Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 25, 1911, Image 3

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How a Bad Case of Kidney Trouble
Was Finally Routed.
Mrs. John Light , Cresco , Iowa , says :
"For years I was an intense sufferer
from kidney disorders. The kidney se
cretions passed irregularly , my limbs
were badly bloated ,
and feet so swollen I
could not wear my
shoes. I tried many
remedies but became
discouraged as nothing
helped me. Then 1
began taking Doan's
Kidney Pills and soon
noticed Improvement.
I continued until I could rest well at
night and the kidney secretions be
came normal. I do not believe I would
"be alive today were it not for Doan's
Kidney Pills.
Remember the name Doan's.
For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a
lox. Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y.
Join War on Tuberculosis.
From statistics published in the
flew tuberculosis directory of the
National Association for the Study and
Prevention of Tuberculosis it is as
certained that over 600 cities and
towns of the United States , besides
about 100 in Canada , are engaged in
the war against consumption , and that
on April 1st there were nearly 1,500
different agencies at work in the cru
sade , an increase of nearly 700 per
cent in the last seven years.
The new directory lists 421 tuber
culosis sanitoria hospitals , and day
camps ; 511 associations and commit
tees for the prevention of tuberculo-
.sis ; 342 special dispensaries ; 68
open air schools ; 98 hospitals for the
Insane and penal institutions , making
special provision for their tuberculosis
inmates ; besides giving an account
of the anti-tuberculosis legislation in
every state and In about 250 cities.
The new directory is sold by the
National Association for the Study
and Prevention of Tuberculosis , 105
East Twenty -second street , New York
city , at cost price , 50 cents , postpaid.
Her Qualifications.
Pat and his little brown mare were
familiar sights to the people of the
town of Garry. The mare was lean ,
"blind and lame , but by dint of much
coaxing Pat kept her to the harness.
One day while leading her to water
he had to pass a corner where a
crowd of would-be sports were congre
gated. Thinking to have some amuse
ment at Pat's expense , one called out :
"Hullo , there , Pat. I'm looking for
tbe real goods. How much is that
mare of yours able to draw ? "
"Begorra , " said Pat. "I can't say
exactly , but she seems to be able to
drawh the attenshun of Ivery fool in
town , " The Housekeeper.
To Pray for the Rich.
Two women prominent in St. Louia
"have started a movement to induce
300,000 of their sex in the south to
I > ray every day for the rich. They ex
plain they hope by organizing system
atically groups of women who will
TJray often and well for the more af
fluent , wealthy persons will be led to
-contribute to a fund for the evange-
Ssation of the world. Belle H. Ben-
tne'tt , president of the woman's mis-
. 'sionary council of the Methodist
Episcopal church south , and Mrs. II.
"W. McDonnell are the originators of
the plan.
When a Wife Is Cruel.
The husband rushed into the room
where his wife was sitting.
"My dear , " said he , excitedly.
" 'Guess what ! Intelligence has just
reached me "
The wife gave a jump at this point ,
rushed to her husband , and , kissing
Urn fervently , interrupted with :
"Well , thank heaven , Harry ! "
A Redeeming Feature.
"Maud is a harem-scarum sort , isn't
she ? "
"Yes , but her skirt isn't. "
.Feed Your Brain , and It Will Feed
You Money and Fame.
"Ever since boyhood I have been
especially fond of meats , and I am con
vinced I ate too rapidly , and failed to
masticate my food properly.
"The result was that I found myself ,
a. few years ago , afflicted with ail
ments of the stomach , and kidneys ,
which interfered seriously with my
"At last I took the advice of friends
and began to eat Grape-Nuts instead
of the heavy meats , etc. , that had con
stituted my former diet
"I found that I was at once bene
fited by the change , that I was soon
relieved from the heartburn and indi
gestion that used to follow my meals ,
that the pains in my back from my
.kidney affection had ceased.
"My nerves , which used to be un
steady , and my brain , which was Blow
and lethargic from a heavy diet of
meats and greasy foods , had , not in a
moment , b'ut gradually , and none the
Jess surely , been restored to normal
"Now every nerve is steady and my
Tjrain and thinking faculties are quick
er and more acute than for years past
"After my old style breakfasts I used
to suffer during the forenoon from a
feeling of weakness which hindered
me seriously in my work , but since i
began to use Grape-Nuts food I can
work till dinner time with all ease
and comfort" Name given by Pos-
tum Co. , Battle Creek , Mich ,
" ' "
"There's a reason.
Read the little book , f'The Road to
Wellville , " in pkgs.
Ever read the above letter ? A nerr
one appears from time to time. They
are genuine , true , and full of aumaa
Nasbys to Meet at York.
York County. It has been an
nounced that the annual convention
of the postmasters of Nebraska will
be held at York June l3 , 14 and 15.
instead of at Omaha as at first an
Cuming County Crops Good.
Cuming County. Crops throughout
Cuming county are looking remarka
bly well. Small grain has an excel
lent stand and a good color. Corn
planting is about two-thirds finished ,
the ground and the weather furnish-
tng ideal conditions for planting.
Postmaster Resigns.
Thayer County. J. H. Traugott has
resigned as postmaster to take effect
as soon as his successor is appointed.
Mr. Traugott has been postmaster for
the past 14 years , his wife acting as
deputy , and has made a satisfactory
official for Deshler.
Moorefield Wants Hospital.
Frontier County. Moore'field , in
Frontier county , Is the latest appli
cant for the state tubercular hospital.
Secretary of State Wait received a
letter from James Pearson , who says
that while the town is not over large
nor over beautiful , it is "a dandy
place to benefit those who have tu
berculosis. "
Young Girl Disappears.
Clay County. Edna , the 14-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zim-
merle , left home the other evening ,
supposedly to take laundry to a Chi
nese laundry , and nothing has been
heard of her since. She was seen
going to the depot just before the
arrival of train No. 10. No reason
can be given for the child's act.
Woman Tries to End Life.
Gage County. While packing her
trunk to go to Lebanon , Kan. , on a
visit , Mrs. H. J. Randall locked her
self in a room at her home in Beat
rice and attempted to take her life
by saturating her apron with chloro
form. She will recover4.
Garden County Bank.
Garden County. The Garden Coun
ty bank , which will start in business
at Lewellen , has incorporated under
the new bank guaranty law. It has
a capital stock of $10,000 and has
complied with the new law by adding
to the capital stock $400 for the de *
positors' guaranty fund.
Interurban Survey.
Dodge County. A gang of 12 men ,
surveyors of the Baker Interurban
Transportation company , has been at
work surveying for said road through
Pleasant Valley township , in a north
western direction on a line" from the
southwest corner of section 25 to the
northwest of section 7 of said town
ship , on the route from Fremont to
Howells and Norfolk.
Failed to Kill Himself.
Sherman County. Edward Fish , of
Ross , attempted to commit suicide
here. He went into the city restaur
ant and slashed the right side of his
neck with a razor. After bleeding
freely he got up and walked to the
front of the restaurant where he was
found and taken to a doctor's office.
The wound was dressed and he will
Hunters After Licenses.
Merrick County. The enactment of
the law requiring all those hunting
and fishing to secure a license , no
matter whether they reside in the
county where they are enjoying that
recreation or not , has had a marked
effect on the business of the county
clerk's office. In all 82 parties have
come into the office during the last
few weeks and paid their dollars to
secure permits to hunt and fish.
Accidentally Shot and Killed.
Nemaha County. John Wiers , a
ivell-to-do farmer residing nine miles
south of Auburn , lost his life by the
accidental discharge of his gun while
he was getting through a wire fence
in pursuit of a hawk.
Thieves Return Horse.
Phelps County. The horse stolen
ay the men who two weeks ago made
an attempt to rob the bank at Ragan
has been returned to its owner , hav
ing appeared at the barn of Charles
Long in Holdrege , without harness or
buggy , which have not yet been
found. It is thought the vehicle is
somewhere in the city.
Alliance Pupils Give Play.
Box Butte County. No larger audi
ence ever taxed the capacity of the
opera house at Aliance than that ,
which turned out to enjoy the enter
tainment given by the pupils of the
Alliance High school. An attractive
musical program was ably rendered.
A college comedy , "A Case of Sus
pension , " was a complete success un
der the directorship of Principal G.
H. Williams.
Veteran Dies in Cemetery.
Kearney County J. W. Downing died
while at work in the Swedish Luther
an Bethany congregation's cemetery
at Minden on a monument which he
was lettering. Mr. Downing was In
the business of selling monuments.
Found Not Guilty.
Antelope County. The jury in the
case of Lew Gregerson , charged with
the murder of Nels Pedersen , during
a quarrel in the latter's home at El
gin , August 12 , brought in a verdict
of not guilty.
HE great war had been
over a few years and in
soft gloaming of May the
fairest wreaths that the
bright fields yield fell
annually upon hero graves ,
in the calleys of Virginia
the marks of that terrible
strife remained , for the
scars of battle are hard to
obliterate , and the roses
of Peace , though they grow
over the cannon ruts , are' now and
then blown aside , showing the work
of the crimson demon.
The home of the Morrows was one
of simplicity , though set among hills
which had reverberated to the boomIng -
Ing of the great guns , and the near
by river sang Its song of peace as it
sought the sea. By lucky accident the
little home and its surroundings had
escaped the ravages of war.
Hester Morrow stood upon the old
vine-embowered porch and looked out
Looked Out Upon a Scene of Exquis
ite Loveliness.
apon a scene of exquisite loveliness.
Everywhere the > last month of spring
had garbed the landscape in match
less beauty. Of course she remem
bered the war. While she stood there
she recalled how one day a regiment
of Union soldiers was hard pressed
and how stubbornly they held their
ground around the house ; how the
brave went down before the missiles
of battle , and how In her young girl
hood she had tried to staunch the life-
tide of a soldier wounded to his
In a little while the girl , who had
turned back into the house , came
forth modestly dressed and with a
smile on her lips.
A few minutes later she might have
been seen running hither and thither
with the sprightliness of young maid
enhood gathering flowers of many
hues which grew in profusion where
she sought them.
Hester , had , often despoiled the
woods of their treasures. Each Me
morial day she had stolen forth to
gather flowers where they never failed
to bloom. These she formed into a
rich wreath , and when she had finish
ed it she repaired to a certain spot
on the river's bank under the spread
ing boughs of a stately tree and
placed her offering to valor on a lone
grave there.
John Dunham that was the name
carved on the wooden head-board
was a soldier of the Union. He had
marched to battle with high hopes ,
but fate had decreed that he should
never return with his messmates. Of
his family , if he had one , the girl
knew nothing.
"Mother thinks , " smiled Hester ,
as she worked at her wreath , "that I
ought to marry Jack. But a girl
should choose for herself , and , while
Jack is a clever fellow , I haven't seen
enough of the world to 'settle down , '
as Aunt Mary says. I would like to
know what sort of world lies beyond
the river over yonder ; the boys In
blue came from that part of the coun
try and , as yet , It Is an unknown
world to me. "
She had scarcely finished her
wreath when she looked up and be
held a young man coming through the
grove toward the rippling river.
"Jack ! " cried Hester. "No , it Is not
Jack. He is a trifle too tall for him.
Perhaps he Is one of the strangers
who have come to town to keep the
day. "
She had already been perceived ;
the stranger wa-s coming toward her
anfl , as half a dozen flowers fluttered
to the ground at her feet , she caught
his eye and bowed.
"You will pardon me , miss , " said
the young man , as he halted before
the surprised girl , and cavalierly re
moved his hat. "This is my first visit
to this part of the country. I con
cluded to take a little stroll before
the services begin , and "
"It Is a beautiful morning and aug
urs well for a pretty day , " gently in
terrupted Hester. "I , too , have
strolled out here , but I do so every
year after flowers for my hero. "
"You have a hero , then ? "
"Yes , one who sleeps apart from
comrades. "
"The Gray fought bravely , Miss '
"But my lone hero is not of the
Gray , though , as you see , I am south
ern and I honor the gray-clad braves.
Would you like to see where my hero
sleeps ? "
"Only too well would I look upon
the grave of your Bayard , " was the
reply. "I am here on what I fear Is
a hopeless mission. My father "
"Was a soldier ? We meet a good
many people whose relatives were In
the war. I had relatives who wore
the Gray. "
"No doubt of that , miss. "
"Come with me , " and Hester Mor
row led the way across the grove to
the historic stream.
Th'e tall young man at her side
stole glances of silent admiration at
his companion as they paced along.
She was as fresh and lovely as the
flowers she had just gathered ; her
voice breathed song , and in her blue
eyes was a light he had seldom seen.
At last the girl paused and turned
toward her companion.
"This is my Mecca on Memorial
day , " she said , as she sllppeTl the
fragrant wreath from her arm. "Here
sleeps the northern soldier guarding
in death , as I tell my friends , the
river he guarded so well in life. "
At the feet of the couple so strange
ly met was the lone mound.
The young stranger approached the
grave and stopped at its head as
he once more looked at Hester.
"Something thrills me as I have not
been thrilled for years , " he whispered
softly. "By the way , miss , you have
not told me the name of the one who
camps here. Or is he one of the un
known ? "
"No , he is not unknown. His com
rades carved his name on the head
board. You have but to part the grass
to read * the name and regiment of the
sleeper. " -
The young man knelt reverently
while Hester , stooping , placed her
wreath on the mound.
Suddenly there came from the
stranger's lips a cry that startled the
young girl.
When she looked up she perceived
that he had sprung erect and was
pressing his hands to his forehead as
If he would keep in leash his wildly
throbbing temples.
"What Is it ? " cried Hester. "Did you
know "
"Found at last ! " was the response.
"For years I have sought this spot ,
going hither and thither throughout
the south , always looking for a sol
dier's head-board that bore the name
of John Dunham of the th Mas
sachusetts. At last my task is ended ,
and I can now go back to the old
home and tell mother where father
sleeps. " f
"Your father ? " cried Hester Mor
row. "Do you mean to tell me "
"This soldier was my father. His
comrades came home , but he did not
Beheld a Young Man Coming Through
the Grove.
And you for years have placed a
wreath on his grave ! . You have gath
ered the treasures of wood and field
and , loving this man , although he may
have crossed swords with your people
ple , you have crowned him beside the
river that sings to the sea. Let me
thank you , miss , not only for myself ,
but for my mother. She would more
than thank you if she were here. "
He held out his hands to Hester'and
she placed hers in them , and for a
moment they stood over the wreath
by the river , looking Into each other's
eyes and feeling in their natures a
thrill they had never felt before.
At that moment there came from
the village the clear notes of the
chimes , mingled with the shrill , al
most warlike call of the resonant
bugle , and when Harold Dunham and
Hester Morrow walked from that soli
tary grave they doubtless realized that
the currents of their lives must com
mingle ; and almost before the wreath
by the river had lost its fragrance
the memories of that one Memorial
day had been strengthened at the
Newspapers Better Than Excelsior to
Protect the Prized Possessions
Entire Secret of Success Is
the Wrapping.
A woman who brought delicate egg
shell chine safely from San Francisco
to Chicago and from Atlantic City to
Chicago , and who packed her china
for transportation without any break
age , did so In the following manner
without using excelsior and thus avoid
ing unnecessary bulkiness :
Long before the time for packing
she had saved and stacked all her
newspapers so that there would be
plenty on hand. She considered small
boxes safer for the purpose , as they
are handled more easily.
Sort the china and glass so that
delicate and lightweight pieces may
be packed into the same box or case ,
and not together with heavier ware.
Almost every household contains
bric-a-brac not commonly
fine dishes and - -
monly in use. Begin your packing
with these some time before moving
day , as they may be easily spared
without inconvenience to the house
hold , and prevent too great accumu
lation of work near-the end.
Take a delicate piece of china and
begin by wrapping It in newspaper ,
doubling the paper many thicknesses
and wrapping again and again , being
careful to place extra thicknesses
about the edges , about protruding han
dles and knobs , until the contour of
the piece is entirely lost in the wrap
ping and no part with an edge or han
dle may be felt through the bundle.
The object must be wrapped until
no part of it whatever Is distinguish
able through the wrapping. Covers of
dishes must be wrapped separately ,
and fitted into the vessels to which
they belong , top downward , then the
whole wrapped again and again into a
compact bundle. While wrapping the
article keep track of the handles so
that In placing the bundle in the box
it may be laid without undue pressure
of other bundles against the delicate
parts. Before packing a box , assemble
all the bundles which are expected to
be packed into it in order that they
may be fitted in the best possible way.
There is always some little niche or
space between packages of different
shapes and sizes. Fill in every space
or hollow with paper pushed in until
the mass is solid and immovable. The
more compact the packing the safer
the contents of the box. Where pack
ages do not seem to fit in because of
shape or size , change the bundles
about until a place Is made where
they are sure to fit. When a box Is
filled see that everything is wedged
In tight and immovable.
The box may then be closed and
may be safely turned on every side ,
and worry incident to handling avoid
ed. This mode of packing besides be
ing safe , economizes space and what
Is more important , avoids the litter
incident to packing in piles of excel
sior , thus lessening work for house
keeper and janitor. Chicago Tribune.
In the
For something new and dainty ,
spread the buttered fudge pan with
minced dates before turning the candy
into t
To keep white gloves clean in a
muH have "an adjustable lining of
whife silk or satin that may be fasten
ed ia over the dark lining of the muff
with invisible hooks and loops.
Wrap gold or silver trimmings in
blaik paper and they will untarnish.
All frocks should be wrapped In black
paper also.
An effective scarf for a hall table
mny be made of linen crash with a fig
ure embroidered on each end and of
tl'.e same design as the paper on the
Perhaps the croquettes will not
mold. If not , take a tablespoonful of
granulated gelatine , soak a moment in
cold water , then dissolve it over boilIng -
Ing water and set aside till solid. The
heat in frying dissolves the gelatine ,
making the inside soft and creamy.
Ham Farcl.
Whole ham , have bone removed and
soak over night One cup of bread
crumbs , one tablespoon of melted but
ter , one teaspoon each chopped olives ,
onions and parsley. Worcestershire
sauce , tomato catsup , three drops of
tabasco sauce , two truffles chopped
fine. Stuff the ham with the above
mixture , thoroughly blended , roll in
cheese cloth , boil in water with a lit
tle vinegar or elder four or five hours
or until tender ; leave in water until
cold and a weight to press It ; when
ready to serve cut in slices.
To Clean White Plumes.
Make a thin paste from gasoline , and
flour. Dip plumes and cover with paste.
Lay aside to dry , then shake well , and
plumes will come out clean and fluffy.
This has been tried time and again.
Home Department National Magazine.
Polish for Brass.
Brass takes a most beautiful polish
If it is washed in a mixture of one
ounce of alum and a pint of lye boiled
together for a short time ; apply with
rag or brush while hot. Home De
partment National Magazine.
ThatTired Feeling
that is caused by impure , impoverished
blood or lov. % run-down condition of the
system , is burdensome and discouraging.
Do not put up with it , but take ITood'a
Sarsaparilla , which removes it as nothing
else does.
"I had that tired feeling , had no ap
petite and no ambition to do anything. A
friend advised me to take Hood's Sarsa
parilla. I did so , and soon that tired
feeling was Rene , I had a good appetite
and felt well. T believe Hood's saved ma
from a long illness. " Mrs. IJ. Johnson.
Wedtfield , X. J.
Get Hood's Sarsaparilla today. In liquid
form or In tablets called Sarsatabs.
PATENTS Incton.D.C. Bookfret. Illgb-
eat rfilcruccea. .Best results.
" 5S8K21 Thompson's Eyt WaJar
Many a girl has too many strings
to her beau.
Garfield Tea cures constipation , keeps
the blood pure and tones up the system.
The man who has been married
fifty years is willing to let his wife
do the boasting about it.
Constipation causes and aggravates many
eerious diseases. It is thoroughly cured by
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. The favor
ite family laxative.
If no God , whence duty ? There re
mains no other source than blind , bru
tal , tyrannous force. Duty never is
sues from that Mazzini.
the Antiseptic powder to shaio into your shoes. Re
lieves Corns , BunionsIngrowing Nails , Swollen and
Sweating feet. Blisters and Callous spots. Sold
everywhere , 25c. Don't accept any tubstitutt. 8am-
ploFKEB. Address Allen 8. Olmstcd , Lolloy , N.Y.
And You Must Pay.
"Experience is the best teacher , "
quoted the Wise Guy.
"Yes , but her charges are mighty
high , " added the Simple Mug.
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA , a safe and sure remedy for
infants and children , and see that it
Bears the
Signature of <
In Use For Over 3TYears. (
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Hired !
Employer I want a boy who is ab
solutely trustworthy. Do you ever
give business secrets away ?
Applicant Not much , boss ! I sells
'em. Judge.
At All Hours.
"Professor , what do you consider
the most wonderful thing in the
world ? "
"The brain of a centipede ; it is infinitesimally -
finitesimally small , yet it has perfect
control over the creature's entire sys
tem of legs and feet"
Shouldn't He ?
A very good natured broker , who
is very much larger than his wife ,
and who likes his little joke at some
one else's expense , was sitting In the
theater. A man behind him , not
knowing who he " as , leaned forward
and whispered , "Will you please ask
your wife to remove her hat ? "
"You'd better do it yourself. I'm
afraid. "
Whereupon the man behind became
angry , arose , protested and left the
How He Did It.
At the dinner Saturday of the Mili
tary Order of Foreign Wars , Captain
Carlyle L. Burridge told of a man
who , returning to his domicile at
cockcrow , underwent an inspection by
his wife , who desired to know how
he came to have a large bump on his
"That ? Oh , that's where I bit my
self , " explained he of the night key.
"Bit yourself ? " the lady repeated
after him. "How could you bite your
self away up there ? "
"Why , I stood on a chair , " he said.
Cleveland Leader.
One Cook
May make a cake "fit for
the Queen , " while another
only succeeds in making a
"pretty good cake" from the
same materials.
It's a matter of skill !
People appreciate , who
have once tasted.
A delicious food made of
While Corn flaked and
toasted to a delicate , crisp
brown to the "Queen's
. .
Post Toasties are .served
direct from the package with
cream or milk , and sugar if
A breakfast favorite !
"The Memory Lingers"
Postum Cereal Company , Ltd.
Battle Creek.