Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 18, 1911, Image 4

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    s Kssaycs
"With new prices , which are the lowest for
good business. My stock consists of Dry
Goods , Groceries , Shoes and 5 and 10 cent
bargains. You are invited to call and
make this your home store. Highest pric
es paid'for produce. Come and get ac
G 2nd Building South the ank. Crookston , Neb
D. A. WHIPPLE , Propr.
Valentine Headquarters at the Chicago House
< *
Rosebud - " " " Rosebud Hotel
Leave Valentine at 8 o'clock every morning ,
Sundays excepted.
Arrive at Kosebud at 2 o'clock p. m.
Leave . 8 o'clock every morning ,
Sundays excepted.
Arrive at Valentine at 2 o'clock p. m.
Dinner at Britt at 11 o'clock a. m.
Special attention to passengers , baggage and
express or packages.
Leave orders at headquarters or at the Eed
Front store.
D. Af Whipple.
Go to the
Stock Exchange Saloon
Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr.
i ! ! I. M. RICE - Editor and Propr. I
Mark Zarr , Foreman. i
- I
A Weekly Newspaper published every Thurs
day at Valentine , Nebras.
Subscription - § 1.50 Per Year
Local Notices , ocper line per issue
Entered at the 1'ostoffice at Valentine , Neb. , !
for transmission through the mails , as second
class matter.
,1) )
Thursday , May 18,1011.
Haven'tyou noticed how the K , .
R.Co. stuft's a freight bill : pile up
weight far exceeding the actual
weight ? Last week w.e got our
freight billed at 100 Ibs. and an
other package weighing ( i5 Ibs. but
the two together was listed at ISO
Ibs. and we had'to pay the bill or
declare war and as we-couldn't go
to war for 15 Ibs. we paid the bill.
This is a loss to us of about 12
it cents. Seems small , but when an' '
over charge is frequently made
on over weight there is something
at least to kick about. Our legis
lature might make a law requiring
a railway company to correctly
list weight or stand ready to cor
rect the bill at any time attention
is. called to an over charge with a
modest penalty attached to pay
for the trouble of complaining.
! Mr. Barnes of the Phelps Photo
Co. has made an appointment with
the graduating class of the high
scHdol to be here oa May 26th and
uake the class picture. The class
is to be congratulated on securing
the services of so good a workman
v r' and we predict lhe ! results as"a
fi&e photo of a nice looking glass. .
Closing Qi otations on the Chicago
Board of Trade.
Chicago , May 16. Closing prices :
Wheat May , 95hc ; July , 88c.
Corn May , 527Cc ; July , 52j.c.
Oats May , SSV c ; July , 33 &C.
Pork May , $16.25 ; July , $14.Sf > .
Lard May , $3.05 ; July , $8.10.
Ribs May , $8.05 ; July , $7.S7K .
Chicago Cash Prices No. 2 hard
wheat , 9G.C@98c : ; No. 2 corn , 54@
No. 2 oats , 33c.
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago , May ] G. Cattle Receipts ,
2,000 ; steady ; beeves , $5.00'y.G.45 : ;
western steers , $4.SO@5.GO ; srockers
and feeders , $3.90@5.70 ; cows and
heifers , $2.4 ° @ 5.GO ; calves , $4 50 @
0.55. Hogs Receipts , 14,000 ; weak
to lower ; light , $ S.OO@G.42 % ; m\\n& \ ,
$ G.OO@G.35 ; heavy , r $5.80 (5.22' : ;
rough , So.80@5.95 ; pigs , 55.90@fi.25 ;
bulk , $ fi.lO@6.20. Sheeii Receipts ,
15,000 ; slow : natives , . * 3 f'04 do ;
westerns , $3.5' @ 4.G5 ; yoarlhigs , $ l.i:0 :
@ 5.GO ; lambs , $4.50@G.fio.
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Omaha , May 1C. Cattle Re
ceipts , 5,700 ; riiade lower ; beef
steers , $5.20@5.95 ; cows ami hiiifers ,
$3.95@q.30 ; stackers and feeders. $4.00
@ 5.25 ; bulls , $440@5.10 ; calves , $4.50
@ 7.00. Hogs Receipts , 12,000 ; 5c
lower ; lard grades moved around $5.80
5.85 : good butchers brought $5.93 ©
5.95 and best -bacon animals sold at
$6.00@G.05. Sheep Receipts , 4.800 ;
lOc hfgher ; wethers. $3.90 4.35 ; ewes ,
? 3.G5@4.50 ; lambs , $5.00@ < : .75.
Sprains require careful treatment.
Keep quiet and apply 6haraberlain's Lin
iment freely. It will remove the sore
ness and quickly restore the parts to a
health7condition. . For sale by Chapman -
man , the druggist.
Are You in. Arrears
on your subscription 7 You knew
Free ! . *
Begin ,
Now ! : > ,
. *
If you will send in three
new subscriptions at
$1.50 EACH
If you are already a subscriber you
will be credited on'subscription 50c
for each name yen send in at $1.50
each if you mention this offer.
C. H. Hyde Pleads Not Guilty.
New Yorlc , May ] 7. Charles H.
Hyde , the city chamberlain , pleaded
not guilty to an indictment superceding -
ing the original' ' indictment against
him and was given until May 26 to
change his plea.
Happiest Girl in Lincoln.
A Lincoln , Neb. , girl writes , "L had
been ailing for some time with chronic
constipation and stomach trouble. I be
gan taking Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets and in three days I was
able to be up and got better right along.
I am the proudest girl in Lincoln to find
such a good medicine. " For sale by
Chapman- druggist.
Fra Diavolo/
Most noted Cast and Perfor
mance ever attempted by the fam
ous Beggar Prince Opera Com
Lovers of real music , Drama
and Comedy have in store for
them the finest treat offered one
night stands in ypars on May 25 ,
Quigley Opera House. The Com
pany is composed of G. Byron
Brontia wo'rld's famous Baritone ,
Miss Emma Abbott , Prima Donna
Soprano , niece of the latexEmma
Abbott , graduate of two of the
best Music Conservatories , and a
remarkable Concert career to her
individual credit , along with the
complete cast composed of "All
Stars. "
There are four excel lent Comedy
parts in"Fra Diavolo , " the Devil.
The story is intensely drarnaiij ,
the music the best found
in any of the Standard Operas.
The famous "Sextette from Lucia"
is introduced as a finale to the 2nd
Low Round Trip Fares.
Atlantic C5tyNew YorkBoston
and other Eastern Summer Resorts
daily , June to September inclusive
Favorable stop over privileges
and liberal limits. For particulars
apply to Ticket AgentsThe North
Western Line.
That every added sub
scriber helps to make this
paper better for everybody
Selling Out
We desire to announce that we are not clos-
'ing out , but are still selling the very best goods
at reasonable prices.
Our line of John Deere Implements , Velie
Buggies , Moline and Davenport Keller Bearing
Wagons and Samson Windmills is complete
and priced right.
We also have a large stock of lumber , lime ,
Wall Plaster , Cement , .Brick , Sash , Doors , etc.
Is it not good policy to patronize a firm who
expects to continue in business and intends to
handle the same line of goods for years to come.
We never advertise so-called bargains
because we have always had our goods priced .
Valentine Lumber Co.
A. E. Morris. W. W. Morrissey. Dr. C. Wi JSToyes.
40 head of horses , part broken ,
two or tl good milch cows , one
I *
jfarm ; alswo or three houses and
1 ! ! ' . ESTATE DEALER ,
Crookst. . . , 12 Nebraska
will make you a tubular well
on short notice and guarantee
Crookston - Nebr ,
I will sell at public auction at my ranch , 5 and 12 1 miles southwest of Arabia
and 10 miles west of Wood Lake , on
inning at 11 a. m. , the following property :
Consisting of 5 choice milch cows , 13 cows with calf and calves by
side , 4 dry cows , 2 three-year-old heifers , 5 two-year-old heiiers , 13
yearling heifers , 6 yearling steers , 1 registered Short Horn bull.
Consisting of 2 four-year-old mares , weight about 900 .pounds each ,
one in foal ; 1 four-year-old gelding , weight 1000 pounds ; 1 yearling
mare colt ; 1 two-year-old gelding , weight 1000 pounds.
2 hogs ; all haying machinery , consisting of two mowers , one nearly new ; 1 Deering
rake , 1 stirring plow , 1 breaking plow , 1 tongueless cultivator , 1 wide tire 3-inch wag
on , 1 narrow tire 3-inch.wagon , 1 wide tire spring wagon , household goods and other
articles too numerous to mention.
TERMS : Sums of $10 and under , cash ; eight months' time will be given on ap
proved notes bearing 10 per cent interest on sums over § 10. or 5 per cent off for cash.
Free Lunch at Noon
I have sold my ranch and am moving away.
. . "
t - * >
, , .
Coh G. J > TraefeWEU , auctioneer.t " - ' . f * ' " * - ' ' 4