bu
shels of wheat to the
acre. Other grains in
are thus derived
from the FREE
of Western Canada.
This excellent showing causes
prices to advance. Land values
should double In two years'time.
Homesteads of 16O acres are
to bo had In the very best
districts : 16O acre preemptions
tions at S3.OO per acre with
in certain areas. Schools and
churches in every settle
ment , climate unexcelled ,
soil the richest ; wood , water
and building material
For particulars as to location ,
low settlers' railway rates and
descriptive illustrated pamphlet.
"Last Best West , " and other in
formation , write to Sup't of Immi
gration. Ottawa , Canada , or to
Canadian Government Agent.
ET Balers. 315 Jackson SI. St Piul. Hias.
J.M.Midadikn , Drawer'atcrtowa.S D.
( Use address nearest you. ) 39
to sell new Automatic device. Write
to-day lor our profitable offer. Superior
Wrench Co. , 711 S. Third Ave. , Marshalltown , Iowa.
Sioux City Directory
Cut Flowers
For All Occasions
Wholesale and Retail
J. R. Elder , Sioux City , lowc.
Established 30 Years
Floral emblems and cut flowers for aU
occasions. SIOUX CITY , IOW/
Appeal of Inspired Prophet Reveals
Straits to Which Friends of Mo
nopoly Have Been Reduced
- President Called "Traitor. "
Wilbur E. Wakeman of the Ameri
can Protective Tariff league , thrills ,
beguiles and delights us. To be sure ,
we have never heard of Wilbur before
this , but we are hearing a great deal
now. Wilbur is doing big things , real
izes that himself and tells Mr.
Hearst's New York American all
about it. Wilbur declares that he is
deluging nineteen congressmen with
telegrams Urging them to vote against
reciprocity. To 'be sure , the names
signed to some of the telegrams be
long to prominent citizens who
weren't consulted by Wilbur when he
sent the telegrams , but Wilbur is too
busy a patriot just now to bother with
Feeling that by any other name he
were as persuasive and seductive , Wil
bur Is beseeching these nineteen
statesmen , for the love of heaven'and
the American Protective Tariff league ,
to defeat the reciprocity agreement.
In this Wilbur is certainly spreading
out the undeserving American Pro
tective Tariff league to the vulgar ,
censorious , even hostile gaze. And
he Is full of stirring though trite-
patriotic rhetoric , too. For example :
"We who realize how this country
has been built up under this wise
economic policy will not stand idly by
and see the country plunged into in
dustrial and economic confusion. "
We hope that some of that splendid
sentiment found its way into Wilbur's
telegrams. Wilbur has also decided
that President Taft is a "traitor" to
the American Protective league and
cannot be again nominated for presi
dent. Then listen to this glowing ,
intoxicating , inspired prophecy :
"Vice-President Sherman , in my
opinion , will lead the Republican hosts
of protection to victory in 1912. 'Sun
ny Jim , ' prince of good fellows and
protectionists , will be our candidate. "
It is nice to see how unconsciously ,
perhaps sub-consciously , Wilbur refers
to "good fellows" and protectionists
as synonymous. Next , perhaps , to
Patriot J. Pierpont Morgan himself ,
"Sunny Jim" Sherman woukl inspire
more enthusiasm in the breasts of the
Republicans yes , Democrats too
than almost any man we can think of.
We should like very much indeed to
know something more about Wilbur.
It is too bad to lose sight of a patriot
so redolent with unconscious humor
and hilarious entertainment. If the
enemies of the American Protective
Tariff league had picked-out a man to
do the league as much damage as pos
sible , in the most insidious and ef
fective way , they could have done
nothing so good as Wilbur. He is
more than a calamity. He is a
"scream. " Detroit Journal.
Though twenty-one republics have
bestowed a medal on Andrew Car
negie as a "benefactor of humanity , "
it will be recalled that he has been
a good deal more successful as a
maker of armor plate than as a
maker of peace.
Hypocrisy , Not Statesmanship.
The senate will remain , the judge of
the elections , returns and qualifications
of its members if they are elected by
direct vote of the people under the pro
posed amendment. The' Fourteenth
amendment will remain unchanged by
the new amendment. It was not until
1866 that congress ever undertook to
regulate the election of senators , and
this was a reconstruction measure that
would never have been passed but for
the Civil war. In the light of these
facts the claim that congress would be
surrendering a great and necessary
power if the direct election amendment
should be adopted as drafted by the
house seems to be grounded more deep-
1 , in hypocrisy than in statesmanship.
The real object of this outcry is not
to protect the present power of con
gress which has acquiesced for a gen
eration in the nullification of the Four
teenth amendment but to incite south
ern opposition to the direct election
3f senators.
Should Join Democrats.
Insurgent senators are reported
from Washington to have demanded
and been refused the status of a sep
arate party in the composition of
committees. In this refusal the Re
publican committee of committees is
reputed to reflect the wishes of the
president. The president is unwise.
The insurgents are more nearly in line
with him than the regulars are. But
we do not particularly blame the rep
resentatives of the regulars for their
action. They cannot expect to enjoy
the privileges of membership in the
dominant party and also share as a
separate organization in the distri
bution of good things. On the whole
we believe they would consult their
own Interests and the interests of
their constituents if they would join
the Democrats and make that the ma
jority party in the senate.
Taft's Confession.
President Taft says Canadian an
nexation talk is "bosh. " It's inoppor
tune , anyway. Troy Press.
It served one good purpose , at any
rate. It made President Taft confess
what a mess his party got this coun
try into when it went back on the
Declaration of Independence and em
barked on a career of conquest
Jacksonville Times-Union.
Official Figures Concerning Wool In
dustry Gives Little Weight to
Claims of Protectionists.
The preliminary census statement
in regard to the wool industry shows
a great growth in almost every de
partment of the business. There has ,
however , been a decrease in the num
ber of establishments , due to the
tendency toward concentration in
practically all forms of industry. As
a result the increase in the number
of employes since 1899 has been
comparatively slight , It being only 29
per cent. During the same period
there has been an increase of 62 per
cent , in capital and of 76 per cent
in product. This , of course , proves
a much higher per capita production
than that of 1899.
So there has been an increase of
wages. Just what this amounts "to
it is impossible to say , since in the
report wages and salaries are lumped.
Taking the total sum paid for wages
and salaries , and distributing it
among the wage earners , we find that
in 1904 there were 142,000 wage
earners , drawing a total ( including
salaries ) of $61,000,000 , as against
163,000 wage earners in 1909 , drawing
$79,000,000. The per capita wages
have increased from $429 to $484.
The amount paid in wages would
be somewhat smaller if that paid in
salaries was omitted.
Remembering that the main object
of a protective tariff is to maintain
the American standard of wages , * it
is a little disconcerting to know that
in this highly protected industry the
average wages are only $484 per
capita. Such wages can hardly be
called high. Many men in unpro
tected industries do much better. If
we take the other view , which is also
taken by some of the defenders of
high tariff taxes , that protection is
needed , not so much to make high
wages as to enable employers to pay
wages that are already high , it is still
to be said that no great amount of
protection should be needed to meet
this wage bill. Something seems to
be wrong with the application of the
principle of protection In this case ,
for the blessings supposed to flow
from it have not , apparently , reached
the "workingman who , as we all
know , is the individual for whose
benefit the scheme was devised. Has
there been a fair division of the
taxes which the people have so gen
erously voted to this great and thriv
ing industry ?
Judge Gary's Explanation of Shut }
down Will Be Understood by
the Initiated.
The definite denial by Judge Gary
that the closing of work on the new
wire mill of the steel trust at Birming
ham was not an attempt to influence
the tariff discussion in congress , may
be taken as evidence of how sensitive
even large corporations are these days
to public opinion. It did not use to
be so. If a corporation thought it
could gain a point by flouting the
public in any way or by scaring it , it
went right ahead and did it. There
was no care for what the public might
say. It might howl all it pleased , but
the corporation merely laughed. It
never had to pay any attention to the
public , which really existed to be
milked. But there is a difference now.
The public has learned that it can
make it very uncomfortable for the
person who is doing the milking and
that it is possible even to kick over
the milk pail. That is why corpora
tions are more inclined to treat the
public with a certain amount of con-
Judge Gary does not disguise the
fact that the United States Steel cor
poration feels that if certain proposed
tariff legislation relating to steel du
ties should be enacted it might affect
disadvantageous the manufacture of
certain wire products. Therefore , the
local Birmingham officials were ad
vised to shut down on a part of the
work then underway. These orders
being misunderstood , all work was
closed down , but has now been re
sumed with the exception of the erec
tion of houses for workmen and the
equipment of the mills. But the judge
would have } t understood that this cur
tailment is not intended in any way to
influence congress. Certainly not.
Get In Motion !
Once the Democrats governed the
country for 40 years without interrup
tion by what the Philadelphia Record
calls not new nationalism , nor old fed
eralism , nor socialism , nor paternal
ism , but by the Jeffersonian doctrine
that seeks the greatest good that leg
islation and government can dp for
the greatest number. Now , after six
teen years' exclusion the party comes
back fresh from the people. It gives
indication , as we have endeavored to
reflect , of having the correct ideas as
to the needs of the time , and the in
tention of fulfilling them. The ques
tion still remains to be tested whether
it can translate intention into act
and that is always a great question
with a party or an individual. Certain
ly it seems that the safest way to it
is to get in motion. The program has
been well mapped out. The size of
the popular approval may be meas
ured by the fact that a Republican
house has been made Democratic by a
majority of G3 , while in the senate the
nominal Republican majority has been
reduced to nine , and It remains to be
seen how solid this will be. But the
test of everything is getting it done.
So action should be the watchword.
Many a strong front has been weak
ened and broken by delay. Indian
apolis News.
Matrimonial Mixup in Which Linda
Seemed to Come Out a
Poor Second.
While I was being shaved the shop
door opened gently and in walked a
colored boy of fifteen , who looked
around in an embarrassed way for a
moment and then said to the barber :
"Jim , you was ingaiged to by sister
Linda. "
"You mean I is engaged to her , "
was the pompous reply.
"But Linda has sent word. "
"Oh , she has ? Does she dun want
the marriage hurried up ? "
"No , sah ; she dun wants you to
know dat she married Bill Lee 'bout
two hours ago. "
"What ? What's dat ? Your sister
dun married to dat nigger. Werry well ,
sah. Den you return to dat sister and
gib her my compliments and tell her
dat I was dun married mo * dan fo *
weeks ago and dat she hasn't dun
fooled me worf shucks ! Dat's all , sah ,
and please close de doah as you go
out. " From Norman E. Mack's Na
tional Monthly.
"I was taken with the itch in April ,
1904 , and used most everything. I
had a friend pay me a visit from
Cumberland , and she advised me to
use Cuticura Remedies which I did.
The cure was certainly quick , and I
use them to this day. I had it terri
bly under my knees. I only used one
box of pills , but two boxes of Cuti
cura Ointment , and I use the Cuti
cura Soap all the time. I hope this
will benefit others , as it has me , after
Dr. and others could do noth
ing for me. " ( Signed ) Miss Lu John
son , 1523 Ninth St. , N. W. , Wash
ington , D. C. , April 3 , 1910.
In a later letter Miss Johnson adds :
"The trouble began with an eruption
under my knees , and extended up
wards toward my waist , until I was
not able to sit down. It kept a con
stant itching and burning all the time ,
night and day. I went to my doctor ,
but he could do me no good after I
do not know how many medicines he
gave me , and then told me I would
be compelled to go to a skin special
ist , which I positively refused to do. I
cried all -the time. Finally I made
up my mind to try Cuticura Rem
edies , and tried Cuticura Pills , Oint
ment and Soap , and was entirely
cured of the itching three days after
I started using them. The healing
took about eight days. I consider
Cuticura Remedies marvelous , and
would recommend them everywhere. "
Guticura Remedies are sold through
out the world. Send to Potter Drug
& Chem. Corp. , Boston , for free book
on skin afflictions.
iWbeks I once knew a man who re
ally enjoyed moving.
Seeks I don't believe it.
Weeks It's a fact. You see , ne
lived in a houseboat.
Sure Thing !
Huoby ( with newspaper ) Well ,
well ! Another bank gone to smash
and none of the directors knew any
thing about what was going on.
Mrs. Votington Of course , not ! It
wouldn't be so if the directors were
all women. Boston Transcript.
With One Exception.
Harduppe Every man should mar
ry. Everything I have in the world
I owe to my wife.
Wigwag Don't forget that ten spot
you owe me. Philadelphia Record.
Tiy Marine Eye Remedy for Red ,
Watery Eyes and Granulated Ilids. Xo
Smarting Just Eye Comfort. Murine
Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes New Size
25c. Murine Liquid 25c-50c.
Ever notice how many people there
are in the world who say : "You just
wait , I'll get even with-you ! "
Flattery is simply the nice things
we say about other people.
HE HAD $400.00 IN CASH IN 1903 ;
NOW WORTH $8,000.00.
My parents were originally Cana
dians from Essex County , Ontario. I
was born in Monroe County , Michigan ,
from which place I moved to Red Lake
Falls , Minnesota , where I farmed for
22 years. I sold my farm there in the
summer of 1903 and in September of
that year came to Canada with my
wife and eight children. I had about
$400 in cash , team of horses , a cow , a
few sheep and some chickens. I took
up a quarter section of land near Jack
Fish Lake , Meota P. O.f and later on
purchased for $2,000.00 an adjoining
quarter section. I have now 48 head
of cattle , a number of horses , good
buildings and consider my holding is
worth at least $8,000.00. My children
have raised from $300 to $500 worth
of garden truck each year since we
have been here. I have never had a
poor crop and have never had one
frosted. My wheat has averaged from
25 to 30 bushels per acre with one or
two years considerably more. My
oats have always yielded well up to 50
bushels per acre and once or twice as
high as 85. My cattle have never been
stabled in winter , and do not need it.
I consider that this country offers bet
ter opportunities for settlers than any
where I have ever been. I am sure
that almost any person can come here
and buy land at say $15.00 per acre
and pay for it in one crop. My ex
perience is that if a man farms his
land in the right way he is not likely
to have his crop frosted.
Most of the settlers in my district
are Americans and Canadians and I
know lots of them who came here with
little or no capital who are now do
ing well , but I do not know of any who
have left through disappointment , or
becoming discouraged , have returned
to their former homes.
There are many whose experience
is similar to that of Mr. Jubinville.
Secure Canadian Government litera
ture from nearest Canadian Govern
ment Agent , and see for yourself.
Who She Was.
"Well , " laughed Squiggles , "some
men never know when they are
snubbed ! That lady you just spoke
to was about as distant as they make
'em in her greeting. "
"Well , why shouldn't she be ? " re
torted Jabbers. "She's a distant rela
tive of mine. "
"By marriage ? "
"No by divorce. She got rid of
me at Sioux Falls back in 1898. "
Harper's Weekly.
By the Harem Code.
"Do you think I am really your af
finity ? " Solomon's nine hundred and
eighty-fifth wife asked , coquettishly.
"My dear , " the Wisest Guy said ,
"you are one in a thousand. "
He got away with ittoo. .
The Way of It.
Knicker How does marriage affect
accomplishments ?
Becker A girl drops her music and
a man takes up his smoking.
The softest powder puff in the world
isn't as agreeable to .the touch of an
old maid's cheek as a two days'
growth of beard.
If constipation is present , the liver
sluggish , take Garfield Tea ; it is mild in
action and never loses its potency.
People who say just what they think
are more numerous than popular. '
Finally Cured by Lydia E. Pink- ;
ham's Vegetable Compound.
Erie , Pa. "I suffered for five years
from female troubles and at last was
almost helpless. I
went to three doctors -
tors and they did
mo no good , so my
sister advised me to
try Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable
Compound , and
when I had taken
only two bottles I
could see a big
change , so I took
six bottles and I am
now strong and well
again. I don't know how to express
my thanks for the peed it has done ina
and I hope all suffering women will
give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound a trial. It was worth its
weight in gold. " Mrs. J. P. ENDLICH ,
E. P. D. No. 7 , Erie , Pa.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound , made from native roots and.
herbs , contains no narcotic or harm
ful drugs , and to-day holds the record
for the largest number of actual cures
of female diseases we know of , and
thousands of voluntary testimonials
are on file in the Pinkham laboratory
at Lynn , Mass. , from women who have
been cured from almost every form of
female complaints , such as inflamma
tion , ulceration , displacements , fibroid
tumors , irregularities , periodic pains ,
backache , indigestion and nervous
prostration. Every suffering woman
owes it to herself to give Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound a trial.
If you want special advice write
Mrs.Pinkliam , Lynn , Mass. , ,
It is free and always helpful ,
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine times in ten when the liver 13
right the stomach and bowels are right
gentlybutfirmly com
pel a lazy liver CARTERS
do its duty.
Cures Con- ! TTLE
ctipation , In IVER
digestion , PILLS.
Headache , '
and Distress After Eating.
Genuine must bear Signature
in Washington County , Kansas , must be sold to
close an estate. Fine opportunity for practical
farmer with equipment and 84,000 or 35,000 cash.
All under cultivation. Alfalfa land. Cornwheat ,
oats , cane , growing this season , meadow and
pasture , orchard , never failing spring , two
hoifies , etc. Will sell entire or inf section
tracts. Detail information on request. Add.
L. P. .AIvLEN , Greenfield , 111.
easiest to work with and
starches clothes nicest ,
When You
Of the pain which many women experience with every
month it makes the gentleness and kindness always associ
ated with womanhood seem to be almost a miracle.
"While in general no woman rebels against what she re
gards as a natural necessity there is no woman who would
cot gladly be free from this recurring period of pain.
Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription makes
fyeak women strong and sick women
sell , and gives them freedom from pain.
Jt establishes regularity , subdues inflam *
xnation , heals alceration and cures fe *
male weakness.
Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter ,
free. All correspondence strictly private and sacredly
confidential. Write without fear and without fee to World's Dispensary Medical - *
ical Association , R. V. Pierce , M. D. , President , Buffalo , N. Y.
If you want a book that tells all about woman's diseases , and how to cure
them at home , send 21 one-cent stamps to Dr. Pierce to pay cost of mailing
only and he will send you a free copy of his great thousand-page illustrated
Common Sense Medical Adviser revised , up-to-date edition , in paper covers.
In handsome cloth-binding , 31 stamps.
FOP Pink Eye , Epizootic
- Shipping Fever
& . Catarrhal Fever
SurpcnreandpositlTepreventlve.nornatterbowboraesatanystaKO are infected
or "exposed. " Liquid . iyen on tb e tongue : acts on the Blood and OUndscupel * the
" r. CureslMstemper In Dofrs and Sheep and Cholera , la
-roultry. Largest ssllln JlTe stock remedy. Cures L * Grippe among human being *
and Is a flne Kidney remedy. 60c and 1 a bottle : fS and 110 a dozen. Cnttblaout.
Keeplt. ShoTf toyourdruRgist. who will getltforyou. Free Booklet. "Distemper.
Canses and Cures. ' Special Agents wan ted.
SPOHN MEDICAL CO. , B < S8SK.a.n& . 60SHEN. IND. , U. S , A.
The family with young children that is
without sickness in the house now and
then is rare , and so it is important that
the head of the house should know what
to do in the little emergencies that arise.
A child with a serious ailment needs a
doctor , It is true , but in the majority of
instances , as any doctor knows , the child
suffers from some intestinal trouble ,
usually constipation.
There is no sense in giving it a pill era
a remedy containing an opiate , nor Is
flushing of the bowels to be always rec
ommended. Rather give it a small dose
of a mild , gentle laxative tonic like Dr.
CaldwelFs Syrup Pepsin , which , by cleanIng -
Ing out the bowels and strengthening the
little stomach muscles , will immediately
correct the trouble.
This is not alone our opinion hut that
of Mrs. N. H. Mead of Freeport , Kans. ,
whose granddaughter has been taking It
successfully and of Mrs. J. R. "Whiting
of Lena. Wis. , who gives It to her children
and takes it herself. It is sold In fifty
cent and one dollar bottles at every
drug store , but if you want to test It in
your family before you buy it send your
address to Dr. Caldwell and he will for
ward a supply free of charge.
For the free sample address Dr. "W. B.
Caldwell , 201 Caldwell building , Monti-
cello , 111.
tilt * . Neat , clean.
ieax > a. Cin't spill or
tip over , will not soil
or Injure anything.
Guaranteed efies-
iv . Of all dealers or
seat prepaid for 20c.
150 DcCilblr * .
. T.
Allen 'sUlcerineSalvecnresChronicIJlcers , .Bone
UlcersScrof ulous Ulcers.Varlcose Ulcers.In-
dolent Ulcers.Mercurial Ulcers.Whlte Swell-
InsrMilkI > esFeverSore8. Hold Gr .
Ullore. BjmjUloOc. J .P.ALLENl > . 7.St.PaalMlnn.
Texas , Oklahoma , New Mexico. Arkansas , Missouri
land bargains ; owners * names , agents' lists , maps ,
etc. . send 25c. State how mnch you want and Khera
LAND BUH2KS' GUIDE , McKlnney , Tex.
W. N. U. , SIOUX CITY , NO. 21-1911.
Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One lOc package colors all fibers. They dye in cold water better than any other dye. You can
dye any garment without ripping apart. Write for free booklet How to Dye , Bleach and Mix Colors. MONROE DRUG COMPANY , Qaiacy , III.