Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 18, 1911, Image 3
V DON'T NEGLECT YOUR KIDNEYS. OLD EA 100 Pettits Eve Salve. SETTING A HIGH STANDARD Child's Idea of Goodness Set Forth in Perfect Faith , Without Irreverence. All things are relative , and to the 'Child , gazing at life and its wonders with eyes as yet undimmed by so phistication or sorrow , nothing is 1m- .possible , nothing unspeakable , noth ing too sacred to be discussed or too difficult to be attempted. Not irrev erence nor impertinence , but inno cence prompts such speeches as that recorded of the child of a popular .journalist by his devoted paternal grandmother. "Grandma , " said the little boy , de lightedly addressing her , "do you know what's going to happen ? Papa -says that if we're real , real good , he'll take us to the circus ! " "That's nice , " smiled the young- hearted adult between whom and the eager youngling no hint of age sepa ration mars perfect comradship. "How -good do we have to be ? " The embryo man , after a moment of silent consideration : "Oh , as good as God , I guess ! " GETTING FRIENDLY. - - _ > ; i- Tom Making any progress in your suit for Miss Millyun's hand * Dick Oh , yes. Tom Why , I heard her father kick ed you out every time you called. Dick Yes ; but he doesn't kick me ; as hard as he usedto. * A man may avoid family cares by taking care of his family. FEED YOUNG GIRLS iMust Have Right Food While Growing. Great care should be taken at the -critical period when the young girl is just merging into womanhood that the diet shall contain that which is up- Tjuilding and nothing harmful. At that age the structure is being formed and if formed of a healthy , : sturdy character , health and happiness will follow ; on the other hand un- healthj' cells may be built in and a : sick condition slowly supervene which , Jf not checked , may ripen into a -chronic condition and cause life-long .suffering. A young lady says : 5 "Coffee began to have such an effect on my stomach a few years ago that I finally quit using it It brought on headaches , pains in my muscles , and nervousness. 'I tried to use tea in its stead , but found its effects even worse than those I suffered from coffee. Then for a long time I drank milk at my meals , but at 'Jast it palled on me. A friend came to Ihe rescue with the suggestion that I 'try Postum. "I did so , only to find at first , that I , . f-didn't fancy it But I had heard of so -many persons who had been benefited "by Its use that I persevered , and when .1 had it made right according to di rections on the package * I found It rgrateful in flavour and soothing and strengthening to my stomach. I can -find no words to express my feeling -of what I owe to Postum ! "In every respect it has worked a -wonderful improvement the headaches - -aches , nervousness , the pains in my iside and back , all the distressing symptoms yielded to the magic power -of Postum. My brain seems also to share in the betterment of my phys ical condition ; it seems keener , more .alert and brighter. I am , in short , in "better health now than for a long -while before , and I am sure I owe it to the use of your Postum. " Name given by Postum Company , Battle 'Creek , Mich. "There's a reason. " Ever rend the above letter ? A new -one appenri * from time to time. They are xenulne , true , and fall of interest. ALL OVER NEBRASKA Memorial Day. Department Commander John P. Diener and Assistant Adjutant Gen eral L. M. Scothorn have issued gen eral orders No. 10 to Grand T Army posts calling their attention to May 28 , memorial Sunday and May 30 , Me morial day. The order is as follows : "With this order you will find en closed national general orders Nos. 7 and 8. General order No. 7 reminds us that _ the vernal gladness of the year has "arrived , nature everywhere is full of the good and tender sentiments of Memorial day , and that day , May 30 , should be devoted to the commemora tion of a great national sacrifice of loyalty and devotion by our comrades who have gone before. In this beau tiful tribute to our dead comrades , strewing their graves with flowers , let us invite the Woman's Relief corps , Ladles of the G. A. R. , Sons and Daughters of Veterans , school children and all well disposed citizens to join and assist us in this pleasant duty. "On May 28 , 'Sunday preceding Me morial day , is designated as memorial Sunday. Let the members of each post in this department by selection or invitation attend divine service. All posts should attend in a body where it is possible to do so. "The department patriotic instruc tor directs that all post patriotic in structors will cause to be detailed a sufficient number of comrades to vis it all public schools in his jurisdic tion on Friday preceding Memorial day , the post patriotic instructor should communicate with superin tendents and teacliers of schools and have the hour set that would be most convenient for the comrades to visit the schools , make patriotic addresses , instil into their young minds lessons of patriotism , the story of the flag and what it has cost to preserve it. " Gets Year and Day. Matthew Streeter , colored , was sentenced to spend a year and a day in the federal prison at Fort Leaven- worth by Federal Judge T. C. Munger. Streeter pleaded guilty to forging a receipt for a registered mail package. Terminal Tax Reports. Lancaster County. The report of the secretary of the state board of assessment on the terminal taxes of the various towns and cities of the state will probably not be completed much before July 1. Six hundred re ports are filed bearing data on ter minal property and all of these must be examined and computations made on them before the task of terminal assessment is completed. The as sessment of private and tank car lines will be finished in a few days. The same basis is being , used _ that was employed a year ago. Beltz Killed in Runaway. Pierce County. John Beltz , a wealthy farmer residing one mile north of Foster , was killed in a run away. The front axle of his buggy broke down and he was thrown over the dashboard and was kicked to death by his frightened horses. Wants Release From Asylum. Madison County. Jennie H. Dan- ley , an inmate in the hospital for the insane at Norfolk , through her attor ney Burt Mapes of Norfolk , has start ed habeus corpus proceedings to be released from the hospital claiming that her enforced detention there is contrary to law and justice depriving her of her liberty and freedom. New Bank for Springfield. Sarpy County. A new bank has been organized at Springfield. Chief among the organizers are William Mangold , cashier of the Farmers and Merchants. bank of Gretna ; John C. Mangold of Elkhorn and Peter Man gold of Bennington. Deadly Draught by Mistake. Douglas County. Mrs. Jennie Cros by of Omaha , wife of Willis C. Cros by , county coroner , drank a quantity of carbolic acid by mistake at her home and died in less than half an hour. Good Crop Prospects. Johnson County. Crop prospects In Johnson county at the present time are most encouraging. Winter wheat is looking fine , the rains of the past week having benefited It wonderfully. Goff Must Serve Sentence. Otoe County. The sentence of Ed gar Goff of Otoe county , sent to the penitentiary for two years for feloni ous assault , was affirmed by the su preme court. Goff declared that the lower court was wrong in sentencing him. An Educator Dead. Lancaster County. Carl Morris , county superintendent of schools , and one of the best known educators in this section of the state , is dead after an illness of several weeks. The dis ease which brought his death was an affection of the bones. Cousins Wanted to Marry. Otoe County. Floyd W. Brown and Miss Edna Hadley of Kansas City , Mo. , applied to. County Judge Wilson for a marriage license , but on ascer taining they were cousins , he refused to grant the same. Booze Fighter Detained. Madison County. Willey Wyatt , re siding near Tilden , was brought be fore the dypsomanlac board and ad judged a suitable subject to be de tained for a time in the achool for dypsomaniacs at Lincoln. HEALTHY KIDNEYS ESSENTfAL TO PERFECT HEALTH. When healthy , the kidneys remove about 500 grains of impure matter from the blood daily ; when unhealthy , Borne part of the impure matter is ab sorbed , causing various diseases and symptoms. TO attain perfect health , you must keep your filters right. You can use no better remedy than Doan's Kidney Pills. Dr. R. F. Marshall , East Oakland , Gal. , says : "I practiced 111 i-Tldl DU0.1A County , Iowa , from 1870 to 1891 and during that time I became conversant with the splendid properties of Doan's Kidney pills. I prescribed them in cases of kidney trouble with excellent results. " Remember the name Doan's. For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. A * Strong Preference. "She is literary , isn't she ? " "Yes , indeed ; she'd rather read than flo housework any day. " Dr. Pierce's Pellets , small , sugar-coated , fasy to take as candy , regulate and invig orate stomach , liver and bowels. Do not tripe. Not Particular. She I heard Freddy Fickle has de cided to marry and settle down to a particular girl. He Huh ! She can't be. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA , a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children , and see that it Bears the Signature _ * In Use For Over 30Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria If You Have Money. "That fellow Gotrox is a multimil lionaire. He has more money than brains. " "Well , what does he want with brains ? " Too Much Like Work. "The boss's son is kicking. " "Why ? " "Says he's overworked. All he used to do was tear the pages off the office calendars once a month. Now he has v.o wind the eight-day clock , too. " Local Color. "I understand that sixteen different women have brought suit for breach of promise against Riter. What's his defense ? " "Oh , he claims that he was simply getting material for his annual out put of summer love stories. " Puck. His Wurst. The German proprietor of a Brook lyn delicatessen store has got far enough along to pun in English. A writer in the New York Sun reports the fact. Hanging in the window of the little shop is this advertisement : "The Best You Can Do Is Buy Our Wurst" Youth's Companion. Well Mated. Thus the Inquisitive boarder : "What has become of the old-fash ioned woman who used to call a wed ding reception an infare ? " Response by the white-haired boarder : "I think she married the old- fashioned man who used to crack his knuckles regularly twice a day. " To the Point. Over in Hoboken in a shop frequent ed by Germans , hangs a sign framed in mournful black , reading thus : "We regret to inform our honored customers that our good and generous friend , Mr. Credit , expired today. He was a noble soul , always willing and helpful , but has been failing for some time. May he rest in peace. PAY CASH ! " "SHE WHO HESITATES IS LOST. " Myrtilla He proposed , but I didn't say yes. I want to keep him on the rack for awhile. Miranda Be careful , or you may find yourself on the shelf. Socially Launched. In hi3 native town Jimmy had al ways been most popular with young and old , but when he was sent away to boarding school , he was for a time too homesick to make friends. His first letter was little more than a wail. "I'm way behind the other boys in everything , " he wrote , dolefully. " 'Tisn't only studies , but it's gymna sium and banjos and everything. I don't believe they'll ever have much use for me. " But the second letter , written after a week in the new school , was quite different in tone. "I'm all right , " he wrote to his mother. "The boys say they'll teach me all they know , for they're proud to have me here. I can stretch my mouth half an inch wider than any other boy in school , and myt feet are the longest by a full inch. So you needn't worry about me any more. " Youth's Companion. Age of Oysters. Oysters grow only during the sum mer and especially during the long , warm summers at that , and are scarce ly big enough for the mouth before the third year. It is easy after look ing'over a bunch of shells to tell how old an oyster is. A summer hump and the winter sink come across the shell every year , but after the seventh or tenth year full growth comes ; then , by looking at the sinks between the humps it is hard to tell anything more about Miss Oyster's age. Oysters live to be twenty years old. A Question of Change. A story is going the rounds of a couple of young people who attended church recently. When the collection was being .taken up the young man commenced fishing in his pocket for a dime. His face expressed his em barrassment as he hoarsely whis pered : "I guess I haven't a cent , I changed my pants. " The young lady , who had been examining the unknown regions of woman's dress for her purse , turned a pink color and said : "I'm in the same fix. " A Poetic Prosecutor. John Burns , city prosecutor of St. Paul , was trying to show Judge Fine- hout why some young men ought to be fined for tearing pickets off the fence of Mrs. Joe Goesik. Mr. Burns said : "I know Mike Chicket tore off that picket , and the lady took offence. " "No lady is charged with taking a fence , " replied Judge Finehout , "and , besides , this is no place for poetry. " The Riddle. The Sphinx propounded a puzzle. "Why-does it always rain the day you move ? " she asked. Herewith the ancients gave it up. Many a girl would promise to marry a man if she thought he wouldn't be so silly as to expect her to live up to her promise. Fine Scheme. Wife Please match this piece of silk for me before you come home. Husband At the counter where the sweet little blonde works ? The one with the soulful eyes and Wife No. You're too tired to shop for me when your day's work Is done , dear. On second thought , I won't bother you. ChctT and smoke nntazcd tobacco , cheap and undoped. Mcrlwether & Kdwards , UlarlcsrUle.Tenn. Eminence is not to be obtained without time and energy. McConnas. Btl 1 fcK HJK SALTS.OR PILLS.AS H SWEETENS AND CLEANSES THE SYSTEM MORE EFFICIENTLY AW > IS FAR MORE PLEASANT TO TAKE. IS THE IDEAL FAMILY LAXATIVE , AS IT GIVES SATISFACTION TO ALL , IS ALWAYS BENEFICIAL IN ITS EFFECTS VAND PERFECTLY SAFE AT ALL TIMES. NOTE THE NAME- CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. in tfte Circfe , on even * Package of the Genuine. -ALL RELIABLE DRUGGISTS SELL THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE WHEN CALLED FOR , ALTHOUGH THEY COULD 'MAKE A LARGER PROFIT BY SELLING INFERIOR PREPARA. TIONS. YET THEY PREFER TO SELL THE GENUINE , BECAUSE IT IS RIGHT TO DO SO AND FOR THE GOOD OF THEIR CUSTOMERS WHEN IN NEED OF MEDICINES , SUCH CONTAINS 31 * . DRUGGISTS ARE THE ONES TO DEAL WITH , AS YOUR CENT. Or ALCOHOL LIFE OR HEALTH MAY AT SOME TIME DEPEND UPON THEIR SKILL AND RELIABILITY WHEN BUYING " * * C * * * t ItWUTS.UYlR BWUS. flotetfieMNameoftte Gompam CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. rRINTED STRAIGHT ACROSS , NEAR THE BOTTOM. AND IN THE CIRCLE , NEAR THE TOP OF EVERY PACKAGEOF THE CENUINE. ONE SIZE ONLY , FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING MINIATURE PICTURE DRUGGISTS. REGULAR PRICE SOc PER BOTTLE. , OF PACKAGE SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA IS THE ONLY PERFECT FAMILY LAXATIVE BECAUSE IT IS THE ONE REMEDY WHICH ACTS IN A NATURAL , STRENGTHENING WAY AND CLEANSES THE SYSTEM , WITHOUT UNPLEASANT AFTEREFFECTS AND WITHOUT IRRITATING , DEBILITATING OR GRIPING , AND THEREFORE DOES NOT INTERFERE IN ANY WAY WITH BUSINESS OR PLEASURE. IT IS RECOMMENDED BY MILLIONS OF WELL. INFORMED FAMILIES , WHO KNOW OF ITS VALUE FROM PERSONAL USE. TO GET IT * BENEFICIAL EFFECTS ALWAYS BUY THE GENUINE ; MANUFACTURED BY THE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. GREATLY ATTACHED TO IT Husband Who Had "Married Money" * Acknowledged the Truth to His Friends's Query. Apropus of a beautiful young wife , worth § 40,000,000 , who had just di vorced her penniless husband in or der to marry again , Henry E. Dixey , the comedian , said at a dinner in New York : " .The young man who marries for money has none too easy a time of it. His rich wife is likely to tire of him and throw him out in a few years , or else she is likely to limit his allow ance to 25 or 50 cents a day. " 1 married money , ' a man once said to me. " 'Wasn't there a woman attached to it ? ' I asked. " 'Yes , you bet there was , ' he ex ploded. 'So much attached to it that she never parted with a penny. ' " "Kicking the Bucket. " When we speak facetiously of some one for whom we have no reverence as having "kicked the bucket" we employ a phrase that would seem to be a piece of latter-day slang , but , as a matter of fact , it dates back to old England , when , about the year 1725 , one Bolsover hung himself to a beam while standing on the bottom of a bucket and then kicked the bucket away. Although at first used only in cases of suicide , it has been applied in the course of years to any death without distinction. It sometimes happens that a street fight reminds a married man that there are other places like home. phoric Acid combined" and Potash 73.44 per cent from a total of 101.07 ? Considerable more than one-half of Phos phate of Potash. Analysis of Grape-Nuts shows : Potassium and Phosphorus ( which join and make Phos phate of Potash ) is considerable more than one-half of all the mineral salts in the food. Dr. Geo. W. Carey , an authority on the constituent elements of the body , says : "The gray matter of the brain is controlled entirely by the inorganic cell-salt , Potassium Phos phate ( Phosphate of Potash ) . This salt unites with albumen and by the addition of oxygen creates nerve fluid or the gray matter of the brain. Of course , there is a trace of other salts and other organic matter in nerve fluid , but Potassium Phosphate is the chief factor and has the power within itself to attract , by its own law of affinity , all things needed to manufacture the elixir of life. " Further on he says : "The beginning and end of the matter is to supply the lacking principle , and in. molecular form , exactly as nature fur nishes it in vegetables , fruits and grain. To supply deficiencies this is the only law of cure. " The natural conclusion is that if Phosphate of Potash is the needed mineral element in brain and you use food which does not contain it , you have brain fag because its daily loss is not supplied. On the contrary , if you eat food known to be rich * in this element , you place before the life forces that which nature demands for brain-building. Mind does not work well on a brain that is broken down by lack of nourishment. A peaceful and evenly poised mind is neces sary to good digestion. "All Run Down" Describes the condition of thousands of men and women who need only to purify and enrich their blood. They feel tired all the time. Every task , every responsi bility , has become hard to them , because they have not strength to do nor power' to endure. If you are one of these all-run-down peo-j pic or are at all debilitated take Hood's Sarsaparilla It purifies and enriches the blood , and builds up the whole system. Get it today in usual liquid form , or chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs. EXPERIENCE. Can't Get Away From It Is it possible to nourish * strengthen and Re build the Brain by Food ? Every man who thinks uses up part of the brain each da"y ! Why don't it all disappear and leave an empty skull in say a month of brain work ? Because the man rebuilds each day. If he builds a little leas than he destroys , brain fag and nervous prostration result sure. If he builds back a little more each day , the brain grows stronger and more capable. That also is sure. Where does man get the material to rebuild his brain ? Is it from air , sky or the Ice of the Arctic sea ? When you come to think about it , the rebuilding material must be in the food and drink. That also is sure. Are the brain rebuilding materials found in all food ? In a good variety but not , in suitable proportion in all. To illustrate : we know bones are made large ly of lime and magnesia taken from food ; therefore to make healthy bone structure we must have food containing these things. We would hardly feed only sugar and fat to make healthy bone structure in a growing child. Likewise if we .would feed in a skillful man ner to insure getting what the brain requires for strength and rebuilding , we must first know what the brain is composed of and then select some article or articles ( there are more than one ) that contain these elements. Analysis of brain by an unquestionable authority , Geoghegan , shows of Mineral Salts , Phosphoric Acid and Potash combined ( Phos phate of Potash ) 2.91 per cent of the total , 5.33 of all mineral Salts. This Is over one-half. Beaunis , another authority , shows "Phos- Teacher Tommy , what is a co quette ? Tommy It's a thing you make out of what's left of the stewed chicken. Ambiguous. Obliging Shopman ( to lady who has purchased a pound of butter ) Shall I send it for you , madam ? Lady No , thank you. It won't be too heavy for me. Obliging Shopman Oh , no , madam , I'll make it as light as I possibly can. Punch. Foolish. "I am going to ask your father to night for your hand in marriage. " "How dreadfully old fashioned you. are. " "In what way ? " "Don't ask him ; tell him. " ' Worry , anxiety , fear , hate , etc. , etc. , directly interfere with or stop the flow of Ptyalin , the digestive juice of the mouth , and also inter fere with the flow of the digestive juices of stomach and pancreas. Therefore , the mental state of the individual has much to do ( more than suspected ) with digestion. Brain is made of Phosphate of Potash aa the principal Mineral Salt , added to albumen and water ? * Grape-Nuts contain that element as more " * than one-half of all its mineral salts. A healthy brain is important , if one would "do things" in this world. A man who sneers at "Mind" sneers at the best and least understood part of himself. That part which some folks believe links us to the Infinite. Mind asks for a healthy brain upon which to act , and Nature has defined a way to make a healthy brain and renew it day by day as it is used up from work of the previous day. Nature's way to rebuild is by the use of food which supplies the things required. Brain rebuilding material is certainly found in Grape = Nuts cc There's a Reason" Postum Cereal Company , Ltd. Battle Creek , Mich ,