Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 25, 1911, Image 5

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    W f W
t I
. Farmer :
Get your supply
of Paris Green
* early. Don't wait
till the bugs are on 6
the vines and get
caught the way you
v did last year.
A Safe ,
Simple System
The system of paying
by check was devised
by all men- for any
man for you. It is
suited to the need of
any business , either
large or small. It makes
no difference whether
we pay out $10 or $10000
a month. A checking
account will serve your
Pay by check , the
method puts system in
to your business and
gives yc u a ; record of
every transaction- *
Plenty of time to plant trees.
Our trees are kept in our large ,
cool , cement building now and are
held back so they will be good to
' -
put out for several weeks yet. We
\ keep no trees in our building in
winter , and only recommend the
hardiest and tried varieties that do
business in Northwest Nebr.
Catalog upon request.
" ' T. W. CRAMER , Local Agent , _
Valentine , Nebr.
Boyd Nurseries and Fruit
On C. & N. W. , 3 blks. east station
Ainswcrth , - Nebraska
Loup Valley Hereford Ranch ,
Herd headed by S. C. Columbus 17
No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289-
822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg ,
Bulls for Sale at All Times.
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
Attorney-at- Law
* < ? - Office front room , second story ,
over T. C. Hornby's store , Main
street entrance.
Valentine Nebraska
Dr. M. T. Meer ,
Rooms over Red Front store
> r Valentine - Nebr ,
Absolutely Pure
The ofsSy baking powder
mat$0 from Royal Grape
Greatsa of Tartar
Talk of the Town.
Seeds that always grow for sale
at Fischer's hardware. 10
Mrs. Davenport is having ex
tensive improvements made on her
dwelling on Cherry street.
W. 13. Hammond's house was
quarantined yesterday , one of the
little girls having scarlet fever.
Special coat , suit , skirt and shirt
waist sale at W. A. Parker's at
Wood Lake , Saturday May 27.
Dr. M. F. Meer has decided to
visit Wood Lake the first Monday
and Tuesday of each month to do
dental work. 19tf
Editor H. R. Seconl of the
Gretna Breeze was in town last
Friday with his fellow townsman ,
O'Brien , the fish man.
The Home Bakery is moving in
to the Elliott drug store building ,
recently occupied as Corbin's mu
sic store. They are moving the
bake oven , too.
0. E. Hartman and wife went
down to Lincoln last Saturday
and .Mrs. Hartman experts to
enter a hospital for treatment.
They live on F. M. Terryll's place
on the Xiobrara.
J. M. Ballard and wife , who
was Miss Sarah Carter of Harrison
county , Mo. , were in town yester
day having dental work done.
They were married last Septem
ber and live near Bailey.
Mrs. J. C. Xorthrop and son ,
Dwight , returned from Scotts
Bluffs Monday evening , where
they had been to attend the funeral
of her mother. Her brother , F.
D. Smith , and wife of Deadwood
accompanied them. Chronicle ,
Chadron , Neb.
The Republican insinuatingly
remarks that "some people talk
the most about the things of which
they know the least , " and then
follows with a lengthy article try
ing to show that the McCloy
children couldn't have caught
scarlet fever anywhere because of
the proper -fumigation of the
house in which they live , which
made it so safe that it was better
than a house where fever had not
previously existed. From the
length and force of his argument
we let it stand under his own head
ing of the arlicle.
We met A. O. Goodwin , a
brakeman on the C. & N. W. , a
few days ago , and he told us of
the sad accident which befell his
son , Harold , April 2nd. Mr.
Goodwin's family live out on a
claim six .miles southwebt of Cody.
His two boys , Harold , aged 13 ,
and Sylvester , aged 10years , were
playing in a sanl blowout and had
tunneled in several feei under a
high bank of sand. Harold was
digging deeper and had told
Sylvester to stay outside for fear
of the sand caving in on him , and
if it did , he could dig him out ergo
go for help. It caved in the next
moment and several tons of sand
buried Harold. Sylvester ran for
help and was soon back with
neighbors , but Harold was buried
too deep and was dead long before
they got him out. Harold was a
thoughtful boy but he didn't know
how easy sand banks cave in.
School Notes.
Miss Lillian Xelson and mother
entertained Supfc. and Mrs. Bet-
tenga , Misses VauDriel and Dris-
' cell at tea last Saturday evening.
The 4th and 5th grade girls had
an ice cream party in the park
Tuesday evening in honor of Miss
Driscoll who was duly crowned
during the exercises.
The various rooms were pleased
to receive a visit from Miss
Driscoll who has been in Chicago
attending college , prepartory to
her work in the state normal at
Mr. and Mrs. George Hornby
entertained in a most delightful
manner the teachers of the Valen
tine school and a few of their
friends Monday evening. All
present greatly enjoyed the oc
Last Friday afternoon Supt.
Bettenga was very pleasantly sur
prised by the presentation of a
beautiful signet ring by the teach
ers and pupils of the 4th , 5th , 6th ,
7th and 8th grades and he heartily
thanks them for this expression
of their regards.
Dan Adamson came down Mon
day to visit his brother John and
family , and Tuesday night he and
John joined the Masonic fratern
ity. Dan has another bunch of
three-year-old steers that look
better at this time than his steers
last year at the same time which
took the prize at the Sioux City
fair last September. He has 35
to select a car load from and ex
pects to take them to Chicago if
they do well , which depends upon
the season and the quality of the
range this year. When Mr.
Adamson's cattle were being in
spected at the Sioux City fair last
September there was considerable
speculation as to how they were
brought up to their fine frame and
flesh. People could not easily be
lieve they had been fattened upon
the range of Cherry county and
without grain. Mr. Adarason corif
vinced them by turning the cattle
into a pen where corn was fed and
the cattle took no notice of it ,
which was proof enough for the
most skeptical. Dan's cattle are
the White Face or Herefords.
Miss Laura Farlow died Friday ,
May 19 , 1911 , at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Daniels.
She was born at Fremont , Xeb. ,
Feb. 22 , 1889 , and leaves her
pirents , a brother and two sisters
to mourn her death.
Her father , a sister and brother
were here to attend the funeral
which was held at the Methodist
church at two o'clock Sunday af
ternoon , Kev. J. E. Parsons con
ducting the ceremony.
Dr. M , F. Meer , dentist , will be
at the Lakeview Hotel , Woodlake ,
the first Monday and Tuesday of
each month. 19tf
That we have every facility
for turning out neat print
ing of all kinds. Letter
heads , bill heads , office sta
tionery , etc. , furnished at
the lowest prices first
class work will permit.
Never leave home on a journey - without
out a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic ,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Kernecly. Itis
almost certain to be needed and cannot
be obtained when on board the cars or
steamships. For sale by Chapman , the
, /
40 Acres of School Land
Half Mile West of Val
Who wants a nice home a { mod
! easy living ? 40 acres , all in the
valley of the beautiful Minnecha-
duza , creek flowing through one
corner , soil rich and deep , shelter
ed by hills on the north and south.
This is an ideal place for garden
farming , fruit and chickens. Good
building location facing southeast ,
where stone chicken house'can be
built in the hill with front on
level. 400 egg Cyphers' Incuba
tor at half price to go with this
deal. A bargain. Get busy.
I. M. RICE , Valentine , ! \'eb. fi 4
For summer diarrhoea in children al-
waj's give Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
and Diarrhoea Kemedy and castor oil ,
and a speedy cure is certain. For sale
by Chapman , the druggist.
Turn Over
a New Leaf
By subscribing
We invite our friends to call and in
spect the most complete line of lumber
in Cherry county. We also carry in
stock Plaster Board , Lime , Cement ,
Acme Plaster , Hard Wall Finish
and Plastering Hair.
We also have Red and White
Cedar Posts in all sizes and prices ,
from 10 to 19 cents.
A complete line of Builders'
Hardware , Barb Wire , Nails , Fence
Staples , and Screen Doors.
An examination will convince you
that our prices and the quality of our
material is right.
Old' Crow , All Leadin
Hermitage Brands
and Bottled
Gruchen- Under the
heimer Supervision'
Rye of the
Whiskeys. II. S. Gov.
We also handle the Budweiser Beer.
Vice President of Mexico Succeeded
by De La Barra ,
Juarez , Alex. , May 24. A telegram
was received by Francisco MaJero ,
Jr. , from Alfred Robles Dominguez ,
special peace envoy in Mexico City ,
stating that the resignation of Vice
President Corral had been tendered.
The news was taken to mean that
the vice president's resignation was
requested to precede that of President
" Diaz , which is expected today.Vhen
President Diaz resigns Senar Madero
and his party immediately will leave
for Mexico City to advise with Sen or
de la Barra in the political reorganiza-
"tion of Mexico.
The new cabinet had been agreed
upon , as follows : Finance , Ernesto
Madero ; interior , Emilio Vasquez Go
mez ; instruction , Dr. Francisco Vas
quez Gomez ; fomento , Manuel Calero ;
war , General Bugenip Rascona ; com
munications , Manuel Bonilla ; foreign
relations ( subsecretary ) , Bartolome
Carbajal y Rosas.
Rafael Hernandez Madero probably
will be agreed upon as the minister of
I justice. He was suggested by Madero.
Ohio Legislator Placed en Trial.
Columbus , O. , May 24. Representa
tive George B. Nye of Pike county ,
ft ho is a physician at Waverly , was
placed on trial before Judge Kinkead
in the criminal court on the charge of
soliciting a bribe of $500 from State
Printer Edward A. Crawford to vote
for the Kimble bill , which reapportioned -
tioned common pleas judicial districts.
Convention of Nurses.
Waterloo , la. , May 24. Miss Estella
Campbell of Des Moines delivered the
principal address before the eighth
annual conventionof the Iowa Society
of Registered Nurses , which is being
held in this city. Miss Campbell
spoke on legislation. Miss Anna C.
Goodale of Iowa City , president of the
society , delivered an address.
i French Column at Fez.
1 Tangier , May 24. The French col
umn , under command of General
Moinier , entered Fez on the evening of
May 21. The French force met with
'no opposition on the part of rebellious
tribesmen besieging the sultan's south
ern capital. All Europeans in the
city are safe.
Vedrine Leads in Aero Race.
San Sebastian , Spain , May 24.
Vedrine arrived here from Angouleme ,
having successfully covered the second
end stage of the Paris to Madrid aero
race for the Petit Parisien prize of
S20.nnn. .
Ei Again We ' Say Subscribe
Dressing Booms and BathingESuits for
everyone. Toboggan slide. Spring boards.
That every added sub
scriber helps to make tHs
paper better for everybody
Because " is a NEW CBEA-
. TICXN" , covering every
field of the world's thought ,
action and culture. The only
new unabridged dictionary in
it defines over 440,000
Words ; more than ever
before appeared between two
covers. 2700 Pages. 6000 Il
it is the only dictionary
with the new divided
page. A "Stroke of Genius. "
Becaus" * ? an in
' a single volume.
it is accepted by the
Courts , Schools and
Press as the one supreme au
Because he who knows wins
Success. Let us tell
you about this new woxk.
specimen of new divided pi t- i
G. & C.MESRIAH CO. . PnbIis&enSprazfkId.Mu .
Mention till paper , recdre FEEE set o fpockrt asp * .
If you intend
to have a sale
get our prices
We are fixed for turning
out work of this kind
in double-quick time.