Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 11, 1911, Image 5
THIS Tooth Preparation Stops Tooth Decay It gcJa Into every isevcn part af she tooth penetrates cvcy crevice , inside and ouUide the toclli. Cavities unrcachablc with powdcre ere quickly cleaned whh ffjtStp' AfiliSEPIiC TOOHi PASil Aa it carries ihc antiseptics to l-.c very place needed llic unccca cpczlxjs caused Ly lljc decay. " > 'tj'i Pc.cajc3 ! ; trc la-c , hancy ! t = J cco- ncnicc ! . A'.l yea have to co b q-jcczc cut c your bruch Jtst v/hat you want. The ! u ralca shows how ita doae. The flavcr ii particuUrly pleasing. Price , 5c. f VALENTINE. NED A Safe , Simple System The system of paying by check was 'devised by all men- for any man for you. It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out $10 or $10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method puts system in to your business and gives you a record of every transaction. VALENTINE STATE BANK VALENTINE. NEBR. X , . Plenty of time to plant trees. Our trees .are kept in our large , cool , cement building now and are held " back so they will be good to put out for several weeks yet. We keep no trees in our building in winter , and only recommend the hardiest and tried varieties that do business in Northwest Nebr. Catalog upon request. T. W. CRAMER , Local Agent , Valentine , Nebr. * C Boyd Nurseries and Fruit Farm. On C. & N. Wr , 3 blks. east station Airsworth , - Nebraska Loup Valley Hereford Ranch , C. H. FAULHABER & SONS , BROWNLEE , NEB. .JJJerd headed by S. C. Columbus 17 " * No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289- 822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg > . Bulls for Sale at All Times , . : W. H. Stratton Dealer in : FLOUK & EEED 2 General Merchandise * PHONE 125 -t. cor. Hall & Gath. Valentine , Nebr. : C. A. RUBY Attorney-at-Law Office front room , second story , " over T. C. Hornby's store , Main - street entrance. Valentine Nebraska Dtv M. T. Meer , DENTIST < - - :1 ' : - ftooms over Ked Front store Valentine - Nebiy / Taik of the Town. Dell Query was in town yester- 1 day. / Phelps Photos , May 26th , one day only. Max E. Viertel was down from Crookston yesterday. Morris Janis and family were trading in town Monday. John Keelfty , jr. , had a wart cut off his under lip Tuesday. George Beamer was down from Gordon last Safurpay on business. Uncle Bill Brown of Crookston was a Valentine visitor one day last week. Mrs. Will Clarkson returned from Sioux City , Omaha and Lincoln last Monday. Philip Diehl jammed his hand into a corn sheller which crushed two fingers. M. J. Dendenger and family have- moved back to Woodlake from O'Neill. Born to Mr and Mrs Herman Massingaie on May the 5th a big five pound baby girl. A. M. Lotspeich of Wroodlake was in Valentine Monday and Tues day this week on business. William Steadman , Dan Sears , Wm. Packenham , Phi Young and J. A. Kirkwood were in town the first of the week. J. T. Galloway , Judge , Quigley - ley , E. Breuklander and Bob Robinson - inson are in Lincoln this week as delegates to the A. O. U. W. grand lodge from Valentine. Sheriff Kosseter caught Fradk Allen up the road Tuesday of last week and he is again behind the bars where he will be watched more closely. Work on the hill north of town is progressing and a fourteen foot cut in the grade will make a gradual' slope that will enable teams to pull a pretty fair load out of Valentine. John Day and Mr. Reynolds have opened up a stock of goods in the Hornby building" Main street , which they expect to close out in a few weeks at cost. See their , big advertisement in this paper. Don't forget the big cattle sale at Woodlake of Geo. A. Deming this coming Saturday , May 13. Mr. Deming's lease having ex pired on the Krampert & Uck ranch he is closing out 400 head of cattle. "The Beggar Prince" was a good play and had a crowded house last Thursday night. The farmer and the prince were star characters and were the favorites , though many others played their parts well. Dennis Likens of Bassett was found dead at siding 69 east of Merriman Monday of last week where he had perished inNthe severe snow storm Sunday. He had been hoofing it along the road when over come , presumably , by fatigue and the storm. Mr. Barnes of the Phelps Photo Co. has made an appointment with the graduating class of j.he high school to be here on May 26th and make the class picture. The class is to be congratulated on securing the services of so good a worfiman and we predict the results as a fine photo of a nice looking glass. 2t Anyone that was fortunate enough to hear the late Emma Abbott during her noted career , will gladly welcome the coming of Emma Abbott , the niece. Miss Abbott at the age of 23 years has gained a foothold of her own. After graduating in the study of music , took up the concert plat form for three seasons , gaming friends in almost every city in America. She has now turned her attention to the opera field and .appears withj the Beggar Prince Opera Co. at Quigley's opera house May 25 , in Auber's beautiful , romantic , comic opera , "Fra Diavolo. " Seeds that always grow for sale at Fischer's hardware. 10 Choice timothy , clover , bromus and alfalfa seed at Fischer's Hard ware. 16 Dr. Barnes , the eyesight spec ialist of Omaha , will be at the Donoher hotel Monday , May 15 , and at the Wood Lake hotel on Tuesday , May 16 , until 3 p. m. Remember that Dr. Barnes has been over this road for some ten or twelve years. Every pa tient has always had a year for refitting - fitting without extra charge. No charge , whatever , is made for ex amination. ljon't forget the date. Call and ee Dr. Barnes , if you have trouble with head or eyes. Mrs E. J. Massingaie is down from the Pine Ridge boarding school looking after her business affairs , and visiting her children ; she intends going to Crawford to spend a few days with her daught er and then return again to Pine Ridge. Valentine has had a variety of weather the past week. A little sunshine and a little rain. Tues day was about as warm as we have seen in May. Men went went about town in shirt sleeves , and Wednesday wore their overcoats. Those who took down their hard coal stoves were wishing them back. The Seniors of 1911 are prepar ing a play to be given about the _ 2i th of May ; A College Comedy of two acts. Those taking part are Misses Helzer , Sparks , Clarkson , Rector , Gal la way , McLean , Cary , and Burge.and Mr.Eugerie Taylor Act one. The seniors and juniors meet after the dance , at a fudge party. Discuss Hallowe'en and Leap year. Try a Hollowe'en stunt. Act two. After the Game. Dell Query was in town last Thursday and informs us that he has closed a deal with J. T. Keeley , selling his ranch of 1520 acres. Mr. Query decided a few weeks ago to close up his business and , go to Salem , Oregon , where he hopes to benefit his wife's health. In a short time he closed out his possessions here at about $13,000 , which he has made in the past ten years , and in a few weeks he will go to Salem , and if his wife's health improves there he will endeavor to find a suitable lo cation and settle down again. Dock Grooms and Harley Hard en had a controversy last Monday morning at Frank Grooms' house where Harden was working. Dock went home and came back with a revolver and was met at the door by Harden. Dock shot , and about the same time Harden threw a hatchet and tnen picked up a couple of brick bats , and there they stood facing each other for a few moments while angry passions cooled and judgment prevailed , or , afraid to shoot for the fear of getting shot. STOP' THESE GUN PLAYS OR SOMEBODY WILL SHOOT County Attorney Kingsbury Opposes Release of Prisoner and Expresses Fear of a Lynching if Fiege is Al lowed to Return Home. Lincoln , May 10. William Flege , serving a life sentence for the mur der of his sister. Louisa , in Dixon county , was released from the peniten tiary on a § 25,000 bond , furnished by Fred and Henry Flege , his broihers , and Herman Freevert , his brother-in- law. law.The The admission of Flcge to bail was vigorously opposed by County Attor ney Kingsbury , who said that he felt certain that if Flege was allowed to return home , the people there would regard it as a partial' fulfillment of his Boast that his money would free him , and that a lynching would follow. He said that fears were also enter tained that Flege would kill Albert Eichtenkanip , the boy who accused him , and his former sweetheart , Miss "Hendricks , who had repudiated him after his arrest. Flege's attorney , former Congress man McCarthy , declared these fears were idle , and he said he was willing to pledge his money and property that no one would raise hand against Flege , nor would he harm anyone. The court consulted but a few minutes before reaching a conclusion. It has invariably fixed bail for all persons convicted of second degree murder , and as Flege had made no trouble and no demonstration was made against him when he was out on bail before conviction , no exception * aas made In this case. * < * Junior Normal , Valentine , June 5 = July 28 VALENTINE JUNIOR NORMAL Faculty. J. W. CRABTREE , State Supt Lincoln C. S. JONES , Principal Ord JULIA H. VANDR1EL , Asst. Prfn.Valentine CORA THACKREY , Registrar Valentine A. CRAGO Randqlph F. W. Gail Lincoln BERfHA A.GORDONModel Schl. , Valentine IE. W. MARCELLUS Crete J. C. MITCHELL Lincoln Board and Rooms Board and room , where two use the same room , may * be had for about $3.75 to &J-.00 per week. Board without room or room without board , may be had at about a proportional rate. Rooms wiil also be furnished for light house keeping and rented to students. Course of Study Courses will be offered in all branches re quired for first , second and third grade county certificates , with classes in such of the lifa cer tificate subjects as local conditions may require. Enrollment Fee Tuition is free , but an enrollment fee of $2.00 will be charged , which will entitle the student to all the privileges of the junior normal and county institute. Institute The last week of the junior normal will be the institute period for Cherry county teachers. AH teachers in the county are expected to at tend. Location The conditions for work at Valentine cannot be surpassed anywhere , as the students and instructors who have had the good fortune to be there during any of the sessions for the past eight years will tell you. The delightful cli mate , the excellent school building and ap paratus and the hospitality of the people make the surroundings ideal. Nature has scattered beauty with a lavish hand in the scenery. about Valentine. The wonderful 'bluffs that skirt the town on the north , the Ivlinnechaduza with her ever in creasing charm , the wonderfully rich flora , the beautiful waterfalls within easy access , all unite to make Valentine a most favored place for a junior normal. Get the two-fold benefit of a summer spent in intellectual advancement in the midst of most delightful environment. Registration It is important that the regular work of the junior normal begin Monday , June 5. Let all be present , therefore , ai the opening of the first session , thac registration may be completed and that each may have a part in the organiza tion of classes. For further information address the regis trar , Miss Cora Thackrey , of Valentine , Miss Van Driel of Valentine , or the principal , C. S. Jones , of Ord , Nebraska. Old Crow , All Leadin Hermitage Brands and Bottled Guchen- Under the heimer Supervision of the * Whiskeys. U. S. GOT. , ' also handle the Budweiser Beer. TH E SALOON , HENRY STETTER , Propr. Consisting of Groceries , Canned Goods , Queensware , Glassware - ware , Cut Glass , Fancy Glassware , Japanese China , Novelties in Dishes of many varieties of China Jersey Bull or Cow given away with each $25.00 purchase. The long desired high priced articles can now be had in every home at'cost from the d /T ( f\ JTC. v/O , This entire stock for trade for horses , cattle. or hogs. This store now open for business at Hornby's Store Building on Main Street. AUCTION SALES SATURDAY and WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS Eastern Merc. Co. JOHN DAY = MANAGER